4,382 research outputs found

    A review of the advantages and limitations of geophysical investigations in landslide studies

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    Landslide deformations involve approximately all geological materials (natural rocks, soil, artificial fill, or combinations of these materials) and can occur and develop in a large variety of volumes and shapes. The characterization of the material inhomogeneities and their properties, the study of the deformation processes, and the delimitation of boundaries and potential slip surfaces are not simple goals. Since the ‘70s, the international community (mainly geophysicists and lower geologists and geological engineers) has begun to employ, together with other techniques, geophysical methods to characterize and monitor landslides. Both the associated advantages and limitations have been highlighted over the years, and some drawbacks are still open. This review is focused on works of the last twelve years (2007-2018), and the main goal is to analyse the geophysical community efforts toward overcoming the geophysical technique limitations highlighted in the 2007 geophysics and landslide review. To achieve this aim, contrary to previous reviews that analysed the advantages and limitations of each technique using a “technique approach,” the analysis was carried out using a “material landslide approach” on the basis of the more recent landslides classification

    Hotel Resort Di Merauke ‘Organik Arsitektur'

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    Merauke merupakan Kabupaten yang terletak pada bagian selatan dari Provinsi Papua dan paling timur dari wilayah Republik Indonesia. Kekayaan dan aset wisatanya yang merupakan gabungan dari pemandangan alam dan keunikan kebudayaan pun melimpah ruah. Di Kota Merauke juga terdapat beberapa tempat-tempat wisata bahari. Diantaranya adalah Pantai Buti dan Pantai Nasem. Pantai Buti adalah pantai yang terletak tidak jauh dari batas kota Merauke. Pantai ini yang karena letaknya pada bagian timur kota Merauke sehingga sangat indah jika melihat terbenamnya mentari jika hari mulai petang dan juga dapat dibuat sebagai tempat rekreasi yang sangat menyenangkan. Pantai Buti merupakan Lokasi terpilih dalam perancangan Objek Hotel Resort di Merauke. Dengan penerapan tema Organik Arsitektur, yang mana perencanaan dan perancangan dengan mengambil sumber dari alam yang berupa mahluk hidup atau yang berhubungan dengan mahluk hidup, sebagai pokok dari bentuk dan fungsi bangunan. Berdasarkan data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari pemerintah Kabupaten Merauke yang menetapkan daerah pengembangan dan kawasan pariwisata adalah daerah pesisir pantai, kawasan lindung taman nasional wasur yang menjadi objek wisata di Kabupaten Merauke. Kondisi Tapak pada lokasi tidak berkontur, terletak dipersisir pantai dan sangat luas cocok untuk penempatan objek Hotel Resort. Pantai Lampu satu juga bisa menjadi salah satu aspek yang mendapat perhatian dari pemeritah Kabupaten untuk dikembangkan dan ditetapkan sebagai lokasi perencanaan dan pengembangan wisata. Kata Kunci : Hotel, Resort, Organik Arsitektu

    Induced Compton Scattering in Gigahertz Peak Spectrum Sources

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    We revisit the shocked shell model for the class of Active Galactic Nuclei known as Gigahertz Peak Spectrum sources, incorporating new observational data on the radiation brightness temperatures. We argue that in addition to free-free absorption, induced Compton scattering will also have an important effect in forming the ~GHz peak and in shaping the radio spectra that characterize these sources. Indeed, our arguments suggest that GPS sources may provide the first real evidence for the role of induced Compton scattering in extragalactic radio sources.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, AAS LaTeX style with epsf, to appear in ApJ Letter

    Effects of exposures to repeated heat stress on the survival of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and its endoparasitoid Aphidius ervi

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    Organisms could be exposed to several heat waves during their life, and their ability to survive a heat wave strongly depends on the effects of the previous one. Exposure to extreme temperatures can have important effects on the outcome of host-parasitoid interactions, as the ability of the parasitoid to survive depends on the ability of its host to cope successfully with these stresses. In the present study we address the impact of repeated exposure to heat stress on the survival of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera Aphididae) and its endoparasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday Hymenoptera Braconidae). The first treatment consisted of a heat stress of 35 °C for 30 minutes performed on 4 days old aphids, the second and third heat stresses of 39 °C were performed on 5 days old and on adult aphids, espectively. The three treatments were applied alone or in all their ombinations. We found that aphid thermal tolerance is positively influenced by heat hardening if a severe stress occurs a few days after the first event. Adult parasitized aphids show significantly higher survival than unparasitized ones; however, the effects of parasitization and hardening on host survival after heat shock are not additive. We also found that A. ervi has a lower thermotolerance capacity than its host and does not show apparent hardening effects. In addition, parasitoid survival after mummification is not affected by the previously experienced heat shock. The possible explanations of the observed phenomena are discussed

    Kinematic reconstruction of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation by geomorphic analyses

