50 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Bangun-bangun (Coleus Amboinius, L)terhadap Persentase Karkas dan Organ Fisiologis Broiler

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian daun bangun-bangun berupa simplisia, ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol 96% terhadap persentase karkas dan broiler fisiologis. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 4 bulan mulai dari bulan Februari sampai Mei 2017 di laboratorium dan kandang pertanian Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan 140 ekor ayam broiler umur 1 minggu tanpa pemisahan jenis kelamin dibagi secara acak menjadi 32 unit percobaan, dan masing-masing unit percobaan terdiri dari 5 ekor dan setiap individu ditempatkan dalam kandang berukuran 1 x 0,7 x 0,5 m. Ayam dipelihara selama 4 minggu, dan pengumpulan data dilakukan setiap minggu selama 4 minggu pemeliharaan. Akhir pemeliharaan ayam dipotong setiap ekor Perunit kandang untuk memperoleh berat karkas, berat badan, berat jantung dan berat Perut Perut. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah: persentase karkas, hati, jantung dan lemak Perut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari 8 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, sehingga total unit percobaan adalah 32 unit, setiap unit terdiri dari 5 ekor ayam. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagai berikut: 1) tidak ada pengaruh pemberian daun bangun-bangun dalam bentuk simplisia, ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol terhadap persentase karkas, hati, jantung dan lemak Perut. 2) Tingkat simplisia, ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol daun bangun-bangun tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase karkas, jantung, hati, dan lemak Perut. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian simplisia, ekstrak air dan ekstrak etanol. daun bangun-bangun dengan kadar yang berbeda tidak mempengaruhi persentase karkas, organ fisiologis (hati dan jantung) dan lemak Perut

    Peningkatan Produksi Tanaman Bangun-Bangun (Coleus Amboinicus L.) Daerah Sumatera Barat dengan Penggunaan Kompos Eceng Gondok

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mempelajari potensi daun bangun-bangun yang ditanam di beberapa daerah Sumatera Barat, kandungan gizinya dan untuk mengetahui formulasi pupuk yang tepat untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman bangun-bangun. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan di Laboratorium Peternakan Unand Padang, Laboratorium Peternakan dan Kebun Percobaan Politani Negeri Payakumbuh. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan pupuk kompos eceng gondoknya adalah A (Tanpa pupuk N (0%) + Kompos eceng gondok 100%), B (Pupuk N 25% + Kompos eceng gondok 75%), C (Pupuk N 50% + Kompos eceng gondok 50%), D (Pupuk N 75% + Kompos eceng gondok 25%) dan E (Pupuk N 100% + Tanpa Kompos (0%). Adapun parameter yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, bunga, laju tumbuh relatif, berat segar (gr/tanaman). Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan berupa data identifikasi tanaman bangun-bangun dan kandungan gizi daun bangun-bangun untuk daerah Padang, Padang Panjang dan Payakumbuh. Identifikasi tanaman daun bangun-bangun terdiri dari: keadaan lingkungan dan deskripsi tanaman. Kandungan gizi tanaman bangun-bangun protein kasar 19, 24 – 24, 98%; lemak kasar 4,21 – 5,98%, Serat kasar 9,08 -14,17%, Abu 11,34 -16,25%, Ca 1,992 – 2,133%, P 0,194 – 0,337 dan gross energi (GE) 3820 – 4070,01 kal/g. Dosis pupuk eceng gondok berpengaruh nyata (P<0.05) terhadap laju tumbuh relatif, berat segar (gr/tanaman), sedangkan terhadap tinggi tanaman, cabang primer, dan bunga tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0.05). Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan 100% kompos eceng gondok dapat meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan relatif, bobot berangkasan segar (gr/tanaman) dan bobot berangkasan kering (gr/tanaman), sedangkan perbandingan pupuk kompos tidak berpengaruh secara nyata (P>0.05) terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah cabang

    Real time sonography as an anatomy teaching aid in undergraduate radiography institutions in Northern Nigeria

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    Background: Real-time ultrasound scanning is increasing in popularity as a teaching tool for human anatomy because it is non-invasive, offers real-time 3-D anatomy and is cheaper than dissections.Objectives: To assess real-time ultrasound scanning as a teaching method of human anatomy, and to determine what teaching methods radiography students consider effective for understanding human anatomy.Materials and methods: One hundred and ten self-administered, structured and pre-tested questionnaires were distributed to Clinical Radiography students (Third, fourth and fifth year)in Northern Nigeria featuring University of Maiduguri and Bayero University Kano. The questionnaire consists of two sections;Demographics and preferred methods of delivery of anatomical information. Participation was voluntary. Comparisons among teaching methods were made using repeated measures ANOVA.Results: A significant difference among the eight delivery methods with 3-D Radiology imaging being as the most preferred method overall (48.17, p<0.0001) and ultrasound the least (32.48, p<0.0001). With Duncan’s multiple Range test, it is clearly shown that 3-D Radiology imaging differ with mean value(5.2522) followed by Computer programs(5.1292), Anatomic models(4.7593), Laboratory videos(4.5815), textbooks(4.5358), animal dissection(4.2568), lectures(3.2568) and finally ultrasound scan (3.6087), (P<0.0001).Conclusion: 3-D Radiology imaging is the most preferred method of delivering anatomical information and ultrasound scanning is the least preferred method.Keywords: Real time sonography, radiography institutions, Northern Nigeria

