32 research outputs found

    Analisis Terhadap Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat Asma Inhalasi

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    Poor patient compliance with asthma inhaled medication is known to cause morbidity and mortality. It also can cause loss in medical and economic factor. Some factors, such as knowledge, attitude and perception, may be related to compliance to usage of inhaled asthma medication. In a cross sectional study, 93 patients with asthma, aged above 15 years, requiring treatment with regular inhaled corticosteroids were recruited from Dr.Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya. They underwent a questioner which focused on patient knowledge, attitude, perception and adherence. Patient were given Inflammide metered dose inhaler (MDI) to use two spray twice daily. Fourty three patients enrolled to the study. Thirty eight patients showed compliance in using Inflammide MDI. But twenty three took less or even more than the prescribed dose and were defined as noncompliant. Using logistic regression analysis, perception was influencing patient compliance in inhaled asthma medication. The study indicates that noncompliance is associated with knowledge of the patient. Further investigation to improve compliance is suggested


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    Health development is executed with priority given to health promotion and disease prevention efforts beside the curative and health recovery efforts. The expected social behavior of "Healthy Indonesia 2010" is the proactive one to maintain and promote health, prevent risks for diseases, protect one from disease threats and active participate in healthy society movement. Maintaining and improving qualified, equal and accessible health services contain the meaning that one of the responsibilities of the health sector is to assure the availability of qualified, equal and accessible health services to the society. The implementation of health services is not merely in the hands of the government, but it also involves maximally the active participation of all members of the society and so pharmacist itself. The objective of this study examined factors that affect pharmacist's performance on health promotion and education services in community pharmacy. A cross-sectional study design utilizing questionnaires measuring previously validated constructs was used to examine the effect of factors on pharmacist's performance in community pharmacy in Surabaya. The 80 pharmacist's manager had participated to fulfill the questionnaires in this study. Overall, 72.5% of respondents reported that they likely had low performance in health promotion and education services. Statistically, leadership factor partially have a significant influence toward pharmacist's performance (p<0.05). And simultaneously the examined factors have a significant influence toward pharmacist's performance (p<0.05). The performance of pharmacist professional activities in health promotion and education services was very low. It means the pharmacists' role in health promotion and education to community seems abandoned. And It was influenced by leadership factor dominantly. Therefore providing advice on disease prevention, healthy lifestyle, nutrition and diet are emerging role for pharmacist. So, pharmacist as "long life learner" needs continuing education programs in order to advance their pharmaceutical care practices especially in community pharmacy


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    Klastering Emosi Berdasarkan Gelombang Otak Sinyal EEG Menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

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    Berdasarkan ilmu psikologi, emosi berpengaruh besar terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas dari aktivitas individu. Keadaan emosi individu dapat dilihat secara nyata melalui ekpresi wajah maupun nada bicara. Selain melalui fitur wajah maupun fitur suara, identifikasi emosi juga bisa dilakukan melalui gelombang otak. Pada tugas akhir ini penulis menggunakan sinyal electroencephalogram sebagai input untuk melakukan klastering emosi. Sinyal electroencephalogram ini dipilih karena dapat merekam emosi sebenarnya dari individu. Dengan menggunakan pengukuran statistik pada domain waktu sinyal, fitur-fitur yang terdapat dalam sinyal EEG dijadikan acuan untuk melakukan klastering emosi. Fitur didapatkan dari delapan channel yaitu channel F8, T7, CP1, CP2, P7, FC2, F4 dan AF3. Emosi yang diolah dan dianalisis yaitu senang, sedih, puas, terkejut, terlindung, tidak peduli, marah dan takut berdasakan parameter valence, arousal dan dominance. Klastering sinyal dilakukan dengan menggunakan Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. Banyaknya cluster menunjukkan banyaknya emosi yang akan dikenali. Penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai output berupa sistem yang dapat mengelompokkan emosi. Nilai akurasi tertinggi didapatkan pada kondisi C=2 pada kombinasi channel F8, T7, CP1, CP2, P7, FC2 dan F4 dengan nilai akurasi rand index 60.31%. ================================================================================================== In psychology, emotions greatly a_ect the quality and quantity of individual activities. The emotional state of an individu can be seen through the real expression of the face and tone of speech. Other than using facial features as well as voice features, emotional recognition can also be done based on brain wave signal. In this final project author use electroencephalogram signal as input to do cluster some of human emotion. This electroencephalogram signal is chosen because it can record the actual emotions of the individu. Using statistical measurements in time domain signal, the features contained in EEG signals were used to cluster emotions. Features obtained from eight channels which are F8, T7, CP1, CP2, P7, FC2, F4 and AF3. Emotions that were processed and analyzed are happy, sad, satisfied, surprised, protected, unconcerned, angry and frightened based on parameters valence, arousal and dominance. The signal clustering was performed using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. The number of clusters shows the number of emotions to be recognized. This research produces an output value of a system that can clustering emotions. The highest accuracy is obtained when C=2 in combination of channel F8, T7, CP1, CP2, P7, FC2 and F4 with 60.31% of rand index accuration valu

    Hubungan Presepsi Terhadap Iklan di Televisi dengan Perilaku Swamedikasi Pelajar SMU Negeri di Surabaya