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    On 4 November 2010, a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (North Italy) reactivated with sudden ground movement. A 450,000 m2 mountainous area moved some metres downslope, but the undeniable signs were only connected to the triggering of a debris flow from the bulging area’s detrital cover and the presence of a continuous perimeter fracture near the crown area. Based on two detailed LiDAR surveys (2 m × 2 m) performed just a few days before and after the event, a quantitative topographic analysis was performed in a GIS environment, integrating morphometric terrain parameters (slope, aspect, surface roughness, hill shade, and curvature). The DEMs analysis highlighted some morphological changes related to deeper as well as shallow movements. Both global and sectorial displacements were widely verified and discussed, finally inferring that the geometry, persistence, and layout of all movements properly justify each current morphostructure, which has the shape of a typical Sackung-type structure with impulsive kinematics. Moreover, a targeted field survey allowed specific clues to be found that confirmed the global deduced dynamics of the slope deformation. Finally, thanks to a ground-based interferometric radar system (GB-InSAR) that was installed a few days after the reactivation, the residual deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) movements were also monitored. In the landslide lower bulging area, a localized material progression of small entities was observed for some months after the parossistic event, indicating a slow dissipation of forces in sectors more distant from the crown area

    Simulations of working memory spiking networks driven by short-term plasticity

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    Working Memory (WM) is a cognitive mechanism that enables temporary holding and manipulation of information in the human brain. This mechanism is mainly characterized by a neuronal activity during which neuron populations are able to maintain an enhanced spiking activity after being triggered by a short external cue. In this study, we implement, using the NEST simulator, a spiking neural network model in which the WM activity is sustained by a mechanism of short-term synaptic facilitation related to presynaptic calcium kinetics. The model, which is characterized by leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with exponential postsynaptic currents, is able to autonomously show an activity regime in which the memory information can be stored in a synaptic form as a result of synaptic facilitation, with spiking activity functional to facilitation maintenance. The network is able to simultaneously keep multiple memories by showing an alternated synchronous activity which preserves the synaptic facilitation within the neuron populations holding memory information. The results shown in this study confirm that a WM mechanism can be sustained by synaptic facilitation

    X-ray Properties of the GigaHertz-Peaked and Compact Steep Spectrum Sources

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    We present {\it Chandra} X-ray Observatory observations of Giga-Hertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) radio sources. The {\it Chandra} sample contains 13 quasars and 3 galaxies with measured 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity within 1042−104610^{42} - 10^{46} erg s−1^{-1}. We detect all of the sources, five of which are observed in X-ray for the first time. We study the X-ray spectral properties of the sample. The measured absorption columns in the quasars are different than those in the galaxies in the sense that the quasars show no absorption (with limits ∌1021cm−2\sim 10^{21} \rm cm^{-2}) while the galaxies have large absorption columns (>1022cm−2> 10^{22} \rm cm^{-2}) consistent with previous findings. The median photon index of the sources with high S/N is Γ=1.84±0.24\Gamma=1.84 \pm0.24 and it is larger than the typical index of radio loud quasars. The arcsec resolution of {\it Chandra} telescope allows us to investigate X-ray extended emission, and look for diffuse components and X-ray jets. We found X-ray jets in two quasars (PKS 1127-145, B2 0738+32), an X-ray cluster surrounding a CSS quasar (z=1.1, 3C 186), detected a possible binary structure in 0941-080 galaxy and an extended diffuse emission in galaxy PKS B2 1345+12. We discuss our results in the context of X-ray emission processes and radio source evolution. We conclude that the X-ray emission in these sources is most likely unrelated to a relativistic jet, while the sources' radio-loudness may suggest a high radiative efficiency of the jet power in these sources.Comment: 15 pages, to be published in Ap

    Effects of Trichoderma harzianum Strain T22 on the Arthropod Community Associated with Tomato Plants and on the Crop Performance in an Experimental Field

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    Fungi belonging to the genus Trichoderma have received much attention in recent years due to their beneficial effects on crop health and their use as pest control agents. Trichoderma activates direct plant defenses against phytophagous arthropods and reinforces indirect plant defense through the attraction of predators. Although the plant defenses against insect herbivores were demonstrated in laboratory experiments, little attention has been paid to the use of Trichoderma spp. in open field conditions. In the present study, we investigated the effects of the inoculation of the commercial Trichoderma harzianum strain T22 on the arthropod community associated with tomato plants and on the crop performance in an experimental field located in South Italy. Our results showed that inoculation with T. harzianum could alter the arthropod community and reduce the abundance of specific pests under field conditions with respect to the sampling period. The present study also confirmed the beneficial effect of T. harzianum against plant pathogens and on tomato fruit. The complex tomato–arthropod–microorganism interactions that occurred in the field are discussed to enrich our current information on the possibilities of using Trichoderma as a green alternative agent in agricultur
