646 research outputs found


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    Warm additives had wide popularity in recent years due to saving in energy and lowering emissions dealt with asphalt mixture production. Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is produced by using foaming technology or reducing -viscosity additives of binder to enhance the rheological properties. In this study, organic-based additives (Asphaltan A and Asphaltan B) are used to investigate their effect to minimize the viscosity and lower the temperature of asphalt mixture production. Bitumen is mixed with three doses of each additive: 1, 2, and 3% of its weight. The binder viscosity was measured by rotational viscometer with and without the additives at three different temperatures. The study showed that the organic additives have a positive impact on the behavior of the binder in terms of viscosity reduction and made enhancements in terms of bitumen properties. This result could be useful in the reduction of production temperature and quantity of odour emissions

    Proportional fair buffer scheduling algorithm for 5G enhanced mobile broadband

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    The impending next generation of mobile communications denoted 5G intends to interconnect user equipment, things, vehicles, and cities. It will provide an order of magnitude improvement in performance and network efficiency, and different combinations of use cases enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), ultra reliable low latency communications (URLLC), massive internet of things (mIoT) with new capabilities and diverse requirements. Adoption of advanced radio resource management procedures such as packet scheduling algorithms is necessary to distribute radio resources among different users efficiently. The proportional fair (PF) scheduling algorithm and its modified versions have proved to be the commonly used scheduling algorithms for their ability to provide a tradeoff between throughput and fairness. In this article, the buffer status is combined with the PF metric to suggest a new scheduling algorithm for efficient support for eMBB. The effectiveness of the proposed scheduling strategy is proved through Ă  comprehensive experimental analysis based on the evaluation of different quality of service key performance indicators (QoS KPIs) such as throughput, fairness, and buffer status


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    The behavior of pile foundations under earthquake loading is an important factor affecting the performance of such structures. Observations from past earthquakes have shown that piles in stiff soils generally perform well, while those installed in soft or liquefiable soils are more subjected to problems arising from ground amplification or excessive soil movements. A series of laboratory tests were conducted to measure the response of pile foundation when subjected to dynamic loads. A special vibration box was manufactured. The accompanied measurements include vertical and horizontal displacement and settlement of pile cap, acceleration in three dimensions in both soil and cap and earth pressures. The model pile used has an outer diameter of 18 mm and inner diameter of 15 mm. A group of (2x2) piles was tested. It was concluded that for soil bed in dry state, the acceleration amplitudes increase with frequency for both soil relative densities (loose and medium). The maximum acceleration in the foundation is lower than in soil bed for all operating shaking frequencies and soil states. The decreasing of the maximum acceleration recorded in the foundation as compared to that in the soil bed is between 10-100 % for loose and medium state of soil, and the decrease in loose state is more than in medium state. This means that there is damping effect or attenuation of vibration waves

    Identifikasi Barcode Tumbuhan Gedi Merah (Abelmoschus Manihot L. Medik) Dan Gedi Hijau (Abelmoschus Moschatus) Berdasarkan Gen MatK