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    The practice of self medication is the most common form of health seeking behavior in the community. Most of them got information about over the counter drugs for self medication from drugs advertising on television. The aim of this study was to measure the correlation between drug advertising and self medication behavior and to obtain description of proper self medication behavior in the community. Data were collected by questionaires from 254 respondents. It was conducted in 2004. The sampling method used was stratified random sampling. Respondents were high school students in Surabaya who ever had headache, taking medicine by they own decision, and getting information by the drug advertising on television. The Dependent variable of this study is the perception of respondents to the drug advertising on television and the Independent variable is self medication behavior. These two variables were correlated with Product Moment coefficients. This study found that drug advertising on television had influences the self medication behavior among teenagers while description of proper self medication as follows: a) 57,9% of respondents practiced proper self medication. b) the indicator of self medication behavior that influenced by advertising was the compliance of respondents to follow the direction of used of the drugs

    Analisa Teknis Dan Ekonomis Sambungan Dengan Metode Rivet Dan Spot Welding Pada Baja SS41

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    Tugas akhir ini mcncliti segi teknis dan ekonomis sambungan • dengan mctode rivet dan spot welding akibat beban fatik. Serangkaian percobaan dilakukan untuk menganalisa dan membandingkan mctoJe sambungan tcrscbut. Spesimen yang digunakan mengikuti standard ASTM E-466 dengan mode tension-to-tension loading. Perhitungan ekonomis dida sarkan pada besarnya jumlah biaya dan waktu produksi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa untuk diameter sambungan yang sama pada kcdua rnctode tersebut yaitu 8 mm, sambungan dengan metode rivet mempunyai kekuatan fatik 34% lebih tinggi dibandingkan sambungan spot \\Clding. Hal ini disebabkan tingginya faktor konsentrasi tegangan sambungan spot welding schingga 111enurunkan kekuatan fatik. Sambungan spot welding Jengan diameter penembusan rata-rata 3 111111 me111punyai kekuatan fatik tertinggi Jibandingkan dengan metode sambungan yang lain, dimana pemberian tegangan sebesar 57.58 N/mm2 hingga 125,009 cycle beluni menyebabkan spesimen patah. Berdasarkan waktu dan biaya produksi, sa111bungan spot welding lebih cepat 96% dan 56.5% lebih murah dibandingkan dengan metode rivet. .

    Pengaruh Proyek Kelistrikan 10.000 MW Pada Biaya Listrik Lokal Di Sistem Jawa Bali 500 KV

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    Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan listrik, pemerintah meluncurkan program proyek kelistrikan 10.000 MW. Dengan adanya penambahan unit pembangkit baru khususnya di sistem Jawa Bali 500 kV akan berpengaruh terhadap biaya listrik lokal pada setiap bus. Oleh karena itu, Optimal Power Flow(OPF) dilakukan untuk meminimalkan konsumsi bahan bakar dari pembangkit pada keseluruhan sistem dengan melihat batasan daya output setiap unit pembangkit serta pembagian pembebanan secara ekonomis. Pada tugas akhir ini, biaya pembangkitan dihitung menggunakan optimal power flow. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan menggunakan program Matpower 4.0. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil simulasi bahwa sesudah proyek kelistrikan 10.000 MW beroperasi biaya listrik lokal pada setiap bus lebih murah dibandingkan biaya listrik sebelum proyek kelistrikan beroperasi. Biaya listrik dari bus satu ke bus yang lain berbeda tergantung dari lokasi pembangkit dan jaringan transmisi yang ada pada sebuah sistem. Berdasarkan wilayah(propinsi) biaya listrik di propinsi Jawa Timur lebih murah dibandingkan propinsi lainnya


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    At this time the sweet orange peel still not get the handling significantly. Because sweet orange peels are generally ignored and thrown away in the trash. But peel containing cellulose can be used as raw material for the manufacture of bioethanol alternative. Bioethanol is ethanol made from organic materials. Sweet orange peel is used as an alternative feedstock to manufacture ethanol using hydrolysis, fermentation and distillation. In the process of hydrolysis given variable 100,150,200 gram heavy orange peel. Hydrolysis using HCl acid solution is best obtained sugar levels by 1.458% to as much as 200 grams of orange peel. Solvent of fermentable sugar from hydrolysis with variable length 3,5,7 fermentation time, days. Is derived from the fermentation process of the highest levels of ethanol is equal to 0.195% on the fifth day with a weight of 200 grams orange peel. After that ethanol is destilled at a temperature of 70°C for 1 hour and ethanol obtained with the highest levels of 0.054% using fermentation of an alcoholic solvent of 0.195%. Keywords : orange peel, ethanol, hydrolysis, fermentation, destillatio

    Pemerolehan Mufrodat sebagai Bahasa Kedua pada Mahasiswa Suku Dayak Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia UPR

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    Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab khususnya di wilayah Kalimantan Tengah sangat jauh berbeda dari pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di wilayah pulau Jawa, hal ini dikarenakan baground etnis masyrakat Kalimantan mayoritas bersuku Dayak, serta hanya sedikit yang mempelajari Bahasa Arab sebagai pembelajaran Bahasa asing. Pada penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemerolehan mufrodat Bahasa Arab sebagai Bahasa kedua pada mahasiswa suku Dayak di prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan sastra Indonesia UPR. Dan pada penulisan artikel ini mengungkapkan perspektif siswa terkait pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Metode penelitian pada penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi dan wawancara, kemudian Teknik analisis datanya, menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, yaitu mereduksi data, menyajikan data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dan digunakan sebagai upaya menyempurnakan efektivitas dari pemerolehan serta pembelajaran bahasa Arab khususnya untuk tingkat mubtad