43 research outputs found
Creating and curating an archive: Bury St Edmunds and its Anglo-Saxon past
- Author
- 501Macalister
- 510Barrow
- 515Carruthers
- 516Clanchy
- 520Davies
- 522Edwards
- 523Evans
- 525Galloway
- 526Gillingham
- 532Ikas
- 538Lowe
- 553Simms
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- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
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- ibn Albar al-QĹ«áąÄ«
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- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
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- Scott
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- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
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- Short
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- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
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- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
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- Sot
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- Southern
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- Spiegel
- Spiegel
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- Stephenson
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- Stevenson
- Stevenson
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- Stone
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- Strohm
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- Taylor
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- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
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- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
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- Walsh
- Walsh
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- Walsingham
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- Warren
- Warren
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- Weiler
- Weiler
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- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
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- Wogan-Browne
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- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
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- Wright
- Wright
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- Yorke
- Zangemeister
- Zemon Davis
- Zettl
- Ziegler
- Ă“ Cathasaigh
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ CrĂłinĂn
- Ă“ CuĂv
- Ă“ hAodha
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ó Máille
- Ă“ Riain
- Ă“ Riain-Raedel
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
This contribution explores the mechanisms by which the Benedictine foundation of Bury St Edmunds sought to legitimise and preserve their spurious pre-Conquest privileges and holdings throughout the Middle Ages. The archive is extraordinary in terms of the large number of surviving registers and cartularies which contain copies of Anglo-Saxon charters, many of which are wholly or partly in Old English. The essay charts the changing use to which these ancient documents were put in response to threats to the foundation's continued enjoyment of its liberties. The focus throughout the essay is to demonstrate how pragmatic considerations at every stage affects the development of the archive and the ways in which these linguistically challenging texts were presented, re-presented, and represented during the Abbey’s history
Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum.
- Author
- Publication venue
- Longman & co.; [etc., etc.]
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vol. 4 has imprint: London, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode
Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum.
- Author
- Publication venue
- Longman & co.; [etc., etc.]
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vol. 4 has imprint: London, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode
King Henry II and the Earls: The Pipe Roll Evidence
- Author
- Anstruther
- Appleby
- Barrow's
- Bouquet
- Brewer
- Brown
- Caley
- Cokayne
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Delisle
- Delisle
- Douglas
- English
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- Eyton
- Eyton
- Fantosme
- Giles
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- Hall
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- Hollister
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- Hunter
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- Jones
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- Le Patourel
- Madox
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- Painter
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- Round
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- Sanders
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- Stubbs
- Stubbs
- Stubbs
- Thomas K. Keefe
- Torigny
- Warren
- Warren
- Warren
- William
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1981
- Field of study
Writing history in England
- Author
- Abelard
- Abelard
- Abelard
- Ackroyd
- Adam
- Adam
- Adams
- Aers
- Aers
- Aers
- Aers
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- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
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- Aitken
- Aitken
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- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
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- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
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- Arnold
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- Augustine of Hippo
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- Axton
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- Barron
- Barron
- Barron
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- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
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- Bartlett
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- Bateson
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- Baugh
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- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
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- Berger
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- Bromwich
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- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
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- Capgrave
- Capgrave
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- Cawley
- Cawley
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- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
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- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
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- Clark
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- Clopper
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- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
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- Cox
- Craigie
- Craigie
- Craik
- Craik
- Crane
- Crick
- Crick
- Crompton
- Cross
- Crow
- Crow
- Cunnar
- Curry
- Curtis
- Dafydd
- Dahmus
- Damian-Grint
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniell
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawson
- Day
- Day
- de Certeau
- de Certeau
- Deane
- Deanesly
- Delany
- Delisle
- Delumeau
- Denholm-Young
- Denholm-Young
- Desan
- Deschamps
- Di Agozzino
- Dibelius
- Dickens
- Dickins
- Dickinson
- Dickson
- Dideron
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Diodorus
- Dobbie
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dodwell
- Dolan
- Domingue
- Donald
- Donaldson
- Donaldson
- Donaldson
- Donovan
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douie
- Dowling
- Doyle
- Doyle
- Drexler
- Dronke
- Duby
- Duby
- Duff
- Duff
- Duffy
- Dugdale
- Duggan
- Duggan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dutka
- Dutschke
- Dwyer
- Dyer
- DĂĽrmuller
- d’Ardenne
- D’Evelyn
- Eadmer
- Eadmer
- Earle
- Eberle
- Eccles
- Economou
- Edington
- Edmund of Abingdon
- Edmund of Abingdon
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eisner
- Elkins
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elton
- Elyot
- Elyot
- Emden
- Enos
- Epp
- Esposito
- Esposito
- Esser
- Esser
- Evans
- Evans
- Everett
- Ewart
- Fantosme
- Fantosme
- Farges
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fehr
- Fellows
- Fellows
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferrante
- Fewster
- Fichte
- Fidner
- Field
- Field
- Fiero
- Finlayson
- Finlayson
- Finucane
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisiak
- Fitzmaurice
- Fitznigel
- Flasdieck
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Flenley
- Fletcher
- Fletcher
- Florence
- Florence
- Ford
- Ford
- Fortescue
- Foster
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fowler
- Fowler
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Foxe
- Foxe
- Fradenburg
- Francis
- Francis of Assisi
- Frankis
- Frankis
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Fraser
- French
- Frere
- Frescoln
- Friedberg
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Frye
- Frye
- Fukui
- Fulton
- Furber
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Gaimar
- Gaimar
- Gairdner
- Gairdner
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Gallacher
- Galloway
- Gameson
- Ganim
- Gardiner
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garmonsway
- Garmonsway
- Garner
- Garrigou-Lagrange
- Geddie
- Gehl
- Genet
- Genet
- Genet
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Georgianna
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gervase
- Gervase
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Giles
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gilley
- Gillies
- Gillingham
- Gillingham
- Given-Wilson
- Glanvill
- Glasscoe
- Glasscoe
- Glunz
- Goates
- Goering
- Goldstein
- Gollancz
- Gower
- Gower
- Gower
- Gower
- Gradon
- Grafton
- Graham
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Grant
- Grant
- Gratian
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenway
- Greenway
- Grendler
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Gross
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- GrĂĽndel
- Guddat-Figge
- Guernes
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Gurevich
- Guy
- Guy
- Guy
- Guy
- Guylforde
- Gwynn
- Görlach
- Haigh
- Hall
- Hallam
- Halliwell
- Hamel
- Hamel
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanawalt
- Hanawalt
- Hanawalt
- Hanham
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanning
- Harding
- Harding
- Hardison
- Hardyng
- Hardyng
- Harriss
- Harthan
- Hartland
- Harvey
- Hathaway
- Hausknecht
- Hawes
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haydon
- Haydon
- Hearne
- Heath
- Hefele
- Heffernan
- Heffernan
- Heffernan
- Helgerson
- Helgerson
- Hellinga
- Henken
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henryson
- Henshaw
- Heptateuch
- Herbert
- Herebert
- Herman
- Herman
- Herrtage
- Hexter
- Hexter
- Heywood
- Heywood
- Heyworth
- Hibbard
- Hicks
- Higden
- Higden
- Highfield
- Hill
- Hilpert
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hinnebusch
- Hobsbawm
- Hoccleve
- Hoccleve
- Hodgson
- Hodgson
- Hoepffner
- Hogan
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holdsworth
- Hollier
- Holloway
- Holmstedt
- Holt
