404 research outputs found

    Assisted extraction of the energy level spacings and lever arms in direct current bias measurements of one-dimensional quantum wires, using an image recognition routine

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    A multiplexer technique is used to individually measure an array of 256 split gates on a single GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure. This results in the generation of large volumes of data, which requires the development of automated data analysis routines. An algorithm is developed to find the spacing between discrete energy levels, which form due to transverse confinement from the split gate. The lever arm, which relates split gate voltage to energy, is also found from the measured data. This reduces the time spent on the analysis. Comparison with estimates obtained visually show that the algorithm returns reliable results for subband spacing of split gates measured at 1:4 K. The routine is also used to assess DC bias spectroscopy measurements at lower temperatures (50 mK). This technique is versatile and can be extended to other types of measurements. For example, it is used to extract the magnetic field at which Zeeman-split 1D subbands cross one another.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant No. EP/IO14268/1.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/117/1/10.1063/1.4905484

    Multiplexed charge-locking device for large arrays of quantum devices

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    We present a method of forming and controlling large arrays of gate-defined quantum devices. The method uses an on-chip, multiplexed charge-locking system and helps to overcome the restraints imposed by the number of wires available in cryostat measurement systems. The device architecture that we describe here utilises a multiplexer-type scheme to lock charge onto gate electrodes. The design allows access to and control of gates whose total number exceeds that of the available electrical contacts and enables the formation, modulation and measurement of large arrays of quantum devices. We fabricate such devices on n-type GaAs/AlGaAs substrates and investigate the stability of the charge locked on to the gates. Proof-of-concept is shown by measurement of the Coulomb blockade peaks of a single quantum dot formed by a floating gate in the device. The floating gate is seen to drift by approximately one Coulomb oscillation per hour.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Grant No. EP/K004077/1.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AIP via http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.493201

    Effect of Split Gate Size on the Electrostatic Potential and 0.7 Anomaly within Quantum Wires on a Modulation-Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

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    © 2016 American Physical Society. © 2016 American Physical Society.We study 95 split gates of different size on a single chip using a multiplexing technique. Each split gate defines a one-dimensional channel on a modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, through which the conductance is quantized. The yield of devices showing good quantization decreases rapidly as the length of the split gates increases. However, for the subset of devices showing good quantization, there is no correlation between the electrostatic length of the one-dimensional channel (estimated using a saddle-point model) and the gate length. The variation in electrostatic length and the one-dimensional subband spacing for devices of the same gate length exceeds the variation in the average values between devices of different lengths. There is a clear correlation between the curvature of the potential barrier in the transport direction and the strength of the "0.7 anomaly": the conductance value of the 0.7 anomaly reduces as the barrier curvature becomes shallower. These results highlight the key role of the electrostatic environment in one-dimensional systems. Even in devices with clean conductance plateaus, random fluctuations in the background potential are crucial in determining the potential landscape in the active device area such that nominally identical gate structures have different characteristics

    The Dawning Era of Personalized Medicine Exposes a Gap in Medical Education

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    Medical student Keyan Salari argues that it is crucial that medical students be trained to use and interpret patients' genetic information appropriately and responsibly

    Targeted prevention of common mental health disorders in university students: randomised controlled trial of a transdiagnostic trait-focused web-based intervention

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    Background: A large proportion of university students show symptoms of common mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorders and eating disorders. Novel interventions are required that target underlying factors of multiple disorders.<p></p> Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of a transdiagnostic trait-focused web-based intervention aimed at reducing symptoms of common mental disorders in university students.<p></p> Method: Students were recruited online (n = 1047, age: M = 21.8, SD = 4.2) and categorised into being at high or low risk for mental disorders based on their personality traits. Participants were allocated to a cognitive-behavioural trait-focused (n = 519) or a control intervention (n = 528) using computerised simple randomisation. Both interventions were fully automated and delivered online (trial registration: ISRCTN14342225). Participants were blinded and outcomes were self-assessed at baseline, at 6 weeks and at 12 weeks after registration. Primary outcomes were current depression and anxiety, assessed on the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9) and Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD7). Secondary outcome measures focused on alcohol use, disordered eating, and other outcomes.<p></p> Results: Students at high risk were successfully identified using personality indicators and reported poorer mental health. A total of 520 students completed the 6-week follow-up and 401 students completed the 12-week follow-up. Attrition was high across intervention groups, but comparable to other web-based interventions. Mixed effects analyses revealed that at 12-week follow up the trait-focused intervention reduced depression scores by 3.58 (p<.001, 95%CI [5.19, 1.98]) and anxiety scores by 2.87 (p = .018, 95%CI [1.31, 4.43]) in students at high risk. In high-risk students, between group effect sizes were 0.58 (depression) and 0.42 (anxiety). In addition, self-esteem was improved. No changes were observed regarding the use of alcohol or disordered eating.<p></p> Conclusions This study suggests that a transdiagnostic web-based intervention for university students targeting underlying personality risk factors may be a promising way of preventing common mental disorders with a low-intensity intervention

