23 research outputs found

    The 'Rock ‘n’ Fossil Road Show:' An Enduring Earth Science Educational Outreach Initiative in Calgary, Alberta

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    Since 2004, the Calgary office of the Geological Survey of Canada has been holding ‘Rock ‘n’ Fossil Road Shows’ at Calgary Public Library branches, in partnership with the Alberta Science Network and the Alberta Palaeontological Society. These now-annual earth science education outreach events have given more than 3700 people of all ages the opportunity to view, examine, and learn about GSC-Calgary’s collection of rocks, minerals, and fossils (including many museum quality pieces), have their own samples and collections identified by experts, and gain a better understanding of local and regional geology. This article describes what goes into organizing these events, reviews their evolution, and discusses reasons for their enduring success. The ‘Road Show’ approach can be viable in a range of settings and may be a good educational outreach option for research institutes with collections of interesting geological specimens and a critical mass of interested staff.RÉSUMÉDepuis 2004, le bureau de Calgary de la Commission géologique du Canada tient des représentations de son spectacle itinérant « Roche et fossiles » dans les succursales de la bibliothèque publique de Calgary, en partenariat avec l’Alberta Science Network et l’Alberta Palaeontological Society. Ces activités de rayonnement en sciences de la Terre, maintenant annuels, ont déjà offert à plus de 3700 personnes de tous âges la possibilité de voir, d'examiner et d'apprendre à partir de la collection de roches, de minéraux et de fossiles de la CGC-Calgary (certaines pièces de qualité muséale), et de voir leurs propres échantillons et collections identifiés par des experts, et ainsi obtenir une meilleure compréhension de la géologie locale et régionale. Le présent article décrit les détails de l'organisation de ces événements, retrace leur évolution et revoit les raisons de leur succès durable. L'approche du « spectacle itinérant » peut être viable dans différents contextes et peut être une bonne option de sensibilisation éducative pour les instituts de recherche disposant de collections de spécimens géologiques intéressants et d’une masse critique d’employés intéressés

    How Clusters Create Shared Value in Rural Areas: An Examination of Six Case Studies

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    The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate that clusters can support the sustainable development of rural areas through the creation of shared value. This is done via the close exam-ination of six different cases of rural clusters in Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland, Denmark, and Sweden. Qualitative as well as quantitative data were taken from the clusters, which demonstrated that their main business approaches naturally coincided with the creation of economic, social, and environmental benefits for the local communities in which they operated. The case clusters were created in a top-down manner, aimed at boosting regional R&D activities and making the local economy more competitive and more sustainable. However, private initiative took over and al-lowed these clusters to flourish because meeting the regions’ economic, social, and environmental needs successfully coincided with the target of the clusters’ own development and profitability. The results show that clusters, with their potential for shared value creation, can constitute a powerful engine for the revitalisation and development of rural areas, addressing the significant challenges which they are currently facing. View Full-TextHorizon 2020 Framework ProgrammePeer Reviewe

    How Clusters Create Shared Value in Rural Areas: An Examination of Six Case Studies

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    The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate that clusters can support the sustainable development of rural areas through the creation of shared value. This is done via the close exam-ination of six different cases of rural clusters in Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland, Denmark, and Sweden. Qualitative as well as quantitative data were taken from the clusters, which demonstrated that their main business approaches naturally coincided with the creation of economic, social, and environmental benefits for the local communities in which they operated. The case clusters were created in a top-down manner, aimed at boosting regional R&D activities and making the local economy more competitive and more sustainable. However, private initiative took over and al-lowed these clusters to flourish because meeting the regions’ economic, social, and environmental needs successfully coincided with the target of the clusters’ own development and profitability. The results show that clusters, with their potential for shared value creation, can constitute a powerful engine for the revitalisation and development of rural areas, addressing the significant challenges which they are currently facing. View Full-TextHorizon 2020 Framework ProgrammePeer Reviewe

    O capital social no desenvolvimento da inovação: o caso do setor agroalimentar costa-riquense

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    Introduction: In the global context, innovation has acquired great importance and stimulates the interest of several areas of scientific knowledge. As is the case with Sociology, which is paying special attention to the social dimensions that make up innovative processes. Methodology: Applying a qualitative approach and the life stories technique, the processes and experiences, that is, the life trajectories of the innovative people of the Costa Rican agri-food industry are recorded, constructed, reviewed and analyzed. Results: In the processes of recording, revision and interpretation of life stories it is possible to detect the construction and adoption of resources shaped by the interaction with different agents, as well as the way in which they contributed to the development of innovations. Conclusions: In the cases investigated, innovation isn’t a product of an individual process made by isolated, asocial or gifted individuals, but of social persons. Around these individuals, one may find a series of contributions, in the form of social capital, obtained from the bonds and relationships carried out with other people, either with their reference groups, mentors or peer groups.Introducción: la innovación ha venido adquiriendo una gran importancia, ya que ha propiciado el interés de diversas áreas del conocimiento científico. Como ocurre con la sociología, la cual está poniendo especial atención al tema de las dimensiones sociales que conforman los procesos innovadores. Metodología: A partir del enfoque cualitativo y mediante la técnica de las historias de vida se registra, se construye, revisa y analiza los procesos y vivencias, o sea, las trayectorias de vida de las personas innovadoras, en este caso, del sector agro-alimentario costarricense. Resultados: en el registro, revisión e interpretación de las historias de vida, es posible ubicar la construcción y adopción de recursos que se conforman producto de la interacción con diversos agentes, así como la manera en la que estos aportaron insumos al desarrollo de las innovaciones. Conclusiones: la innovación, en los casos investigados, no es sólo producto de un proceso individual de personas aisladas, asociales o superdotadas, sino de personas sociales, en torno a ellas hay una serie de aportes, a modo de capital social, obtenidos de los vínculos y relaciones que las personas llevaron a cabo con otras personas, ya sean con sus grupos de referencia, con sus mentores o grupos de pares.Introdução: no contexto global, a inovação tem adquirido uma grande importância, já que tem proporcionado o interesse de diversas áreas do conhecimento científico. Como ocorre com a sociologia, a qual está colocando especial atenção ao tema das dimensões sociais que conformam os processos inovadores.   Metodologia: com uma abordagem qualitativa e mediante a técnica das histórias de vida, registram-se, constroem-se, revisam-se e analisam-se os processos e as vivências, ou seja, as trajetórias de vida das pessoas inovadoras do setor agroalimentar costa-riquense.   Resultados: no registro, na revisão e na interpretação das histórias de vida, é possível posicionar a construção e a adoção de recursos que se conformam pela interação com diversos agentes, bem como a maneira na qual estes contribuem insumos para o desenvolvimento das inovações.   Conclusões: a inovação, nos casos investigados, não é somente produto de um processo individual de pessoas isoladas, associais ou superdotadas, mas sim de pessoas sociais; em torno delas, há uma série de contribuições, a modo de capital social, obtidas dos vínculos e das relações que as pessoas realizaram com outras pessoas, sejam com seus grupos de referência, sejam com seus mentores ou pares

