33 research outputs found

    Pola Interaksi Guru dan Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya

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    Adanya pola interaksi guru dan siswa tidak lepas dari dunia pendidikan. Interaksi sosial merupakan hubungan antara dua atau lebih individu manusia. Dimana perilaku individu yang satu mempengaruhi, mengubah, atau memperbaiki perilaku individu yang lain. Hal itu juga pada hubungan antara guru dan murid pada waktu proses belajar mengajar.   Dalam proses belajar-mengajar ada pola interaksi sosial yang melibatkan siswa dan guru. Tujuan penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu ingin mengetahui pola interaksi guru dan siswa kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dipahami oleh subjek penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori interaksi sosial Gillin yang menjelaskan unsur-unsur  interaksi sosial yakni imitasi, identifikasi, sugesti, simpati dan empati mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap pola interaksi sosial. Penelitian ini berlokasi di SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya dengan subjek penelitian guru dan siswa. Teknik penelitian data menggunakan tekhnik observasi dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data mengunakan Trianggulasi. Hasil penilitian ini diperoleh bahwa di SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Surabaya menjalin pola interaksi sosial yang di pengaruhi oleh unsur-unsur imitasi, sugesti, identifikasi, simpati dan empati.  Kata kunci : Interaksi sosial, Belajar Mengajar dan Pendidikan. &nbsp

    Analisis Model Standar Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Dalam Aspek Sarana Prasarana Dijejang Sekolah Menengah Pertama Di Kota Semarang

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    Education until this time is very important to the community particularly in the city of Semarang. Mainly on the Infrastructure that makes the competing schools viewed from the Infrastructure of each school especially the achievements obtained by the schools. In education national standards of quality (quality) is education which is capable of reaching national and International quality standards and International education should have a high competitiveness in terms of education results (outputs and outcomes), the process and the input of the school both nationally and Internationally. Legislation of the national education system (SISDIKNAS) No. 20 of 2003 article 45 regional rules explained above the Semarang city no. 1 in 2007 About the Organization of Education in the city of Semarang a System Infrastructure, namely article 52 The purpose of this research was to evaluate the achievement of the objectives of the National Education Policy In Semarang city Infrastructure as well as to know the implementation of the policy. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach type. Data collection techniques are used namely observation, interview, study the documentation and study of the literature. The results of this research show that the implementation of a policy of SISDIKNAS in fairly well. There is still some still lack the Infrastructure of various schools particularly in jejang middle school (JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL) in the city of Semarang. Semarang city already reached national standards

    Evaluasi Program Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat (Pamsimas) di Kecamatan Tembalang

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    PAMSIMAS (Penyediaan Air Minum dan sanitasi Berbasis Masyarakat)merupakan salah satu program Pemerintah yang bertujuan menciptakanmasyarakat hidup bersih dan sehat dengan meningkatkan akses air minum dansanitasi yang berkelanjutan serta melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif melalui;sosialisasi program, pembangunan sarana air bersih berupa sumur sedalam 100m,pelaksanaan perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), pembentukan badanpengelola, pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan sarana, dan kesinambungan program.Dalam mengevaluasi program PAMSIMAS, peneliti menggunakan desainmetode campuran sejajar/bersamaan, dimana data kualitatif dan kuantitatifdikumpulkan dalam waktu yang sama untuk saling melengkapi. Melaluipenerapan Teknik Two Stage Cluster Sampling, ditemukan sampel empatkelurahan di Kecamatan Tembalang dengan jumlah partisipan 108 KK. KeempatKelurahan tersebut belum mendapatkan pelayanan air bersih dari PDAM, danhanya mengandalkan air sungai serta sumur dangkal sebagai sumber air bersihsehingga pada musim kemarau warga mengalami kekurangan air karena sumberair mulai mengering selain itu air sumur dangkal juga tidak layak konsumsi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak yang ditimbulkan olehprogram PAMSIMAS bagi masyarakat dengan analisis data menggunakankategorisasi dan proses prioritas (modus) dalam tabel distribusi frekuensikualitatif tanpa menghilangkan hasil wawancara yang penting. Diketahui bahwasetelah penerapan PAMSIMAS, masyarakat mendapatkan dampak seperti;kemudahan dalam mengakses air dengan harga Rp 1000/m3, terpenuhinyakebutuhan air bersih dimana debit air tidak dipengaruhi oleh cuaca, stop BABsembarangan sebagai bentuk pelaksanaan PHBS, serta terbangunnya partisipasimasyarakat sebagai bentuk rasa kepemilikan atas sarana yang terbangun.Melalui evaluasi yang dilakukan pada masing-masing fenomena dapatdisimpulkan bahwa program PAMSIMAS memberikan dampak positif bagimasyarakat Kecamatan Tembalang

