130 research outputs found

    Analysis of genetic linkage in the cowpea vigna unguiculata

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    Genetic analysis of 12 loci conditioning morphological characteristics indicated several linkages in cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). Using both backcross and F2 joint segregation data, these 12 loci were assigned to five linkage groups. The loci Pg for nodal pigmentation, Pf for purple flower, Pc for smooth seed coat, Na for narrow eye, and Br for brown seed coat make up linkage group 1 with the probable order Pg-Na-BrP-cPf The Bpd locus for branching peduncle was linked to Bp for brown dry pod and Dhp for pod dehiscence with the probable order Bpd-Bp-Dhp. The third linkage group consisted of loci Crl for crinkled leaf and Pt for sessile leaf Hastate leaf shape, Ha, and septafoliolate leaf number, Spt, belong to the fourth and fifth linkage groups, respectively

    Suitability Assessment of Soils around Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria (FRIN), Ibadan for Maize Production: A Parametric Analyses

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    The sustainable use of soil resources requires extensive knowledge about its morphology and other properties. The study was carried out to evaluate the suitability of soils for maize production in Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria’s (FRIN), environment, Ibadan, using the parametric method. Four profile pits were dug, described and the soil samples collected and analyzed for particle size distribution, pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable acidity, exchangeable bases and extractable micro nutrients. The textures of the soils were loamy sand, sandy loam and sandy clay loam which varied in response to changes in slope and drainage position. The soil’s pH ranged from strong to slightly acidity (4.32 – 6.75). Organic matter (17.2 -61.2g kg-1), total exchangeable base and total nitrogen (0.7 – 3.1g kg-1) were high, while the extractable micro nutrients; Fe (37 – 67mg kg-1), Cu (7 – 13mg kg-1), Mn (5 – 142mg kg-1) and Zn (38 -134mg kg-1) were at toxic level. Suitability evaluation of the soil using parametric approach shows that the soils are presently not suitable (NS) for the cultivation of maize, while, the potential of suitability of the soil for maize cultivation was ranked marginally suitable (S3). The soils of the study area were classified as Egbeda association which is not currently suitable for maize production, because of its present status. However, the soils suitability potential can be improved through conservative agronomic practices and also to prevent rapid degradation

    Preparing medical students to recognize and respond to gender based violence in Nigeria

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    Background: Medical practitioners are ideally positioned to mitigate the impact of gender based violence (GBV) on the health of victims.  However, there is a lack of information on students’ ability and willingness to do so. Objective:  To identify factors which impact on students’ attainment of the knowledge and perceived ability to manage victims. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 388 (91.5%) final year medical students from three medical schools in South West, Nigeria.   Results: Students were knowledgeable on sexual (63.7%) and physical (54.6%) forms of GBV and unfamiliar with other forms. The mean scores for knowledge (7.1 ± 2.5 out of 11); attitude (52.6 ± 10.3 out of 80); personal comfort (44.1 ± 10.0 out of 65) and skills (3.1 ± 2.6 out of 7) were calculated.  Younger respondents, females and married students reported less skill to manage victims.  The location of school, previous training and personal comfort remained significant determinants of students’ self reported skills on GBV. Respondents with prior training on GBV and comfortable with managing patients, were four times more likely to perceive they were more skilled than their peers [AOR = 4.33, 95% CI: 2.37 – 7.90 and AOR 3.53; 95% CI 2.16- 5.78 respectively]. Conclusion: Formalised skills training on GBV is a necessity, especially for young, female students and training cannot be left to serendipity. The medical curriculum should be reviewed.Keywords: Undergraduate medical curriculum, gender based violence, violence against women, medical student perceptions, teaching and training undergraduate

    Development and structural validity of a Nigerian culture- and environment-friendly low back pain outcome measure: Ibadan Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire

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    Background: Low Back Pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability globally. Standardized outcome measures for measuring LBP disability exist but none was developed with consideration for the Nigerian culture and environment.Objective: This study was aimed to develop a Nigerian culture- and environment-friendly LBP scale, the Ibadan Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire (ILBPDQ).Methods: Items on ILBPDQ were devised from literature review, interview of patients (231 consecutively-sampled patients with chronic non-specific LBP) and 12 professionals experienced in LBP management and were contentvalidated.The first draft of the questionnaire underwent pretesting twice among individuals with chronic non-specific LBP (n=35 and 114 respectively), factor analysis and experts’ reviews to produce the final version.Results: The final scale comprised 18 items with a two-factor structure (common Activity of Daily Living [ADL] and culture-specific ADL). It has eigen value ≥ 1 and explained 60% of variance. Items on ILBPDQ covered important constructs relevant to an average Nigerianpatient with LBP.Conclusion: A scale for assessing disability in LBP is made available for use in Nigeria and similar populations.Keywords: Low back pain, Outcome measure, Ibadan, Development, Structural validityFunding: None declare

    The prevalence of domestic violence among pregnant women in Nigeria: a systematic review.

