812 research outputs found

    Les tragiques d’Agrippa d’Aubigné : un titre et sa portée

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    Le titre des Tragiques d’Agrippa d’Aubigné définit moins un genre que la tension générique du poème entre différents repères (théâtre, histoire tragique) : un éclatement du discours, une recherche de l’excès et de la violence, pour prendre de front les poétiques apaisées, civiles et régulières du temps de l’Édit de Nantes. Le poème est ainsi solidaire de l’argumentaire politique et historique que construisent l’Histoire universelle et les Écrits politiques : la violence poétique refuse la pacification que la pensée politique prétend démasquer. De là l’importance de l’inspiration tragique : même si les références précises au théâtre sont rares à l’exception d’un emprunt capital au Jephte sive votum de Buchanan, la volonté de choquer et de faire surgir l’horreur inspire l’invocation à Melpomène au début de Miseres, et inscrit tout le poème sous le signe du chaos, du thrène funèbre, de l’« hymne discordant des Érinyes » (Les sept contre Thèbes), où Nicole Loraux a reconnu l’inspiration anti-apollinienne des Tragiques grecs.The title of Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Tragiques defines less a genre than the generic tension of the poem amid various themes (theatre, tragic history): a burst of discourse, an inquiry into excess and violence, confronting the assuaged, civil and regular poetics at the time of the Edict of Nantes. The poem affirms the political and historical argumentation developed in Histoire universelle and Écrits politiques: poetic violence rejects the pacification that political thought claims to uphold. Hence the importance of tragic inspiration: while there is scant theatrical reference, except for a major borrowing from Buchanan’s Jephthes sive votum, the will to shock and arouse horror inspires the invocation to Melpomene as the Miseres opens, thereby infusing the poem with chaos, a funeral chant, Erinyes’s discordant hymn (Les sept contre Thèbes), in which Nicole Loraux perceived the anti-Apollinarian inspiration of Greek Tragedy

    On piecewise hyperdefinable groups

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    The aim of this paper is to generalize and improve two of the main model-theoretic results of "Stable group theory and approximate subgroups" by E. Hrushovski to the context of piecewise hyperdefinable sets. The first one is the existence of Lie models. The second one is the stabilizer theorem. In the process, a systematic study of the structure of piecewise hyperdefinable sets is developed. In particular, we show the most significant properties of their logic topologies

    On metric approximate subgroups

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    Let G be a group with a metric invariant under left and right translations, and let Dr be the ball of radius r around the identity. A (k,r)(,)-metric approximate subgroup is a symmetric subset X of G such that the pairwise product set XX is covered by at most k translates of XDr. This notion was introduced in [T. Tao, Product set estimates for noncommutative groups, Combinatorica, 28(5) (2008) 547–594, doi:10.1007/s00493-008-2271-7; T. Tao, Metric entropy analogues of sum set theory (2014), https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2014/03/19/metric-entropy-analogues-of-sum-set-theory/] along with the version for discrete groups (approximate subgroups). In [E. Hrushovski, Stable group theory and approximate subgroups, J. Amer. Math. Soc.25(1) (2012) 189–243, doi:10.1090/S0894-0347-2011-00708-X], it was shown for the discrete case that, at the asymptotic limit of X finite but large, the “approximateness” (or need for more than one translate) can be attributed to a canonically associated Lie group. Here we prove an analogous result in the metric setting, under a certain finite covering assumption on X replacing finiteness. In particular, if G has bounded exponent, we show that any (k,r)(,)-metric approximate subgroup is close to a (1,r')(1,′)-metric approximate subgroup for an appropriate r'′

    El género "Valerianella" en la Península Ibérica. II

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    Se revisan las especies de la sección Coronatae del género Valerianella Miller. Se incluye también una clave para las secciones

    Rough Approximate subgroups

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    Given a TT-rough definably amenable TT-rough approximate subgroup AA of a group in some first-order structure, there is a type-definable subgroup HH normalised by AA and contained in A4A^4 of bounded index in A\langle A\rangle

    Consecuencias de la incorporación de carbonato cálcico en el material cerámico

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 11. "Estudios arqueométricos".En esta comunicación se presentan los resultados de un trabajo experimental sobre las consecuencias de la incorporación de carbonato cálcico en la cerámica. El proceso de cocción puede provocar su transformación en cal viva (CaO) dando lugar a serias afecciones a la funcionalidad e incluso a la integridad de la pieza cerámica. La presencia de este material tanto en algunas vetas arcilla como entre las inclusiones de algunas cerámicas prehistóricas justifican el estudio para su mejor comprensión. Para ello se ha trabajado sobre las siguientes variables: tipo de carbonato cálcico, granulometría del mismo y cocción. Posteriormente se ha medido el grado de afección por la descomposición derivada de su transformación en cal viva.We present the outcomes from an experimental work on the consequence of the inclusion of calcium carbonate in prehistoric pottery. Firing can produce its transformation in calcium oxide (CaO). This has serious effects on the functionality en even in the integrity of the pottery. The study of this process is justified by the presence of this material in natural clay veins and its artificial inclusion in prehistoric pottery. Experimentation has been carried out working mainly on the following variables: calcium carbonate type, inclusions size and firing temperature. Several affection levels had been described.En aquesta comunicació es presenten els resultats d'un treball experimental sobre les conseqüències de la incorporació de carbonat càlcic en la ceràmica. El procés de cocció pot provocar la seva transformació en calç viva (CaO) donant lloc a serioses afeccions a la funcionalitat i fins i tot a la integritat de la peça ceràmica. La presència d'aquest material tant en algunes vetes argila com entre les inclusions d'algunes ceràmiques prehistòriques justifiquen l'estudi per a la seva millor comprensió. Per a això s'ha treballat sobre les següents variables: tipus de carbonat càlcic, granulometria del mateix i cocció. Posteriorment s'ha mesurat el grau d'afecció per la descomposició derivada de la seva transformació en calç viva

    El método Synthetic Phonics. Implantación en una escuela española

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    Learning to read and write is essential for young pupils, in order to achieve correct communication skills. This dissertation focuses on the method Synthetic Phonics, and more specifically, Jolly Phonics, one of the most popular programmes in the United Kingdom. I will propose an analysis of the historical context and the different phonics approaches to teach literacy in the UK, and how this approach has been introduced in a Spanish school. Then, I will compare the practical development of the method in schools in the UK and in Spain, and how Jolly Phonics teachers value this programme

    The teaching of reading and writing, with an emphasis on Synthetic Phonics

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    Synthetic phonics is the method used in British schools to teach reading and writing. Throughout the centuries different methodologies have appeared with the purpose of finding the best way for teaching to read and write in English. This research provides a general view of the different approaches and it is focused on Synthetic phonics, its theoretical framework and practical application