1,136 research outputs found
Storage aware data management system for Genomics
In recent years, nucleotide sequencing has become increasingly instrumental in both research and clinical settings. This has led to explosive growth in sequencing data produced worldwide along with an increase in complex analysis algorithms. As the amount of data and analysis increases, so does the need for automated solutions for processing and analysis. The concept of workflows has gained favor in the bioinformatics community, but there is little in the scientific literature describing end-to-end operational automation systems. We provided an automation system that aims at providing a solution to the genomics related operational challenges that face sequencing of both research and clinical facilities. We built on existing open-source technologies, with a modular design allowing for a community-driven effort to create plug and play services. In this research, we describe the system and elaborate on the underlying conceptual framework. Which can be reduced to 3 conceptual levels: Data tagging (using metadata automation), Classifying Storage systems (the steps involved in the classification of storage systems), and execution (using a series of rules to move data around on an operational level)
A New Simplified Prediction Method of the Contact State between Shallow Foundations and Swelling Ground
Prediction of the contact state between soil and structure is a key step in any study of shallow foundations resting on swelling soil. However, in practice, the foundation designer has no simple and rapid method, at the design stage, to define the contact conditions. This study presents a new method, both simple and reliable, to predict the contact state. To do this, a soil-structure interaction model is developed. The building behavior is investigated with the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory and the ground behavior is investigated with a Winkler model. The soil-structure interaction is then, studied at the equilibrium state. The thereby obtained equation is analyzed and all of its parameters are synthesized in a new factor named "Detachment Factor". The decidability of the contact is thus reduced to the study of this single element, which allows a reasonable approach to the knowledge of the surface rate engaged in the shallow footings - expansive soil interactions. The conclusions of the current study are validated against five cases treated in the literature in various regions around the world. In addition, a parametric study of the “Detachment Factor” shows that each of its parameters (i.e. swelling stiffness, shape of initial soil surface, permissible deflection, structure geometry and loads) has a variable effect on the contact state between a footing and swelling ground. But, the structure load has the most significant effect on it. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091697 Full Text: PD
Feasibility Study on IPMC Actuated Contractile Water Jet Thruster Body Contraction
This research was conducted to investigate the feasibility of
Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) as the actuator for Contractile
Water Jet Thruster (CWJT). The thrust that generated from the accelerated
volume of ejected fluid depends on the IPMC actuator contraction
performance. During this investigation, the variation of contraction
frequency and nozzle aperture influence on the body deformation was
carried out. The results of the experiments exhibit that the body contraction
decreased tremendously from 0.05 Hz to 0.15 Hz. The body contraction
has no apparent decrement for more than 0.15 Hz of contraction frequency.
Besides, larger nozzle aperture has relatively more body contraction than
smaller nozzle aperture. These results show that the fixed actuation force
and the contraction frequency have a significant influence on the CWJT
body contraction
The Tempo and Mode of Three‐Dimensional Morphological Evolution in Male Reproductive Structures
Various evolutionary forces may shape the evolution of traits that influence the mating decisions of males and females. Phe- notypic traits that males and females use to judge the species identify of potential mates should evolve in a punctuated fashion, changing significantly at the time of speciation but changing little between speciation events. In contrast, traits experiencing sexual selection or sexually antagonistic interactions are generally expected to change continuously over time because of the directional selection pressures imposed on one sex by the actions of the other. To test these hy- potheses, we used spherical harmonic representations of the shapes of male mating structures in reconstructions of the evolutionary tempo of these structures across the history of the Enallagma dam- selfly clade. Our analyses show that the evolution of these structures is completely consistent with a punctuated model of evolutionary change and a constant evolutionary rate throughout the clade’s his- tory. In addition, no interpopulation variation in shape was detected across the range of one species. These results indicate that male mating structures in this genus are used primarily for identifying the species of potential mates and experience little or no selection from intraspecific sexual selection or sexual antagonism. The implications of these results for speciation are discussed
Seroprevalence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection (HTLV1) in different patients in the north of Iran
