9,782 research outputs found

    Federated Generative Adversarial Learning

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    This work studies training generative adversarial networks under the federated learning setting. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have achieved advancement in various real-world applications, such as image editing, style transfer, scene generations, etc. However, like other deep learning models, GANs are also suffering from data limitation problems in real cases. To boost the performance of GANs in target tasks, collecting images as many as possible from different sources becomes not only important but also essential. For example, to build a robust and accurate bio-metric verification system, huge amounts of images might be collected from surveillance cameras, and/or uploaded from cellphones by users accepting agreements. In an ideal case, utilize all those data uploaded from public and private devices for model training is straightforward. Unfortunately, in the real scenarios, this is hard due to a few reasons. At first, some data face the serious concern of leakage, and therefore it is prohibitive to upload them to a third-party server for model training; at second, the images collected by different kinds of devices, probably have distinctive biases due to various factors, e.g.\textit{e.g.}, collector preferences, geo-location differences, which is also known as "domain shift". To handle those problems, we propose a novel generative learning scheme utilizing a federated learning framework. Following the configuration of federated learning, we conduct model training and aggregation on one center and a group of clients. Specifically, our method learns the distributed generative models in clients, while the models trained in each client are fused into one unified and versatile model in the center. We perform extensive experiments to compare different federation strategies, and empirically examine the effectiveness of federation under different levels of parallelism and data skewness

    Hyperbolic Modules of Finite Group Algebras over Finite Fields of Characteristic Two

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    Let GG be a finite group and let FF be a finite field of characteristic 22. We introduce \emph{FF-special subgroups} and \emph{FF-special elements} of GG. In the case where FF contains a ppth primitive root of unity for each odd prime pp dividing the order of GG (e.g. it is the case once FF is a splitting field for all subgroups of GG), the FF-special elements of GG coincide with real elements of odd order. We prove that a symmetric FGFG-module VV is hyperbolic if and only if the restriction VDV_D of VV to every FF-special subgroup DD of GG is hyperbolic, and also, if and only if the characteristic polynomial on VV defined by every FF-special element of GG is a square of a polynomial over FF. Some immediate applications to characters, self-dual codes and Witt groups are given

    Possible HH-like dibaryon states with heavy quarks

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    Possible HH-like dibaryon states ΛcΛc\Lambda_{c}\Lambda_{c} and ΛbΛb\Lambda_{b}\Lambda_{b} are investigated within the framework of quark delocalization color screening model. The results show that the interaction between two Λc\Lambda_{c}'s is repulsive, so it cannot be bound state by itself. However, the strong attraction in ΣcΣc\Sigma_{c}\Sigma_{c} and Σc∗Σc∗\Sigma^{*}_{c}\Sigma^{*}_{c} channels and the strong channel coupling, due to the central interaction of one-gluon-exchange and one-pion-exchange, among ΛcΛc\Lambda_{c}\Lambda_{c}, ΣcΣc\Sigma_{c}\Sigma_{c} and Σc∗Σc∗\Sigma^{*}_{c}\Sigma^{*}_{c} push the energy of system below the threshold of ΛcΛc\Lambda_{c}\Lambda_{c} by 2222 MeV. The corresponding system ΛbΛb\Lambda_{b}\Lambda_{b} has the similar properties as that of ΛcΛc\Lambda_{c}\Lambda_{c} system, and a bound state is also possible in ΛbΛb\Lambda_{b}\Lambda_{b} system.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Investigating the excited Ωc0\Omega^{0}_{c} states through ΞcK\Xi_{c}K and Ξc′K\Xi^{'}_{c}K decay channels

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    Inspired by the five newly observed Ωc0\Omega^{0}_{c} states by the LHCb detector, we study the Ωc0\Omega_{c}^{0} states as the S−S-wave molecular pentaquarks with I=0I=0, JP=12−J^{P}=\frac{1}{2}^{-}, 32−\frac{3}{2}^{-}, and 52−\frac{5}{2}^{-} by solving the RGM equation in the framework of chiral quark model. Both the energies and the decay widths are obtained in this work. Our results suggest that Ωc(3119)0\Omega_{c}(3119)^{0} can be explained as an S−S-wave resonance state of ΞD\Xi D with JP=12−J^{P}=\frac{1}{2}^{-}, and the decay channels are the S−S-wave ΞcK\Xi_{c} K and Ξc′K\Xi^{'}_{c}K . Other reported Ωc0\Omega^{0}_{c} states cannot be obtained in our present calculation. Another Ωc0\Omega_{c}^{0} state with much higher mass 3533 MeV with JP=52−J^{P}=\frac{5}{2}^{-} is also obtained. In addition, the calculation is extended to the Ωb0\Omega_{b}^{0} states, similar results as that of Ωc0\Omega^{0}_{c} are obtained.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    The effect of hidden color channels on Nucleon-Nucleon interaction

