127 research outputs found

    Analysis of polyphenolic composition and stability of magistral preparation based on salviae officinalis folium

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    A magistral preparation based on the sage leaf decoction or infusion is one of the most popular herbal prescriptions prepared in pharmacies in Lower Silesia (Poland) for gargling in the case of pharyngitis or mouth infections. Other components of this preparation are boric acid, aluminum(III) acetotartrate or Burow's solution, and glycerol. The study aimed to investigate the polyphenolic composition and relations between herbal and chemical ingredients that are present in this mixture in comparison with the traditional aqueous galenic forms - infusion and decoction. The analysis was performed using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) methods. The main polyphenolic ingredients of sage leaf were rosmarinic acid (RA) and luteolin 7-O-β-glucuronide. The RA predominance was observed in the infusion, decoction and magistral preparation. Comparing the contents of analyzed polyphenols, it was confirmed that their levels in the decoction were higher than in the infusion. Thus, the pharmacological activity of the examined magistral preparation results from the presence of boric acid, aluminum(III) salts and polyphenolic components of sage leaf hot water extract. The succeeding study showed that in the presence of excess salts of aluminum(III) and boric acid, sage polyphenols are partially soluble in an aqueous medium (mainly phenolic acids) and complexed as precipitated sediment (especially flavonoids). The aqueous solutions of this preparation obtained according to the recommendation are cloudy, which suggests limited solubility of the formed complexes. Therefore, the therapeutic activity should be associated with the presence of water-soluble caffeic acid esters like rosmarinic acid. The influence of luteolin glycosides coordination complexes is not evident. The obtained results also confirm the stability of the examined prescription formulation in the conditions of cold storage (4-6OC) within 7 days from its production

    Thymol as a Component of Chitosan Systems—Several New Applications in Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

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    Thymol, a plant-derived monoterpene phenol known for its broad biological activity, has often been incorporated into chitosan-based biomaterials to enhance therapeutic efficacy. Using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines, we conducted a systematic literature review from 2018 to 2023, focusing on the biomedical implications of thymol-loaded chitosan systems. A review of databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science was conducted using specific keywords and search criteria. Of the 90 articles, 12 were selected for the review. Thymol-loaded chitosan-based nanogels (TLCBS) showed improved antimicrobial properties, especially against multidrug-resistant bacterial antagonists. Innovations such as bipolymer nanocarriers and thymol impregnated with photosensitive chitosan micelles offer advanced bactericidal strategies and show potential for bone tissue regeneration and wound healing. The incorporation of thymol also improved drug delivery efficiency and biomechanical strength, especially when combined with poly(dimethylsiloxane) in chitosan–gelatin films. Thymol–chitosan combinations have also shown promising applications in oral delivery and periodontal treatment. This review highlights the synergy between thymol and chitosan in these products, which greatly enhances their therapeutic efficacy and highlights the novel use of essential oil components. It also highlights the novelty of the studies conducted, as well as their limitations and possible directions for the development of integrated substances of plant and animal origin in modern and advanced medical applications

    Use of herbal medicinal products, herbal medicinal devices and dietary supplements prior to a planned surgical procedure. Part I. Ingredients of herbal medicines and dietary supplements increasing the risk of bleeding

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    Subject of the study. Both herbal medicines and dietary supplements, as well as some medical devices intended for oral use, have significant biological activity and, therefore, may have potential multi-directional side effects during surgery. Relatively few doctors ask about the use of phytopharmaceuticals and dietary supplements, and the vast majority of patients do not disclose this information to them in the interview. The mechanisms of adverse interactions between concurrently used drugs and products and the resulting clinical effects are not fully understood, but most of them are pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic mechanisms leading to changes in the action of synthetic drugs (intensification or reduction of their therapeutic effect). One of the most serious side effects of herbal medicines and dietary supplements that may occur in the perioperative period is excessive bleeding. It may result from the content of biologically active compounds that have antithrombotic properties and inhibit platelet aggregation or have fibrinolytic activity. Purpose of the study. The aim of the study was to collect and systematize knowledge on the impact of the use of herbal medicines, herbal medical devices and dietary supplements before planned surgery on the risk of bleeding. For selected plant raw materials and ingredients of dietary supplements, the mechanisms of action and the time recommended for discontinuation before surgery were also determined, which will allow pharmacists and doctors to use the collected information in practice. Materials and methods. The literature review was performed by searching scientific databases: PubMed, Medline and Google Scholar. The search for relevant articles on herbal medicines, herbal medical devices and dietary supplements and their impact on coagulation processes was carried out using the keywords "herbal substances/phytopharmaceuticals", "dietary supplements", "coumarins”, "salicylates", "bleeding", "surgery", and then: "coagulation", "platelet aggregation". The methodology used allowed for the selection of, both original and review works from years 1995-2023, on the impact of the use of herbal medicines, herbal medical devices and dietary supplements on the risk of bleeding in the perioperative period. Results. The study presents suggested mechanisms of action and the time for discontinuing phytopharmaceuticals or dietary supplements containing ingredients that may increase the risk of bleeding as a result of interactions with drugs used before, during or after surgery. Conclusions. Physicians and patients should be aware of the potential adverse effects resulting from the use of phytopharmaceuticals or dietary supplements in the perioperative period, especially with regard to the coagulation system and platelet function. It is therefore important to obtain information from the patient about the use of these products before surgery and to include these informations in the medical documentation, which will help avoid unwanted reactions in the perioperative period

    Bioactive compounds of cocoa beans, cocoa, and chocolate and their effects on cognitive function and possible use in cardiometabolic diseases prevention

