655 research outputs found

    Library and information education at Islamic universities in Indonesia: Obstacles and opportunities

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    The Library and Information Studies programs at Islamic universities in Indonesia were born from the idealism thought that the advent of globalization era is a reality fact that we have no choice but to face and anticipate it. This is, not only as a challenge toward social culture and social religious for each society group or country, but also as an opportunity for all people to enrich their vision and empower their identity. The establishment of these library studies programs at state Islamic universities in Indonesia also has a pragmatic background, the real needs of professional librarian provision to fulfill the expectation of people in improving the quality of Islamic educational institutions is very high. It means that the absence of this library and information education, including that is characterized by Islamic literatures, in Indonesia will cause stagnation of our efforts to improve the quality of Islamic educational institutions as a whole. In Indonesia among Islamic universities, which are offering library and information science program, are Arraniry State Islamic University, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University, Sunan Kali Jaga State Islamic University and Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. In general, at least, there are three similar elements in the mission of the library and information program offered in Islamic Universities. Firstly, to be involved actively in developing librarianship sciences in Indonesia, specifically related to Islamic sciences. Secondly, to fulfill the needs for professional librarians for all kinds of library, documentation and information centers, especially in Islamic educational institutions like madrasah libraries (Islamic school libraries) and Islamic university libraries. And finally, to apply and anticipate the global development of information technology for improving library services. Our mission in establishing the program of library and information sciences is not only to prepare professional librarians but also to keep in touch with all our stakeholders in the government and private sectors


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    Terjadinya dampak negatif dari produksi tahu terhadap lingkungan sangat ditentukan oleh skala jumlah pengrajin dan total produksinya. Ini berarti perilaku pengrajin atau tenaga kerja dalam pengelolaan industri perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik) tenaga kerja dalam pengelolaan limbah di industri tahu dengan kualitas BOD maupun COD limbah cair yang dihasilkannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah tenaga kerja yang bekerja di tujuh industri tahu Jomblang dengan jumlah 100 orang. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 46 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik simple random sampling dan data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel air limbah diambil dari buangan tujuh industri tahu selama tiga hari berturut-turut pada waktu pagi, siang dan sore. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tenaga kerja yang mempunyai pengetahuan baik sebesar 52,17%, sikap baik sebesar 52,17% dan praktik baik sebesar 52,17%. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik korelasi pearson (a=0,05) diperoleh hasil bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan kualitas BOD (p=0,4910, tidak ada hubungan antara pengatahuan dengan kualitas COD (p=0,401), tidak ada hubungan antara sikap dengan kualitas BOD (p=0,763), tidak ada hubungan antara sikap dengan kualitas COD (p=0,790), tidak ada hubungan antara praktik dengan kualitas BOD (p0,456), tidak ada hubungan antara praktik dengan kualitas COD (p0,579). Dalam hal fasilitas pengolahan limbah, diperlukan adanya perbaikan pipa saluran air limbah karena berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan peneliti, ada beberapa pipa yang bocor sehingga limbah langsung terbuang ke sungai. Kata Kunci: Perilaku tenaga kerja, BOD, COD, induatri tahu ASSOCIATION BETWEEN BEHAVIOR OF LABOR WITH BIOLOGIC QUALITY OF WASTE WATER ON CENTRAL INDUSTRY OF TOFU IN JOMBLANG VILLAGE CANDISARI SUB DISTRICT SEMARANG DISTRICT. Negative effect from industry of tofu to environment depend on scale of total labor and their production. It's means behavior of labor in waste treatment need some special attention. The aim of this research are to know association behavior factors (knowledge, attitude and practise) labor in waste water treatment on industry of tifu with quality of BOD and COD. This research used explanatory survey research with sectional study approach. Population in this research are all of labor in seven industries of tofu during three days at a strach in mornong, daylight and early evening. Result of research show that 52,17% labor had knowledge, attitude and practice about waste water treatment are good. All of the samples BOD showed bad quality abd COD showed bad was 57,14%. Data analyse use statistical test pearson corellation (a=0,05) got information that association of knowledge with quality of BOD (p=0,491), Association of knowledge with quality of COD (p=0,401), association of attitude with quality of BOD (p=0,763), association of attitude with quality of COD (p=0,790), assosiation of practice with quality of BOD (p=0,456), and association of practice with quality of COD (p=0,579). That's means there not significant association between behavior factor with quality of waste water. on fasilities of waste water treatment, need to repair pipe because depend on result of research some pipes were leak and waste of tofu into river. Keyword : Behavior of labor, BOD, COD, industry of tof


