17 research outputs found

    Long-Term Trends in the Public Perception of Artificial Intelligence

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    Analyses of text corpora over time can reveal trends in beliefs, interest, and sentiment about a topic. We focus on views expressed about artificial intelligence (AI) in the New York Times over a 30-year period. General interest, awareness, and discussion about AI has waxed and waned since the field was founded in 1956. We present a set of measures that captures levels of engagement, measures of pessimism and optimism, the prevalence of specific hopes and concerns, and topics that are linked to discussions about AI over decades. We find that discussion of AI has increased sharply since 2009, and that these discussions have been consistently more optimistic than pessimistic. However, when we examine specific concerns, we find that worries of loss of control of AI, ethical concerns for AI, and the negative impact of AI on work have grown in recent years. We also find that hopes for AI in healthcare and education have increased over time

    Identifying Dogmatism in Social Media: Signals and Models

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    Abstract We explore linguistic and behavioral features of dogmatism in social media and construct statistical models that can identify dogmatic comments. Our model is based on a corpus of Reddit posts, collected across a diverse set of conversational topics and annotated via paid crowdsourcing. We operationalize key aspects of dogmatism described by existing psychology theories (such as over-confidence), finding they have predictive power. We also find evidence for new signals of dogmatism, such as the tendency of dogmatic posts to refrain from signaling cognitive processes. When we use our predictive model to analyze millions of other Reddit posts, we find evidence that suggests dogmatism is a deeper personality trait, present for dogmatic users across many different domains, and that users who engage on dogmatic comments tend to show increases in dogmatic posts themselves

    Shirtless and Dangerous: Quantifying Linguistic Signals of Gender Bias in an Online Fiction Writing Community

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    Imagine a princess asleep in a castle, waiting for her prince to slay the dragon and rescue her. Tales like the famous Sleeping Beauty clearly divide up gender roles. But what about more modern stories, borne of a generation increasingly aware of social constructs like sexism and racism? Do these stories tend to reinforce gender stereotypes, or counter them? In this paper, we present a technique that combines natural language processing with a crowdsourced lexicon of stereotypes to capture gender biases in fiction. We apply this technique across 1.8 billion words of fiction from the Wattpad online writing community, investigating gender representation in stories, how male and female characters behave and are described, and how authors' use of gender stereotypes is associated with the community's ratings. We find that male over-representation and traditional gender stereotypes (e.g., dominant men and submissive women) are common throughout nearly every genre in our corpus. However, only some of these stereotypes, like sexual or violent men, are associated with highly rated stories. Finally, despite women often being the target of negative stereotypes, female authors are equally likely to write such stereotypes as men

    Text Mining Emergent Human Behaviors for Interactive Systems

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    The additional fee must be paid to ACM. This text field is large enough to hold the appropriate release statement assuming it is single spaced. Every submission will be assigned their own unique DOI string to be included here. Abstract People engage with thousands of situations, activities, and objects on a daily basis. Hand-coding this knowledge into interactive systems is prohibitively labor-intensive, but fiction captures a vast number of human lives in moment to moment detail. In this paper, we bootstrap a knowledge graph of human activities by text mining a large dataset of modern fiction on the web. Our knowledge graph, Augur, describes human actions over time as conditioned by nearby locations, people, and objects. Applications can use this graph to react to human behavior in a data-driven way. We demonstrate an Augur-enhanced video game world in which non-player characters follow realistic patterns of behavior, interact with their environment and each other, and respond to the user's behavior

    Designing Better Fitness Functions for Automated Program Repair

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    Evolutionary methods have been used to repair programs automatically, with promising results. However, the fitness function used to achieve these results was based on a few simple test cases and is likely too simplistic for larger programs and more complex bugs. We focus here on two aspects of fitness evaluation: efficiency and precision. Efficiency is an issue because many programs have hundreds of test cases, and it is costly to run each test on every individual in the population. Moreover, the precision of fitness functions based on test cases is limited by the fact that a program either passes a test case, or does not, which leads to a fitness function that can take on only a few distinct values. This paper investigates two approaches to enhancing fitness functions for program repair, incorporating (1) test suite selection to improve efficiency and (2) formal specifications to improve precision. We evaluate test suite selection on 10 programs, improving running time for automated repair by 81%. We evaluate program invariants using the Fitness Distance Correlation (FDC) metric, demonstrating significant improvements and smoother evolution of repairs