291 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Ipauntuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas VI

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat sekarang ini, komputer multimedia mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam bidang pendidikan. Ini terbukti dengan adanya produksi aplikasi multimedia dalam bentuk CD pembelajaran yang telah banyak beredar di pasaran saat ini. CD pembelajaran sendiri ada banyak macam, baik yang bersifat interaktif dan non-interaktif. Untuk CD pembelajaran yang dibuat untuk anak SD, mereka akan cenderung lebih menggemari aplikasi yang bersifat interaktif karena bagi mereka dengan aplikasi tersebut akan lebih menarik dan efektif untuk dipelajari. Hal inilah yang mendorong untuk diproduksinya aplikasi multimedia pembelajaran yang bersifat interaktif. Dalam jurnal ini kita akan membahas pembuatan aplikasi multimedia interaktif yang ditujukan untuk membantu penyampaian materi IPA untuk kelas VI Sekolah Dasar

    Insulin-like growth factor-1 is a negative modulator of glucagon secretion

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    Glucagon secretion involves a combination of paracrine, autocrine, hormonal, and autonomic neural mechanisms. Type 2 diabetes often presents impaired glucagon suppression by insulin and glucose. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) has elevated homology with insulin, and regulates pancreatic β-cells insulin secretion. Insulin and IGF-1 receptors share considerable structure homology and function. We hypothesized the existence of a mechanism linking the inhibition of α-cells glucagon secretion to IGF-1. Herein, we evaluated the association between plasma IGF-1 and glucagon levels in 116 nondiabetic adults. After adjusting for age gender and BMI, fasting glucagon levels were positively correlated with 2-h post-load glycaemia, HOMA index and fasting insulin, and were negatively correlated with IGF-1 levels. In a multivariable regression, the variables independently associated to fasting glucagon were circulating IGF-1 levels, HOMA index and BMI, explaining 20.7% variation. To unravel the molecular mechanisms beneath IGF-1 and glucagon association, we investigated whether IGF-1 directly modulates glucagon expression and secretion in an in vitro model of α-cells. Our data showed that IGF-1 inhibits the ability of low glucose concentration to stimulate glucagon expression and secretion via activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt/FoxO1 pathway. Collectively, our results suggest a new regulatory role of IGF-1 on α-cells biological function

    Perancangan Game Bulwark of Village Menggunakan Macromedia Flash 8

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    The rapid technological advances that make computers a viable alternative to help do the job almost every field. Do not rule out the possibility if someone was bored when too long in front of the computer. PC games or games that use computer media is an entertainment application in the computer to reduce the saturation of the computer user and an entertainment for those who play it.Flash game genre is essentially no different from the electronic genre in general. In this study, we will use the genre Slide scrolling all characters can move in all directions followed by background motion. Basic rules of this game that players will be using the mouse and the keyboard to move the character and rescue helicopter from enemy attacks and bringing them to the fort. To move the character can use the mouse to click on a character and then determine the direction and running characters, to shoot and take people, use the Space key and the Ctrl key on the keyboard, to save the people and brought into the fort. The enemy will move and pursue follow the direction of the player. When you successfully complete the mission it will get a bonus level 1000. For each time destroying a small tank it will get score 45. As for the tank was 80, and for a 100. If you successfully complete the mission then the score will be in total.To build this game, use Macromedia Flash 8 and other supporting software such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Audition. Game Bulwar Of Village using Action Script 2.0 as the script support

    Rancang Bangun Virtual Gamelan Mobile Menggunakan Augmented Reality

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    Gamelan merupakan alat musik tradisional yang harus tetap dilestarikan, semakin pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, pada era globalisasi perkembangan gamelan diharapkan mampu menarik minat anak muda.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam pendeteksian interaksi dan bagaimana interaski dapat dideteksi oleh sistem dan dengan adanya aplikasi ini anak muda yang memiliki media smartphone dapat memainkan aplikasi virtual gamelan ini dimana saja dengan media marker yang dapat langsung berinteraksi seolah-olah bermain gamelan. Prototype yang dibuat menggunakan unity3D dan Vuforia

    Perancangan Mobile Augmented Reality dengan Metode Interactive Multimedia System Design Development (Studi Kasus: Brosur di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dumai)

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    Media brosur merupakan salah satu media untuk menyampaikan informasi yang berfungsi sebagai menjelaskan atau mempresentasikan suatu produk, USAha, profil Perusahan atau sarana untuk beriklan. Oleh karena itu brosur sering kali di desain dengan semenarik mungkin agar menarik minat pembaca.Terkadang informasi yang tersedia di brosur tidak cukup memberikan banyak informasi karena terbatasnya ruang yang tersedia pada brosur. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian menggunakan media brosur mobile augmented reality dengan pendekatan metode Interactive Multimedia System Design Development (IMSDD) untuk studi kasus mempromosikan informasi mengenai Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dumai. Penggunaan metode IMSDD mampu menghasilkan objek 3D gedung dan video yang dikemas dalam bentuk media brosur sebagai user interfaces object 3D dan video berbasis teknologi Augmented Reality.Aplikasi ini menggunakan Virtualbutton pada marker untuk multiobjek 3D gedung dan video yang akan ditampilkan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Heuristik dari pengujian alpha testing ditemukan bahwa pada aplikasi tidak mempunyai error prevention dan help user recognize yaitu tidak terdapatnya pesan error jika terjadi kesalahan tapi dua hal tesebut tidak berdampak pada penggunaannya karena jika konten dari 3D tidak muncul pada aplikasi yang berjalan, pengguna cukup kembali melakukan capturing pada marker

    The potential implications of reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation on the agricultural environment: the knowns and unknowns of the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes – a review

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    The use of reclaimed wastewater (RWW) for the irrigation of crops may result in the continuous exposure of the agricultural environment to antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). In recent years, certain evidence indicate that antibiotics and resistance genes may become disseminated in agricultural soils as a result of the amendment with manure and biosolids and irrigation with RWW. Antibiotic residues and other contaminants may undergo sorption/desorption and transformation processes (both biotic and abiotic), and have the potential to affect the soil microbiota. Antibiotics found in the soil pore water (bioavailable fraction) as a result of RWW irrigation may be taken up by crop plants, bioaccumulate within plant tissues and subsequently enter the food webs; potentially resulting in detrimental public health implications. It can be also hypothesized that ARGs can spread among soil and plant-associated bacteria, a fact that may have serious human health implications. The majority of studies dealing with these environmental and social challenges related with the use of RWW for irrigation were conducted under laboratory or using, somehow, controlled conditions. This critical review discusses the state of the art on the fate of antibiotics, ARB and ARGs in agricultural environment where RWW is applied for irrigation. The implications associated with the uptake of antibiotics by plants (uptake mechanisms) and the potential risks to public health are highlighted. Additionally, knowledge gaps as well as challenges and opportunities are addressed, with the aim of boosting future research towards an enhanced understanding of the fate and implications of these contaminants of emerging concern in the agricultural environment. These are key issues in a world where the increasing water scarcity and the continuous appeal of circular economy demand answers for a long-term safe use of RWW for irrigation