299 research outputs found

    Public Accounts in Italy, 2000-2009: stability and growth , a mission impossible

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    The paper discusses the ecvolution of public budget situation in Italy since the year 2000 to day. Moreover, the paper focuses on a forecast at medium-term of public finance's equilibrium in Italy. The conclusion emerges that it will be very difficult to combine budget sustainability with the fiscal stance which is requested to promote a recovery from the 2008-2009 crisis. Some suggestions however are formulated.Bilancio pubblico; Italia; anni 2000-2015

    Variazioni stagionali del potenziale idrico fogliare, osmotico e di pressione nel grano duro

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    In 1982 the seasonal changes of leaf Ψ, Ψs and Ψpof five durum wheat cultivars grown under field conditions was monitored using a psycrometric apparatus. There was found to be a general increase in pressure during the floreal differentiation-earing period. No particular differences were observed either between the tall and dwarf varieties or between those with bloom or not. The relation between the values ot Ψp and leaf Ψ, taken from the earing period to the inltial stage of leaf senescence das not fallow a linear regression in all the varieties. According to an analysis of the differing values of Ψ p and Ψ, it seems that the varieties «Tibula» and «Creso» are more resistant to water stress than the other varieties, although these findings require further convalidation

    Risposta produttiva del mais e del sorgo agli stress idrici indotti in diverse fasi del ciclo biologico

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    During 1982 a comparative test was conducted between a maize hybrid and a sorghum hybrid of similar growing cycle duration, to study the effect of water stress induced during various phases of the biological cycle. Yield response and the analysis of physiological parameters confirm the higher resistence of sorghum to water stress presumably through mechanisms of osmotic adjustment. Nel corso del 1982 è stata attuata una prova di confronto tra un ibrido di mais e di sorgo di simile durata del ciclo colturale al fine di studiare gli effetti dello stress idrico indotto in diverse fasi del ciclo biologico. I risultati produttivi e l'analisi dei parametri fisiologici presi in considerazione confermano la superiore capacità del sorgo ad "adattarsi" a condizioni di limitata disponibilità idrica del terreno, presumibilmente attraverso meccanismi di aggiustamento osmotico. Nel mais da granella i decrementi di produzione sono risultati simili sospendendo temporaneamente le erogazioni idriche o durante la fase di levata o di maturazione lattea. Si rileva, infine, che con ottimali disponibilità idriche, il mais ha confermato la sua superiorità produttiva nei confronti del sorgo

    I conti pubblici in Italia, 2000-2009: stabilità e crescita, una missione impossibile

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    The paper discusses the ecvolution of public budget situation in Italy since the year 2000 to day. Moreover, the paper focuses on a forecast at medium-term of public finance's equilibrium in Italy. The conclusion emerges that it will be very difficult to combine budget sustainability with the fiscal stance which is requested to promote a recovery from the 2008-2009 crisis. Some suggestions however are formulated

    Risk Factors for Spontaneous Abortion

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    A case-control study was conducted to evaluate risk factors for spontaneous abortions. Cases were 94 women with two or more unexplained miscarriages (after exclusion of genetic, endocrine and Müllerian factors) and no term pregnancy, controls were 176 women admitted for normal delivery to the same clinic where cases were identified. Questions were asked about personal characteristics and habits, and gynaecological history. A family history of recurrent miscarriage was more common among women with spontaneous miscarriages than among the controls (13 cases versus 8 controls, relative risk (RR) =3.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.3-8.1). Compared to women whose menarche occurred at age 11 or younger, the RRs were 0.8 when menarche occurred at age 12-13 and 0.5 at age 14 or more: this trend in risk was statistically significant. Compared with never smokers, current smokers had about a 40% increased risk of miscarriage and the risk increased with number of cigarettes per day. No association emerged with socio-demographic characteristics (e.g. education, marital status, age of the partner), reproductive history (age at first pregnancy), type of contraceptive used and other general lifestyle habits (e.g. alcohol or coffee consumption