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    To identify, appraise, and synthesize research evidence on the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) among pregnant women in Nigeria. We conducted a systematic review of all published studies between April 2004 and June 2016. Comprehensive searches were conducted on electronic databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, Global Health, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Directory of Open Access Journals, Google Scholar, and electronic libraries of the authors' institution. Identified articles were screened in two stages against the inclusion criteria with titles and abstract screened first followed by full-text screening. Selected articles were assessed using the "guidelines for evaluating prevalence studies," and findings were synthesized narratively. Among 19 studies that met the inclusion criteria, two articles were excluded due to low methodological quality and 17 articles were included in the review. The prevalence of DV during pregnancy in Nigeria ranged between 2.3% and 44.6% with lifetime prevalence rates ranging between 33.1% and 63.2%. Physical, sexual, psychological, and verbal abuses were the most frequent types of DV reported in this review. The most common perpetrators were husbands, as reported in 11 of the 17 studies. Pregnant women between the ages of 20 and 30 years were the most common victims of DV. Our review suggests high prevalence of DV in pregnancy among women in Nigeria and higher lifetime prevalence. However, determining an overall, synthesized accurate prevalence rate of DV within this population based on existing evidence presents a challenge. The findings have important implications for stakeholders such as planners, policy makers, maternity care providers, and researchers in public health and social policy at national, regional, and international levels toward combating the issue. OBJECTIVE METHOD RESULTS CONCLUSIO

    Preparing medical students to recognize and respond to gender based violence in Nigeria

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    Background: Medical practitioners are ideally positioned to mitigate the impact of gender based violence (GBV) on the health of victims. However, there is a lack of information on students\u2019 ability and willingness to do so. Objective: To identify factors which impact on students\u2019 attainment of the knowledge and perceived ability to manage victims. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 388 (91.5%) final year medical students from three medical schools in South West, Nigeria. Results: Students were knowledgeable on sexual (63.7%) and physical (54.6%) forms of GBV and unfamiliar with other forms. The mean scores for knowledge (7.1 \ub1 2.5 out of 11); attitude (52.6 \ub1 10.3 out of 80); personal comfort (44.1 \ub1 10.0 out of 65) and skills (3.1 \ub1 2.6 out of 7) were calculated. Younger respondents, females and married students reported less skill to manage victims. The location of school, previous training and personal comfort remained significant determinants of students\u2019 self reported skills on GBV. Respondents with prior training on GBV and comfortable with managing patients, were four times more likely to perceive they were more skilled than their peers [AOR = 4.33, 95% CI: 2.37 \u2013 7.90 and AOR 3.53; 95% CI 2.16- 5.78 respectively]. Conclusion: Formalised skills training on GBV is a necessity, especially for young, female students and training cannot be left to serendipity. The medical curriculum should be reviewed. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i1.22 Cite as: Fawole OI, M. van Wyk J, Balogun BO, Akinsola OJ, A A. Preparing medical students to recognize and respond to gender based violence in Nigeria. Afri Health Sci. 2019;19(1). 1486-1498. https:// dx.doi. org/10.4314/ ahs. v19i1.2

    Factors associated with fatigue in hip and/or knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and best evidence synthesis

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    Objective: The aim was systematically to identify and evaluate factors related to fatigue in individuals with hip and/or knee OA. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using AMED, CINAHL, MEDLINE, ProQuest and Web of Science Core Collections databases. Inclusion criteria comprised cross-sectional, case-control or longitudinal studies on patients with a diagnosis of hip and/or knee OA that included self-reported fatigue measures. Study quality was assessed using the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute quality appraisal tool, and factors were synthesized within a bio-behavioural framework. Study designs and quality were combined to determine current evidence levels using best evidence synthesis grading. The full review protocol is available from PROSPERO (PROSPERO 2019: CRD42019138571). Results: Twenty-four studies were included, of which 19 were high, 4 moderate and 1 low quality. There was strong evidence of an association between poor self-reported physical function and high depressive symptoms with higher fatigue. Moderate evidence of an association was found between severe pain, high numbers of co-morbidities and low physical activity levels with higher fatigue. There was moderate or limited evidence of no association between most sociodemographic factors and radiographic OA severity with fatigue. Conclusion: Targets for fatigue management might include improving physical function, reducing depressive symptoms, pain and co-morbidities, and increasing physical activity levels. There is a need for more rigorous longitudinal studies to understand the causal effect of fatigue determinants within the hip and knee OA populations

