570 research outputs found

    The Importance Of Foreign Direct Investments On Economic Development In Transitional Countries: A Case Study Of Kosovo

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    The role of investment, in particularly foreign direct investment (FDI), is regarded as one of the most important contributors of economic growth. The past quarter century has witnessed remarkable growth in FDIs flow all over the world. This is due to the fact that many countries, especially developing countries, see FDI as an important element in their overall strategy for economic development. This paper provides a review of the economic impact of FDI, with specific focus on developing countries particularly Kosovo and ex-Yugoslavian countries in the Balkan Peninsula. FDIs contribute to the economic development of host country in two main ways. They include the augmentation of domestic capital and the enhancement of efficiency through the transfer of new technology, marketing and managerial skills, innovation, and best practices. Secondly, FDI has both benefits and costs, and its impact is determined by the country’s specific conditions in general and the policy environment in particular. This is in terms of the ability to diversify, the level of absorption capacity, targeting of FDI, and the various opportunities for linkages between FDI and domestic investment. The paper aims to clarify the main causes of failure of foreign direct investments in Kosovo and reviles the importance of indicators that majorly has an institutional nature. Neither the amount nor the effects of foreign direct investment were satisfactory. Therefore, the paper reviles that in this aspect, a wide range of actions needs to be made, which is specifically related to government institutions and the business community

    Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of Biodiesel Produced From Some Vegetable Oils of Nigeria Origin

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    The non-edible vegetable oils of Jatropha curcas, neem, castor, rubber and edible oils of soyabean and cotton were investigated for their use as biodiesel feedstock. The analysis of different oil properties, fuel properties of non-edible and edible vegetable oils were investigated in detail. A two-step and transesterification process was used to produce biodiesel from high free fatty acid (FFA) non-edible oils and edible vegetable oils respectively. This process gives yields of 96.1 – 98.5 % of biodiesel using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst. The fuel properties of biodiesel produced were compared with diesel. The properties of the oils analysed showed that biodiesel from non-edible and edible vegetable oil are comparable with ASTM biodiesel standards and is quiet suitable as an alternative to diesel. Keywords: Biodiesel, Edible oil, Non Edible oil, Transesterification

    Pengaruh Business Intelligence Terhadap Dunia Bisnis

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    Ketatnya persaingan dalam dunia bisnis memberikan pengaruh terhadap para pelaku bisnis untuk selalu memperbaharui strategi pemasaran dan penjualannya. Khususnya pada saat sekarang, dimana bisnis dapat dilakukan secara offline dan online. Dan untuk bisnis online, yang sekarang semua pelaku bisnis baik yang sudah lama berkecimpung ataupun yang baru harus selalu memiliki strategi pemasaran dan penjualan terbaru. Berkaitan dengan strategi pemasaran dan penjualan, business intelligence dapat membantu pelaku bisnis online yang termasuk di dalamnya yaitu Perusahaan, untuk memperoleh pengetahuan yang jelas tentang faktor – faktor apa sajakah yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja Perusahaan. Dan setelah mengetahui faktor – faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja, maka hal tersebut dapat membantu Perusahaan dalam mengambil  keputusan dan meningkatkan kekuatan dari usaha yang dikelola. Aplikasi yang ada pada business intelligence dapat dipakai untuk menganalisis konsumen, produk, dan delivery channel yang dipakai. Dengan adanya business intelligence, maka Perusahaan dapat mengelola kemudianmengolah data menjadi informasi sehingga tidak terpaku pada angka – angka saja.Memahami,meningkatkan kinerja, penganggaran biaya yang lebih efisien, dan mengidentifikasipeluang bisnis baru merupakan manfaat yang diperoleh ketika Perusahaan menerapkan businessintelligence. Penjualan suatu produk tidak hanya ditentukan oleh harga dan kualitas produk saja,karena ada beberapa faktor lain yang ikut mempengaruhinya diantaranya adalah karakteristikpembeli, faktor geografi, dan masih ada faktor lainnya. Karena faktor – faktor tersebut peran daribusiness intelligence sangat diperlukan. Dimana pelaku bisnis ataupun Perusahaan memerlukanalat bantu yang salah satunya adalah business intelligence untuk mengolah data untuk menjadiinformasi dari produk yang dijual sehingga nantinya akan dihasilkan keputusan yang akan diambiloleh pelaku bisnis atau Perusahaan tersebut. Kata Kunci: bisnis, online, Perusahaan, business intellig