    Copy number variation in Parkinson's disease

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    A central theme of human genetic studies is to understand genomic variation and how this underlies the inherited basis of disease. Genomic variation can provide increased biological understanding of disease processes, which is necessary to develop future treatments. Recent technological advances have highlighted the role of copy number variants in normal and pathological phenotypic expression. These applications have been used in studies of Parkinson's disease, a common, late-onset, progressive neurodegenerative disorder. At present the main therapeutic approach is administration of symptom-alleviating drugs, which neither reverses the disease process nor halts its progression. However, the generation of in vivo model systems and development of novel disease intervention strategies for Parkinson's disease have come from research on monogenic forms of the disorder, including those caused by copy number variants. Here, we review the role of copy number variants and the mechanistic insights they have provided on the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease

    Hyperphosphorylation as a Defense Mechanism to Reduce TDP-43 Aggregation

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    Several neurodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration with ubiquitinated inclusions (FTLD-U) are characterized by inclusion bodies formed by TDP-43 (TDP). We established cell and transgenic Drosophila models expressing TDP carboxyl terminal fragment (ND251 and ND207), which developed aggregates recapitulating important features of TDP inclusions in ALS/FTLD-U, including hyperphosphorylation at previously reported serine403,404,409,410 residues, polyubiquitination and colocalization with optineurin. These models were used to address the pathogenic role of hyperphosphorylation in ALS/FTLD-U. We demonstrated that hyperphosphorylation and ubiquitination occurred temporally later than aggregation in cells. Expression of CK2α which phosphorylated TDP decreased the aggregation propensity of ND251 or ND207; this effect could be blocked by CK2 inhibitor DMAT. Mutation of serines379,403,404,409,410 to alanines (S5A) to eliminate phosphorylation increased the aggregation propensity and number of aggregates of TDP, but mutation to aspartic acids (S5D) or glutamic acids (S5E) to simulate hyperphosphorylation had the opposite effect. Functionally, ND251 or ND207 aggregates decreased the number of neurites of Neuro2a cells induced by retinoic acid or number of cells by MTT assay. S5A mutation aggravated, but S5E mutation alleviated these cytotoxic effects of aggregates. Finally, ND251 or ND251S5A developed aggregates in neurons, and salivary gland of transgenic Drosophila, but ND251S5E did not. Taken together, our data indicate that hyperphosphorylation may represent a compensatory defense mechanism to stop or prevent pathogenic TDP from aggregation. Therefore, enhancement of phosphorylation may serve as an effective therapeutic strategy against ALS/FTLD-U

    The LRRK2 Arg1628Pro variant is a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in the Chinese population

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    The c.G4883C variant in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene (protein effect: Arg1628Pro) has been recently proposed as a second risk factor for sporadic Parkinson's disease in the Han Chinese population (after the Gly2385Arg variant). In this paper, we analyze the Arg1628Pro variant and the associated haplotype in a large sample of 1,337 Han subjects (834 patients and 543 controls) ascertained from a single referral center in Taiwan. In our sample, the Arg1628Pro allele was more frequent among patients (3.8%) than among controls (1.8%; p = 0.004, OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.29-3.52). Sixty heterozygous and two homozygous carriers of the Arg1628Pro variant were identified among the patients, of which only one was also a carrier of the LRRK2 Gly2385Arg variant. We also show that carriers of the Arg1628Pro variant share a common, extended haplotype, suggesting a founder effect. Parkinson's disease onset age was similar in patients who carried the Arg1628Pro variant and in those who did not carry it. Our data support the contention that the Arg1628Pro variant is a second risk factor for Parkinson's disease in the Han Chinese population. Adding the estimated effects of Arg1628Pro (population attributable risk [PAR] ∼4%) and Gly2385Arg variants (PAR ∼6%) yields a total PAR of ∼10%
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