- Holt
- Holthausen
- Horne
- Horrall
- Horrall
- Horrox
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Hort
- Horvath
- Hourlier
- Howard
- Howard
- Howe
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hue
- Hue
- Hugh
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughey
- Hulbert
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Hunningher
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Huxley
- Huygens
- Hymes
- Hyrd
- Idley
- Iglesias-Rábade
- Ingram
- Ingram
- Innes
- Insley
- Ireland
- Irvine
- Irvine
- Irving
- Isbell
- Isidore
- Isoz
- Ito
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- Jacques
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James I
- James I
- Jankofsky
- Jardine
- Jarman
- Jeffrey
- Jocelin
- Jocelin
- Jocelyn
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jolliffe
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Pierce
- Jonson
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Justice
- Kaeppeli
- Kaeuper
- Kail
- Kane
- Kane
- Kane
- Kantrowitz
- Karl
- Katz
- Kaye
- Keen
- Keiser
- Keiser
- Kellaway
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemp
- Kempe
- Kempe
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Kerby-Fulton
- Kerby-Fulton
- Kern
- Keynes
- Kibler
- Kieckhefer
- Kiernan
- Kilwardby
- Kilwardby
- Kimball
- King
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- King’s
- King’s
- King’s
- King’s
- Kipling
- Kirby
- Klaeber
- Klinefelter
- Knapp
- Knight
- Knight
- Knight
- Knighton
- Knighton
- Knott
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knox
- Kolve
- Kratzmann
- Kratzmann
- Kress
- Kress
- Kretschmar
- Krochalis
- Krochalis
- Kugel
- Kurath
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Lacy
- Lage
- Lagorio
- Lagorio
- Laing
- Lambert
- Lanfranc
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langtoft
- Langtoft
- Lapidge
- Lardeau
- Latham
- Latham
- Latham
- Latham
- Lavynham
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- LaĐ·amon
- LaĐ·amon
- LaĐ·amon
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Leach
- Leadam
- Leader
- Leaver
- Leckie
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Ledrede
- Leerssen
- Lefebvre
- Leff
- Lefèvre
- Legg
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Lehmberg
- Leland
- Leland
- Lenaghan
- Lerer
- Lerer
- Lester
- Levy
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Little
- Little
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Jones
- Lloyd-Jones
- Lloyd-Jones
- Loades
- Lochrie
- Long
- Loomis
- Loomis
- Loserth
- Lourdaux
- Love
- Lovelich
- Lovelich
- Lucas
- Luders
- Lumiansky
- Lumiansky
- Lusignan
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydon
- Lyell
- LĂĽcke
- Mabillon
- Macaulay
- MacCana
- MacCulloch
- MacDonald
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- MacFarlane
- Macfarlane
- Machan
- Mack
- Macrae-Gibson
- Madden
- Maddicott
- Maddicott
- Maidstone
- Maidstone
- Maitland
- Major
- Malory
- Malory
- Mandeville
- Manly
- Mann
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Map
- Mapstone
- Marie
- Marie
- Marie
- Marie
- Marrou
- Marshall
- Martindale
- Martorell
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Mason
- Mason
- Matheson
- Matzke
- Maximian
- McArthur
- McConica
- McEntire
- McFarlane
- McFarlane
- McGinn
- McGladdery
- McIntosh
- McKenna
- McKisack
- McKisack
- McKisack
- McKnight
- McLaren
- McNeill
- McNeill
- McNiven
- McSparran
- Mead
- Mead
- Meale
- Meale
- Meale
- Meale
- Mechthild
- Mechthild
- Medcalf
- Medcalfe
- Medwall
- Mehl
- Meisel
- Metcalf
- Metham
- Metlitzki
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyers
- Michael
- Migne
- Migne
- Milis
- Milis
- Mill
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Millett
- Millett
- Millett
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Milton
- Milton
- Miner
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minot
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Miskimin
- Mitchell
- Moffat
- Mohl
- Monk
- Monk
- Monroe
- Moore
- Moorman
- More
- More
- More
- More
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morsbach
- Mossé
- Motter
- Muir
- Muir
- Muir
- Mullet
- Murphy
- Muscatine
- Muzzarelli
- Muzzarelli
- Neckam
- Needham
- Nelson
- Nelson
- Nequam
- Neuse
- Nevanlinna
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholas
- Nicholls
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicolas
- Nicoll
- Niermeyer
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nineham
- Norbrook
- Norland
- Northwood
- Norton
- Nun
- Oakden
- Olson
- Olson
- Olsson
- Oresme
- Orm
- Orme
- Orme
- Orpen
- Osith
- Ouy
- Owen
- Owst
- Owst
- O’Keefe
- O’Sullivan
- Page
- Painter
- Palgrave
- Palgrave
- Pantin
- Pantin
- Panton
- Panton
- Panuzio
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parker
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parsons
- Paton
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Paues
- Payer
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pecock
- Pellegrini
- Pelteret
- Penelope
- Pepler
- Percy
- Perkins
- Peter
- Peter
- Peterson
- Pfander
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillips
- Physiologus
- Pickering
- Pickford
- Pierre
- Pike
- Pike
- Pike
- Piramus
- Plomer
- Plucknett
- Plucknett
- Plucknett
- Pocock
- Pognon
- Pollard
- Pollock
- Ponet
- Poole
- Pope
- Pope
- Pope
- Postan
- Potter
- Potts
- Poussa
- Powell
- Powell
- Power
- Power
- Powicke
- Pronay
- Pronay
- Pseudo-Bonaventura
- Pseudo-Bonaventura
- Pugh
- Putnam
- Rabil
- Raby
- Radner
- Ravenshaw
- Rebholz
- Reddaway
- Redworth
- Reese
- Reinhard
- Rejhon
- Repingdon
- Reynes
- Rice
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Richards
- Richmond
- Richmond
- Richter
- Richter
- Riché
- Rickard
- Rickert
- Riddy
- Riddy
- Ridyard
- Rigg
- Righter
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Ritchie
- Ritchie
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Roper
- Roper
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosof
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Rothwell
- Rous
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Roy
- Rubin
- Ruggiers
- Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Rumble
- Russell
- Russell
- Rutter
- Saenger
- Said
- Salter
- Salter
- Salter
- Salter
- Samuel
- Sanderson
- Sanderson
- Sandler
- Sandquist
- Sands
- Sanson
- Sargent
- Sargent
- Sargent
- Saul
- Savage
- Savage
- Sawyer
- Sawyer
- Sbaralea
- Scarisbrick
- Scarisbrick
- Scase
- Scase
- Scattergood
- Scheps
- Schibanoff
- Schlauch
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitz
- Schneyer
- Schröer
- Schröer
- Searle
- Searle
- Searle
- Searle
- Serjeantson
- Serlo
- Seton-Watson
- Severs
- Seymour
- Seymour
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Sherman
- Shields
- Shillingford
- Shippey
- Shirley
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Sidney
- Sigmund
- Sillem
- Simmons
- Simms
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Sims-Williams
- Simund
- Sinfield
- Sinnreich-Levi
- Sisam
- Sitwell
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skene
- Skene
- Skene
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smithers
- Smithers
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Specht
- Spector
- Speed
- Spenser
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Spinrad
- Spurgeon
- St German
- Stafford
- Staley
- Stallybrass
- Stanley
- Stansky
- Stapleton
- Starkey
- Starkey
- Starkey
- Statius
- Statius
- Steele
- Steer
- Stemmler
- Stenton
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stimming
- Stock
- Stock
- Stockdale
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stone
- Stones
- Stones
- Stow
- Strachey
- Strang
- Strode
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Strype
- Strype
- Strype
- Stubbs
- Studer
- Studer
- Sullens
- Sullivan
- Sumption
- Surette
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Swanton
- Swinburn
- Sylvester
- Sylvester
- Tacitus
- Takamiya
- Talbert
- Talbot
- Tanner
- Tatlock
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Temple
- Temple
- Tentler
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thrupp
- Thurley
- Thynne
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tolkien
- Tolkien
- Toller
- Torkington
- Travis
- Travis
- Treharne
- Trevisa
- Trevisa
- Trevisa
- Trinkaus
- Trokelowe
- Trounce
- Tudor-Craig
- Turner
- Turville-Petre
- Turville-Petre
- Turville-Petre
- Tuve
- Twiti
- Tydeman
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyson
- Underhill
- Unwin
- Vale
- Vale
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vendryes
- Vising
- Vitalis
- Voights
- Volosinov
- von Hefele
- von HĂĽgel
- von HĂĽgel
- Wace
- Waldron
- Waleys
- Walker
- Wallace
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsingham
- Walter
- Walter
- Ward
- Ward
- Warner
- Warner
- Warner
- Warren
- Wasson
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watson
- Waugh
- Weatherly
- Webster
- Weever
- Weinberg
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Welsh
- Wenzel
- Wenzel
- Wenzel
- Westra
- Wetherbee
- Wetherbee
- Whatley
- White
- White
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Wickert
- Wickham
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilmart
- Wilmart
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wimsatt
- Winstead
- Winstead
- Wittig
- Wittig
- Wogan-Browne
- Wogan-Browne
- Woods
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Worcester
- Workman
- Wormald
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Wyatt
- Wyche
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- WĂĽlfing
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Young
- Young-Wallace
- Yunck
- Zacher
- Zettersten
- Zettersten
- Zim
- Zink
- Zuptiza
- Ælfric
- Ă“ Cuiv
- Ă“ Murchu
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
Scotland and Anglo-Scottish Border Writing
- Author
- 501Macalister
- 510Barrow
- 515Carruthers
- 516Clanchy
- 520Davies
- 522Edwards
- 523Evans
- 525Galloway
- 526Gillingham
- 532Ikas
- 538Lowe
- 553Simms
- Abrams
- Ahlqvist
- Aird
- Alamichel
- Alexander
- Allaire
- Allan
- Allen
- Ambler
- Amours
- Anderson
- Anna
- Anstey
- Arnaud-Lindet
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Ash-Irisarri
- Ashe
- Ashe
- Ashley
- Atsma
- Aungier
- Baedae
- Bainton
- Baker
- Baker
- Bale
- Barbour
- Barker
- Barlow
- Barlow
- Barron
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Baswell
- Bately
- Bates
- Baxter
- Becker
- Bedos-Rezak
- Berenbeim
- Berschin
- Best
- Best
- Best
- Best
- Bethmann
- Billows
- Binchy
- Binski
- Bird
- Birkett
- Bitel
- Bittner
- Bjork
- Blair
- Bloch
- Boardman
- Bodarwé
- Bodel
- Boffey
- Boffey
- Boffey
- Borius
- Borsa
- Bouchard
- Bower
- Boynton
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breisback
- Breisback
- Brett
- Bridges
- Bridges
- Brie
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooke
- Brooks
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Brown
- Bruce
- Bryan
- Bugyis
- Bunt
- Burgess
- Burgess
- Burnett
- Burton
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Bynum
- Caius
- Calder
- Camp
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cana
- Cana
- Cannon
- Carey
- Carney
- Carney
- Carnicelli
- Cartwright
- Cary
- Cassian
- Cassian
- Catto
- Caxton
- Chadwick
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Chase
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Cheney
- Cheney
- Chenu
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Childs
- Clabaigh
