5,662 research outputs found

    Punishment of Criminals of Trafficking in Persons: Legal Perspective on International Guidelines and Indonesian Practices

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    The background of this study is that penalization is not only oriented towards the perpetrators of crimes of trafficking in persons but also oriented to the interests of victims and the community so that criminal justice aims to integrally protect various interests. The study aims to identify the punishment of criminals of trafficking in persons based on the interests of victims in Indonesian court practices as outlined by some regulations and the international community as outlined by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC). Considering that the study is a transnational crime, the point of view used in this study is clear to analyse the perspective of the national community and the ‎international community. Hence, the standard ‎measuring instrument used the perspective of international justice and its practical implementation by the Indonesian court. By using the library research method, the results showed that trafficking crimes are considered serious crimes by the international community. In regulating human trafficking, every country has laws regarding trafficking crimes by the applicable legal system. The theoretical contribution of this study is that each human trafficking crime case has different characteristics due to the condition of the perpetrator, the victim, the situation when the trafficking crime was committed. Therefore, as a practical contribution, the Indonesian court considers these factors which can be considered as a weighting or a reduction in sentence. The problem is incriminating and mitigating factors that must be considered in imposing penalties against traffickers. The study offers originality in investigating the factors which are burdensome and mitigate in imposing crimes against traffickers. The findings underline the principle of criminalization as the basis for imposing penalties on perpetrators of trafficking in persons by taking into account the factors of weighting and mitigation of punishment, in which the proportional principle takes precedence in addition to the other principles

    Making Black Bloody Rosella Jam

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    The rosella (or roselle) plant originated in West Africa, but has been cultivated throughout Africa, Asia and Australia. Not only can rosella be used to make teas and jams, but every part of the plant is edible; the young leaves can be eaten raw and make great salads. Rosella is a type of hibiscus, and it has a beautiful pink flower. Although the whole plant is edible, it is the calyx (the bright red fruit) that is used to make syrups, teas or jams. If you eat it fresh, straight off the stalk, it has a sour taste. Inside the calyx is a round seed pod. If it is left to mature, it will turn brown. When dry it provides the mature seeds for the next planting. At Kebun Setaman Pejeng, our small-scale community arm and learning centre at Bamjar Panglan, Pejeng, on the island of Bali, we harvest rosella to make jam

    The Effects Of Customer Experience And Customer Equity Dimensions In Building Service Loyalty In Private Hospitals Of Bangladesh

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    Konsep ‘pengalaman pelanggan’ telah membangun sebagai bidang kajian besar dalam bidang pemasaran. Walaupun tumpuan lebih diberikan kepada penyelidikan berpengalaman sejak penghujung abad ke-20, terdapat kekurangan bukti empirikal ke atas pengalaman pelanggan dan kesannya ke atas persepsi pelanggan dan kelakuan terutama dalam sektor penjagaan kesihatan The concept of ‘customer experience’ has developed as an imperious area of study within the marketing discipline. In spite of increasing attention paid to experience research since the end of the 20th century, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on the customer experience and its consequences on customer perception and behavior especially in the healthcare secto

    Female Expatriate: The Motivations Behind Expatriate Acceptance, Challenges and Organizational supports (A Case Study of Finnish-Tech Company)

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    This study aims to investigate the factors that influence female employees' expatriation experiences, including motives, barriers, and support systems. As a link between corporate headquarters and international subsidiaries, expatriates are essential to the worldwide operations of multinational corporations (MNCs). Recognizing the motivations for expatriation is essential for both individuals and companies, as it impacts the satisfaction and achievements of the expatriate journey. According to research, expats are frequently driven by a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Prospects for career advancement, personal development, and a desire for new experiences are the main reasons people choose to relocate abroad

    State’s Loses in The Corruption Crimes of Members of The Board of Directors of State-Owned (Persero) or Regional Government-Owned Banks and Their Subsidiaries in The Provision of Credit/ Financing