    [Primena Voronoi-Delone triangulacija i Katalanovih objekata u zaštiti podataka]: doktorske disertacije

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    This doctoral dissertation is in the field of computer geometry in combination with data protection methods, with an emphasis on the implementation of applications using object-oriented programming techniques. New methods for data protection using Voronoi - Delaunay triangulation were presented. The first method is based on 3D plane encryption in GIS. The second method is based on the authentication of users (clients) of banks, by encrypting the image using the incremental algorithm Voronoi - Delone triangulation and Catalan objects. The third method is the method of steganography, which is based on a combination of Catalan objects and Voronoi - Delone triangulation. The fourth method refers to the proposal of application of one algorithm of computer geometry in the procedure of generating Cryptographic keys from one segment of 3D image

    Especificidade nacional-cultural da semântica de unidades fraseológicas, relativas ao campo semântico "ociosidade" nas línguas inglesa e russa

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    National-cultural specificity of semantics of phraseological units (PU), characterizing the labor activity, in the English and Russian languages, has its special and actual significance in perceiving the depths of national consciousness. This research is devoted to the identification and comparative description of the semantic field of the PU type being investigated and the image-motivational aspects of the PU meaning. The universal and unique traits in the semantics of the PU of both languages are studied, the cultural connotation is defined and described through the cultural interpretation mechanism of all the content components of the studied PU.Cultural connotation, being an interpretation of the components of the PU meaning in the categories of culture, is layered into the connotation as a linguistic concept. Each component of the PU connotation is able to provide additional information of a national cultural character. First of all, such components of the connotation are the emotive and evaluative macrocomponents of the PU semantics.La especificidad nacional-cultural de la semántica de unidades fraseológicas (PU), que caracteriza la actividad laboral, en los idiomas inglés y ruso, tiene su significado especial y real para percibir las profundidades de la conciencia nacional. Esta investigación está dedicada a la identificación y descripción comparativa del campo semántico del tipo de PU que se está investigando y los aspectos de imagen-motivación del significado de la PU. Se estudian los rasgos universales y únicos en la semántica de la PU de ambas lenguas, la connotación cultural se define y describe a través del mecanismo de interpretación cultural de todos los componentes de contenido de la PU estudiada.La connotación cultural, al ser una interpretación de los componentes del significado de la PU en las categorías de la cultura, se superpone a la connotación como un concepto lingüístico. Cada componente de la connotación PU puede proporcionar información adicional de un personaje cultural nacional. En primer lugar, tales componentes de la connotación son los macrocomponentes emotivos y evaluativos de la semántica de la PU.Especificidade nacional-cultural de semântica de unidades fraseológicos (PU), o que caracteriza o local de trabalho, em Inglês e Russo, tem seu especial real e perceber as profundezas da consciência nacional significado. Esta pesquisa dedica-se à identificação e descrição comparativa do campo semântico do tipo de UP que está sendo investigado e dos aspectos de motivação da imagem do significado de UP. As características únicas e universais na semântica da UP de ambas as línguas são estudadas, a conotação cultural é definida e descrita através do mecanismo de interpretação cultural de todos os componentes do conteúdo da UP estudada.A conotação cultural, sendo uma interpretação dos componentes do significado de UP nas categorias de cultura, é sobreposta à conotação como conceito linguístico. Cada componente da conotação PU pode fornecer informações adicionais de caráter cultural nacional. Em primeiro lugar, tais componentes da conotação são os macrocomponentes emotivos e avaliativos da semântica da PU