- Clanchy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Classen
- Classen
- Clemoes
- Cochelin
- Cohen
- Colgrave
- Colgrave
- Colish
- Comyn
- Conder
- Connolly
- Conrad
- Constable
- Cooper
- Coote
- Correale
- Correale
- Coumert
- Courtray
- Coverdale
- Cowan
- Cowley
- Coxe
- Crane
- Cranmer
- Cresswell
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crofts
- Crossley-Holland
- Crouch
- Crouch
- Cubitt
- Cunningham
- Damian-Grint
- Dance
- Darby
- Darlington
- Darlington
- Davids
- Davidse
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- de Certeau
- de Ghellinck
- de la Mare
- de Laborderie
- de Ricci
- de VogĂĽĂ©
- Declercq
- Dee
- Delisle
- Deliyannis
- Derrida
- Desmond
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dimock
- Dimock
- Doane
- Dobbs
- Dockray
- Doherty
- Dombart
- Douglas
- Drexler
- Drexler
- Duby
- Duby
- Duffy
- Dugdale
- Dugdale
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dunphy
- Dutton
- DĂĽmmler
- D’Evelyn
- Echard
- Eckhardt
- Edwards
- Embree
- Embree
- Emden
- Emden
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Erdmann
- Erler
- Erler
- Etchingham
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Ewert
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Faivre d’Arcier
- Fantosme
- Faral
- Farge
- Fassler
- Fein
- Fentress
- Field
- Finberg
- Fisher
- Fitzpatrick
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flanagan
- Foltys
- Foot
- Foot
- Foot
- Foot
- Forsyth
- Forsyth
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulds
- Foys
- Fradenburg
- Frank
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Fraser
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Fryde
- Fubini
- Fuhrmann
- Fuhrmann
- Fulman
- Gaimar
- Gairdner
- Galbraith
- Galloway
- Gantner
- Gaudemet
- Gaunt
- Gautier
- Geary
- Geary
- Genet
- Genet
- George
- Giancarlo
- Gilles
- Gillingham
- Ginzburg
- Given-Wilson
- Given-Wilson
- Given-Wilson
- Glorie
- Glover
- Godden
- Godden
- Goetz
- Goetz
- Golding
- Goldstein
- Goodwin
- Gottfried
- Gower
- Grafton
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Grat
- Gray
- Greenblatt
- Greenway
- Gresham
- Gretsch
- Griffin
- Gross
- Gryson
- Guenée
- Guerreau-Jalabert
- Guy
- Guy
- Guyotjeannin
- Gwynn
- Gwynn
- Gwynn
- GĂ©nicot
- Görlach
- Haddan
- Hadley
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Halbwachs
- Hall
- Hall
- Hanawalt
- Hancock
- Hanham
- Hanna
- Hanning
- Harding
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Hardyng
- Harmer
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Haydon
- Hayman
- Hayward
- Hayward
- Head
- Hearne
- Hearne
- Hearne
- Heath
- Hector
- Heebøll-Holm
- Heffernan
- Hellinga
- Henley
- Hennessy
- Hennessy
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herren
- Herren
- Herren
- Hervey
- Hiatt
- Hickes
- Hicks
- Higden
- Higden
- Higgins
- Higham
- Higham
- Higham
- Hill
- Hill
- Hilpert
- Hilton
- Hinck
- Hingeston-Randolph
- Hingst
- Hirsch
- Hofmeister
- Holden
- Hollis
- Horsman
- Hoste
- Housman
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Humphreys
- Hunnisett
- Hunnisett
- Hunter
- Hurst
- Hurst
- Huws
- ibn Albar al-QĹ«áąÄ«
- Ikas
- Illingworth
- Innes
- Innes
- Jaager
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobus
- Jankulak
- Jezierski
- John
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jordan
- Justice
- Kalinke
- Kanarfogel
- Karasawa
- Keeler
- Kehnel
- Kekewich
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemble
- Kempshall
- Kennedy
- Kenney
- Ker
- Kersken
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Khanmohamadi
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kirby
- Kjær
- Knight
- Knott
- Koselleck
- Krapp
- Kretzschmar
- Kruger
- Krusch
- Krusch
- Krusch
- KrĂĽger
- Kurze
- Kurze
- Landes
- Langmuir
- Langtoft
- Langtoft
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lappenberg
- Lappenberg
- Laureys
- Lavezzo
- Le Goff
- Le Goff
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Leach
- Leckie
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lefèvre
- Legge
- Leland
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Leyser
- Leyser
- Licence
- Licence
- Liebermann
- Lindenberger
- Lindsay
- Liu
- Livingston
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Lobel
- Lobel
- Love
- Lowe
- Luard
- Luard
- Lucas
- Luneau
- Luscombe
- Lydgate
- Mabillon
- Mac Airt
- Macalister
- Macbain
- MacNamara
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- Macquarrie
- Macquarrie
- Madden
- Maitland
- Malory
- Mannyng
- Marenbon
- Markus
- Martin
- Martin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marx
- Matheson
- Matheson
- McCall
- McCash
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McDiarmid
- McGinn
- McHardy
- McKenna
- McKenzie
- McKim
- McKisack
- McLaren
- McLeod
- McManus
- Meale
- Meekings
- Mehl
- Mehtonen
- Meister
- Melville
- Mertens
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Mierow
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mills
- Minorita
- Moffat
- Moleiro
- Molyneaux
- Mommsen
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Mora
- More
- Morey
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Mortensen
- Mortensen
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Murchison
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murray
- Mynors
- Nelson
- Nic Ghiollamhaith
- Nic Ghiollamhaith
- Niles
- Niles
- Nirenberg
- Noble
- Norberg
- Nà Bhrolcháin
- NĂ Mhaonaigh
- Oates
- Oliver
- Orchard
- Oresme
- Ormrod
- Otter
- Otter
- O’Brien
- O’Brien
- O’Donnell
- O’Donnell
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Dwyer
- O’Grady
- O’Raghallaigh
- O’Rahilly
- O’Rahilly
- O’Rahilly
- O’Sullivan
- O’Sullivan
- Pagan
- Page
- Pantzer
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parkes
- Parry
- Parsons
- Partner
- Partner
- Patterson
- Paul
- Payne
- Pender
- Perry
- Peterson
- Peverley
- Peverley
- Phillips
- Plassmann
- Plassmann
- Plummer
- Pollard
- Poole
- Pope
- Poppe
- Powell
- Powicke
- Powicke
- Powicke
- Prendergast
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Press
- Proctor
- Pronay
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pugh
- Quin
- Rackham
- Radulescu
- Raine
- Rajsic
- Rajsic
- Rajsic
- Rankin
- Reader
- Rector
- Reeve
- Reinink
- Remensnyder
- Rhodes
- Richter
- Ricketts
- Riddy
- Rider
- Ridyard
- Riley
- Riley
- Roach
- Roach
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Rollason
- Rollason
- Rollason
- Rommel
- Rosamond
- Rosamond
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Ross
- Rouse
- Rouse
- Rouse
- Rowley
- Roy
- Royan
- Ruch
- Russell
- Russell
- Sansone
- Sawyer
- Sayles
- Sayles
- Scase
- Scattergood
- Scharer
- Scheffer-Boichorst
- Schlatter
- Schoell
- Scott
- Scott
- Scowcroft
- Scowcroft
- Scragg
- Scragg
- Selden
- Severs
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shaw
- Short
- Short
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simpson
- Sims-Williams
- Sisam
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skene
- Slevin
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smithers
- Snook
- Sot
- South
- Southern
- Southern
- Speed
- Spence
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Stafford
- Stafford
- Stahuljak
- Stapleton
- Stapleton
- Staunton
- Steedman
- Steenstrup
- Stein
- Stein
- Stephen
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stone
- Stoneman
- Stones
- Stow
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Stubbs
- Stubbs
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Sweet
- Symes
- Sønnesyn
- Tahkokallio
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thacker
- Thacker
- Thacker
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thornton
- Tiefenbach
- Todd
- Todd
- Tolkien
- Tomasch
- Treharne
- Treharne
- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
- Tscherpel
- Tuan
- Twomey
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Valla
- van Heijnsbergen
- van Houts
- Vauchez
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Verger
- Vergil
- Vincent
- Vitalis
- Wade-Evans
- Wade-Evans
- Wakelin
- Walker
- Walker
- Wall
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsingham
- Walsingham
- Warren
- Warren
- Warren
- Waters
- Weiler
- Weiler
- Weiler
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Westphal
- Whaley
- Whatley
- Wheatley
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Wickham
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wing
- Wingfield
- Wogan-Browne
- Wogan-Browne
- Wollasch
- Wood
- Woodman
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Yorke
- Yorke
- Zangemeister
- Zemon Davis
- Zettl
- Ziegler
- Ă“ Cathasaigh
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ CrĂłinĂn
- Ă“ CuĂv
- Ă“ hAodha
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ó Máille
- Ă“ Riain
- Ă“ Riain-Raedel
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
- Author
- 501Macalister
- 510Barrow
- 515Carruthers
- 516Clanchy
- 520Davies
- 522Edwards
- 523Evans
- 525Galloway
- 526Gillingham
- 532Ikas
- 538Lowe
- 553Simms
- Abrams
- Ahlqvist
- Aird
- Alamichel
- Alexander
- Allaire
- Allan
- Allen
- Ambler
- Amours
- Anderson
- Anna
- Anstey
- Arnaud-Lindet
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Ash-Irisarri
- Ashe
- Ashe
- Ashley
- Atsma
- Aungier
- Baedae
- Bainton
- Baker
- Baker
- Bale
- Barbour
- Barker
- Barlow
- Barlow
- Barron
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Baswell
- Bately
- Bates
- Baxter
- Becker
- Bedos-Rezak
- Berenbeim
- Berschin
- Best
- Best
- Best
- Best
- Bethmann
- Billows
- Binchy
- Binski
- Bird
- Birkett
- Bitel
- Bittner
- Bjork
- Blair
- Bloch
- Boardman
- Bodarwé
- Bodel
- Boffey
- Boffey
- Boffey
- Borius
- Borsa
- Bouchard
- Bower
- Boynton
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breisback
- Breisback
- Brett
- Bridges
- Bridges
- Brie
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooke
- Brooks
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Brown
- Bruce
- Bryan
- Bugyis
- Bunt
- Burgess
- Burgess
- Burnett
- Burton
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Bynum
- Caius
- Calder
- Camp
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cana
- Cana
- Cannon
- Carey
- Carney
- Carney
- Carnicelli
- Cartwright
- Cary
- Cassian
- Cassian
- Catto
- Caxton
- Chadwick
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Chase
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Cheney
- Cheney
- Chenu
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Childs
- Clabaigh
- Clanchy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Classen
- Classen
- Clemoes
- Cochelin
- Cohen
- Colgrave
- Colgrave
- Colish
- Comyn
- Conder
- Connolly
- Conrad
- Constable
- Cooper
- Coote
- Correale
- Correale
- Coumert
- Courtray
- Coverdale
- Cowan
- Cowley
- Coxe
- Crane
- Cranmer
- Cresswell
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crofts
- Crossley-Holland
- Crouch
- Crouch
- Cubitt
- Cunningham
- Damian-Grint
- Dance
- Darby
- Darlington
- Darlington
- Davids
- Davidse
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- de Certeau
- de Ghellinck
- de la Mare
- de Laborderie
- de Ricci
- de VogĂĽĂ©
- Declercq
- Dee
- Delisle
- Deliyannis
- Derrida
- Desmond
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dimock
- Dimock
- Doane
- Dobbs
- Dockray
- Doherty
- Dombart
- Douglas
- Drexler
- Drexler
- Duby
- Duby
- Duffy
- Dugdale
- Dugdale
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dunphy
- Dutton
- DĂĽmmler
- D’Evelyn
- Echard
- Eckhardt
- Edwards
- Embree
- Embree
- Emden
- Emden