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    Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 on Eradication of Corruption Crimes provides normative direction that one of the essential things that must be proven in corruption crime is the existence of “State’s losses”. Members of the Board of Directors of State-Owned Enterprise in the form of bank, in managing of the company, especially in the provision of credit or financing, are very afraid of being accused of corruption crimes. The legal relationship between the State as a legal subject with the companies having status as State-Owned Enterprises (the Persero) is the existence of majority share ownership or controlling shares by the State in limited liability companies with Persero status. Such a legal relationship has been regulated in various applicable laws and regulations that have and are sourced from theoretical and philosophical foundations such as corporate legal doctrines for example the legal doctrine of piercing the corporate veil, the doctrine of fiduciary duty law, and the Business Judgment role. Some legal problems arise, namely how is the legal relationship of the State with State Enterprises? And can the non-performing credit or non-performing bank financing affect the value of the State’s participation in State-owned Bank /Region-Owned Bank? The legal research used in addressing the issues in question is normative legal research, and therefore the results obtained in this legal research are what they should be

    Carbon Dioxide Removal by Using Silica Based Membrane

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    Practically in industry use amine adsorption as an absorbent for removing carbon dioxide which is categorized under acidic gas group. However the cost of acid gases removal by using the mixed amines system is highly expensive. One way to reduce the cost of amine is by replacing amine adsorption with other method which is more economical and easy to optimize called membrane technology. This porous silica membrane layer provides the stability and allows a free flow of the compounds that permeate through the selective layer. They can operate at elevated temperatures, with many ceramic membranes usable at over 1000°C. They are also much more resistant to chemical attack, have excellent thermal stability and resistance to corrosive liquids and gases. Inorganic membranes compete with organic membranes for commercial used. In many of the harsh operational environments listed above, organic membranes will not perform well, or will not survive at all. For these environments, only inorganic membranes offer needed solutions. This research project consists of two experiments; preparation of α-Alumina Substrate and Preparation of silica Membrane using sol-gel method. For the first experiment the goal is to achieve 20-25% porosity of the substrate. For the second experiment, nitric acid is used as a catalyst for silica sol preparation because of its low branched cluster that will result a narrower pore size of the porosity substrate. The effect of dipping time (1,2 and 3 hours) during dip-coating of the porous alumina support also been studied and it resulted the silica membranes with 3 hours dipping time gives highest CO2 permeance

    Identification of hazardous road location based on design consistency and accident prediction model federal road in Johor

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    Every year road accident in Malaysia is kept rising, especially road accidents occur in between a collision with passenger cars, other motorcycles and single-motorcycle accidents. In early 2016, Johor has been mentioned as the highest ranking hazardous road accident especially federal roads. However, the problem road accident on hazardous road still unsolved even though others research has been done. This study using a new method design consistency and the accident prediction model to decreasing road accidents from occurring at hazardous road locations. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of accidents between motorcycles and cars on select segments Federal route 050 (Jalan Kluang – Ayer Itam – Batu Pahat) and Federal route 023 (Jalan Muar – Tangkak). These studies were related a geometry elements of access point, median, shoulder width, lane width and continuous speed of motorcycle and cars to determine value design consistency model (IC) and threshold. The data collections were GPS DG-200 to collect continuous speed data, the geometry data collection during the site visit and police data. The models were developed based on the new method of speed profiles, analysis to determine the value of the index integrated design consistency model (IC) between motorcycles and cars. The result showed similarities the value of design consistency model with hazardous locations. Hence, the developed accident prediction model was related road design consistency models and accident rates to evaluate the impact of design consistency with road safety. Therefore, based on results and analysis, some discussions of geometric elements based on design consistency result and relationship with road accident occurs between motorcycles and cars at hazardous road locations and some of recommended are provided such as improve widen shoulder for inadequate shoulder, increase enforcement for illegal parking and others

    Pembudayaan keusahawanan ke arah mempengaruhi kecenderungan menceburi bidang keusahawanan dalam kalangan bakal graduan di UTHM

