28 research outputs found

    A Mobile Sensing System for Urban P

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    Impact of color augmentation and tissue type in deep learning for hematoxylin and eosin image super resolution

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    Single image super-resolution is an important computer vision task with applications including remote sensing, medical imaging, and surveillance. Modern work on super-resolution utilizes deep learning to synthesize high resolution (HR) images from low resolution images (LR). With the increased utilization of digitized whole slide images (WSI) in pathology workflows, digital pathology has emerged as a promising domain for super-resolution. Despite extensive existing research into super-resolution, there remain challenges specific to digital pathology. Here, we investigated image augmentation techniques for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) WSI super-resolution and model generalizability across diverse tissue types. In addition, we investigated shortcomings with common quality metrics (peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structure similarity index (SSIM)) by conducting a perceptual quality survey for super-resolved pathology images. High performing deep super-resolution models were used to generate 20X HR images from LR images (5X or 10X equivalent) for 11 different tissues and 30 human evaluators were asked to score the quality of the generated versus the ground truth 20X HR images. The scores given by a human rater and the PSNR or the SSIM were compared to investigate the correlation between model training parameters. We found that models trained on multiple tissues generalized better than those trained on a single tissue type. We also found that PSNR correlated with perceptual quality (R = 0.26) less accurately than did SSIM (R = 0.64), suggesting that the SSIM quality metric is insufficient. The methods proposed in this study can be used to virtually magnify H&E images with better perceptual quality than interpolation methods (i.e., bicubic interpolation) commonly implemented in digital pathology software. The impact of deep SISR methods is more notable when scaling to 4X is needed, such as in the case of super-resolving a low magnification WSI from 10X to 40X

    Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Attributable to Low Whole-Grain Intake in CHINA: An Age-Period-Cohort and Joinpoint Analysis

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Low whole-grain intake is found to be one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease development and progression. In this study, we focused on exploring the long-term trends of low whole-grain intake attributed to cardiovascular disease mortality in China during 1990–2019 and relative gender differences. Study data were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 study. We used the age-period-cohort model to estimate the adjusted effect of age, period, and cohorts. Annual and average annual percentage changes were estimated by joinpoint regression analysis. We observed an increasing trend with a net drift of 1.208% for males and 0.483% for males per year. The longitudinal age curve suggested that the attributed rate increased for both genders. Period and cohort effects all suggested that the risk for males showed an increased trend that was higher than that of females. Our findings suggest that males and senior-aged people were at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease mortality attributed to low whole-grain intake. Effective strategies are needed to enhance people’s health consciousness, and increasing whole-grain intake may achieve a better preventive effect for cardiovascular disease

    Multiscale generative model using regularized skip-connections and perceptual loss for anomaly detection in toxicologic histopathology

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    Background: Automated anomaly detection is an important tool that has been developed for many real-world applications, including security systems, industrial inspection, and medical diagnostics. Despite extensive use of machine learning for anomaly detection in these varied contexts, it is challenging to generalize and apply these methods to complex tasks such as toxicologic histopathology (TOXPATH) assessment (i.e.,finding abnormalities in organ tissues). In this work, we introduce an anomaly detection method using deep learning that greatly improves model generalizability to TOXPATH data. Methods: We evaluated a one-class classification approach that leverages novel regularization and perceptual techniques within generative adversarial network (GAN) and autoencoder architectures to accurately detect anomalous histopathological findings of varying degrees of complexity. We also utilized multiscale contextual data and conducted a thorough ablation study to demonstrate the efficacy of our method. We trained our models on data from normal whole slide images (WSIs) of rat liver sections and validated on WSIs from three anomalous classes. Anomaly scores are collated into heatmaps to localize anomalies within WSIs and provide human-interpretable results. Results: Our method achieves 0.953 area under the receiver operating characteristic on a real-worldTOXPATH dataset. The model also shows good performance at detecting a wide variety of anomalies demonstrating our method’s ability to generalize to TOXPATH data. Conclusion: Anomalies in both TOXPATH histological and non-histological datasets were accurately identified with our method, which was only trained with normal data

    Compact point-detection fluorescence spectroscopy system for quantifying intrinsic fluorescence redox ratio in brain cancer diagnostics

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    We report the development of a compact point-detection fluorescence spectroscopy system and two data analysis methods to quantify the intrinsic fluorescence redox ratio and diagnose brain cancer in an orthotopic brain tumor rat model. Our system employs one compact cw diode laser (407 nm) to excite two primary endogenous fluorophores, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and flavin adenine dinucleotide. The spectra were first analyzed using a spectral filtering modulation method developed previously to derive the intrinsic fluorescence redox ratio, which has the advantages of insensitivty to optical coupling and rapid data acquisition and analysis. This method represents a convenient and rapid alternative for achieving intrinsic fluorescence-based redox measurements as compared to those complicated model-based methods. It is worth noting that the method can also extract total hemoglobin concentration at the same time but only if the emission path length of fluorescence light, which depends on the illumination and collection geometry of the optical probe, is long enough so that the effect of absorption on fluorescence intensity due to hemoglobin is significant. Then a multivariate method was used to statistically classify normal tissues and tumors. Although the first method offers quantitative tissue metabolism information, the second method provides high overall classification accuracy. The two methods provide complementary capabilities for understanding cancer development and noninvasively diagnosing brain cancer. The results of our study suggest that this portable system can be potentially used to demarcate the elusive boundary between a brain tumor and the surrounding normal tissue during surgical resection

    Average absolute error for best [THb] and SO<sub>2</sub> ratios tested with various scattering powers.

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    <p>(A), (C), (E) Absolute errors for extracting the [THb] of the simulated reflectance spectra with 584/545 when the scattering power varied from 0.2 to 2 for different scattering levels. (B), (D), (F) Absolute errors for extracting the SO2 of the simulated reflectance spectra with 539/545 when the scattering power varied from 0.2 to 2 for different scattering levels. (G) Averaged errors from (A), (C) and (E). (H) Average errors from (B), (D) and (F). Error bars represent the standard errors.</p

    Results for the <i>in vivo</i> breast study.

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    <p>Boxplots for SO<sub>2</sub> of the malignant and benign samples extracted with the (A) full spectral Monte Carlo analysis and (B) the ratiometric analysis. Boxplots for SO<sub>2</sub> of the tumor and adipose samples extracted with the (C) full spectral Monte Carlo analysis and (D) the ratiometric analysis. Ratiometric [THb] was estimated with 584/545, and SO<sub>2</sub> was estimated with 539/545. Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were performed for each group, and the significant <i>p</i>-values are shown.</p