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Erdmann
- Erler
- Erler
- Etchingham
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Ewert
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Faivre d’Arcier
- Fantosme
- Faral
- Farge
- Fassler
- Fein
- Fentress
- Field
- Finberg
- Fisher
- Fitzpatrick
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flanagan
- Foltys
- Foot
- Foot
- Foot
- Foot
- Forsyth
- Forsyth
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulds
- Foys
- Fradenburg
- Frank
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Fraser
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Fryde
- Fubini
- Fuhrmann
- Fuhrmann
- Fulman
- Gaimar
- Gairdner
- Galbraith
- Galloway
- Gantner
- Gaudemet
- Gaunt
- Gautier
- Geary
- Geary
- Genet
- Genet
- George
- Giancarlo
- Gilles
- Gillingham
- Ginzburg
- Given-Wilson
- Given-Wilson
- Given-Wilson
- Glorie
- Glover
- Godden
- Godden
- Goetz
- Goetz
- Golding
- Goldstein
- Goodwin
- Gottfried
- Gower
- Grafton
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Grat
- Gray
- Greenblatt
- Greenway
- Gresham
- Gretsch
- Griffin
- Gross
- Gryson
- Guenée
- Guerreau-Jalabert
- Guy
- Guy
- Guyotjeannin
- Gwynn
- Gwynn
- Gwynn
- GĂ©nicot
- Görlach
- Haddan
- Hadley
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Halbwachs
- Hall
- Hall
- Hanawalt
- Hancock
- Hanham
- Hanna
- Hanning
- Harding
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Hardyng
- Harmer
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Haydon
- Hayman
- Hayward
- Hayward
- Head
- Hearne
- Hearne
- Hearne
- Heath
- Hector
- Heebøll-Holm
- Heffernan
- Hellinga
- Henley
- Hennessy
- Hennessy
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herren
- Herren
- Herren
- Hervey
- Hiatt
- Hickes
- Hicks
- Higden
- Higden
- Higgins
- Higham
- Higham
- Higham
- Hill
- Hill
- Hilpert
- Hilton
- Hinck
- Hingeston-Randolph
- Hingst
- Hirsch
- Hofmeister
- Holden
- Hollis
- Horsman
- Hoste
- Housman
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Humphreys
- Hunnisett
- Hunnisett
- Hunter
- Hurst
- Hurst
- Huws
- ibn Albar al-QĹ«áąÄ«
- Ikas
- Illingworth
- Innes
- Innes
- Jaager
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobus
- Jankulak
- Jezierski
- John
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jordan
- Justice
- Kalinke
- Kanarfogel
- Karasawa
- Keeler
- Kehnel
- Kekewich
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemble
- Kempshall
- Kennedy
- Kenney
- Ker
- Kersken
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Khanmohamadi
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kirby
- Kjær
- Knight
- Knott
- Koselleck
- Krapp
- Kretzschmar
- Kruger
- Krusch
- Krusch
- Krusch
- KrĂĽger
- Kurze
- Kurze
- Landes
- Langmuir
- Langtoft
- Langtoft
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lappenberg
- Lappenberg
- Laureys
- Lavezzo
- Le Goff
- Le Goff
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Leach
- Leckie
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lefèvre
- Legge
- Leland
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Leyser
- Leyser
- Licence
- Licence
- Liebermann
- Lindenberger
- Lindsay
- Liu
- Livingston
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Lobel
- Lobel
- Love
- Lowe
- Luard
- Luard
- Lucas
- Luneau
- Luscombe
- Lydgate
- Mabillon
- Mac Airt
- Macalister
- Macbain
- MacNamara
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- Macquarrie
- Macquarrie
- Madden
- Maitland
- Malory
- Mannyng
- Marenbon
- Markus
- Martin
- Martin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marx
- Matheson
- Matheson
- McCall
- McCash
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McDiarmid
- McGinn
- McHardy
- McKenna
- McKenzie
- McKim
- McKisack
- McLaren
- McLeod
- McManus
- Meale
- Meekings
- Mehl
- Mehtonen
- Meister
- Melville
- Mertens
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Mierow
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mills
- Minorita
- Moffat
- Moleiro
- Molyneaux
- Mommsen
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Mora
- More
- Morey
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Mortensen
- Mortensen
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Murchison
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murray
- Mynors
- Nelson
- Nic Ghiollamhaith
- Nic Ghiollamhaith
- Niles
- Niles
- Nirenberg
- Noble
- Norberg
- Nà Bhrolcháin
- NĂ Mhaonaigh
- Oates
- Oliver
- Orchard
- Oresme
- Ormrod
- Otter
- Otter
- O’Brien
- O’Brien
- O’Donnell
- O’Donnell
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Dwyer
- O’Grady
- O’Raghallaigh
- O’Rahilly
- O’Rahilly
- O’Rahilly
- O’Sullivan
- O’Sullivan
- Pagan
- Page
- Pantzer
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parkes
- Parry
- Parsons
- Partner
- Partner
- Patterson
- Paul
- Payne
- Pender
- Perry
- Peterson
- Peverley
- Peverley
- Phillips
- Plassmann
- Plassmann
- Plummer
- Pollard
- Poole
- Pope
- Poppe
- Powell
- Powicke
- Powicke
- Powicke
- Prendergast
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Press
- Proctor
- Pronay
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pugh
- Quin
- Rackham
- Radulescu
- Raine
- Rajsic
- Rajsic
- Rajsic
- Rankin
- Reader
- Rector
- Reeve
- Reinink
- Remensnyder
- Rhodes
- Richter
- Ricketts
- Riddy
- Rider
- Ridyard
- Riley
- Riley
- Roach
- Roach
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Rollason
- Rollason
- Rollason
- Rommel
- Rosamond
- Rosamond
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Ross
- Rouse
- Rouse
- Rouse
- Rowley
- Roy
- Royan
- Ruch
- Russell
- Russell
- Sansone
- Sawyer
- Sayles
- Sayles
- Scase
- Scattergood
- Scharer
- Scheffer-Boichorst
- Schlatter
- Schoell
- Scott
- Scott
- Scowcroft
- Scowcroft
- Scragg
- Scragg
- Selden
- Severs
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shaw
- Short
- Short
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simpson
- Sims-Williams
- Sisam
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skene
- Slevin
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smithers
- Snook
- Sot
- South
- Southern
- Southern
- Speed
- Spence
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Stafford
- Stafford
- Stahuljak
- Stapleton
- Stapleton
- Staunton
- Steedman
- Steenstrup
- Stein
- Stein
- Stephen
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stone
- Stoneman
- Stones
- Stow
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Stubbs
- Stubbs
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Sweet
- Symes
- Sønnesyn
- Tahkokallio
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thacker
- Thacker
- Thacker
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thornton
- Tiefenbach
- Todd
- Todd
- Tolkien
- Tomasch
- Treharne
- Treharne
- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
- Tscherpel
- Tuan
- Twomey
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Valla
- van Heijnsbergen
- van Houts
- Vauchez
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Verger
- Vergil
- Vincent
- Vitalis
- Wade-Evans
- Wade-Evans
- Wakelin
- Walker
- Walker
- Wall
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsingham
- Walsingham
- Warren
- Warren
- Warren
- Waters
- Weiler
- Weiler
- Weiler
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Westphal
- Whaley
- Whatley
- Wheatley
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Wickham
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wing
- Wingfield
- Wogan-Browne
- Wogan-Browne
- Wollasch
- Wood
- Woodman
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Yorke
- Yorke
- Zangemeister
- Zemon Davis
- Zettl
- Ziegler
- Ă“ Cathasaigh
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ CrĂłinĂn
- Ă“ CuĂv
- Ă“ hAodha
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ó Máille
- Ă“ Riain
- Ă“ Riain-Raedel
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
International audienceGildas est le premier auteur britannique à témoigner des événements postérieurs au départ des légions romaines. C'est par l'analyse de ses modèles, principalement bibliques, et de ses buts que son récit historique allusif, si frustrant, peut être compris et interprété comme un témoignage de premier plan
Tall tales from the archive
- Author
- 501Macalister
- 510Barrow
- 515Carruthers
- 516Clanchy
- 520Davies
- 522Edwards
- 523Evans
- 525Galloway
- 526Gillingham
- 532Ikas
- 538Lowe
- 553Simms
- Abrams
- Ahlqvist
- Aird
- Alamichel
- Alexander
- Allaire
- Allan
- Allen
- Ambler
- Amours
- Anderson
- Anna
- Anstey
- Arnaud-Lindet
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Ash-Irisarri
- Ashe
- Ashe
- Ashley
- Atsma
- Aungier
- Baedae
- Bainton
- Baker
- Baker
- Bale
- Barbour
- Barker
- Barlow
- Barlow
- Barron
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Baswell
- Bately
- Bates
- Baxter
- Becker
- Bedos-Rezak
- Berenbeim
- Berschin
- Best
- Best
- Best
- Best
- Bethmann
- Billows
- Binchy
- Binski
- Bird
- Birkett
- Bitel
- Bittner
- Bjork
- Blair
- Bloch
- Boardman
- Bodarwé
- Bodel
- Boffey
- Boffey
- Boffey
- Borius
- Borsa
- Bouchard
- Bower
- Boynton
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breatnach
- Breisback
- Breisback
- Brett
- Bridges
- Bridges
- Brie
- Briggs
- Briggs
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooke
- Brooks
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Broun
- Brown
- Bruce
- Bryan
- Bugyis
- Bunt
- Burgess
- Burgess
- Burnett
- Burton
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Bynum
- Caius
- Calder
- Camp
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Cana
- Cana
- Cannon
- Carey
- Carney
- Carney
- Carnicelli
- Cartwright
- Cary
- Cassian
- Cassian
- Catto
- Caxton
- Chadwick
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Chase
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Cheney
- Cheney
- Chenu
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Childs
- Clabaigh
- Clanchy
- Clancy
- Clancy
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Classen
- Classen
- Clemoes
- Cochelin
- Cohen
- Colgrave
- Colgrave
- Colish
- Comyn
- Conder
- Connolly
- Conrad
- Constable
- Cooper
- Coote
- Correale
- Correale
- Coumert
- Courtray
- Coverdale
- Cowan
- Cowley
- Coxe
- Crane
- Cranmer
- Cresswell
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crick
- Crofts
- Crossley-Holland
- Crouch
- Crouch
- Cubitt
- Cunningham
- Damian-Grint
- Dance
- Darby
- Darlington
- Darlington
- Davids
- Davidse
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- de Certeau
- de Ghellinck
- de la Mare
- de Laborderie
- de Ricci
- de VogĂĽĂ©
- Declercq
- Dee
- Delisle
- Deliyannis
- Derrida
- Desmond
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dimock
- Dimock
- Doane
- Dobbs
- Dockray
- Doherty
- Dombart
- Douglas
- Drexler
- Drexler
- Duby
- Duby
- Duffy
- Dugdale
- Dugdale
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dumville
- Dunphy
- Dutton
- DĂĽmmler
- D’Evelyn
- Echard
- Eckhardt
- Edwards
- Embree
- Embree
- Emden
- Emden
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Emmerson
- Erdmann
- Erler
- Erler
- Etchingham
- Evans
- Evans
- Evans
- Ewert
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Fabyan
- Faivre d’Arcier
- Fantosme
- Faral
- Farge
- Fassler
- Fein
- Fentress
- Field
- Finberg
- Fisher
- Fitzpatrick
- Flaherty
- Flaherty
- Flanagan
- Foltys
- Foot
- Foot
- Foot
- Foot
- Forsyth
- Forsyth
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foulds
- Foys
- Fradenburg
- Frank
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Fraser
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Fryde
- Fubini