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    Cacao seed (Cacao semen) is a plant material known since ancient times and is widely used for food and pharmaceutical purposes. Cocoa seed products such as chocolate and chocolate confectionery are among the most widely consumed types of sweets. Growing health awareness among consumers has made dark chocolates and other products with a high cocoa content increasingly popular. Their health-promoting effects, resulting from habitual consumption, are determined by the content of cocoa pulp (mass), in which biologically active compounds are found. Numerous polyphenols, such as procyanidins, flavanols, and flavonols; methylxanthines, as well as amines, amides, etc., have been identified in cocoa beans and cocoa products. They show beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, lowering the risk of cardiovascular incidents through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory effects, improving vascular endothelial function, lowering platelet activity and blood pressure, and regulating lipid metabolism. Moderate chocolate consumption is also associated with a lower risk of diabetes, as a result of increased tissue sensitivity to insulin, improved glycemia, and lipid profile. In recent years, the impact of chocolate and cocoa on mood, cognitive function, and episodic memory has been studied. A correlation between chocolate consumption and reduced mortality from Alzheimer's disease is also indicated. Due to the presence of methylxanthines and mood-enhancing effects, chocolate is classified as a mood food. Currently, it is suggested that chocolate, previously associated with overweight and obesity, may have beneficial effects in regulating appetite, and regular consumption of dark chocolate in moderate amounts is associated with reduced body weight and BMI. The above-mentioned health-promoting properties of the cocoa seeds, cocoa, and chocolate constituents could potentially be applied in the prevention and in supporting the treatment of patients with cardiometabolic diseases and cognitive dysfunction

    Lemon balm extract causes potent antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects in insulin-resistant obese mice

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    Over the last decades polyetiological metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes have emerged as a global epidemic. Efficient strategies for prevention and treatment include dietary intervention and the development of validated nutraceuticals. Safe extracts of edible plants provide a resource of structurally diverse molecules that can effectively interfere with multifactorial diseases. In this study, we describe the application of ethanolic lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaves extract for the treatment of insulin-resistance and dyslipidemia in mice. We show that lemon balm extract (LBE) activates the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which have key roles in the regulation of whole body glucose and lipid metabolism. Application of LBE (0.6 mg/mL) to human primary adipocytes resulted in specific peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor target gene expression. LBE treatment of insulin-resistant high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6 mice (200 mg/kg/day) for 6 weeks considerably reduced hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, plasma triacylglycerol, nonesterified fatty acids and LDL/VLDL cholesterol levels. Taken together, ethanolic lemon balm extract can potentially be used to prevent or concomitantly treat type 2 diabetes and associated disorders such as dyslipidemia and hypercholesterolemia

    Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaves as a Natural Source of Bioactive Compounds

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    In an extensive search for bioactive compounds from plant sources, the composition of different extracts of rosemary leaves collected from different geographical zones of Serbia was studied. The qualitative and quantitative characterization of 20 rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) samples, obtained by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), was determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (HPLC–ESI-QTOF-MS). The high mass accuracy and true isotopic pattern in both MS and MS/MS spectra provided by the QTOF-MS analyzer enabled the characterization of a wide range of phenolic compounds in the extracts, including flavonoids, phenolic diterpenes and abietan-type triterpenoids, among others. According to the data compiled, rosemary samples from Sokobanja presented the highest levels in flavonoids and other compounds such as carnosol, rosmaridiphenol, rosmadial, rosmarinic acid, and carnosic acid. On the other hand, higher contents in triterpenes were found in the extracts of rosemary from Gložan (Vojvodina).This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia through a national project (Project Number TR 31014) and through scientific and technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and Spain (Project Number RE451-03-02635/2011-14/4). The authors are also grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the project AGL2011-29857-C03-02 and the grant FPI BES-2009-028128, Andalusian Regional Government Council of Innovation and Science for the Excellence Projects P09-CTS-4564, P10-FQM-6563 and P11-CTS-762

    Aspalathin and Other Rooibos Flavonoids Trapped α-Dicarbonyls and Inhibited Formation of Advanced Glycation End Products In Vitro

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    The excessive dietary intake of simple sugars and abnormal metabolism in certain diseases contribute to the increased production of α-dicarbonyls (α-DCs), such as methylglyoxal (MGO) and glyoxal (GO), the main precursors of the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs play a vital role, for example, in the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Aspalathus linearis (Burman f.) R. Dahlgren (known as rooibos tea) exhibits a wide range of activities beneficial for cardio-metabolic health. Thus, the present study aims to investigate unfermented and fermented rooibos extracts and their constituents for the ability to trap MGO and GO. The individual compounds identified in extracts were tested for the capability to inhibit AGEs (with MGO or GO as a glycation agent). Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with an electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (UHPLC–ESI–MS) was used to investigate α-DCs’ trapping capacities. To evaluate the antiglycation activity, fluorescence measurement was used. The extract from the unfermented rooibos showed a higher ability to capture MGO/GO and inhibit AGE formation than did the extract from fermented rooibos, and this effect was attributed to a higher content of dihydrochalcones. The compounds detected in the extracts, such as aspalathin, nothofagin, vitexin, isovitexin, and eriodictyol, as well as structurally related phloretin and phloroglucinol (formed by the biotransformation of certain flavonoids), trapped MGO, and some also trapped GO. AGE formation was inhibited the most by isovitexin. However, it was the high content of aspalathin and its higher efficiency than that of metformin that determined the antiglycation and trapping properties of green rooibos. Therefore, A. linearis, in addition to other health benefits, could potentially be used as an α-DC trapping agent and AGE inhibitor
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