    Reproducing a decision-making network in a virtual visual discrimination task

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    We reproduced a decision-making network model using the neural simulator software neural simulation tool (NEST), and we embedded the spiking neural network in a virtual robotic agent performing a simulated behavioral task. The present work builds upon the concept of replicability in neuroscience, preserving most of the computational properties in the initial model although employing a different software tool. The proposed implementation successfully obtains equivalent results from the original study, reproducing the salient features of the neural processes underlying a binary decision. Furthermore, the resulting network is able to control a robot performing an in silico visual discrimination task, the implementation of which is openly available on the EBRAINS infrastructure through the neuro robotics platform (NRP)

    Real Time Sonography as an anatomy teaching aid in undergraduate radiography institutions in Northern Nigeria

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    Background: Real-time ultrasound scanning is increasing in popularity as a teaching tool for human anatomy because it is non-invasive, offers real-time 3-D anatomy and is cheaper than dissections. Objectives: To assess real-time ultrasound scanning as a teaching method of human anatomy, and to determine what teaching methods radiography students consider effective for understanding human anatomy. Materials and methods: One hundred and ten self-administered, structured and pre-tested questionnaires were distributed to Clinical Radiography students (Third, fourth and fifth year)in Northern Nigeria featuring University of Maiduguri and Bayero University Kano. The questionnaire consists of two sections;Demographics and preferred methods of delivery of anatomical information. Participation was voluntary. Comparisons among teaching methods were made using repeated measures ANOVA. Results: A significant difference among the eight delivery methods with 3-D Radiology imaging being as the most preferred method overall (48.17, p<0.0001) and ultrasound the least (32.48, p<0.0001). With Duncan\u2019s multiple Range test, it is clearly shown that 3-D Radiology imaging differ with mean value(5.2522) followed by Computer programs(5.1292), Anatomic models(4.7593), Laboratory videos(4.5815), textbooks(4.5358), animal dissection(4.2568), lectures(3.2568) and finally ultrasound scan (3.6087), (P<0.0001). Conclusion: 3-D Radiology imaging is the most preferred method of delivering anatomical information and ultrasound scanning is the least preferred method. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i2.54 Cite as: Umar MS, Zira JD, Ogenyi PA, Njokwu G, Malgwi FD, Silas MA, Laushongo SS. Real time sonography as an anatomy teaching aid in undergraduate radiography institutions in northern Nigeria. Afri Health Sci.2019;19(2): 2282-2289. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v19i2.5

    Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI): a single-blind randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Remote ischaemic conditioning with transient ischaemia and reperfusion applied to the arm has been shown to reduce myocardial infarct size in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI). We investigated whether remote ischaemic conditioning could reduce the incidence of cardiac death and hospitalisation for heart failure at 12 months. METHODS: We did an international investigator-initiated, prospective, single-blind, randomised controlled trial (CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI) at 33 centres across the UK, Denmark, Spain, and Serbia. Patients (age >18 years) with suspected STEMI and who were eligible for PPCI were randomly allocated (1:1, stratified by centre with a permuted block method) to receive standard treatment (including a sham simulated remote ischaemic conditioning intervention at UK sites only) or remote ischaemic conditioning treatment (intermittent ischaemia and reperfusion applied to the arm through four cycles of 5-min inflation and 5-min deflation of an automated cuff device) before PPCI. Investigators responsible for data collection and outcome assessment were masked to treatment allocation. The primary combined endpoint was cardiac death or hospitalisation for heart failure at 12 months in the intention-to-treat population. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02342522) and is completed. FINDINGS: Between Nov 6, 2013, and March 31, 2018, 5401 patients were randomly allocated to either the control group (n=2701) or the remote ischaemic conditioning group (n=2700). After exclusion of patients upon hospital arrival or loss to follow-up, 2569 patients in the control group and 2546 in the intervention group were included in the intention-to-treat analysis. At 12 months post-PPCI, the Kaplan-Meier-estimated frequencies of cardiac death or hospitalisation for heart failure (the primary endpoint) were 220 (8·6%) patients in the control group and 239 (9·4%) in the remote ischaemic conditioning group (hazard ratio 1·10 [95% CI 0·91-1·32], p=0·32 for intervention versus control). No important unexpected adverse events or side effects of remote ischaemic conditioning were observed. INTERPRETATION: Remote ischaemic conditioning does not improve clinical outcomes (cardiac death or hospitalisation for heart failure) at 12 months in patients with STEMI undergoing PPCI. FUNDING: British Heart Foundation, University College London Hospitals/University College London Biomedical Research Centre, Danish Innovation Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation, TrygFonden