- Fuhrmann
- Fuhrmann
- Fulman
- Gaimar
- Gairdner
- Galbraith
- Galloway
- Gantner
- Gaudemet
- Gaunt
- Gautier
- Geary
- Geary
- Genet
- Genet
- George
- Giancarlo
- Gilles
- Gillingham
- Ginzburg
- Given-Wilson
- Given-Wilson
- Given-Wilson
- Glorie
- Glover
- Godden
- Godden
- Goetz
- Goetz
- Golding
- Goldstein
- Goodwin
- Gottfried
- Gower
- Grafton
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Grat
- Gray
- Greenblatt
- Greenway
- Gresham
- Gretsch
- Griffin
- Gross
- Gryson
- Guenée
- Guerreau-Jalabert
- Guy
- Guy
- Guyotjeannin
- Gwynn
- Gwynn
- Gwynn
- GĂ©nicot
- Görlach
- Haddan
- Hadley
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Hahn
- Halbwachs
- Hall
- Hall
- Hanawalt
- Hancock
- Hanham
- Hanna
- Hanning
- Harding
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Hardy
- Hardyng
- Harmer
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Harvey
- Haydon
- Hayman
- Hayward
- Hayward
- Head
- Hearne
- Hearne
- Hearne
- Heath
- Hector
- Heebøll-Holm
- Heffernan
- Hellinga
- Henley
- Hennessy
- Hennessy
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herren
- Herren
- Herren
- Hervey
- Hiatt
- Hickes
- Hicks
- Higden
- Higden
- Higgins
- Higham
- Higham
- Higham
- Hill
- Hill
- Hilpert
- Hilton
- Hinck
- Hingeston-Randolph
- Hingst
- Hirsch
- Hofmeister
- Holden
- Hollis
- Horsman
- Hoste
- Housman
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Howe
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Humphreys
- Hunnisett
- Hunnisett
- Hunter
- Hurst
- Hurst
- Huws
- ibn Albar al-QĹ«áąÄ«
- Ikas
- Illingworth
- Innes
- Innes
- Jaager
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jacobus
- Jankulak
- Jezierski
- John
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jordan
- Justice
- Kalinke
- Kanarfogel
- Karasawa
- Keeler
- Kehnel
- Kekewich
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemble
- Kempshall
- Kennedy
- Kenney
- Ker
- Kersken
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Keynes
- Khanmohamadi
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kirby
- Kjær
- Knight
- Knott
- Koselleck
- Krapp
- Kretzschmar
- Kruger
- Krusch
- Krusch
- Krusch
- KrĂĽger
- Kurze
- Kurze
- Landes
- Langmuir
- Langtoft
- Langtoft
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lapidge
- Lappenberg
- Lappenberg
- Laureys
- Lavezzo
- Le Goff
- Le Goff
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Leach
- Leckie
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Lees
- Lees
- Lees
- Lefèvre
- Legge
- Leland
- Levine
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Leyser
- Leyser
- Licence
- Licence
- Liebermann
- Lindenberger
- Lindsay
- Liu
- Livingston
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Llwyd
- Llwyd
- Lobel
- Lobel
- Love
- Lowe
- Luard
- Luard
- Lucas
- Luneau
- Luscombe
- Lydgate
- Mabillon
- Mac Airt
- Macalister
- Macbain
- MacNamara
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- MacNeill
- Macquarrie
- Macquarrie
- Madden
- Maitland
- Malory
- Mannyng
- Marenbon
- Markus
- Martin
- Martin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marvin
- Marx
- Matheson
- Matheson
- McCall
- McCash
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McCone
- McDiarmid
- McGinn
- McHardy
- McKenna
- McKenzie
- McKim
- McKisack
- McLaren
- McLeod
- McManus
- Meale
- Meekings
- Mehl
- Mehtonen
- Meister
- Melville
- Mertens
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Mierow
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Mills
- Minorita
- Moffat
- Moleiro
- Molyneaux
- Mommsen
- Mommsen
- Moore
- Mora
- More
- Morey
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Mortensen
- Mortensen
- Moss
- Moss
- Moss
- Murchison
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murray
- Mynors
- Nelson
- Nic Ghiollamhaith
- Nic Ghiollamhaith
- Niles
- Niles
- Nirenberg
- Noble
- Norberg
- Nà Bhrolcháin
- NĂ Mhaonaigh
- Oates
- Oliver
- Orchard
- Oresme
- Ormrod
- Otter
- Otter
- O’Brien
- O’Brien
- O’Donnell
- O’Donnell
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Donovan
- O’Dwyer
- O’Grady
- O’Raghallaigh
- O’Rahilly
- O’Rahilly
- O’Rahilly
- O’Sullivan
- O’Sullivan
- Pagan
- Page
- Pantzer
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parkes
- Parry
- Parsons
- Partner
- Partner
- Patterson
- Paul
- Payne
- Pender
- Perry
- Peterson
- Peverley
- Peverley
- Phillips
- Plassmann
- Plassmann
- Plummer
- Pollard
- Poole
- Pope
- Poppe
- Powell
- Powicke
- Powicke
- Powicke
- Prendergast
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Prescott
- Press
- Proctor
- Pronay
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pryce
- Pugh
- Quin
- Rackham
- Radulescu
- Raine
- Rajsic
- Rajsic
- Rajsic
- Rankin
- Reader
- Rector
- Reeve
- Reinink
- Remensnyder
- Rhodes
- Richter
- Ricketts
- Riddy
- Rider
- Ridyard
- Riley
- Riley
- Roach
- Roach
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Rollason
- Rollason
- Rollason
- Rommel
- Rosamond
- Rosamond
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Ross
- Rouse
- Rouse
- Rouse
- Rowley
- Roy
- Royan
- Ruch
- Russell
- Russell
- Sansone
- Sawyer
- Sayles
- Sayles
- Scase
- Scattergood
- Scharer
- Scheffer-Boichorst
- Schlatter
- Schoell
- Scott
- Scott
- Scowcroft
- Scowcroft
- Scragg
- Scragg
- Selden
- Severs
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shaw
- Short
- Short
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simms
- Simpson
- Sims-Williams
- Sisam
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skene
- Slevin
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smithers
- Snook
- Sot
- South
- Southern
- Southern
- Speed
- Spence
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Spiegel
- Stafford
- Stafford
- Stahuljak
- Stapleton
- Stapleton
- Staunton
- Steedman
- Steenstrup
- Stein
- Stein
- Stephen
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stephenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stone
- Stoneman
- Stones
- Stow
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Stubbs
- Stubbs
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Sweet
- Symes
- Sønnesyn
- Tahkokallio
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Thacker
- Thacker
- Thacker
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thornton
- Tiefenbach
- Todd
- Todd
- Tolkien
- Tomasch
- Treharne
- Treharne
- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
- Trevisa John
- Tscherpel
- Tuan
- Twomey
- Tyler
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Valla
- van Heijnsbergen
- van Houts
- Vauchez
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Verger
- Vergil
- Vincent
- Vitalis
- Wade-Evans
- Wade-Evans
- Wakelin
- Walker
- Walker
- Wall
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsingham
- Walsingham
- Warren
- Warren
- Warren
- Waters
- Weiler
- Weiler
- Weiler
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Westphal
- Whaley
- Whatley
- Wheatley
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Wickham
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wing
- Wingfield
- Wogan-Browne
- Wogan-Browne
- Wollasch
- Wood
- Woodman
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wormald
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Yorke
- Yorke
- Zangemeister
- Zemon Davis
- Zettl
- Ziegler
- Ă“ Cathasaigh
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ Concheanainn
- Ă“ CrĂłinĂn
- Ă“ CuĂv
- Ă“ hAodha
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ hUiginn
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ă“ MuraĂle
- Ó Máille
- Ă“ Riain
- Ă“ Riain-Raedel
- Žižek
- Publication venue
- Cambridge University Press
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
The administrative documents preserved in archives tell stories which are shaped by their institutional and governmental context, and are as deceptive and full of invention as more self-consciously literary works. Medieval archives contain a vast repository of historical narratives which, despite their fictional components and bureaucratic manipulation, nevertheless provide vivid insights into everyday life. The rhetorical conventions of such bureaucratic documents as pardons, petitions and appeals represent forms of historical literature which are cultural productions of equal significance to the chronicle or the epic poem. But, unlike court poetry or chronicles, the archives tell us a great deal about the life of ordinary people. In the wake of the discussion of the archive by Foucault and Derrida, the archive has been seen as a symbol of power and a means of control, but often the archive is the chief means by which non-elite groups find their voice
- Author
- Abelard
- Abelard
- Abelard
- Ackroyd
- Adam
- Adams
- Aers
- Aers
- Aers
- Aers
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ainsworth
- Aitken
- Aitken
- Aitken
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alfonsi
- Alfonsi
- Alford
- Alford
- Alford
- Alford
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Ambrisco
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andreas
- Andrew
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Aquinas
- Archibald
- Armstrong
- Arn
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Ashford
- Ashley
- Aspin
- Aspin
- Asser
- Astell
- Atwooll
- Audley
- Audrey
- Auerbach
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine of Hippo
- Aungier
- Axton
- Axton
- Backhouse
- Backhouse
- Badel
- Baildon
- Baird
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker-Smith
- Baldwin
- Bale
- Bale
- Balfour
- Balfour-Melville
- Barber
- Barbour
- Barclay
- Barclay
- Barclay
- Barfield
- Barish
- Barlow
- Barnes
- Barnicle
- Barnie
- Barnum
- Barr
- Barratt
- Barron
- Barron
- Barron
- Barron
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Bartlett
- Bartlett
- Basket
- Baswell
- Bateson
- Bateson
- Baugh
- Baugh
- Baumann
- Bawcutt
- Bawcutt
- Baxter
- Bazire
- Beadle
- Beadle
- Beattie
- Beaune
- Beckwith
- Bede
- Beer
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benedeit
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Benoît
- Benoît
- Benoît
- Benskin
- Benskin
- Benson
- Benson
- Berger
- Berger
- Berkeley
- Berman
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernart
- Berndt
- Berndt
- Berndt
- Berry
- Bertaud
- Bestull
- Bibbesworth
- Bigongiari
- Bigson
- Bird
- Bishop
- Bishop
- Blades
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blamires
- Blatt
- Blind
- Bliss
- Bliss
- Bliss
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Blumenfeld-Kosinski
- Blunt
- Boas
- Boas
- Bodel
- Boece
- Boece
- Boece
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boffey
- Boitani
- Bokenham
- Bolgar
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bond
- Borroff
- Bossuat
- Bossuat
- Boswell
- Bosworth
- Bourchier
- Bourchier
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Boureau
- Bower
- Bowers
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bozon
- Braceland
- Bradshaw
- Brand
- Brandeis
- Braswell
- Breeze
- Brereton
- Brett
- Brett
- Brewer
- Brewer
- Brewer
- Brewer
- Bridget of Sweden
- Bridget of Sweden
- Brie
- Brigden
- Brinklow
- Brinton
- Briscoe
- Britnell
- Brockwell
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromyard
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown [Wormald]
- Brownlee
- Brownlee
- Brunner
- Bryan
- Bryer
- Bullen
- Bunt
- Burgulianus
- Burlin
- Burnett
- Burrow
- Burrow
- Burrow
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Bynum
- Byrne
- Bödtker
- Cahill
- Calderwood
- Camargo
- Camargo
- Camille