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV1) is a lymphotropic virus which can contribute to carcinogenesis in adult T-cell leukemia, myleopathy and other disorders. 20 million people are affected by this virus in the world. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of human T-cell lymph tropic virus type 1 infection in patients referred to Emam’s hospital laboratory in Sari. A cross-sectional study was done in 2009 to 2010 based on the different patients that were referred to Emam`s hospital laboratory in Sari. Our samples were selected by simple random selection, after venous blood sample was centrifuged and reserved in -70°C. All the samples were tested by enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). An ELISA positive result was checked by Western blot (WB) assays. Out of 1200 cases, 776 were female (65%) with ages between 1 and 76 years old. Most of the cases were Mazandaranian (99%); although only one person was recorded as HTLV1 positive (0.08%). He was a 41 years old man, living in Sari, with high school education. He was married (one wife) without any risk factor in past medical history, such as surgery, transfusion and abuse of injection, but he had HBV infection. Most of the females were housewives and most of the males were non-governmental employees; moreover, diabetes was more common among them. The results of the samples show that 122 women were pregnant, 92 cases had transfusion and 642 cases had different surgery. It was observed that the incidence of HTLV1 infection was very rare in the north of Iran (Sari); therefore, the routine HTLV1 screening was not recommended.Key words: Seroprevalence, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV1), patients, Iran
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas kebijakan program RASTRA terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat di Kecamatan Pakusari Kabupaten Jember. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah jumlah masyarakat Kecamatan Pakusari yang mendapat bantuan dari program keluarga harapan. Jumlah keseluruhan RTS RASTRA 5,482 yang diambil sebagai populasi yang tersebar ke 7 desa di Kecamatan Pakusari. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis diskriptif yang diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencapaian tujuan RASTRA di Kecamatan Pakusari Jember belum tercapai disebabkan di beberapa desa pemerintah tidak mampu memberdayakan masyarakat dengan maksimal serta kualitas beras yang masih kurang pun mengakibatkan tidak efektifnya program beras sejahtera sehingga pelayanan kepada masyarakat masih kurang. Integrasi yang ada di kecamatan Pakusari kurang baik karena pemerintah tidak mampu untuk memberikan informasi yang baru kepada masyarakat tentang program ini juga pemerintah kurang menyesuaikan perubahan data yang ada. Pemerintah harus mengadakan kerjasama dan lebih teliti. Pemerintah tidak mampu melaksanakan program dengan sebaik mungkin karena masyarakat masih melihat tindakan penyelewengan yang dilakukan aparat pemerintah setempat yang ada
Assessing Validity and Bias of Within- Person Variability in Affect and Personality
Within-person variability in affect (e.g., Neuroticism) and personality have been linked to well-being. These are measured either by asking people to report how variable they are or to give multiple reports on the construct and calculating a within-person standard deviation adjusted for confounding by the person-level mean. The two measures are weakly correlated with one another and the links of variability with well-being depend on which measure researchers use. Recent research suggests that people’s repeated ratings may be biased by response styles. In a 7-day study (N = 399) with up to five measurements per day, we confirmed that the measures of variability lacked sufficient convergent validity to be used interchangeably. We found only 1 significant correlation (of 10) between variability in repeated ratings of affect or personality and variability in repeated ratings of a theoretically unrelated construct (i.e., features of images). There was very little evidence supporting the response styles hypothesis
Menghitung nilai emisivitas warna menggunakan miniatur ruang berbentuk silinder sebagai media pembelajaran fisika
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai emisivitas warna ungu (purple comet), hijau, biru, merah, hijau muda, biru muda, jingga, coklat muda, kuning, merah muda; serta mendeskripsikan peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa dengan menggunakan model PBL pada konsep Perpindahan Kalor siswa kelas X-TKJ SMK Negeri 1 Bengkulu Tengah; dan menjelaskan perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada kelompok tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Bengkulu Tengah tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Sampel diambil dengan teknik Purpose sampling, yaitu kelas X.TKJ (Teknik Komputer Jaringan) yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain One Group pretest-posttest design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Nilai emisivitas secara berurutan sebesar 0,92; 0,83; 0,75; 0,62; 0,57; 0,54; 0,50; 0,40; 0,31; 0,24; Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar pada konsep Perpindahan Kalor siswa kelompok tinggi, sedang dan rendah dengan nilai N-gain masing-masing sebesar 0,75 (tinggi), 0,52 (sedang), dan 0,44 (sedang); Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada kelompok tinggi, sedang dan rendah yang ditunjukkan oleh Fhitung > Ftabel (4,04 > 3,35) pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Kata kunci: Emisivitas warna; miniatur ruang; silinder; media; pembelajaran fisik
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