23 research outputs found

    A közigazgatási jogi felelősség- és szankciórendszer elméleti-dogmatikai rendszerének fejlesztési lehetőségei = New developments in the theoretical-dogmatic system of sanctions in the administrative law

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    A kutatás a közigazgatási jogi felelősségi és szankciórendszert két egymást kiegészítő rendszer egységeként kezeli. Vizsgáltuk kontinentális nemzeti és a szupranacionális közigazgatási szankciókat. Javaslatot tettünk a hazai szankciórendszer objektív alapjának átértékelésére, illetve meghatároztuk a közigazgatási jogi szankciók szabályozásnak alapelveit. A közigazgatási kárfelelősség témájában elemeztük a felelősségi jogra ható nemzetközi hatásokat, és az alapvető jogintézmények változásait. A deliktuális felelősségre vonatkozóan megállapítható, hogy az Európa Tanács és az Európai Unió elvárásai nem helyettesítik, hanem kiegészítik a nemzeti szabályozásokat. A kontraktuális felelősségre vonatkozóan a service public jogintézményének változásaira, a közszerződések megszegésének feltételrendszerére és a szerződésekből fakadó jogviták eljárásjogi problémáira, valamint a szakmai kamarák etikai?szakmai felelősségéra terjedt ki a kutatás. Ennek kapcsán a kutatás egyik legfontosabb eredménye a közszolgáltatások jogi, közgazdasági elemeinek áttekintése és értékelése. | The research deals with administrative responsibility and the system of sanctions as the unity of two complementary systems. Both continental national and supranational administrative sanctions have been examined. It was recommended that the national system of sanctions, based on objective liability be reexamined, and general rules on the regulation of Hungarian administrative sanctions have been worked out. As regarding the theme of administrative responsibility for damages, international trends governing the law of liability have been analyzed, as have the changes of general institutions. In the field of administrative torts, the expectations of the European Union and the Council of Europe do not substitute, but only complement national regulation. As regarding the contractual responsibility, research was led on the changes of the institution of ?service public?, the terms and conditions of public contracts, the procedural problems of litigation in connection with public contracts. An outstanding achievement of the research is the determination, review and assessment of the legal and economical elements of public services. The research also examined the institution of ethical-professional responsibility of members of professional chambers


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    Categorization and geovisualization of climate change strategies using an open-access WebGIS tool

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    The focus of our paper is to present the power of collaboration of databases in a web environment, where data contain or are related to different types of social geography spatial data. Implementing different data gained from the Climate Change Laws of the World, the United Nations Treaty Collection, the World Bank and The World Factbook, we ourselves developed the Climate Change Strategies of the world’s countries (called CCS). Our purpose is to publish and demonstrate the spatial visualization and categorization of the climate change strategies (CCS) of the world’s countries, and also highlight the power of geovisualization in terms of cognitive InfoCommunications, using open-access WebGIS tools and geoinformatics software. The evolved geographic database is able to provide information for users about the different types of climate change strategies of the world’s countries in a visual way, but can also be extended by uploading new data

    Foraging decisions with conservation consequences: Interaction between beavers and invasive tree species

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    1. Herbivore species can either hinder or accelerate the invasion of woody species through selective utilization. Therefore, an exploration of foraging decisions can contribute to the understanding and forecasting of woody plant invasions. Despite the large distribution range and rapidly growing abundance of beaver species across the Northern Hemisphere, only a few studies focus on the interaction between beavers and invasive woody plants. 2. We collected data on the woody plant supply and utilization at 20 study sites in Hungary, at two fixed distances from the water. The following parameters were registered: taxon, trunk diameter, type of utilization, and carving depth. Altogether 5401 units (trunks and thick branches) were identified individually. We developed a statistical protocol that uses a dual approach, combining whole‐database and transect‐level analyses to examine foraging strategy. 3. Taxon, diameter, and distance from water all had a significant effect on foraging decisions. The order of preference for the four most abundant taxa was Populus spp. (softwood), Salix spp. (softwood), Fraxinus pennsylvanica (invasive hardwood), and Acer negundo (invasive hardwood). The diameter influenced the type of utilization, as units with greater diameter were rather carved or debarked than felled. According to the central‐place foraging strategy, the intensity of the foraging decreased with the distance from the water, while both the taxon and diameter selectivity increased. This suggests stronger modification of the woody vegetation directly along the waterbank, together with a weaker impact further from the water. 4. In contrast to invasive trees, for which utilization occurred almost exclusively in the smallest diameter class, even the largest softwood trees were utilized by means of carving and debarking. This may lead to the gradual loss of softwoods or the transformation of them into shrubby forms. After the return of the beaver, mature stages of softwood stands and thus the structural heterogeneity of floodplain woody vegetation could be supported by the maintenance of sufficiently large active floodplains. 5. The beaver accelerates the shift of the canopy layer's species composition toward invasive hardwood species, supporting the enemy release hypothesis. However, the long‐term impact will also depend on how plants respond to different types of utilization and on their ability to regenerate, which are still unexplored issues in this environment. Our results should be integrated with knowledge about factors influencing the competitiveness of the studied native and invasive woody species to support floodplain conservation and reconstruction