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campion
- Caoursin
- Capgrave
- Capgrave
- Capgrave
- Capgrave
- Carley
- Carlson
- Carlson
- Carlyle
- Carney
- Carruthers
- Carthusian
- Cartwright
- Cary
- Casady
- Cassidy
- Catto
- Catto
- Catto
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cawley
- Cawley
- Cawley
- Cawley
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Chadwick
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chandos
- Charland
- Charles
- Charles
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charlton
- Chartier
- Chase
- Chase
- Chastellain
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Child
- Childress
- Childs
- Christianson
- Christina
- Christine
- Christine
- Cigman
- Clanchy
- Clanchy
- Clancy
- Clanvowe
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Classen
- Claudianus
- Clay
- Clayton
- Clebsch
- Clemence
- Clemoes
- Clemoes
- Clogan
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Cohen
- Coldewey
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Collas
- Colledge
- Colley
- Colvin
- Connolly
- Conrad
- Conran
- Constable
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Corrigan
- Cosgrove
- Cottle
- Courtenay
- Courtenay
- Coventry
- Cowan
- Cowan
- Cowley
- Cox
- Craigie
- Craigie
- Craik
- Craik
- Crane
- Crick
- Crompton
- Cross
- Crow
- Crow
- Cunnar
- Curry
- Curtis
- Dafydd
- Dahmus
- Damian-Grint
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniell
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawson
- Day
- Day
- de Certeau
- de Certeau
- Deane
- Deanesly
- Delany
- Delisle
- Delumeau
- Denholm-Young
- Denholm-Young
- Desan
- Deschamps
- Di Agozzino
- Dibelius
- Dickens
- Dickins
- Dickinson
- Dickson
- Dideron
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Diodorus
- Dobbie
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dodwell
- Dolan
- Domingue
- Donald
- Donaldson
- Donaldson
- Donaldson
- Donovan
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douie
- Dowling
- Doyle
- Doyle
- Drexler
- Dronke
- Duby
- Duby
- Duff
- Duff
- Duffy
- Dugdale
- Duggan
- Duggan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dutka
- Dutschke
- Dwyer
- Dyer
- DĂĽrmuller
- d’Ardenne
- D’Evelyn
- Eadmer
- Earle
- Eberle
- Eccles
- Economou
- Edington
- Edmund of Abingdon
- Edmund of Abingdon
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eisner
- Elkins
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elton
- Elyot
- Elyot
- Emden
- Enos
- Epp
- Esposito
- Esposito
- Esser
- Esser
- Evans
- Evans
- Everett
- Ewart
- Fantosme
- Farges
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fehr
- Fellows
- Fellows
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferrante
- Fewster
- Fichte
- Fidner
- Field
- Field
- Fiero
- Finlayson
- Finlayson
- Finucane
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisiak
- Fitzmaurice
- Fitznigel
- Flasdieck
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Flenley
- Fletcher
- Fletcher
- Florence
- Florence
- Ford
- Ford
- Fortescue
- Foster
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fowler
- Fowler
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Foxe
- Foxe
- Fradenburg
- Francis
- Francis of Assisi
- Frankis
- Frankis
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Fraser
- French
- Frere
- Frescoln
- Friedberg
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Frye
- Frye
- Fukui
- Fulton
- Furber
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Gaimar
- Gairdner
- Gairdner
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Gallacher
- Galloway
- Gameson
- Ganim
- Gardiner
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garmonsway
- Garner
- Garrigou-Lagrange
- Geddie
- Gehl
- Genet
- Genet
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Georgianna
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gervase
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Giles
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gilley
- Gillies
- Gillingham
- Glanvill
- Glasscoe
- Glasscoe
- Glunz
- Goates
- Goering
- Goldstein
- Gollancz
- Gower
- Gower
- Gower
- Gower
- Gradon
- Grafton
- Graham
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Grant
- Grant
- Gratian
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenway
- Grendler
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Gross
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- GrĂĽndel
- Guddat-Figge
- Guernes
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Gurevich
- Guy
- Guy
- Guy
- Guylforde
- Gwynn
- Görlach
- Haigh
- Hall
- Hallam
- Halliwell
- Hamel
- Hamel
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanawalt
- Hanawalt
- Hanawalt
- Hanham
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanning
- Harding
- Harding
- Hardison
- Hardyng
- Harriss
- Harthan
- Hartland
- Harvey
- Hathaway
- Hausknecht
- Hawes
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haydon
- Hearne
- Heath
- Hefele
- Heffernan
- Heffernan
- Heffernan
- Helgerson
- Helgerson
- Hellinga
- Henken
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henryson
- Henshaw
- Heptateuch
- Herbert
- Herebert
- Herman
- Herman
- Herrtage
- Hexter
- Hexter
- Heywood
- Heywood
- Heyworth
- Hibbard
- Hicks
- Higden
- Highfield
- Hill
- Hilpert
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hinnebusch
- Hobsbawm
- Hoccleve
- Hoccleve
- Hodgson
- Hodgson
- Hoepffner
- Hogan
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holdsworth
- Hollier
- Holloway
- Holmstedt
- Holt
- Holt
- Holthausen
- Horne
- Horrall
- Horrall
- Horrox
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Hort
- Horvath
- Hourlier
- Howard
- Howard
- Howe
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hue
- Hue
- Hugh
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughey
- Hulbert
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Hunningher
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Huxley
- Huygens
- Hymes
- Hyrd
- Idley
- Iglesias-Rábade
- Ingram
- Ingram
- Innes
- Insley
- Ireland
- Irvine
- Irvine
- Irving
- Isbell
- Isidore
- Isoz
- Ito
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- Jacques
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James I
- James I
- Jankofsky
- Jardine
- Jarman
- Jeffrey
- Jocelin
- Jocelin
- Jocelyn
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jolliffe
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Pierce
- Jonson
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Justice
- Kaeppeli
- Kaeuper
- Kail
- Kane
- Kane
- Kane
- Kantrowitz
- Karl
- Katz
- Kaye
- Keen
- Keiser
- Keiser
- Kellaway
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemp
- Kempe
- Kempe
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Kerby-Fulton
- Kerby-Fulton
- Kern
- Keynes
- Kibler
- Kieckhefer
- Kiernan
- Kilwardby
- Kilwardby
- Kimball
- King
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- King’s
- King’s
- King’s
- King’s
- Kipling
- Kirby
- Klaeber
- Klinefelter
- Knapp
- Knight
- Knight
- Knight
- Knighton
- Knighton
- Knott
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knox
- Kolve
- Kratzmann
- Kratzmann
- Kress
- Kress
- Kretschmar
- Krochalis
- Krochalis
- Kugel
- Kurath
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Lacy
- Lage
- Lagorio
- Lagorio
- Laing
- Lambert
- Lanfranc
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langtoft
- Lapidge
- Lardeau
- Latham
- Latham
- Latham
- Latham
- Lavynham
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- LaĐ·amon
- LaĐ·amon
- LaĐ·amon
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Leach
- Leadam
- Leader
- Leaver
- Leckie
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Ledrede
- Leerssen
- Lefebvre
- Leff
- Lefèvre
- Legg
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Lehmberg
- Leland
- Lenaghan
- Lerer
- Lerer
- Lester
- Levy
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Little
- Little
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Jones
- Lloyd-Jones
- Lloyd-Jones
- Loades
- Lochrie
- Long
- Loomis
- Loomis
- Loserth
- Lourdaux
- Love
- Lovelich
- Lovelich
- Lucas
- Luders
- Lumiansky
- Lumiansky
- Lusignan
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydon
- Lyell
- LĂĽcke
- Mabillon
- Macaulay
- MacCana
- MacCulloch
- MacDonald
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- MacFarlane
- Macfarlane
- Machan
- Mack
- Macrae-Gibson
- Madden
- Maddicott
- Maddicott
- Maidstone
- Maidstone
- Maitland
- Major
- Malory
- Malory
- Mandeville
- Manly
- Mann
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Map
- Mapstone
- Marie
- Marie
- Marie
- Marie
- Marrou
- Marshall
- Martindale
- Martorell
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Mason
- Mason
- Matheson
- Matzke
- Maximian
- McArthur
- McConica
- McEntire
- McFarlane
- McFarlane
- McGinn
- McGladdery
- McIntosh
- McKenna
- McKisack
- McKisack
- McKnight
- McLaren
- McNeill
- McNeill
- McNiven
- McSparran
- Mead
- Meale
- Meale
- Meale
- Meale
- Mechthild
- Mechthild
- Medcalf
- Medcalfe
- Medwall
- Mehl
- Meisel
- Metcalf
- Metham
- Metlitzki
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyers
- Michael
- Migne
- Migne
- Milis
- Milis
- Mill
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Millett
- Millett
- Millett
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Milton
- Milton
- Miner
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minot
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Miskimin
- Mitchell
- Moffat
- Mohl
- Monk
- Monroe
- Moore
- Moorman
- More
- More
- More
- More
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morsbach
- Mossé
- Motter
- Muir
- Muir
- Muir
- Mullet
- Murphy
- Muscatine
- Muzzarelli
- Muzzarelli
- Neckam
- Needham
- Nelson
- Nelson
- Nequam
- Neuse
- Nevanlinna
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholas
- Nicholls
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicolas
- Nicoll
- Niermeyer
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nineham
- Norbrook
- Norland
- Northwood
- Norton
- Nun
- Oakden
- Olson
- Olson
- Olsson
- Oresme
- Orm
- Orme
- Orme
- Orpen
- Osith
- Ouy
- Owen
- Owst
- Owst
- O’Keefe
- O’Sullivan
- Page
- Painter
- Palgrave
- Pantin
- Pantin
- Panton
- Panton
- Panuzio
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parker
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parsons
- Paton
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Paues
- Payer
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pecock
- Pellegrini
- Pelteret
- Penelope
- Pepler
- Percy
- Perkins
- Peter
- Peter
- Peterson
- Pfander
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillips
- Physiologus
- Pickering
- Pickford
- Pierre
- Pike
- Pike
- Pike
- Piramus
- Plomer
- Plucknett
- Plucknett
- Plucknett
- Pocock
- Pognon
- Pollard
- Pollock
- Ponet
- Poole
- Pope
- Pope
- Pope
- Postan
- Potter
- Potts
- Poussa
- Powell
- Powell
- Power
- Power
- Powicke
- Pronay
- Pseudo-Bonaventura
- Pseudo-Bonaventura
- Pugh
- Putnam
- Rabil
- Raby
- Radner
- Ravenshaw
- Rebholz
- Reddaway
- Redworth
- Reese
- Reinhard
- Rejhon
- Repingdon
- Reynes
- Rice
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Richards
- Richmond
- Richter
- Richter
- Riché
- Rickard
- Rickert
- Riddy
- Riddy
- Ridyard
- Rigg
- Righter
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Ritchie
- Ritchie
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Robert
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Roper
- Roper
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosof
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Rothwell
