27,460 research outputs found

    Simulating coronal condensation dynamics in 3D

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    We present numerical simulations in 3D settings where coronal rain phenomena take place in a magnetic configuration of a quadrupolar arcade system. Our simulation is a magnetohydrodynamic simulation including anisotropic thermal conduction, optically thin radiative losses, and parametrised heating as main thermodynamical features to construct a realistic arcade configuration from chromospheric to coronal heights. The plasma evaporation from chromospheric and transition region heights eventually causes localised runaway condensation events and we witness the formation of plasma blobs due to thermal instability, that evolve dynamically in the heated arcade part and move gradually downwards due to interchange type dynamics. Unlike earlier 2.5D simulations, in this case there is no large scale prominence formation observed, but a continuous coronal rain develops which shows clear indications of Rayleigh-Taylor or interchange instability, that causes the denser plasma located above the transition region to fall down, as the system moves towards a more stable state. Linear stability analysis is used in the non-linear regime for gaining insight and giving a prediction of the system's evolution. After the plasma blobs descend through interchange, they follow the magnetic field topology more closely in the lower coronal regions, where they are guided by the magnetic dips.Comment: 47 pages, 59 figure

    Optical properties of TlNi2Se2: Observation of pseudogap formation

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    The quasi-two-dimensional nickel chalcogenides TlNi2Se2TlNi_2Se_2 is a newly discovered superconductor. We have performed optical spectroscopy study on TlNi2Se2TlNi_2Se_2 single crystals over a broad frequency range at various temperatures. The overall optical reflectance spectra are similar to those observed in its isostructure BaNi2As2BaNi_2As_2. Both the suppression in R(ω)R(\omega) and the peaklike feature in σ1(ω)\sigma_1(\omega) suggest the progressive formation of a pseudogap feature in the midinfrared range with decreasing temperatures, which might be originated from the dynamic local fluctuation of charge-density-wave (CDW) instability. We propose that the CDW instability in TlNi2Se2TlNi_2Se_2 is driven by the saddle points mechanism, due to the existence of van Hove singularity very close to the Fermi energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Concurrent bandits and cognitive radio networks

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    We consider the problem of multiple users targeting the arms of a single multi-armed stochastic bandit. The motivation for this problem comes from cognitive radio networks, where selfish users need to coexist without any side communication between them, implicit cooperation or common control. Even the number of users may be unknown and can vary as users join or leave the network. We propose an algorithm that combines an ϵ\epsilon-greedy learning rule with a collision avoidance mechanism. We analyze its regret with respect to the system-wide optimum and show that sub-linear regret can be obtained in this setting. Experiments show dramatic improvement compared to other algorithms for this setting

    Testing of a novel web browser interface for the Chinese market

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    This paper compares the perspicacity, appropriateness and preference of web browser icons from leading software providers with those of a culture-specific design. This online study was conducted in Taiwan and involved 103 participants, who were given three sets of web browser icons to review, namely Microsoft Internet Explorer, Macintosh Safari, and culturally specific icons created using the Culture-Centred Design methodology. The findings of the study show that all three sets have generally high recognition rates, but that some icon functions (e.g. Go/Visit and Favourite) in all three sets have poor recognition rates and are considered inappropriate

    Prescribed pattern transformation in swelling gel tubes by elastic instability

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    We present a study on swelling-induced circumferential buckling of tubular shaped gels. Inhomogeneous stress develops as gel swells under mechanical constraints, which gives rise to spontaneous buckling instability without external force. Full control over the post-buckling pattern is experimentally demonstrated. A simple analytical model is developed using elastic energy to predict stability and post-buckling patterns upon swelling. Analysis reveals that height to diameter ratio is the most critical design parameter to determine buckling pattern, which agrees well with experimental and numerical results.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure
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