    Risk Factors for Spontaneous Abortion

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    A case-control study was conducted to evaluate risk factors for spontaneous abortions. Cases were 94 women with two or more unexplained miscarriages (after exclusion of genetic, endocrine and M\ufcllerian factors) and no term pregnancy, controls were 176 women admitted for normal delivery to the same clinic where cases were identified. Questions were asked about personal characteristics and habits, and gynaecological history. A family history of recurrent miscarriage was more common among women with spontaneous miscarriages than among the controls (13 cases versus 8 controls, relative risk (RR) = 3.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.3-8.1). Compared to women whose menarche occurred at age 11 or younger, the RRs were 0.8 when menarche occurred at age 12-13 and 0.5 at age 14 or more: this trend in risk was statistically significant. Compared with never smokers, current smokers had about a 40% increased risk of miscarriage and the risk increased with number of cigarettes per day. No association emerged with sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. education, marital status, age of the partner), reproductive history (age at first pregnancy), type of contraceptive used and other general lifestyle habits (e.g. alcohol or coffee consumption)

    PVF velocity pattern in patients with heart failure: Transesophageal echocardiographic assessment

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    In order to assess the role of the pulmonary venous flow (PVF) velocity pattern in the evaluation of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), we studied 41 CHF patients by means of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and multiplane transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). The etiology of CHF was idiopathic or ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy in 19 patients and hypertensive heart disease in 22. Sixteen subjects without cardiovascular disease were selected as normal controls. PVF peak systolic and peak early diastolic (D) velocities were recorded by TEE and TTE and the systolic fraction (SF) was measured (i.e., the systolic velocity-rime integral - VTI - expressed as a fraction of the sum of systolic and early diastolic VTI). TEE tracings were obtained in all patients and had more laminar-appearing spectral signals, thus were used for analysis. By TTE the mitral flow velocity patterns were also evaluated: peak early diastolic velocity (E), peak velocity at atrial contraction, E velocity normalized for VTI (E/VTI), deceleration time (DT), and left ventricular isovolumic relaxation time (LVIRT). The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was calculated by two-dimensional echocardiographic images using the modified Simpson method. The SF was lower in CHF patients as compared with normal controls (p 50 cm/s; type B: SF similar to 50%, D > 50 cm/s) were recognized in patients with a low LVEF (type A) and a nearly normal or normal LVEF (type B). Patients with LVEF 40% (33.26 +/- 10.84 vs. 51.00 +/- 4.00%, p 40%. Thus in CHF patients TEE PVF velocity patterns help in distinguishing patients with systolic dysfunction (low LVEF and SF) from patients with predominant diastolic impairment (normal or nearly normal LVEF, high D velocities)

    An Environmentally Friendly Practice Used in Olive Cultivation Capable of Increasing Commercial Interest in Waste Products from Oil Processing

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    In the Rural Development Plan (2014–2020), the European Commission encouraged the conversion and supported the maintenance of organic farming. Organic olive oil (bioEVOO) production involves the use of environmentally sustainable fertilizers and the recycling of olive pomace (Pom) and olive vegetation waters (VW) to reduce the environmental impact of these wastes. An ecofriendly way to recycle olive wastes is to reuse them to extract bioactive compounds. In this study, the total phenolic compounds content, their profile and dosage, the antioxidant action in oil, pomace, and vegetation water was evaluated when the Trichoderma harzianum M10 was used as a biostimulant in agriculture. Two spectrophotometric tests (2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2′‐azinobis (3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonic) acid (ABTS)) evaluated the antioxidant potential of samples, a spectrophotometric method estimated total phenolic content, and an Ultra‐High‐Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC)–Orbitrap method evaluated the phenolics profile. Our results showed that the biostimulation improved the antioxidant potential and the total concentration of phenolics in the bioEVOO and bio‐pomace (bioPom) samples and mainly enhanced, among all classes of phenolic compounds, the production of the flavonoids and the secoiridoids. Moreover, they demonstrated the Trichoderma action in the mevalonate pathway to produce phenols for the first time. The decisive action of the Thricoderma on the production of phenolic compounds increases the economic value of the waste materials as a source of bioactive compounds useful for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries