69 research outputs found

    'Porosity evaluation of the "archival" full-size core using nuclear magnetic resonance

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    Project devoted to the porosity definition of the full-size core which for a long time is stored in the core library using nuclear magnetic resonance. The paper describes an experiment of the full-size carbonate core saturation by mineralized water and the measurement of its voids ratio. The work shows the possibility of using the NMR method for assessing the porosity of the «archival» full-size carbonate core on condition of the correct saturation process by model of formation water. The study can be further used to conduct similar experiments with full-size core from the oil bearing horizons layers

    New approaches in the interpretation of magnetic survey data during prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits

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    The presence of hydrocarbons in the basement and sedimentary cover triggers the epigenetic processes that make the formation of iron minerals possible. At that, there is a fairly clear zoning: The center of flow migration is presented by paramagnetic minerals, the borders are presented by ferromagnetic minerals. This fact makes it possible to use magnetic survey during the prediction and the search for oil and gas deposits. The main problem is the interpretation method of the data obtained through the data magnetic survey. The authors of the article suggest the use of multiple approaches to the analysis and interpretation of the obtained data. The first approach is the lineament analysis, the peculiarity of which in this case is the design of maps on the basis of linear objects expressed in a magnetic field. This map will reflect the borders of objects contrasting by magnetic properties, including the deposit borders. The comparison of magnetic field lineaments and the lineaments of relief helps to identify the fault zones in which the migration of hydrocarbons takes place. Another approach in the interpretation of magnetic survey data is the calculation of the magnetic field fractal characteristics. An indication of hydrocarbon migration in this case is the fractal dimension, the high values of which are characterized for the areas where the migration of hydrocarbons took or takes place. The basic wavelets developed on the basis of point source potential derivatives were used for the quantitative analysis of the magnetic field

    Diet on hirudoterapy to increase therapeutic effectiveness in hypertanic diseases

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    This article describes the experience of using hirudotherapy with a special diet. Patients were divided into sex and age groups, the effect of such therapy was monitored

    Study of drying process in full-size core by nuclear magnetic resonance method

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    The paper describes the results of study of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal distribution along the axis of full-size core depending on the time of its extraction from the core tube. It was detected the presence of thin interlayers characterized by the significant heterogeneity in the distribution of the NMR signal amplitude. This fact demonstrates the need to develop appropriate criteria when selecting the standard samples for the study of reservoir properties and creation of relationships between petrophysical parameters. It was conducted the study of kinetic of NMR signal loss during the period in about 20 days from the time of core material extraction from the well. The experiment showed the heterogeneity in the distribution of the characteristics of the fluid evaporation process along the core. Two types of kinetic dependencies were revealed. Form one of them is nearly exponential dependence. Another form characterized by anomalous behavior consisting in that at the initial time part the fluid evaporation from the core is carried out slowly and only after about 150 hours it is observed the acceleration of the evaporation process and the transition of the kinetic curve to exponential type. It is suggested that such behavior of the kinetic dependence may be due either to the heterogeneity in the distribution of pores by core volume in the study area or the shape of pores, for example, the presence of dead-end pores

    Melamine salt of bis(methanol)phosphinic acids (melaphene) as a regulator of Rauwolfia serpentine specialized metabolism

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    The effect of melaphene on plant ability to synthesize alkaloids was studied. It is found that melaphene causes significant effect on growth and metabolism (at early growth stage) of Rauwolfia serpentine tissue culture. The mechanism is possibly determined by melaphene influence on secondary plant metabolism manifesting in alkaloids, in particular ajmaline, synthesis changes

    Comparative study of melaphen and kinetin influence on the growth and energetic process of plant cells

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    The results obtained for the unicellular algae Chlorella vulgaris as an object indicate that synthetic preparation melaphen, like kinetin, participates in regulation of many physiological processes in plants. It is concluded from the data on unidirectional action of natural phytohormone kinetin and melaphen on the plant cell. However, their action mechanism can be not identical

    Formation of a periodic diffractive structure based on poly(methyl methacrylate) with ion-implanted silver nanoparticles

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.We propose to form optical diffractive elements on the surface of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by implanting the polymer with silver ions (E = 30 keV; D = 5.0 × 1014 to 1.5 × 1017 ion/cm2; I = 2 μA/cm2) through a nickel grid (mask). Ion implantation leads to the nucleation and growth of silver nanoparticles in unmasked regions of the polymer. The formation of periodic surface microstructures during local sputtering of the polymer by incident ions was monitored using an optical microscope. The diffraction efficiency of obtained gratings is demonstrated under conditions of their probing with semiconductor laser radiation in the visible spectral range

    Hippocampal overexpression of NOS1AP promotes endophenotypes related to mental disorders.

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    BACKGROUND Nitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein (NOS1AP; previously named CAPON) is linked to the glutamatergic postsynaptic density through interaction with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). NOS1AP and its interaction with nNOS have been associated with several mental disorders. Despite the high levels of NOS1AP expression in the hippocampus and the relevance of this brain region in glutamatergic signalling as well as mental disorders, a potential role of hippocampal NOS1AP in the pathophysiology of these disorders has not been investigated yet. METHODS To uncover the function of NOS1AP in hippocampus, we made use of recombinant adeno-associated viruses to overexpress murine full-length NOS1AP or the NOS1AP carboxyterminus in the hippocampus of mice. We investigated these mice for changes in gene expression, neuronal morphology, and relevant behavioural phenotypes. FINDINGS We found that hippocampal overexpression of NOS1AP markedly increased the interaction of nNOS with PSD-95, reduced dendritic spine density, and changed dendritic spine morphology at CA1 synapses. At the behavioural level, we observed an impairment in social memory and decreased spatial working memory capacity. INTERPRETATION Our data provide a mechanistic explanation for a highly selective and specific contribution of hippocampal NOS1AP and its interaction with the glutamatergic postsynaptic density to cross-disorder pathophysiology. Our findings allude to therapeutic relevance due to the druggability of this molecule. FUNDING This study was funded in part by the DFG, the BMBF, the Academy of Finland, the NIH, the Japanese Society of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and the European Community

    Hippocampal overexpression of NOS1AP promotes endophenotypes related to mental disorders

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    BACKGROUND\nMETHODS\nFINDINGS\nINTERPRETATION\nFUNDING\nNitric oxide synthase 1 adaptor protein (NOS1AP; previously named CAPON) is linked to the glutamatergic postsynaptic density through interaction with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). NOS1AP and its interaction with nNOS have been associated with several mental disorders. Despite the high levels of NOS1AP expression in the hippocampus and the relevance of this brain region in glutamatergic signalling as well as mental disorders, a potential role of hippocampal NOS1AP in the pathophysiology of these disorders has not been investigated yet.\nTo uncover the function of NOS1AP in hippocampus, we made use of recombinant adeno-associated viruses to overexpress murine full-length NOS1AP or the NOS1AP carboxyterminus in the hippocampus of mice. We investigated these mice for changes in gene expression, neuronal morphology, and relevant behavioural phenotypes.\nWe found that hippocampal overexpression of NOS1AP markedly increased the interaction of nNOS with PSD-95, reduced dendritic spine density, and changed dendritic spine morphology at CA1 synapses. At the behavioural level, we observed an impairment in social memory and decreased spatial working memory capacity.\nOur data provide a mechanistic explanation for a highly selective and specific contribution of hippocampal NOS1AP and its interaction with the glutamatergic postsynaptic density to cross-disorder pathophysiology. Our findings allude to therapeutic relevance due to the druggability of this molecule.\nThis study was funded in part by the DFG, the BMBF, the Academy of Finland, the NIH, the Japanese Society of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and the European Community