    Estudios actuales de literatura comparada. Teorías de la literatura y diálogos interdisciplinarios

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    Estos dos volúmenes constituyen una contribución al desarrollo de la comparatística que se realiza, principalmente, desde América Latina. El primer volumen está organizado en tres partes y consta de 22 artículos, mientras que el segundo reúne 24 capítulos.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Artes y Letras::Facultad de Letras::Escuela de Filología, Lingüística y LiteraturaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Sistema de Educación General::Escuela de Estudios GeneralesUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Artes y Letras::Maestría Académica en Literatura FrancesaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Artes y Letras::Maestría Académica en Literatura LatinoamericanaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Artes y Letras::Facultad de Letras::Escuela de Lenguas Moderna

    La relación abuela-hija-nieta: Estudio transgeneracional sobre envejecimiento femenino en condición de pobreza

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    The processes of female aging are discussed in the case study of a family of Río Azul, adopting the life course perspective, with the objective of contributing to the gerontological studies about elderly woman, addressing not only their worldview but her daughter and granddaughter. The conceptual framework refers to the life-course theory, the concept of transgenerational, resilience and the gender perspective. The study is a qualitative approach, with phenomenological method, data collection techniques are: genogram, qualitative interview and focused interview. This transgenerational study reveals characteristics of the female relationships, worrying patterns of behavior in the women participants, which harm their aging processes and their projection to old age, this is a necessary contribution to gerontological studies that focus on family dynamics and policies of Home care.En este trabajo se analiza los procesos de envejecimiento femenino de una familia de Río Azul, desde la perspectiva del curso de la vida, con el objetivo de aportar insumos a los estudios gerontológicos sobre la mujer adulta mayor, a partir no solo de su visión de mundo, sino de la de su hija y su nieta. El marco conceptual incluye la teoría del curso de vida, el concepto de lo transgeneracional, el de resiliencia y la perspectiva de género. El enfoque es cualitativo, con método fenomenológico y la recolección de datos se hizo mediante genograma, entrevista cualitativa y entrevista focalizada. Este estudio transgeneracional revela características de las relaciones femeninas, preocupantes patrones de comportamiento en las mujeres participantes, los cuales perjudican sus procesos de envejecimiento y su proyección a la vejez, motivo por el que, la investigación representa un aporte necesario respecto de trabajos gerontológicos centrados en dinámicas familiares y políticas de atención domiciliar.

    Biostratigraphic evidence for incremental tectonic development of early Cambrian deep-water environments in the Misty Creek embayment (Selwyn basin, Northwest Territories, Canada)

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    The early evolution of the Misty Creek embayment (MCE), a prominent, northwest-trending sub-basin of the economically important Selwyn basin, is poorly understood. The abrupt contact between Cambrian Stage 4 (traditional lower Cambrian) carbonate ramp strata of the Sekwi Formation and overlying Miaolingian (traditional middle Cambrian) deep-water, calciturbiditic strata of the Hess River Formation has been regarded as diachronous. This important transition, which marks the onset of long-lived, deep-water conditions in the MCE, remains unexplained. This study uses biostratigraphic data from a previously undescribed location in the MCE, existing biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic data from the 1970s, and regional thickness patterns to characterise the sharp yet diachronous transition from lithofacies typical of the Sekwi Formation to those typical of the Hess River Formation. The dramatic change in depositional environments was diachronous yet non-gradational, precluding a eustatic cause. The change was geologically abrupt, probably through two extension-related subsidence events, with different geographic extents, which heralded the MCE’s long life as a deep-water basin. The onset of deep-water conditions in the MCE occurred semi-contemporaneously with other extension-related events that are recorded in the northern Canadian Cordillera, demonstrating that Cambrian Series 2 - Miaolingian was a time of widespread extension and subsidence along the western margin of Laurentia.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Propuesta para el diseño e implementación de un Programa de Graduados en la Escuela de Administración de Negocios de la Universidad de Costa Rica

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    Seminario de graduación (licenciatura en dirección de empresas)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Económicas::Escuela de Administración de Negocio