- Rous
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Roy
- Rubin
- Ruggiers
- Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Rumble
- Russell
- Russell
- Rutter
- Saenger
- Said
- Salter
- Salter
- Salter
- Salter
- Samuel
- Sanderson
- Sanderson
- Sandler
- Sandquist
- Sands
- Sanson
- Sargent
- Sargent
- Sargent
- Saul
- Savage
- Savage
- Sawyer
- Sawyer
- Sbaralea
- Scarisbrick
- Scarisbrick
- Scase
- Scase
- Scattergood
- Scheps
- Schibanoff
- Schlauch
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitz
- Schneyer
- Schröer
- Schröer
- Searle
- Searle
- Serjeantson
- Serlo
- Seton-Watson
- Severs
- Seymour
- Seymour
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Sherman
- Shields
- Shillingford
- Shippey
- Shirley
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Sidney
- Sigmund
- Sillem
- Simmons
- Simms
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Sims-Williams
- Simund
- Sinfield
- Sinnreich-Levi
- Sisam
- Sitwell
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skene
- Skene
- Skene
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smithers
- Smithers
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Specht
- Spector
- Speed
- Spenser
- Spiegel
- Spinrad
- Spurgeon
- St German
- Stafford
- Staley
- Stallybrass
- Stanley
- Stansky
- Stapleton
- Starkey
- Starkey
- Starkey
- Statius
- Statius
- Steele
- Steer
- Stemmler
- Stenton
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stimming
- Stock
- Stockdale
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stone
- Stones
- Stones
- Stow
- Strachey
- Strang
- Strode
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Strype
- Strype
- Strype
- Stubbs
- Studer
- Studer
- Sullivan
- Sumption
- Surette
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Swanton
- Swinburn
- Sylvester
- Sylvester
- Tacitus
- Takamiya
- Talbert
- Talbot
- Tanner
- Tatlock
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Temple
- Tentler
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thrupp
- Thurley
- Thynne
- Tierney
- Tolkien
- Tolkien
- Toller
- Torkington
- Travis
- Travis
- Treharne
- Trevisa
- Trevisa
- Trinkaus
- Trokelowe
- Trounce
- Tudor-Craig
- Turner
- Turville-Petre
- Turville-Petre
- Turville-Petre
- Tuve
- Twiti
- Tydeman
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyson
- Underhill
- Unwin
- Vale
- Vale
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vendryes
- Vising
- Vitalis
- Voights
- Volosinov
- von Hefele
- von HĂĽgel
- von HĂĽgel
- Wace
- Waldron
- Waleys
- Walker
- Wallace
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsingham
- Walter
- Walter
- Ward
- Ward
- Warner
- Warner
- Warner
- Warren
- Wasson
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watson
- Waugh
- Weatherly
- Webster
- Weever
- Weinberg
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Welsh
- Wenzel
- Wenzel
- Wenzel
- Westra
- Wetherbee
- Wetherbee
- Whatley
- White
- White
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Wickert
- Wickham
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilmart
- Wilmart
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wimsatt
- Winstead
- Winstead
- Wittig
- Wittig
- Wogan-Browne
- Wogan-Browne
- Woods
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Worcester
- Workman
- Wormald
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Wyatt
- Wyche
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- WĂĽlfing
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Young
- Young-Wallace
- Yunck
- Zacher
- Zettersten
- Zettersten
- Zim
- Zink
- Zuptiza
- Ælfric
- Ă“ Cuiv
- Ă“ Murchu
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study
- Author
- Abelard
- Abelard
- Abelard
- Ackroyd
- Adam
- Adams
- Aers
- Aers
- Aers
- Aers
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ailred
- Ainsworth
- Aitken
- Aitken
- Aitken
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alfonsi
- Alfonsi
- Alford
- Alford
- Alford
- Alford
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Ambrisco
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Ancrene
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andreas
- Andrew
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Aquinas
- Archibald
- Armstrong
- Arn
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Ashford
- Ashley
- Aspin
- Aspin
- Asser
- Astell
- Atwooll
- Audley
- Audrey
- Auerbach
- Augustine of Hippo
- Augustine of Hippo
- Aungier
- Axton
- Axton
- Backhouse
- Backhouse
- Badel
- Baildon
- Baird
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker-Smith
- Baldwin
- Bale
- Bale
- Balfour
- Balfour-Melville
- Barber
- Barbour
- Barclay
- Barclay
- Barclay
- Barfield
- Barish
- Barlow
- Barnes
- Barnicle
- Barnie
- Barnum
- Barr
- Barratt
- Barron
- Barron
- Barron
- Barron
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Bartlett
- Bartlett
- Basket
- Baswell
- Bateson
- Bateson
- Baugh
- Baugh
- Baumann
- Bawcutt
- Bawcutt
- Baxter
- Bazire
- Beadle
- Beadle
- Beattie
- Beaune
- Beckwith
- Bede
- Beer
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benedeit
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Benoît
- Benoît
- Benoît
- Benskin
- Benskin
- Benson
- Benson
- Berger
- Berger
- Berkeley
- Berman
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernart
- Berndt
- Berndt
- Berndt
- Berry
- Bertaud
- Bestull
- Bibbesworth
- Bigongiari
- Bigson
- Bird
- Bishop
- Bishop
- Blades
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blake
- Blamires
- Blatt
- Blind
- Bliss
- Bliss
- Bliss
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield
- Blumenfeld-Kosinski
- Blunt
- Boas
- Boas
- Bodel
- Boece
- Boece
- Boece
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boffey
- Boitani
- Bokenham
- Bolgar
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bond
- Borroff
- Bossuat
- Bossuat
- Boswell
- Bosworth
- Bourchier
- Bourchier
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Boureau
- Bower
- Bowers
- Bowker
- Boyd
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Bozon
- Braceland
- Bradshaw
- Brand
- Brandeis
- Braswell
- Breeze
- Brereton
- Brett
- Brett
- Brewer
- Brewer
- Brewer
- Brewer
- Bridget of Sweden
- Bridget of Sweden
- Brie
- Brigden
- Brinklow
- Brinton
- Briscoe
- Britnell
- Brockwell
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromwich
- Bromyard
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brooks
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown [Wormald]
- Brownlee
- Brownlee
- Brunner
- Bryan
- Bryer
- Bullen
- Bunt
- Burgulianus
- Burlin
- Burnett
- Burrow
- Burrow
- Burrow
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Bynum
- Byrne
- Bödtker
- Cahill
- Calderwood
- Camargo
- Camargo
- Camille
- Camille
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campion
- Caoursin
- Capgrave
- Capgrave
- Capgrave
- Capgrave
- Carley
- Carlson
- Carlson
- Carlyle
- Carney
- Carruthers
- Carthusian
- Cartwright
- Cary
- Casady
- Cassidy
- Catto
- Catto
- Catto
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cawley
- Cawley
- Cawley
- Cawley
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Caxton
- Chadwick
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chambers
- Chandos
- Charland
- Charles
- Charles
- Charles-Edwards
- Charles-Edwards
- Charlton
- Chartier
- Chase
- Chase
- Chastellain
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Chaucer
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Chibnall
- Child
- Childress
- Childs
- Christianson
- Christina
- Christine
- Christine
- Cigman
- Clanchy
- Clanchy
- Clancy
- Clanvowe
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Clark
- Classen
- Claudianus
- Clay
- Clayton
- Clebsch
- Clemence
- Clemoes
- Clemoes
- Clogan
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Clopper
- Cohen
- Coldewey
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Collas
- Colledge
- Colley
- Colvin
- Connolly
- Conrad
- Conran
- Constable
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Corrigan
- Cosgrove
- Cottle
- Courtenay
- Courtenay
- Coventry
- Cowan
- Cowan
- Cowley
- Cox
- Craigie
- Craigie
- Craik
- Craik
- Crane
- Crick
- Crompton
- Cross
- Crow
- Crow
- Cunnar
- Curry
- Curtis
- Dafydd
- Dahmus
- Damian-Grint
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniel
- Daniell
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawson
- Day
- Day
- de Certeau
- de Certeau
- Deane
- Deanesly
- Delany
- Delisle
- Delumeau
- Denholm-Young
- Denholm-Young
- Desan
- Deschamps
- Di Agozzino
- Dibelius
- Dickens
- Dickins
- Dickinson
- Dickson
- Dideron
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Dillon
- Diodorus
- Dobbie
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dobson
- Dodwell
- Dolan
- Domingue
- Donald
- Donaldson
- Donaldson
- Donaldson
- Donovan
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Douie
- Dowling
- Doyle
- Doyle
- Drexler
- Dronke
- Duby
- Duby
- Duff
- Duff
- Duffy
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- Duggan
- Duggan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Dutka
- Dutschke
- Dwyer
- Dyer
- DĂĽrmuller
- d’Ardenne
- D’Evelyn
- Eadmer
- Earle
- Eberle
- Eccles
- Economou
- Edington
- Edmund of Abingdon
- Edmund of Abingdon
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eisner
- Elkins
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Elton
- Elton
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- Elyot
- Emden
- Enos
- Epp
- Esposito
- Esposito
- Esser
- Esser
- Evans
- Evans
- Everett
- Ewart
- Fantosme
- Farges
- Farmer
- Farmer
- Fehr
- Fellows
- Fellows
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- Ferrante
- Fewster
- Fichte
- Fidner
- Field
- Field
- Fiero
- Finlayson
- Finlayson
- Finucane
- Fisher
- Fisher
- Fisiak
- Fitzmaurice
- Fitznigel
- Flasdieck
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Fleming
- Flenley
- Fletcher
- Fletcher
- Florence
- Florence
- Ford
- Ford
- Fortescue
- Foster
- Foster
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Foucault
- Fowler
- Fowler
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Fox
- Foxe
- Foxe
- Fradenburg
- Francis
- Francis of Assisi
- Frankis
- Frankis
- Frantzen
- Frantzen
- Fraser
- French
- Frere
- Frescoln
- Friedberg
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Froissart
- Frye
- Frye
- Fukui
- Fulton
- Furber
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Furnivall
- Gaimar
- Gairdner
- Gairdner
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Galbraith
- Gallacher
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- Gameson
- Ganim
- Gardiner
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garmonsway
- Garner
- Garrigou-Lagrange
- Geddie
- Gehl
- Genet
- Genet
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Geoffrey
- Georgianna
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gerald
- Gervase
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Giles
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gillespie
- Gilley
- Gillies
- Gillingham
- Glanvill
- Glasscoe
- Glasscoe
- Glunz
- Goates
- Goering
- Goldstein
- Gollancz
- Gower
- Gower
- Gower
- Gower
- Gradon
- Grafton
- Graham
- Gransden
- Gransden
- Grant
- Grant
- Gratian
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
- Green
- Green
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greene
- Greene
- Greenway
- Grendler
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Griffiths
- Gross
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Grosseteste
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- Gruffydd
