350 research outputs found

    Guía de aplicación del sistema APPCC para línea de producción de patas de pulpo común (Octopus vulgaris) cocidas y pasteurizadas al vacío

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    The objective of this case of study was to collect general data about octopus as seafood and identified the Critical control points (CCPs) in the risk assessment of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) processing and implemented in the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) plan. In the hazard analysis worksheet the different hazards were identified at each processing stage, whereas in the HACCP plan each CCP is identified and accompanied with the relevant significant hazard, critical limit, monitoring of the CCP and corrective actions. Sensory, microbiological and physical aspects were used to characterize whole raw common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Adaptation to European regulations and directives, allowing the control of hazards and conditions for the supervision of microorganisms in fishery products, such as in the pulp. The application of the permit plans allows dismantling the number of points of interest in the flowchart, determines only the number of control points, identifies in the packaging phase, pasteurization, post-pasteurization cooling and the metal detector. Its correct application would prolong its useful life. Not all phases of the process have the safety of the product, so cooking at 100 °C 45 min allows the texture of the product to be optimal, leaving as far as possible the frozen raw material.El objetivo de este caso de estudio fue recopilar datos generales sobre el pulpo como marisco e identificar los puntos críticos de control (PCC) en la evaluación del riesgo del procesamiento del pulpo (Octopus vulgaris) e implementarlo en el plan de punto crítico de control (HACCP). En la hoja de trabajo de análisis de peligros, se identificaron los diferentes peligros en cada etapa de procesamiento, mientras que en el plan HACCP cada PCC se identifica y se acompaña con el peligro significativo relevante, el límite crítico, el monitoreo del PCC y las acciones correctivas. Se utilizaron aspectos sensoriales, microbiológicos y físicos para caracterizar el pulpo común crudo entero (Octopus vulgaris). Adaptación a las normativas y directivas europeas, permitiendo el control de peligros y condiciones para la supervisión de microorganismos en productos pesqueros, como el pulpo. La aplicación de los planes de permisos permite desmantelar el número de puntos de interés en el diagrama de flujo, determina solo el número de puntos de control, identifica en la fase de envasado, pasteurización, enfriamiento posterior a la pasteurización y el detector de metales. Su correcta aplicación prolongaría su vida útil. No todas las fases del proceso tienen la seguridad del producto, por lo que la cocción a 100 ° C durante 45 minutos permite que la textura del producto sea óptima, dejando lo más lejos posible la materia prima congelada

    Last Glacial Maximum and early deglaciation in the Stura Valley, southwestern European Alps

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    Acknowledgments: The fund “The termination I. The environmental and palaeoclimatic variations occurred during the 25–11 ka period” (leader A. Ribolini) supported this work (Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo PRA, 2020–21, University of Pisa). Exposure dating was completed with the support of the National Science Foundation, Continental Dynamics Program grant EAR-0208169 (RETREAT) and by PRIME Lab, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. We thank Cal Ruleman and Will Odom for thorough and constructive reviews. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Innovations in geomatics teaching during the COVID-19 emergency

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    The approach in the teaching process is changing, thanks to the increased awareness that a higher students\u2019 involvement leads to a better quality of their learning. The aim is to make the students more participative, avoiding a unidirectional lesson and encouraging their wish to keep updated on the course advancements. However, innovative teaching methodologies are not yet widespread, mainly in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines. At the University of Genoa, the experimentation of innovative teaching techniques has been significant and worthy especially because it was planned before the COVID-19 emergency and applied in the scenario of forced remote teaching. Thanks to the introduc- tion of novel technological instruments, several techniques have been exploited to realize interactive lessons and promoting students\u2019 involvement. The present work discloses the employed techniques and frames them within the state of the art of innovative teaching, highlighting their contribution in the teaching activities related to the Geomatics field of knowledge. The acquired experiences in Geomatics dissemination and a critical analysis, including teachers\u2019 and students\u2019 perception about the tested innovative teaching/learning tools, are also reported. In general, the innovations introduced in teaching and learning processes during the COVID-19 sanitary emergency were warmly received by the entire community, including teachers, students, and teaching assistants

    Optimization of capsaicin acylase production from Streptomyces mobaraensis in bench-top fermenter