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    Gedi (Abelmoschus L.) merupakan tumbuhan tropis. Tumbuhan ini memilki efek farmakologis. Masyarakat Minahasa mengkonsumsi daun gedi yang direbus tanpa diberi bumbu sebagai obat tradisional untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol, antihipertensi dan antidiabetes. Suatu metode baru untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis keanekaragaman genetika spesies telah dikembangkan dengan menggunakan potongan gen standar yang dikenal dengan teknik DNA barcoding. Salah satu gen yang terdapat pada tumbuhan yaitu gen matK telah digunakan sebagai gen standar untuk barcoding. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan isolasi DNA total dan gen matK penanda barcode DNA dari gedi merah dan gedi hijau, serta analisis in-silico terhadap produk gen matK gedi merah, gedi hijau, dan kerabat terdekatnya. Gen matK diisolasi dan diamplifikasi menggunakan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) menggunakan primer forward (5'-CGTACAGTACTTTTGTGTTT ACGAG-3') dan primer reverse (5'-ACCCAGTCCATCTGGAAATCTTGGTTC-3'). Hasil pengurutan nukleotida DNA barcode matK menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 828 pb matK berhasil diisolasi untuk tumbuhan gedi merah dan tumbuhan gedi hijau. Urutan nukleotida matK gedi merah dan gedi hijau menunjukkan tingkat kemiripan yang tinggi, yaitu > 95%. Selain itu, hasil analisis in-silico menunjukkan bahwa protein MatK gedi dan kerabat terdekatnya bersifat hidrofobik.Gedi (Abelmoschus L.) is a tropical plant. This plant has the pharmacological effects. Minahasan people consumed boiled gedi without any spices addition to lower cholesterol level, blood pressure, and glucose level. A new method for identifying and analyzing the genetic diversity of species has been developed using standard gene known as DNA barcoding technique. One of the genes found in plants called matK gene was used as standard for DNA barcoding. In this research, identification of DNA barcode of red gedi and green gedi based on matK gene, and in-silico analysis on the matK gene products of red gedi, green gedi, and its closest relatives gedi have been done. matK gene was isolated with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using forward primer (5'-CGTACAGTACTTTTGTGTTTACGAG-3') and reverse primer (5'-ACCCAGTCCATCTGGAAATCTTGGTTC-3'). Barcode DNA of red and green gedi showed 828 bp nucleotide sequence based on matK gene. In addition, matK of both gedi showed high similarity, i.e. >95%. Furthermore, in-silico analysis of MatK gedi and its closest relative showed that this protein is hidrophobic

    Semi-Flexible Pavement: A Review of Design and Performance Evaluation

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    It is known to researchers in the field of road construction and development. Three types of pavement are rigid, flexible, and composite paving. The composite pavement consists of a layer of flexible pavement on top of which a layer of rigid pavement is placed or vice versa. All of these types have advantages in addition to disadvantages that affect road performance on the one hand and user convenience on the other. About 50 years ago, work began establishing a type of pavement characterized by its semi-flexible performance, which combines rigid pavement's rigidity and flexible pavement's flexibility. It is called semi-flexible pavement and grouted macadam in some sources. It consists mainly of an open-graded asphalt mixture in which the percentage of air voids ranges from (25 to 35%), and in some sources, it is mentioned that it ranges between (20 to 28%) grouted with a high-performance cementitious material. Work began on this type of pavement in the sixties of the last century. However, there is no approved specification for its design, as its design methods differ according to the researcher's vision. This scientific paper aims to facilitate the way for new researchers in this field by knowing the basic stages of semi-flexible pavement design and presenting the existing design methods and what is required for laboratory tests to evaluate the performance of the completed pavement design. It was found that the performance of semi-flexible paving depends mainly on the bonding between its components, as it is considered a composite material. For this reason, the direction in the future may be to study the bonding between asphalt and cement, in particular, as they are two basic materials in their composition

    Stress transfer from pile group in saturated and unsaturated soil using theoretical and experimental approaches

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    Piles are often used in groups, and the behavior of pile groups under the applied loads is generally different from that of single pile due to the interaction of neighboring piles, therefore, one of the main objectives of this paper is to investigate the influence of pile group (bearing capacity, load transfer sharing for pile shaft and tip) in comparison to that of single piles. Determination of the influence of load transfer from the pile group to the surrounding soil and the mechanism of this transfer with increasing the load increment on the tip and pile shaft for the soil in saturated and unsaturated state (when there is a negative pore water pressure). Different basic properties are used that is (S = 90%, Îłd = 15 kN / m3, S = 90%, Îłd = 17 kN / m3 and S = 60%, Îłd =15 kN / m3). Seven model piles were tested, these was: single pile (compression and pull out test), 2Ă—1, 3Ă—1, 2Ă—2, 3Ă—2 and 3Ă—3 group. The stress was measured with 5 cm diameter soil pressure transducer positioned at a depth of 5 cm below the pile tip for all pile groups. The measured stresses below the pile tip using a soil pressure transducer positioned at a depth of 0.25L (where L is the pile length) below the pile tip are compared with those calculated using theoretical and conventional approaches. These methods are: the conventional 2V:1H method and the method used the theory of elasticity. The results showed that the method of measuring the soil stresses with soil pressure transducer adopted in this study, gives in general, good results of stress transfer compared with the results obtained from the theoretical and conventional approaches


