303 research outputs found

    Plasmonic angular momentum on metal-dielectric nano-wedges in a sectorial indefinite metamaterial

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    We present an analytical study to the structure-modulated plasmonic angular momentum trapped on periodic metal-dielectric nano-wedges in the core region of a sectorial indefinite metamaterial. Employing a transfer-matrix calculation and a conformal-mapping technique, our theory is capable of dealing with realistic configurations of arbitrary sector numbers and rounded wedge tips. We demonstrate that in the deep-subwavelength regime strong electric field carrying high azimuthal variation can exist within only ten-nanometer length scale close to the structural center, and is naturally bounded by a characteristic radius of the order of hundred-nanometer away from the center. These extreme confining properties suggest that the structure under investigation may be superior to the conventional metal-dielectric waveguides or cavities in terms of nanoscale photonic manipulation.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Nonlocal description of sound propagation through an array of Helmholtz resonators

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    A generalized macroscopic nonlocal theory of sound propagation in rigid-framed porous media saturated with a viscothermal fluid has been recently proposed, which takes into account both temporal and spatial dispersion. Here, we consider applying this theory capable to describe resonance effects, to the case of sound propagation through an array of Helmholtz resonators whose unusual metamaterial properties such as negative bulk moduli, have been experimentally demonstrated. Three different calculations are performed, validating the results of the nonlocal theory, relating to the frequency-dependent Bloch wavenumber and bulk modulus of the first normal mode, for 1D propagation in 2D or 3D periodic structures.Comment: 19 page

    Electron-photon scattering mediated by localized plasmons: A quantitative analysis by eigen-response theory

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    We show that the scattering interaction between a high energy electron and a photon can be strongly enhanced by different types of localized plasmons in a non-trivial way. The scattering interaction is predicted by an eigen-response theory, numerically verified by finite-difference-time-domain simulation, and experimentally verified by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. We find that the scattering interaction associated with dark plasmons can be as strong as that of bright plasmons. Such a strong interaction may offer new opportunities to improve single-plasmon detection and high-resolution characterization techniques for high quality plasmonic materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (excluding Supporting Information

    Photon Emission Rate Engineering using Graphene Nanodisc Cavities

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    In this work, we present a systematic study of the plasmon modes in a system of vertically stacked pair of graphene discs. Quasistatic approximation is used to model the eigenmodes of the system. Eigen-response theory is employed to explain the spatial dependence of the coupling between the plasmon modes and a quantum emitter. These results show a good match between the semi-analytical calculation and full-wave simulations. Secondly, we have shown that it is possible to engineer the decay rates of a quantum emitter placed inside and near this cavity, using Fermi level tuning, via gate voltages and variation of emitter location and polarization. We highlighted that by coupling to the bright plasmon mode, the radiative efficiency of the emitter can be enhanced compared to the single graphene disc case, whereas the dark plasmon mode suppresses the radiative efficiency

    Tunable light-matter interaction and the role of hyperbolicity in graphene-hBN system

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is a natural hyperbolic material which can also accommodate highly dispersive surface phonon-polariton modes. In this paper, we examine theoretically the mid-infrared optical properties of graphene-hBN heterostructures derived from their coupled plasmon-phonon modes. We found that the graphene plasmon couples differently with the phonons of the two Reststrahlen bands, owing to their different hyperbolicity. This also leads to distinctively different interaction between an external quantum emitter and the plasmon-phonon modes in the two bands, leading to substantial modification of its spectrum. The coupling to graphene plasmons allows for additional gate tunability in the Purcell factor, and narrow dips in its emission spectra