116 research outputs found


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    The ecological importance of soil bacteria is not limited to their number or biomass, although these parameters contribute greatly. Indeed, their main asset lies in their great genetic and functional diversity. In this study carried out in the abandoned mine, located in Sidi Kamber (Oum Toub, Skikda, North-Est of Algeria) our objectives was to determine: a) contamination levels of this area by heavy metals b) heavy metal impact on bacterial communities and diversity c) possible risk on the ecological integrity of this area


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    Mining activities produce large quantities of wastes which are highly contaminated with heavy metals. This can cause adverse effects on natural ecosystems, particularly on living organisms. The study reported here concerned the biomonitoring of pollution in the Sidi Kamber mining area, through the determination of various physiological mechanisms (bioaccumulation and translocation) and biochemical markers (chlorophyll (a) and (b), proline, total sugars and total proteins) active in resistance to heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) contamination, using three plant species Cistus monspeliensis, Rumex bucephalophorus and Verbascum sinuatum as bioindicators

    A Histochemical Study of Skin Wounds

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    The experimental results in guinea pigs confirm Raekallio\u27s findings. It is clear from the results that the enzyme reactions are the earliest detectable changes in the healing wounds. The non-specific esterase gives earlier staining reaction than any other enzyme studied so far. It is quite possible that a study of other enzymes may reveal even earlier detectable reactions

    Approche multicritère pour la conception optimale des robots parallèles en considérant les performances cinématiques et élastostatiques

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    Les performances cinématiques et statique d'un mécanisme parallèle dépendent fortement de la géométrie de ce dernier et les caractéristiques mécaniques des corps. Dans la conception d'un manipulateur parallèle, il faut déterminer la meilleure géométrie ainsi que les dimensions des corps afin de satisfaire les besoins pratiques d'exploitation. Pour les manipulateurs parallèles DELTA, cet article fourni une démarche générique pour formuler le problème de la conception optimale des structures parallèles. Ceci en considérant plusieurs indices de performance cinématique comme la régularité du volume de travail et la dextérité, cette dernière qui est liée à la rigidité de la structure et à la précision de la commande. Dans cette étude, nous considérons aussi les performances élastostatiques qui mesurent la réponse de la structure (déformations) à une charge appliquée sous l'équilibre statique. Comme le problème de la conception optimale est non linéaire, difficile à l'exprimer analytiquement et il faut tenir compte de plusieurs indices de performance (généralement antagonistes), nous présentons une approche multi-objective qui considère, d'une manière simultanée, plusieurs indices de performance et nous utilisons les techniques d'optimisation évolutionnistes pour la résolution. La procédure de la conception est démontrée à travers des simulations sur l'exemple du robot DELTA

    Les répercussions de l’agrément sur les processus des facultés de médecine aux Caraïbes

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    Background: Caribbean graduates contribute significantly to the US healthcare workforce. The accreditation requirements of local governments vary from one Caribbean island to another island. The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) requirement that all future applicants be graduates from accredited medical schools drove Caribbean medical schools to seek accreditation. Accreditation has been found to significantly impact the educational processes of Canadian medical schools. Our study aims at investigating Caribbean medical school leaders’ perceptions of the impact of accreditation on their school’s processes. Methods: This qualitative study and data analysis were done using a framework analysis. Academic leaders and faculty members from three different types of Caribbean medical schools (accredited, denied-accreditation schools, never applied for accreditation) were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Results: A total of 12 participants from six different Caribbean medical schools participated in the interview process. Themes of processes influenced by accreditation at Caribbean medical schools were similar to those found in the Canadian context and align with best practices of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). Conclusions: Caribbean medical schools are changing their educational processes as a result of accreditation requirements. Some processes are not maintained in a continuous manner, raising questions about the development of a true CQI culture.Contexte : Les diplômés des Caraïbes contribuent de manière significative au personnel de santé Américain. Les exigences des gouvernements Caraïbes en matière d’agrément varient d’une île à l’autre. L’Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, ECFMG (Commission de l’éducation pour les diplômés en médecine étrangers), exige que les candidats soient diplômés de facultés de médecine agréées, ce qui a incité les facultés de médecine des Caraïbes à solliciter l’agrément. Il a été démontré que l’agrément affectait de manière importante les processus éducatifs des écoles de médecine canadiennes. Notre étude vise à examiner les perceptions des directions des facultés de médecine des Caraïbes quant aux répercussions de l’agrément sur leurs processus. Méthodes : La présente étude qualitative et l’analyse des données ont été réalisées selon la méthodologie du cadre logique. Les responsables universitaires et les membres du corps professoral de facultés de médecine des Caraïbes se trouvant dans trois cas de figure différents (facultés agrées, facultés auxquelles l’agrément a été refusé et facultés n’ayant jamais sollicité l’agrément) ont été interrogés par le biais d’entretiens semi-structurées. Résultats : Douze participants de six facultés de médecine de la région des Caraïbes ont participé aux entretiens. Des thèmes similaires se dégagent en ce qui concerne les processus influencés par l’agrément dans les facultés de médecine caribéennes et canadiennes, en particulier l’adoption des pratiques exemplaires en matière d’amélioration continue de la qualité (ACQ). Conclusions : Les facultés de médecine des Caraïbes modifient leurs processus éducatifs afin de remplir les exigences d’agrément. Certains processus ne sont pas maintenus de manière continue, ce qui soulève des interrogations quant à l’implantation d’une véritable culture de l’ACQ

    Conventional Radiology for Postmortem Imaging

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    This book offers a comprehensive overview of the forensic and radiological aspects of pathological findings, focusing on the most relevant medico-legal issues, such as virtual autopsy (virtopsy), anthropometric identification, post-mortem decomposition features and the latest radiological applications used in forensic investigations. Forensic medicine and radiology are becoming increasingly relevant in the international medical and legal field as they offer essential techniques for determining cause of death and for anthropometric identification. This is highly topical in light of public safety and economic concerns arising as a result of mass migration and international tensions. The book discusses the latest technologies applied in the forensic field, in particular computed tomography and magnetic resonance, which are continuously being updated. Radiological techniques are fundamental in rapidly providing a full description of the damage inflicted to add to witness and medical testimonies, and forensic/radiological anthropology supplies valuable evidence in cases of violence and abuse. Written by international experts, it is of interest to students and residents in forensic medicine and radiology. It also presents a new approach to forensic investigation for lawyers and police special corps as well as law enforcement agencies

    NMR metabolomics of cerebrospinal fluid differentiates inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system

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    BACKGROUND: Myriad infectious and noninfectious causes of encephalomyelitis (EM) have similar clinical manifestations, presenting serious challenges to diagnosis and treatment. Metabolomics of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was explored as a method of differentiating among neurological diseases causing EM using a single CSF sample. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 1H NMR metabolomics was applied to CSF samples from 27 patients with a laboratory-confirmed disease, including Lyme disease or West Nile Virus meningoencephalitis, multiple sclerosis, rabies, or Histoplasma meningitis, and 25 controls. Cluster analyses distinguished samples by infection status and moderately by pathogen, with shared and differentiating metabolite patterns observed among diseases. CART analysis predicted infection status with 100% sensitivity and 93% specificity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These preliminary results suggest the potential utility of CSF metabolomics as a rapid screening test to enhance diagnostic accuracies and improve patient outcomes