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    ABSTRACTIda Farida. 2016. The Implementation of Lesson Plans for Teaching Speaking at SMA Negeri 1 Meulaboh. Thesis, Graduate Program in English Language Education of Syiah Kuala University.Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Usman Kasim, M.Ed, (2) Abdul Manan, M.Sc.,M.A.,Ph.DKeywords: Implementation, Lesson Plan, Teaching SpeakingThis research is about an analysis on the lessson plans developed by the English teachers and its implementation for teaching spe aking. The objective of this study were to investigate the appropriateness of the English lesson plans developed by the two English teachers in teaching English for the eleventh grade senior high school students at the first semester with the 2013 Curricul um and to investigate the process of teaching speaking based on those lesson plans. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were two English teachers who taught English at XI grade classes at SMA Negeri 1 Meulaboh. The research was conducted using some instruments to collect the data, namely observation sheet, interview guide and document. The data had been collected by conducting observation, interview, and documentation. There were two lesson plans analyzed based on six meeting observation. The data were analyzed through the process of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The findings show that generally the lesson plans developed by the teachers were appropriate with the 2013 Curriculum because they generally met the standard determined by the Curriculum. Specifically, all of the components of the lesson plan such as core competence, basic competence and indicators of competency achievement, objectives, materials, methods of teaching, media, resourc es, teaching activities, and assessment were covered in the lesson plans. However, there were some crucial deficiencies found in three components of lesson plans, namely, materials, resources, and teaching activities. The materials were not completely cover language elements. Also, the resources in the lesson plan were not varied. Besides, there was no motivation covered in pre -teaching activities and there were misplaced activities stated in while-teaching activities part. Whereas, in general, the teaching activities presented in the classroom were based on what have been stated in the lesson plan, eventhough in some cases the teachers had to change the activities because the activities planned in the lesson plans were not suitable to be conducted. The three parts of activities, namely pre-teaching, while-teaching and post-teaching activities described the teaching-learning process of the English speaking in the classroom. The five learning experiences of Scientific Approach (observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating) have been done in the classroom


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    IDA FARIDA : Penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif untuk meningkatkan retensi siswa pada pokok bahasan ekosistem di kelas VII MTs N 2 Kota Cirebon. Berdasarkan piramida pembelajaran, pembelajaran dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu aktif dan pasif, pembelajaran aktif adalah siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam setiap proses pembelajaran, sedangkan pembelajaran pasif adalah siswa hanya menerima secara verbal dan visual sehingga hanya sedikit pengetahuan yang dapat diserap siswa. Untuk meningkatkan retensi siswa perlu dibantu dengan media pembelajaran yang memberikan pengalaman bermakna (tidak dilupakan), menggunakan media yang menggabungkan suara, gambar, teks secara bersamaan yaitu video interaktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengkaji penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif dalam meningkatkan retensi siswa, (2) Untuk mengkaji peningkatan retensi siswa yang menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif dan yang menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok tidak berbantuan video interaktif, (3) Untuk mengkaji pengaruh penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif dalam meningkatkan retensi siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Desain penelitian menggunakan Pre test-post test control group design. Tes retensi siswa diukur dengan tes objektif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII, dengan sampel sebanyak dua kelas yang diambil secara Random Sampling yaitu kelas VII C (kontrol) dan VII D (eksperimen). Analisis data menggunakan uji Independent Sample T-test (uji T). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok pada kegiatan observasi kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada kelas kontrol, karena kegiatan off task dapat diminimalisir, sedangkan peningkatan retensi siswa yang menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif (71,95) lebih besar daripada yang menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok tanpa berbantuan video interaktif (63,75) dengan uji T pada taraf α = 0,05 menujukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (0,527). Pengaruh penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif dalam meningkatkan retensi siswa pada pokok bahasan ekosistem besar. Penggunaan metode diskusi kelompok berbantuan video interaktif lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok tidak berbantuan video interaktif. i


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    Terdapat sebagian anak yang tidak sarapan dan meskipun sarapan dengan makanan dan minuman yang gizinya kurang seimbang. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kebiasaan sarapan sehat siswa adalah pengetahuan tentang sarapan sehat itu sendiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran pengetahuan siswa tentang sarapan sehat yang meliputi manfaat sarapan sehat, syarat – syarat sarapan sehat, dan contoh menu sarapan sehat. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif . Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 54 siswa, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengetahuan sarapan sehat siswa SD Negeri Lengkong Besar berada pada kategori sedang. Pengetahuan siswa tentang manfaat sarapan sehat berada pada kategori baik, Pengetahuan siswa tentang syarat - syarat sarapan sehat berada pada kategori sedang, Pengetahuan siswa tentang contoh menu sarapan sehat berada pada kategori kurang. Saran ditujukan kepada guru khususnya guru IPA dan PENJASKES, karena materi berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran IPA dan PENJASKES, untuk memberikan penguatan terkait sarapan sehat. Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Sarapan Sehat, Siswa SD There are some children who do not have breakfast and although the breakfast with unbalance nutrient of food and drink. One of the factors that affect healthy breakfast habits of students is the knowledge about healthy breakfast itself. The purpose of this research is to obtain students' knowledge of healthy breakfast that includes the benefits of a healthy breakfast, the terms of healthy breakfast, and an example of a healthy breakfast menu. The method used is descriptive method. The sample in this study were 54 students, with a simple random sampling technique. The data collection technique using the test. The results showed that the students knowledge of healthy breakfast are in middle category. Students' knowledge about benefits of a healthy breakfast are in good category, the students' knowledge about terms of healthy breakfast are in middle category, the students' knowledge about healthy breakfast menu examples are in the low category. Recommendations to teachers, especially science teachers, and physical and helath education teachers, as it relates to the science and physical and helath education matters, to provide reinforcement related healthy breakfast. Key Word: Knowledge, Healthy Breakfast, Elementary Student