- GrĂĽndel
- Guddat-Figge
- Guernes
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Guigo
- Gurevich
- Guy
- Guy
- Guy
- Guylforde
- Gwynn
- Görlach
- Haigh
- Hall
- Hallam
- Halliwell
- Hamel
- Hamel
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hammond
- Hanawalt
- Hanawalt
- Hanawalt
- Hanham
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanna
- Hanning
- Harding
- Harding
- Hardison
- Hardyng
- Harriss
- Harthan
- Hartland
- Harvey
- Hathaway
- Hausknecht
- Hawes
- Haycock
- Haycock
- Haydon
- Hearne
- Heath
- Hefele
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- Heffernan
- Heffernan
- Helgerson
- Helgerson
- Hellinga
- Henken
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henryson
- Henshaw
- Heptateuch
- Herbert
- Herebert
- Herman
- Herman
- Herrtage
- Hexter
- Hexter
- Heywood
- Heywood
- Heyworth
- Hibbard
- Hicks
- Higden
- Highfield
- Hill
- Hilpert
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hilton
- Hinnebusch
- Hobsbawm
- Hoccleve
- Hoccleve
- Hodgson
- Hodgson
- Hoepffner
- Hogan
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holden
- Holdsworth
- Hollier
- Holloway
- Holmstedt
- Holt
- Holt
- Holthausen
- Horne
- Horrall
- Horrall
- Horrox
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Horstmann
- Hort
- Horvath
- Hourlier
- Howard
- Howard
- Howe
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hue
- Hue
- Hugh
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughes
- Hughey
- Hulbert
- Hume
- Humphreys
- Humphreys
- Hunningher
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Huxley
- Huygens
- Hymes
- Hyrd
- Idley
- Iglesias-Rábade
- Ingram
- Ingram
- Innes
- Insley
- Ireland
- Irvine
- Irvine
- Irving
- Isbell
- Isidore
- Isoz
- Ito
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacobs
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- Jacobus
- Jacques
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James
- James I
- James I
- Jankofsky
- Jardine
- Jarman
- Jeffrey
- Jocelin
- Jocelin
- Jocelyn
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jolliffe
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones-Pierce
- Jonson
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Joseph
- Julian
- Julian
- Julian
- Justice
- Kaeppeli
- Kaeuper
- Kail
- Kane
- Kane
- Kane
- Kantrowitz
- Karl
- Katz
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- Keen
- Keiser
- Keiser
- Kellaway
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kemp
- Kempe
- Kempe
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Ker
- Kerby-Fulton
- Kerby-Fulton
- Kern
- Keynes
- Kibler
- Kieckhefer
- Kiernan
- Kilwardby
- Kilwardby
- Kimball
- King
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- Kingsford
- King’s
- King’s
- King’s
- King’s
- Kipling
- Kirby
- Klaeber
- Klinefelter
- Knapp
- Knight
- Knight
- Knight
- Knighton
- Knighton
- Knott
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Knox
- Kolve
- Kratzmann
- Kratzmann
- Kress
- Kress
- Kretschmar
- Krochalis
- Krochalis
- Kugel
- Kurath
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Kölbing
- Lacy
- Lage
- Lagorio
- Lagorio
- Laing
- Lambert
- Lanfranc
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langland
- Langtoft
- Lapidge
- Lardeau
- Latham
- Latham
- Latham
- Latham
- Lavynham
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- Lawton
- LaĐ·amon
- LaĐ·amon
- LaĐ·amon
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Le Saux
- Leach
- Leadam
- Leader
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- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Ledrede
- Leerssen
- Lefebvre
- Leff
- Lefèvre
- Legg
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Legge
- Lehmberg
- Leland
- Lenaghan
- Lerer
- Lerer
- Lester
- Levy
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lindsay
- Lindsay
- Little
- Little
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Jones
- Lloyd-Jones
- Lloyd-Jones
- Loades
- Lochrie
- Long
- Loomis
- Loomis
- Loserth
- Lourdaux
- Love
- Lovelich
- Lovelich
- Lucas
- Luders
- Lumiansky
- Lumiansky
- Lusignan
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydgate
- Lydon
- Lyell
- LĂĽcke
- Mabillon
- Macaulay
- MacCana
- MacCulloch
- MacDonald
- MacDougall
- MacDougall
- MacFarlane
- Macfarlane
- Machan
- Mack
- Macrae-Gibson
- Madden
- Maddicott
- Maddicott
- Maidstone
- Maidstone
- Maitland
- Major
- Malory
- Malory
- Mandeville
- Manly
- Mann
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Mannyng
- Map
- Mapstone
- Marie
- Marie
- Marie
- Marie
- Marrou
- Marshall
- Martindale
- Martorell
- Marx
- Marx
- Marx
- Mason
- Mason
- Matheson
- Matzke
- Maximian
- McArthur
- McConica
- McEntire
- McFarlane
- McFarlane
- McGinn
- McGladdery
- McIntosh
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- McKisack
- McKnight
- McLaren
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- McNeill
- McNiven
- McSparran
- Mead
- Meale
- Meale
- Meale
- Meale
- Mechthild
- Mechthild
- Medcalf
- Medcalfe
- Medwall
- Mehl
- Meisel
- Metcalf
- Metham
- Metlitzki
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyers
- Michael
- Migne
- Migne
- Milis
- Milis
- Mill
- Miller
- Miller
- Millett
- Millett
- Millett
- Millett
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Mills
- Milton
- Milton
- Miner
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minnis
- Minot
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Mirk
- Miskimin
- Mitchell
- Moffat
- Mohl
- Monk
- Monroe
- Moore
- Moorman
- More
- More
- More
- More
- Morgan
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morris
- Morsbach
- Mossé
- Motter
- Muir
- Muir
- Muir
- Mullet
- Murphy
- Muscatine
- Muzzarelli
- Muzzarelli
- Neckam
- Needham
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- Nelson
- Nequam
- Neuse
- Nevanlinna
- Newman
- Newton
- Nicholas
- Nicholls
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Nicolas
- Nicoll
- Niermeyer
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nigel
- Nineham
- Norbrook
- Norland
- Northwood
- Norton
- Nun
- Oakden
- Olson
- Olson
- Olsson
- Oresme
- Orm
- Orme
- Orme
- Orpen
- Osith
- Ouy
- Owen
- Owst
- Owst
- O’Keefe
- O’Sullivan
- Page
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- Palgrave
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- Pantin
- Panton
- Panton
- Panuzio
- Paris
- Paris
- Paris
- Parker
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parkes
- Parry
- Parry
- Parry
- Parsons
- Paton
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Paues
- Payer
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pearsall
- Pecock
- Pellegrini
- Pelteret
- Penelope
- Pepler
- Percy
- Perkins
- Peter
- Peter
- Peterson
- Pfander
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillips
- Physiologus
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- Pickford
- Pierre
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- Pike
- Pike
- Piramus
- Plomer
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- Plucknett
- Plucknett
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- Pollock
- Ponet
- Poole
- Pope
- Pope
- Pope
- Postan
- Potter
- Potts
- Poussa
- Powell
- Powell
- Power
- Power
- Powicke
- Pronay
- Pseudo-Bonaventura
- Pseudo-Bonaventura
- Pugh
- Putnam
- Rabil
- Raby
- Radner
- Ravenshaw
- Rebholz
- Reddaway
- Redworth
- Reese
- Reinhard
- Rejhon
- Repingdon
- Reynes
- Rice
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Richards
- Richmond
- Richter
- Richter
- Riché
- Rickard
- Rickert
- Riddy
- Riddy
- Ridyard
- Rigg
- Righter
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Ritchie
- Ritchie
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Robbins
- Robert
- Robert
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Robinson
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Rolle
- Roper
- Roper
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosof
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Rothwell
- Rous
- Rowland
- Rowlands
- Roy
- Rubin
- Ruggiers
- Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Rule
- Rumble
- Russell
- Russell
- Rutter
- Saenger
- Said
- Salter
- Salter
- Salter
- Salter
- Samuel
- Sanderson
- Sanderson
- Sandler
- Sandquist
- Sands
- Sanson
- Sargent
- Sargent
- Sargent
- Saul
- Savage
- Savage
- Sawyer
- Sawyer
- Sbaralea
- Scarisbrick
- Scarisbrick
- Scase
- Scase
- Scattergood
- Scheps
- Schibanoff
- Schlauch
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitz
- Schneyer
- Schröer
- Schröer
- Searle
- Searle
- Serjeantson
- Serlo
- Seton-Watson
- Severs
- Seymour
- Seymour
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Sherman
- Shields
- Shillingford
- Shippey
- Shirley
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Sidney
- Sigmund
- Sillem
- Simmons
- Simms
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Sims-Williams
- Simund
- Sinfield
- Sinnreich-Levi
- Sisam
- Sitwell
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skeat
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skelton
- Skene
- Skene
- Skene
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smithers
- Smithers
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Spearing
- Specht
- Spector
- Speed
- Spenser
- Spiegel
- Spinrad
- Spurgeon
- St German
- Stafford
- Staley
- Stallybrass
- Stanley
- Stansky
- Stapleton
- Starkey
- Starkey
- Starkey
- Statius
- Statius
- Steele
- Steer
- Stemmler
- Stenton
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stimming
- Stock
- Stockdale
- Stokes
- Stone
- Stone
- Stones
- Stones
- Stow
- Strachey
- Strang
- Strode
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Strohm
- Strype
- Strype
- Strype
- Stubbs
- Studer
- Studer
- Sullivan
- Sumption
- Surette
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Swanton
- Swinburn
- Sylvester
- Sylvester
- Tacitus
- Takamiya
- Talbert
- Talbot
- Tanner
- Tatlock
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Temple
- Tentler
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thrupp
- Thurley
- Thynne
- Tierney
- Tolkien
- Tolkien
- Toller
- Torkington
- Travis
- Travis
- Treharne
- Trevisa
- Trevisa
- Trinkaus
- Trokelowe
- Trounce
- Tudor-Craig
- Turner
- Turville-Petre
- Turville-Petre
- Turville-Petre
- Tuve
- Twiti
- Tydeman
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyndale
- Tyson
- Underhill
- Unwin
- Vale
- Vale
- Vaughan
- Vaughan
- Vendryes
- Vising
- Vitalis
- Voights
- Volosinov
- von Hefele
- von HĂĽgel
- von HĂĽgel
- Wace
- Waldron
- Waleys
- Walker
- Wallace
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walsingham
- Walter
- Walter
- Ward
- Ward
- Warner
- Warner
- Warner
- Warren
- Wasson
- Watkin
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watson
- Waugh
- Weatherly
- Webster
- Weever
- Weinberg
- Weiss
- Weiss
- Welsh
- Wenzel
- Wenzel
- Wenzel
- Westra
- Wetherbee
- Wetherbee
- Whatley
- White
- White
- Whitelock
- Whitelock
- Wickert
- Wickham
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilmart
- Wilmart
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wimsatt
- Winstead
- Winstead
- Wittig
- Wittig
- Wogan-Browne
- Wogan-Browne
- Woods
- Woolf
- Woolf
- Worcester
- Workman
- Wormald
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Wyatt
- Wyche
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- Wyclif
- WĂĽlfing
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Yeager
- Young
- Young-Wallace
- Yunck
- Zacher
- Zettersten
- Zettersten
- Zim
- Zink
- Zuptiza
- Ælfric
- Ă“ Cuiv
- Ă“ Murchu
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1999
- Field of study