7,529 research outputs found

    Observations of stratospheric aerosols associated with the El Chichon eruption

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    Lidar observations of aerosols were carried out at Aberystwyth between Nov. 1982 and Dec. 1985 using a frequency doubled and frequency tripled Nd/Yag laser and a receiver incorporating a 1 m diameter in a Newtonian telescope configuration. In analyses of the experimental data attention is paid to the magnitude of the coefficient relating extinction and backscatter, the choice being related to the possible presence of aerosols in the upper troposphere and the atmospheric densities employed in the normalisation procedure. The aerosol loading showed marked day to day changes in early months and an overall decay was apparent only after April 1983, this decay being consistent with an e sup -1 time of about 7 months. The general decay was accompanied by a lowering of the layer but layers of aerosols were shown intermittently at heights above the main layer in winter months. The height variations of photon counts corrected for range, or of aerosol backscatter ratio, showed clear signatures of the tropopause. A strong correlation was found between the heights of the tropopause identified from the lidar measurements and from radiosonde-borne temperature measurements. A notable feature of the observations is the appearance of very sharp height gradients of backscatter ratio which seem to be produced by differential advection

    PyFR: An Open Source Framework for Solving Advection-Diffusion Type Problems on Streaming Architectures using the Flux Reconstruction Approach

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    High-order numerical methods for unstructured grids combine the superior accuracy of high-order spectral or finite difference methods with the geometric flexibility of low-order finite volume or finite element schemes. The Flux Reconstruction (FR) approach unifies various high-order schemes for unstructured grids within a single framework. Additionally, the FR approach exhibits a significant degree of element locality, and is thus able to run efficiently on modern streaming architectures, such as Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The aforementioned properties of FR mean it offers a promising route to performing affordable, and hence industrially relevant, scale-resolving simulations of hitherto intractable unsteady flows within the vicinity of real-world engineering geometries. In this paper we present PyFR, an open-source Python based framework for solving advection-diffusion type problems on streaming architectures using the FR approach. The framework is designed to solve a range of governing systems on mixed unstructured grids containing various element types. It is also designed to target a range of hardware platforms via use of an in-built domain specific language based on the Mako templating engine. The current release of PyFR is able to solve the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations on grids of quadrilateral and triangular elements in two dimensions, and hexahedral elements in three dimensions, targeting clusters of CPUs, and NVIDIA GPUs. Results are presented for various benchmark flow problems, single-node performance is discussed, and scalability of the code is demonstrated on up to 104 NVIDIA M2090 GPUs. The software is freely available under a 3-Clause New Style BSD license (see www.pyfr.org)

    Anti-CTLA-4 (CD 152) monoclonal antibody-induced autoimmune interstitial nephritis

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    Targeted immune-modulating agents are entering clinical practice in many specialties, providing novel therapeutic possibilities but introducing new potential toxicities. We present the first reported case, to our knowledge, of immune-mediated nephritis following the administration of Tremelimumab (CP-675, 206), an anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) monoclonal antibody. High-dose steroid therapy led to a rapid improvement in renal function, avoiding the need for renal replacement therapy.Peer reviewe

    Separated Fringe Packet Observations with the CHARA Array III. The Very High Eccentricity Binary HR 7345

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    After an eleven year observing campaign, we present the combined visual{spectroscopic orbit of the formerly unremarkable bright star HR 7345 (HD 181655, HIP 94981, GJ 754.2). Using the Separated Fringe Packet (SFP) method with the CHARA Array, we were able to determine a difficult to complete orbital period of 331.609 +/- 0.004 days. The 11 month period causes the system to be hidden from interferometric view behind the Sun for 3 years at a time. Due to the high eccentricity orbit of about 90% of a year, after 2018 January the periastron phase will not be observable again until late 2021. Hindered by its extremely high eccentricity of 0.9322 +/- 0.0001, the double-lined spectroscopic phase of HR 7345 is observable for 15 days. Such a high eccentricity for HR 7345 places it among the most eccentric systems in catalogs of both visual and spectroscopic orbits. For this system we determine nearly identical component masses of 0.941 +/- 0.076 Msun and 0.926 +/- 0.075 Msun as well as an orbital parallax of 41.08 +/- 0.77 mas.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    Childhood predictors of successful self-reported delinquents