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    Micropiles are small diameter, cast in – place or grouted piles with steel pipes of (50 to 300 mm) diameters and driven by boring machine. Despite their small wall thickness, high bearing capacity of micropiles provides both axial and pullout resistance.nThis paper is directed to study the behavior of micropiles under static and dynamic loading conditions using the finite element method. The program OpenSees is used in the analysis, it is open – source program, provides information about the software architecture, access to the source code, and the development process. The program is based on the basic commands, which are written in Tcl (pronounced, "tickle"; tool command language). A model for groups of laterally loaded pipe piles in sand was adopted to study the effect of defects on their lateral performance. The geometric arrangement consisted of group series of 2, 4 and 6 equally spaced piles. Eight node brick elements are used to model the pile and the surrounding soil. It was concluded that the deflection of laterally loaded piles decreases when inserting steel micropiles beside the defect pile at two opposite directions. The increase in the group deflection is greater when the defected pile is modeled in the front row

    Impact Factor: 2.265 Global

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    ABSTRACT The experimental work of this study deals with the problem of buried UPVC pipe in sand with different pipe responses subjected to incremental static loading where the backfill densities changed (loose, medium, and dense with different burial depth (1.5 d,2 d, and 3d). The objectives of the current study are to study the effect of changing the buried depth on the behavior of a buried flexible pipe in a sand soil through experimental model. It was found that the effect of the applied surface load on the crown strain is reduced by increasing the burial depth by about 19.6% when the embedment depth changes from 1.5 d to 2 d and 29.4% when it changes from 1.5 d to 3 d in loose sand. While these percents become to 13.1% and 32.2% in the medium sand and to 21.4% and 40% in the dense sand. It is concluded from these results that the increase in the depth of burial and sand density sponsor by reducing the strain on the perimeter of the pipe and thus the pipe is protected from the distortions that lead to breakage the pipe


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    The present study was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University during two seasons of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 to study the effect of foliar application of seaweeds extract at 2, 4 and 6 ml/l, chitosan at 2, 4 and 6 ml/l and potassium silicate at 6, 9 and 12 ml/l as well as the interaction between seaweeds extract and chitosan on growth, biochemical, and essential oil characteristics of rosemary plants grown in a sandy soil. These compounds were applied as foliar spray three times after 15 days from planting. The results showed that foliar applications of seaweeds extract at 6 ml/l, chitosan at 6 ml/l and potassium silicate at 12 ml/l significantly affected all studied parameters compared with control. The results clearly indicated that the different applied treatments increased the measured growth characteristics i.e. plant height, number of branches/plant, fresh and dry weights as well parallel increase of photosynthetic pigments. Also, constituents of N, P, K, total carbohydrates, percentage of essential oil and the G.L.C. of essential oil of plant age were existed in the two assigned seasons. In addition, the most effective combined treatment was that of seaweed at 6 ml/l + chitosan at 6 ml/l in this respect


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    The present study was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Egypt during two successive seasons of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 to examine the effect of foliar application of seaweeds extract at 2, 4 and 6 ml/l, chitosan at 2, 4 and 6 ml/l and potassium silicate at 6, 9 and 12 ml/l as well as the interaction between seaweeds extract and chitosan on growth, biochemical and essential oil characteristics of thyme plants grown in a sandy soil. These compounds were applied as foliar spray three times after 15 days from planting and at 15 days interval. The results showed that foliar applications of seaweeds extract at 6 ml/l, chitosan at 6 ml/l and potassium silicate at 12 ml/l significantly affected all studied parameters compared with control. The results indicated that the different applied treatments increased the measured growth characteristics i.e. plant height, number of branches/plant, fresh and dry weights as well parallel increase of photosynthetic pigments. Also, constituents of N, P, K, total carbohydrates, percentage of essential oil and the GLC of essential oil of plant were existed in the two assigned seasons. In addition, the most effective combined treatments were seaweed at 6 ml/l + chitosan at 4 ml/l in this respect
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