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    This letter reports the nucleon-nucleon(NNNN) interaction obtained from multi-channel, including hidden color channels, coupling quark model calculation. The results show that the hidden color channels coupling provides the intermediate range attraction which is usually assumed to be due to multi-π\pi or σ\sigma meson exchange and that the short and intermediate range NNNN interaction can be described solely by the fundamental quark-gluon degree of freedom of QCD.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Interpreting Zc(3900)Z_c(3900) and Zc(4025)/Zc(4020)Z_c(4025)/Z_c(4020) as charged tetraquark states

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    In the framework of color flux-tube model with a four-body confinement potential, the lowest charged tetraquark states [Qq][Qˉ′qˉ′] (Q=c,b,q=u,d,s)[Qq][\bar{Q}'\bar{q}']~(Q=c,b,q=u,d,s) are studied by using the variational method, Gaussian expansion method. The results indicate that some compact resonance states can be formed, the states can not decay into two color singlet mesons Qqˉ′Q\bar{q}' and Qˉ′q\bar{Q}'q through the breakdown and recombination of color flux tubes but into QQˉ′Q\bar{Q}' and qqˉ′q\bar{q}'. The four-body confinement potential is an crucial dynamical mechanism for the formation of states, The decay mechanism is similar to that of compound nucleus and therefore the states should be called "color confined, multi-quark resonance" states. The newly observed charged states Zc(3900)Z_c(3900) and Zc(4025)/Zc(4020)Z_c(4025)/Z_c(4020) can be accommodated in the color flux-tube model and can be interpreted as the SS-wave tetraquark states [cu][cˉdˉ][cu][{\bar{c}\bar{d}}] with quantum numbers I=1I=1 and J=1J=1 and 2, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    Further study of the NΩN\Omega dibaryon within constituent quark models

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    Inspired by the discovery of the dibaryon d∗d^{*} and the experimental search of NΩN\Omega dibaryon with the STAR data, we study the strange dibaryon NΩN\Omega further in the framework of quark delocalization color screening model and chiral quark model. We have shown NΩN\Omega is a narrow resonance in ΛΞ\Lambda\Xi D-wave scattering before. However, the Λ\Lambda-Ξ\Xi scattering data analysis is quite complicated. Here we calculate the low-energy NΩN\Omega scattering phase shifts, scattering length, effective range and binding energy to provide another approach of STAR data analysis. Our results show there exists an NΩN\Omega "bound" state, which can be observed by the NN-Ω\Omega correlation analysis with RHIC and LHC data, or by the new developed automatic scanning system at J-PARC. Besides, we also find that the hidden color channel-coupling is important for the NΩN\Omega system to develop intermediate-range attraction.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical study of a d∗d^{*} resonance in 3G3^{3}G_{3} partial wave of nucleon-nucleon scattering

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    Inspired by the recent results of the WASA-at-COSY Collaboration, in which they found a resonance pole in the coupled 3D3^{3}D_{3} - 3G3^{3}G_{3} partial waves as expected from the d∗d^{*} resonance hypothesis, we calculated the resonance structure in the coupled 3D3^{3}D_{3} - 3G3^{3}G_{3} partial wave phase shifts of nucleon-nucleon scattering in the framework of two constituent quark models: the quark delocalization color screening model and the chiral quark model. Our results show that there is a resonance 7S3ΔΔ^{7}S_{3}^{\Delta\Delta} in the coupled 3D3NN^{3}D_{3}^{NN} and 3G3NN^{3}G_{3}^{NN} partial waves in both of these two models, which is in accordance with the expectation from the d∗d^{*} resonance structure. The resonance shape in the 3D3NN^{3}D_{3}^{NN} partial wave is remarkable, whereas in the 3G3NN^{3}G_{3}^{NN} phase shifts there is a small rise around the resonance energy. This result is in agreement with the recent experimental observations of WASA-at-COSY Collaboration.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The Representation Transformation of Multiquark Wave Functions

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    It is shown that the representation transformations of multiquark wave functions between different coupling schemes are just the Racah coefficients of the permutation group. The transformation coefficients between the flavor-spin (FS) and the color-spin (CS) schemes are obtained. As an example, the expansion of the physical bases in terms of symmetry bases in the CS scheme are given for the interesting cases YIJ=201,210,000YIJ = 201, 210, 000.Comment: 9 pages plus 5 tables, latex, no figure

    Role of weak measurements on states ordering and monogamy of quantum correlation

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    The information-theoretic definition of quantum correlation, e.g., quantum discord, is measurement dependent. By considering the more general quantum measurements, weak measurements, which include the projective measurement as a limiting case, we show that while weak measurements can enable one to capture more quantumness of correlation in a state, it can also induce other counterintuitive quantum effects. Specifically, we show that the general measurements with different strengths can impose different orderings for quantum correlations of some states. It can also modify the monogamous character for certain classes of states as well which may diminish the usefulness of quantum correlation as a resource in some protocols. In this sense, we say that the weak measurements play a dual role in defining quantum correlation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, the final version as that published in Int. J. Theor. Phy
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