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    Good and correct archival management has indirectly helped the achievement of organizational goals. An agency or organization in carrying out program activities is directed to always be efficient and successful, in order to achieve effective and efficient results in achieving its objectives. This research was conducted at the Secretariat of Education and Culture Office of Bandar Lampung. The research problem of this study is that there are still many employees in the Department of Education and Culture in Bandar Lampung which indicate low work participation and there are some employees who complained about the lack of proper arrangement of previous archives so that they are not in accordance with good and correct archival governance. The research method used in this study is a quantitative research method. While data analysis technique used is the technique of correlation between employee participation to archives management. Based on the results of research conducted and followed by analyzing the data obtained, that there was a relationship between employee participation and managing archives in the Education and Culture Office of Bandar Lampung amounted 25.4% which indicates that employee participation affects the management of archives. This means there are influence between employee participation against the management of archives

    Analysis of Lesson Plans for Teaching Speaking

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    This study was done to find out the appropriateness of the English lesson plans developed by the two English teachers for the eleventh grade senior high school (SMA) students in the first semester based on the 2013 Curriculum and to investigate the process of teaching speaking based on those lesson plans at SMA Negeri 1 Meulaboh. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method using  observation sheets, an interview guide, and study of documents to collect the data. Two lesson plans were analyzed based on six meeting observations. The data was analyzed through the processes of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The findings showed that the lesson plans developed by the teachers were appropriate with the 2013 Curriculum. Specifically, all of the components of the lesson plan such as core competence, basic competence and indicators of competency achievement, objectives, materials, methods of teaching, media, resources, teaching activities, and methods of assessment were covered in the lesson plans developed. However, there were some crucial deficiencies found in some components, such as the materials developed did not completely cover language elements; the resources planned in the lesson plan were not varied; and there was no motivation included in the pre-teaching activities. Meanwhile, the teaching activities presented in the classroom were based on what had been stated in the lesson plans. The three stages of the activities, namely pre-teaching, while-teaching and post-teaching activities described the teaching-learning processes for the lessons in speaking English in the classroom

    Masyarakat Sipil Dan Prospeknya Di Indonesia

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    Civil society is a space that lies between the countries on one hand and society on the other hand. There is an association of people who are voluntary and a network of relationships between the associations in that space. The realization of sustainable human development is not only dependent on the country that can govern well and the private sector that can provide job and income, but also depends on civil society organization that facilitate social and political interaction and mobilize the various groups in society to engage in social activity, economy and politic. Indonesian society is a highly pluralistic society or particularly called as the society that has a very high level of social fragmentation whether it sourced on economic issues, social culture, ethnicity and also the political field. Those are the things that inhibit the growth and development of civil society or at least slow down its development

    Profil Keterampilan Argumentasi Siswa Pada Konsep Koloid Yang Dikembangkan Melalui Pembelajaran Inkuiri Argumentatif

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalis profil keterampilan argumentasi siswa salah satu Madrasah Aliyah Negeri di Bandung yang dikembangkan melalui pembelajaran inkuiri argumentatif pada konsep Sistem Koloid. Instrumen penelitian berupa rubrik penilaian untuk menilai: kinerja praktikum, laporan praktikum, kualitas argumentasi dan karakter ilmiah. Data-data diperoleh dari observasi pelaksanaan delapan tahap proses pembelajaran, yaitu: identifikasi tugas dan pertanyaan inkuiri; pengumpulan dan analisis data; pengembangan argumentasi tentatif, sesi argumentasi, penyusunan laporan, penilaian sejawat, revisi, dan diskusi eksplisit dan reflektif. Siswa bekerja secara kelompok dan berdiskusi berdasarkan tugas yang diberikan melalui lembar kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas siswa selama pembelajaran menunjukkan proses penerapan pembelajaran inkuiri argumentatif berjalan baik. Kualitas argumentasi siswa secara lisan jauh lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tulisan. Karakter ilmiah siswa berkembang dengan baik, khususnya sikap komunikatif dan toleransi. Dengan demikian penerapan pembelajaran inkuiri argumentatif pada konsep koloid dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa, mengembangkan keterampilan berargumentasi siswa, dan mengembangkan karakter ilmiah siswa

    Masyarakat Sipil dan Prospeknya di Indonesia

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    Civil society is a space that lies between the countries on one hand and society on the other hand. There is an association of people who are voluntary and a network of relationships between the associations in that space. The realization of sustainable human development is not only dependent on the country that can govern well and the private sector that can provide job and income, but also depends on civil society organization that facilitate social and political interaction and mobilize the various groups in society to engage in social activity, economy and politic. Indonesian society is a highly pluralistic society or particularly called as the society that has a very high level of social fragmentation whether it sourced on economic issues, social culture, ethnicity and also the political field. Those are the things that inhibit the growth and development of civil society or at least slow down its development
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