11 research outputs found

    Practice Field Experience Integrated in Quality Improvement of Teacher

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    Considering on the Indonesian Teacher and Lecturer Act, every Indonesian teacher needs to have a teacher certification. Indeed, it is a good opportunity as well as a challenge for every university, the which is conducting teacher training program, to have qualified graduates. As a qualified teacher, he must have four competencies concerning pedagogy, attitude, personal, and social. The question that may Arise is "How to have such competencies?" Of course, many ways can be done. However, improving the quality of teaching practicum is one of the many possibilities that can be considered. Integrated Student Community Service - Teaching Practicum (KKN-PPL) the which is combining community service and teaching practicum program itself has been developed by Yogyakarta State University (UNY) to have a better models of such teaching practicum

    Meta Analisis Pengaruh Pengintegrasian Kearifan Lokal dalam Pembelajaran IPA dan Fisika terhadap Hasil Belajar

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    Research on the effect of learning science and physics integrated with local wisdom has been done by many previous researchers. This study summarizes the research that has been carried out using the meta-analysis method to calculate the effect size (ES) value. This study aims to describe the effect size (ES) of the effect of integrating local wisdom in science and physics learning on learning outcomes in terms of 1) learning materials, 2) education level, 3) learning models. This study analyzes 20 research articles related to the integration of local wisdom in science and physics learning published by SINTA-accredited national journals in the period 2016-2021. The results of the research are (1) waves and sound materials are used more effectively than other materials, with an effect size of 0.91 in the high category; (2) the junior high school level is more effectively applied than senior high school, with an effect size of 0.94 in the high category; (3) the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model is more effectively used than other learning models with an effect size of 1.05 in the high category. (4) the effect size value for the whole is 0.87 in the high category

    Automatic of Correction and Program Evaluation Using Web-Based Systems

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    Assistant or lecturer in a practicum on algorithmic learning courses it often takes a long time to correct a task collected by the practitioner. The number of tasks that must be corrected many will require a longer time. To simplify the work of the assistant or the lecturer developed a system that automatically corrects tasks that are collected by the practitioners with the black box testing method, so that the assistant only needs to publish the task and wait for the task to be corrected automatically and view or download the correction results. With the existence of this system, it is expected that the correction of tasks will be more Fast, easy, and effective, and make students more able to get grades better because students are allowed to collect their assignments many times to be satisfied with the value

    Public Awareness and Practices Towards Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Population: Questionnaire Development and Pilot Testing

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