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    The main aim of this research is to investigate the childhood predictors of successful self-reported delinquents, defined as those who were not convicted. In the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development (CSDD), 411 London males have been followed up from age 8 to age 61. Self-reported offending was measured for the whole sample for ages 10–14, 15–18, 27–32, and 42–47, for five crimes: burglary, theft of a vehicle, theft from a vehicle, shoplifting, and vandalism. The prevalence of self-reported offending was 64% at ages 10–18 and 11% at ages 27–47, compared with the prevalence of convictions of 23% and 8% respectively. Successful self-reported delinquents were defined as those who offended between ages 10 and 18 but were not convicted up to age 26; 126 successful delinquents were compared with 120 convicted delinquents. Sixteen childhood factors, including attainment, self-control, socioeconomic, parental, family and behavioural factors, predicted successful self-reported delinquents. The most important independent predictors were committing less serious and fewer offences as well as high school attainment, unconvicted parents, low risk-taking, and unseparated families

    Hemangioendotelioma epitelioide solitario de hueso: Aportación de dos nuevos casos

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    El hemangioendotelioma epitelioide, caracterizado por células endoteilales epitelioides o "histiocitoides", en su variantes ósea solitaria, es una neoplasia de difícil diagnóstico, pronóstico incierto y evolución impredecible. De etiología poco clara e infrecuente en su localización ósea, sigue un curso clínico muy variable. La multicentricidad y la multifocalidad son dos características fundamentales de esta neoplasia, con predilección por las extremidades inferiores por ello, las lesiones solitarias pueden ser difíciles de diagnosticar confundiéndose con carcinomas metastáticos y otras entidades. Su tratamiento no está claramente establecido y su potencial de agresividad es impredecible, hasta tal punto que la cirugía ablativo puede ser más frecuente de lo hsta ahora publicado. Su diagnóstico y tratamiento deben ser exhaustivos ya que se han descrito comportamientos agresivos en tumores de bajo grado de malignidad con evoluciones insidiosas que terminan en recidivas tumorales. Los tres pilares en que se debe basar el tratamiento son: la resección en bloque, cobertura completa del defecto óseo y radioterapia postoperativa.Solitary epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of bone, characterized by epitheliolid or "histiocytoid" endotelial cells has a difficult diagnosis, confusing or unknown prognosis and unpredictable outcome. Infrequently recognized in bone, its etiology is not clear with a very variable clinical course. Multicentricity andmultifocality are two characteristics of this tumour, with a predilection for lower extremity bones. Therefore solitary lesions may be difficult to diagnose being confused with metastatic carcinomas and other entities. Its treatment is not well established. Their aggressive potential is unpredictable, to such a point that ablative surgery may be more frequent than previous reports have shown. Its diagnosis and treatment must be exhaustive as aggressive behaviour with insidious evolutions ending as relapses have been described the three pillar on which we will base its treatment are: in-block resection, complete coverage of the residual bone lesion and postoperative radiotherapy

    So you want to get published? It’s all about theory, context and data

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    This paper offers guidance on writing for publication in peer-reviewed business and management journals. The approach outlined and illustrated within is the amalgamated result of many years of experience in academic writing, editing, and getting published. The paper is primarily aimed at doctoral students, tutors, and early career researchers, who will have plenty to gain from publication, but may be lacking in the relevant experience of submission and resubmission. The authors assert the importance of creating dedicated planning documents, subject to continual revision, with particular emphasis placed on articulating and addressing gaps in theory, method, context, and management practice.Keywords: Theory, context, data, publishing, ga
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