    Bi-Demographic and Current Account Dynamics using SVAR Model: Evidence from Saudi Arabia

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    The study explores the impacts of the bi-demographic structure on the current account and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Using structural vector autoregressive modeling (SVAR), we track the dynamic impacts on these underlying variables. New insights about the dynamic interrelation between bi-population age dependency rate, current account, and GDP growth have been developed. In the short and medium-term, the reactions of GDP growth to both shocks of native and immigrant working-age populations move unsteadily in opposite directions. However, in the long-run, both effects become moderately positive. Additionally, the positive long-run contribution of immigrant workers to the current account growth largely compensates for the negative contribution of the native population. We find a negative hump-shaped reaction of Saudi Age Dependency Rate to immigration policy shocks during a generation. When the shocks emanate from immigrants’ working age, there is a complex mechanism from the complementarity process to the substitutability process between immigrants and the Saudi workforce. In the short and medium-term, the immigrant workers are more complements than substitutes for native workers

    Sukuk and bond spreads

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    Sukuk are considered as an alternative instrument in Islamic finance. However, the structures and provisions make sukuk dissimilar to bonds. Literature is having difficulty in the comparison between the performance/integration of the sukuk and bonds issued at the same time. To fill the existing literature gap on sukuk risk, we focus on the yield spread by comparing the sukuk yield to bond yield through their main determinants by using the data of financial and non-financial firms at weekly level. We use 123 firms that issued both sukuk and bond at the same period for years between 2013 and 2018. We employ sukuk and bonds data that are issued by same company and issued at the same period and market. Accordingly, we are able to minimize factors that raised from sukuk and bonds structure differences. Using the panel generalized least squares estimations, we find that global factors, such as US government yield bonds make significant impact on the sukuk-bond differences. In particular, the negative returns create more significant differences. However, on the other hand, the global shocks in sukuk markets, proxied by DJ sukuk index, are highly limited. By using the quantile analysis, we find that the effects of higher or lower bond spreads do not change

    2-All­yloxy-5-nitro­benzoic acid

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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C10H9NO5, is approximately planar, with the mean planes of the nitro, carboxyl and all­yloxy groups rotated by 8.1 (3), 7.9 (3) and 4.52 (18)°, respectively, from the plane of the benzene ring. Bond lengths in the aromatic ring are influenced by both electronic effects and strain induced by ortho-substitution. In the crystal structure, centrosymmetrically related mol­ecules are paired into dimers through strong O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    An Analysis of Returns and Volatility Spillovers and their Determinants in Emerging Asian and Middle Eastern Countries

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    This study investigates the return spillovers and volatility spillovers from developed markets (e.g., Europe, Japan and the US) into the financial markets of selected emerging countries in Asia and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Based on constant and trend spillover models, we find evidence of significant spillover effects from developed markets to emerging markets. The results from variance ratios indicate the dominance of US shocks across all emerging markets, though the effect varies widely among countries. New to these literature, we conduct an empirical analysis quantifying the underlying determinants affecting the extent of shock spillovers. The results show that bilateral factors such as trade volume, portfolio investment and distance are significant in explaining the spillover effects

    An Analysis of Returns and Volatility Spillovers and their Determinants in Emerging Asian and Middle Eastern Countries

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    This study investigates the return spillovers and volatility spillovers from developed markets (e.g., Europe, Japan and the US) into the financial markets of selected emerging countries in Asia and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Based on constant and trend spillover models, we find evidence of significant spillover effects from developed markets to emerging markets. The results from variance ratios indicate the dominance of US shocks across all emerging markets, though the effect varies widely among countries. New to these literature, we conduct an empirical analysis quantifying the underlying determinants affecting the extent of shock spillovers. The results show that bilateral factors such as trade volume, portfolio investment and distance are significant in explaining the spillover effects