    Hubungan Sumber Daya Dan Komunikasi Terhadap Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan Di Kecamatan Watukumpul Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Each policy have purpose to solve existing problems that exist in society. The implementation of a policy, there are several factors as a determinant of the success of policy, one factor of them is available resources. The resources have an important role because a policy can't be effective if the resources that they are not available. Another factor that may affect the implementation of a policy is communication. Good communication can support the successful implementation of policy. The purpose of this research is to know how great the correlation between resources and communication for Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) implementation. The kind of this research was a quantitative and the respondents are associated to PKH implementation in Watukumpul sub-district. The method of collecting data in this research are questionnaires. Data analysis technique that used to answer the puspose of this research is multiple correlation coefficient. Based on the results of research, known that the available resources include in good categories. Correlation test showed that the resources have positive correlation with PKH implementation. The resources and communication together have significant correlation with PKH implementation

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Tehadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Biro Tata Pemerintahan Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    In every organization anywhere in the world, man plays a very important to the development and destruction of the organization. So it can be said that man is the driving force in guiding the Organization towards the achievement of objectives. The human resources of the organization has a variety of characteristics, including the Employee performance is influenced by leadership style appropriate to the maturity level of each employee and a good motivation that will lead towards the objectives of the Organization to be achieved, For performance in getting the work becomes maximum. This research was conducted to determine the influence of leadership style and motivation to Employee Performance at The Bureau Regional Secretariat of Governance of Central Java Province. In this study using sampling techniques Proposional Random Sampling, quantitative sampling in which 42 respondents. Analysis of the data used is linear regression and multiple regression. The results showed that the employees performance of Bureau Regional Secretariat of Governance of Central Java Province well that is equal to 37,7%. From the results of 18,515 F count > F table 3,3277 the leadership style (X1) has a positive and significant impact on performance (Y), results of 15,257 F count > F table 3,3277 the motivation (X2) has a positive and significant impact on performance (Y), and The amount of the influence of leadership style (X1) and motivation (X2) simultaneously to the performance (Y) of 38,8%. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between Leadership Style and Motivation of Employee Performance

    Implementasi Program Mandiri Pangan Dalam Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Di Kota Semarang

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    One of poverty reduction program in Semarang is independent food program. This program is implemented in village where most society are poor. It began in 2010, and the village that implemented this program are Wates Village in Ngaliyan sub district and Wonolopo Village in Mijen sub district. This research used descriptive qualitative methods. Selection of informants used purposive sampling. Implementation of the program is observed through the implementation model of George C. Edward and Van Meter and Van Horn. The factors that affect the implementation of independent food program are communication, resources, dispotition, standards, and objectives. Based on the result of research, the implementation of the independent food program to reduction poverty in Semarang not going well, because there is deficiency. First, the lack of understanding Mekar 3 goats group cause the goats die. Second, the lack of human resources from Ketahanan Pangan office to control independent food program in Semarang only did by three persons. Third, lumbung pangan group not fully doing by the poor society as the program target. The suggestion that given are: (1) Need to socialize and intensive assistance to each group. (2) Increase employee for Ketahanan Pangan office. (3) Increase commitment and seriousness of Ketahanan Pangan office with food self-group. (4) training routine for the groups

    Evaluasi Mekanisme Penetapan Capaian Dalam Program Jamkesmas Di Kota Semarang

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    This research analyze is it proper achievement in the program jamkesmas in helping poor people in the city of semarang. Operation of the concepts and an indicator of success ( in executing guidance jamkesmas 2012 ) of the theory of systems ( the process of ) according to Tatang m. Amirin, because what to evaluate in limited only the process of determination of the achievement of program jamkesmas in the city of semarang. And knowing the participation of stakeholders in setting targets JAMKESNAS Program in Semara