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    Capsaicin, the major pungent principle in hot pepper fruit, can be hydrolyzed enzymatically to vanillylamine (a natural precursor of vanillin) using a specific acylase from Streptomyces mobaraensis. Production of this enzyme using strain DSM40847 was studied under batch fermentation conditions in stirred tank (STR) and airlift (AR) bioreactors. The process performance in both fermentation devices was different with respect to biomass, enzyme concentration and specific yield (enzyme activity/biomass content); in particular the specific yield was lower in the AR (5.7 mU/g of biomass) than in the STR (6.25 mU/g of biomass). Experiments carried out in STR bioreactors at controlled (DO = 20% of saturation) and uncontrolled dissolved oxygen concentration, and at constant stirrer speeds (300, 450 and 600 rpm) demonstrated that the DO level has no remarkable effect on the production of the capsaicin-hydrolyzing enzyme, which is mainly produced in a cell-associated

    Structural investigation of nucleophosmin interaction with the tumor suppressor Fbw7γ

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    Nucleophosmin (NPM1) is a multifunctional nucleolar protein implicated in ribogenesis, centrosome duplication, cell cycle control, regulation of DNA repair and apoptotic response to stress stimuli. The majority of these functions are played through the interactions with a variety of protein partners. NPM1 is frequently overexpressed in solid tumors of different histological origin. Furthermore NPM1 is the most frequently mutated protein in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Mutations map to the C-terminal domain and lead to the aberrant and stable localization of the protein in the cytoplasm of leukemic blasts. Among NPM1 protein partners, a pivotal role is played by the tumor suppressor Fbw7γ, an E3-ubiquitin ligase that degrades oncoproteins like c-MYC, cyclin E, Notch and c-jun. In AML with NPM1 mutations, Fbw7γ is degraded following its abnormal cytosolic delocalization by mutated NPM1. This mechanism also applies to other tumor suppressors and it has been suggested that it may play a key role in leukemogenesis. Here we analyse the interaction between NPM1 and Fbw7γ, by identifying the protein surfaces implicated in recognition and key aminoacids involved. Based on the results of computational methods, we propose a structural model for the interaction, which is substantiated by experimental findings on several site-directed mutants. We also extend the analysis to two other NPM1 partners (HIV Tat and CENP-W) and conclude that NPM1 uses the same molecular surface as a platform for recognizing different protein partners. We suggest that this region of NPM1 may be targeted for cancer treatment

    Fractal Fluctuations and Quantum-Like Chaos in the Brain by Analysis of Variability of Brain Waves: A New Method Based on a Fractal Variance Function and Random Matrix Theory

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    We developed a new method for analysis of fundamental brain waves as recorded by EEG. To this purpose we introduce a Fractal Variance Function that is based on the calculation of the variogram. The method is completed by using Random Matrix Theory. Some examples are given

    Health technology assessment methods guidelines for medical devices : how can we address the gaps? The International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering perspective

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    Objectives Current health technology assessment (HTA) methods guidelines for medical devices may benefit from contributions by biomedical and clinical engineers. Our study aims to: (i) review and identify gaps in the current HTA guidelines on medical devices, (ii) propose recommendations to optimize the impact of HTA for medical devices, and (iii) reach a consensus among biomedical engineers on these recommendations. Methods A gray literature search of HTA agency Web sites for assessment methods guidelines on devices was conducted. The International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineers (IFMBE) then convened a structured focus group, with experts from different fields, to identify potential gaps in the current HTA guidelines, and to develop recommendations to fill these perceived gaps. The thirty recommendations generated from the focus group were circulated in a Delphi survey to eighty-five biomedical and clinical engineers. Results Thirty-two panelists, from seventeen countries, participated in the Delphi survey. The responses showed a strong agreement on twenty-seven of thirty recommendations. Some uncertainties remain about the methods to accurately assess the effectiveness and safety, and interoperability of a medical device with other devices or within the clinical setting. Conclusions As medical devices differ from drug therapies, current HTA methods may not accurately reflect the conclusions of their assessment. Recommendations informed by the focus group discussions and Delphi survey responses aimed to address the perceived gaps, and to provide a more integrated approach in medical device assessments in combining engineering with other perspectives, such as clinical, economic, patient, human factors, ethical, and environmental