    Prevalence of Refractive Error and Attitude to Spectacle Use among Drivers of Public Institutions in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Background: High rate of motor vehicle accidents have been associated with poor vision. Studies on drivers from elsewhere other than health institutions have found abnormal visual acuities. The aim of this study is to determine prevalence of refractive errors and the attitude to spectacle wear among drivers of public institutions studied. Methods: A cross sectional population study of all 99 motor vehicle drivers from the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan and University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan between December 2003 and January 2004. Results: The ninety-nine motor vehicle drivers in the study comprised of 67 (67.7%) from the College of Medicine, and 32 (32.3%) from the UCH. All were males, aged 38 to 60 years, mean 50.1 \ub1 (SD= 4.8 years). Proportion of drivers with refractive errors was 16.7% (95% CI, 16.6-16.8) but only 56.3% of these wear glasses while driving (others did not including 3 out 4 who were bilaterally visually impaired without glasses). Relative frequency of RTA among drivers was 16.2%, the risk was marginally higher among drivers with refractive error (OR 1.2, 95% CI: 0.4-3.7). The commonest refractive error was simple hypermetropia present in 15 eyes. Hypermetropia was associated with increasing age of drivers (p<0.05). Majority (97.7%) of the drivers were presbyopic but only 32 (32.3%) were current wearers of spectacles. Conclusion: Refractive errors were present in 16.7% of drivers studied. But 43.8% of these (3 out 4 of whom were bilaterally visually impaired without glasses) do not wear corrective lenses while driving. There is need for periodic visual screening exercise and eye health education on drivers.Introduction: Taux \ue9lev\ue9 des accidents de la circulation routi\ue8re est associ\ue9 \ue0 une mauvaise vision. Des \ue9tudes sur les chauffeurs ailleurs en d\ue9hors des centres hospitaliers ont indiqu\ue9 des acuit\ue9s visuelles anormales. L'objet de cette \ue9tude est de d\ue9cider la fr\ue9quence d'erreurs de r\ue9fraction et le comportement par rapport \ue0 l'utilisation des lunettes parmi des chauffeurs dans des institutions publiques. M\ue9thodes: Une \ue9tude d'un groupe repr\ue9sentatif de la population de tous le 99 chauffeurs des voitures du Coll\ue8ge hospitaliter universitaire d'Ibadan et du Coll\ue8ge de la m\ue9dicine, Universit\ue9 d'Ibadan entre d\ue9cembre 2003 et janvier 2004. R\ue9sultats: Quatre-vingt dix-neuf chauffeurs des vehicles dans cette \ue9tude \ue0 savoir, 67 soit 67,7% de Coll\ue8ge de la m\ue9dicine, et 32 soit 32,3% de CHU. Tous \ue9taient du sexe masculin , \ue2g\ue9s de 38 au 60 ans, moyen 50,1 \ub1 (SD = 4,8 ans) La proportion des chauffeurs avec erreurs de r\ue9fraction \ue9tait 16,7% soit 95% cl, 16,6 \u2013 16,8) mais seulement 56,3% de ceux qui portent des lunettes pendant qu'il conduissent (les autres ne le fait pas y compris 3 sur 4 qui sont bilat\ue9ralement des personnes qui ont des probl\ue8mes de vue sans des lunettes) fr\ue9quence r\ue9lative de ACR parmi des chauffeurs \ue9tait 16,2%. Le danger est presque plus \ue9lev\ue9 parmi des chauffeurs avec des erreurs de r\ue9fraction (OR 1, 2,95% cl ; 0,4 \u2013 3,7). L'erreur de r\ue9fraction le plus ordinaire \ue9tait tout simplement l'hyperm\ue9tropie qui est present dans 15 yeux. L'yperm\ue9tropie \ue9tait associe\ue9 \ue0 l'augmentation de l'\ue2ge des chauffeurs (P<0,05) La majorit\ue9 soit 97,7% des chauffeurs \ue9taient presbyopique mais seulement 32 soit 32,3% \ue9taient des porteurs actuel des lunettes. Conclusion: Errurs de r\ue9fraction \ue9taient present en 16,7% des chauffeurs \ue9tudi\ue9s. Mais 43,8% de ceuxci (3 entre 4 dont \ue9tait bilat\ue9ralement des personnes qui ont des probl\ue8mes de vue sans de lunettes) ne portent pas des lunettes quand ils conduissent. C'est n\ue9cessaire de faire un d\ue9pistage visuel p\ue9riodique et cr\ue9er une renseignment m\ue9dicale sur les yeux pour des chauffeur