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    Kajian ini mengkaji kesan pembudayaan keusahawanan ke arah mempengaruhi kecenderungan pelajar untuk menceburi bidang keusahawanan di kalangan bakal graduan di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif. Untuk kaedah kuantitatif penyelidik memilih untuk menggunakan borang soal selidik untuk mendapatkan data. Sampel kajian kuantitatif terdiri daripada 120 orang bakal graduan dari dua buah fakulti di UTHM iaitu Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam dan Alam Sekitar (FKAAS) dan Fakulti Pengurusan Teknologi dan Perniagaan (FPTP). Data Kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS 17.0 (Statistical Package for Social Science). Dapatan kajian ini mendapati bahawa kebudayaan keusahawanan di UTHM masih diperingkat awal. Akan tetapi telah wujudnya ekosistem keusahawanan secara kecil-kecilan dalam usaha menggalakkan pelajar menceburi bidang keusahawanan. Selain itu, kajian ini juga mendapati tidak wujud perbezaan kecenderungan menjadi usahawan dalam kalangan bakal graduan di FKAAS dan FPTP

    Economic Factors behind Social Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh has pool of entrepreneurs whereas there are also new establishments; new employment opportunities and so are the income sources. For the better measurement of entrepreneurship characteristics, the growth and different indicators impact on entrepreneurship needs to be identified. Thus this paper tries to find out the key economic indicators of entrepreneurship in the context of Bangladesh. The research is based on secondary research; has used entrepreneurship as a dependent variable proxied by self-employment and seven independent variables—per capita income, unemployment rate, labor force, industrial structure change, capital, human capital and literacy rate. Two regression models have been used encompassing the stated variable data from year 2008 to 2018. In the first regression analysis it has been tried to identify whether the model can be constructed with the overall economic variables with the self employment. At second regression model it has been tried to find out whether there is the explain ability of the variables result in the regression analysis and what is the degree and pattern of the relationship. The research shows that literacy rate and human capital have aligned with the self employment. But all the other variables are not matched with the self employment and could not provide the support for self employment to thrive. And the linear regression analysis shows that per capita income, labor force and literacy rate play the most important role in case of nourishing self employment. Unemployment rate is found as contradictory with the findings in the context of Bangladesh

    Pendekatan psikologi dakwah menangani histeria remaja muslim di Selangor

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    Gejala histeria dalam kalangan remaja di Malaysia merupakan epidemik sosial yang telah lama berlaku dalam masyarakat. Kejadian tersebut mengganggu proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, psikologi, jasmani dan spiritual remaja. Pelbagai pendekatan pencegahan dilakukan oleh remaja dan pihak sekolah dalam menangani gejala yang berlaku, namun tidak menunjukkan pengurangannya. Oleh itu kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti konsep histeria, menganalisis faktor dan simptom histeria remaja, mengenal pasti pendekatan psikologi dakwah untuk menangani histeria, mengkaji kaedah pencegahan yang dilakukan remaja terhadap gejala histeria serta menganalisis hubungan antara faktor, simptom dan langkah pencegahan. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kajian tinjauan dengan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan temu bual. Seramai 122 orang responden yang mengalami histeria dari 10 buah sekolah di Selangor dipilih secara persampelan kelompok dan seramai 9 orang pelajar yang mengalami histeria ditemu bual. Temu bual turut dijalankan terhadap kaunselor, pakar psikiatri dan perawat perubatan Islam bagi menyokong dapatan kajian. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat lima faktor histeria dalam kalangan remaja Muslim iaitu faktor psikologi, tekanan keluarga dan persekitaran, kepercayaan dan kebudayaan dan amalan keagamaan. Manakala dari aspek simptom, terdapat tiga bentuk simptom iaitu simptom gangguan emosi, psikiatri dan gangguan makhluk halus. Dari sudut pencegahan, remaja yang mengalami histeria kerap menggunakan pencegahan secara tazkiyah al-nafs, perawatan Islam dan psikiatri. Hasil analisis hubungan antara faktor dan simptom histeria mendapati faktor yang berhubung secara signifikan dengan ketiga-tiga simptom histeria adalah faktor psikologi, tekanan persekitaran dan kepercayaan dan kebudayaan. Manakala dari aspek pencegahan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pencegahan tazkiyah al-nafs dan perawatan Islam dengan simptom gangguan emosi. Implikasi kajian dapat membantu pelbagai pihak dalam menangani punca dan simptom histeria remaja dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi 3 dakwah