3,265 research outputs found

    A multifractal zeta function for cookie cutter sets

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    Starting with the work of Lapidus and van Frankenhuysen a number of papers have introduced zeta functions as a way of capturing multifractal information. In this paper we propose a new multifractal zeta function and show that under certain conditions the abscissa of convergence yields the Hausdorff multifractal spectrum for a class of measures

    Generalised dimensions of measures on almost self-affine sets

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    We establish a generic formula for the generalised q-dimensions of measures supported by almost self-affine sets, for all q>1. These q-dimensions may exhibit phase transitions as q varies. We first consider general measures and then specialise to Bernoulli and Gibbs measures. Our method involves estimating expectations of moment expressions in terms of `multienergy' integrals which we then bound using induction on families of trees

    The horizon problem for prevalent surfaces

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    We investigate the box dimensions of the horizon of a fractal surface defined by a function fC[0,1]2f \in C[0,1]^2 . In particular we show that a prevalent surface satisfies the `horizon property', namely that the box dimension of the horizon is one less than that of the surface. Since a prevalent surface has box dimension 3, this does not give us any information about the horizon of surfaces of dimension strictly less than 3. To examine this situation we introduce spaces of functions with surfaces of upper box dimension at most \alpha, for \alpha \in [2,3). In this setting the behaviour of the horizon is more subtle. We construct a prevalent subset of these spaces where the lower box dimension of the horizon lies between the dimension of the surface minus one and 2. We show that in the sense of prevalence these bounds are as tight as possible if the spaces are defined purely in terms of dimension. However, if we work in Lipschitz spaces, the horizon property does indeed hold for prevalent functions. Along the way, we obtain a range of properties of box dimensions of sums of functions

    Hausdorff dimension of three-period orbits in Birkhoff billiards

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    We prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the set of three-period orbits in classical billiards is at most one. Moreover, if the set of three-period orbits has Hausdorff dimension one, then it has a tangent line at almost every point.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Golden gaskets: variations on the Sierpi\'nski sieve

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    We consider the iterated function systems (IFSs) that consist of three general similitudes in the plane with centres at three non-collinear points, and with a common contraction factor \la\in(0,1). As is well known, for \la=1/2 the invariant set, \S_\la, is a fractal called the Sierpi\'nski sieve, and for \la<1/2 it is also a fractal. Our goal is to study \S_\la for this IFS for 1/2<\la<2/3, i.e., when there are "overlaps" in \S_\la as well as "holes". In this introductory paper we show that despite the overlaps (i.e., the Open Set Condition breaking down completely), the attractor can still be a totally self-similar fractal, although this happens only for a very special family of algebraic \la's (so-called "multinacci numbers"). We evaluate \dim_H(\S_\la) for these special values by showing that \S_\la is essentially the attractor for an infinite IFS which does satisfy the Open Set Condition. We also show that the set of points in the attractor with a unique ``address'' is self-similar, and compute its dimension. For ``non-multinacci'' values of \la we show that if \la is close to 2/3, then \S_\la has a nonempty interior and that if \la<1/\sqrt{3} then \S_\la$ has zero Lebesgue measure. Finally we discuss higher-dimensional analogues of the model in question.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Differentiability of fractal curves

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    While self-similar sets have no tangents at any single point, self-affine curves can be smooth. We consider plane self-affine curves without double points and with two pieces. There is an open subset of parameter space for which the curve is differentiable at all points except for a countable set. For a parameter set of codimension one, the curve is continuously differentiable. However, there are no twice differentiable self-affine curves in the plane, except for parabolic arcs

    Sixty Years of Fractal Projections

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    Sixty years ago, John Marstrand published a paper which, among other things, relates the Hausdorff dimension of a plane set to the dimensions of its orthogonal projections onto lines. For many years, the paper attracted very little attention. However, over the past 30 years, Marstrand's projection theorems have become the prototype for many results in fractal geometry with numerous variants and applications and they continue to motivate leading research.Comment: Submitted to proceedings of Fractals and Stochastics

    Contour lines of the discrete scale invariant rough surfaces

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    We study the fractal properties of the 2d discrete scale invariant (DSI) rough surfaces. The contour lines of these rough surfaces show clear DSI. In the appropriate limit the DSI surfaces converge to the scale invariant rough surfaces. The fractal properties of the 2d DSI rough surfaces apart from possessing the discrete scale invariance property follow the properties of the contour lines of the corresponding scale invariant rough surfaces. We check this hypothesis by calculating numerous fractal exponents of the contour lines by using numerical calculations. Apart from calculating the known scaling exponents some other new fractal exponents are also calculated.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 figure

    On the "Mandelbrot set" for a pair of linear maps and complex Bernoulli convolutions

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    We consider the "Mandelbrot set" MM for pairs of complex linear maps, introduced by Barnsley and Harrington in 1985 and studied by Bousch, Bandt and others. It is defined as the set of parameters λ\lambda in the unit disk such that the attractor AλA_\lambda of the IFS {λz1,λz+1}\{\lambda z-1, \lambda z+1\} is connected. We show that a non-trivial portion of MM near the imaginary axis is contained in the closure of its interior (it is conjectured that all non-real points of MM are in the closure of the set of interior points of MM). Next we turn to the attractors AλA_\lambda themselves and to natural measures νλ\nu_\lambda supported on them. These measures are the complex analogs of much-studied infinite Bernoulli convolutions. Extending the results of Erd\"os and Garsia, we demonstrate how certain classes of complex algebraic integers give rise to singular and absolutely continuous measures νλ\nu_\lambda. Next we investigate the Hausdorff dimension and measure of AλA_\lambda, for λ\lambda in the set MM, for Lebesgue-a.e. λ\lambda. We also obtain partial results on the absolute continuity of νλ\nu_\lambda for a.e. λ\lambda of modulus greater than 1/2\sqrt{1/2}.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    A renormalisation approach to excitable reaction-diffusion waves in fractal media

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    Of fundamental importance to wave propagation in a wide range of physical phenomena is the structural geometry of the supporting medium. Recently, there have been several investigations on wave propagation in fractal media. We present here a renormalization approach to the study of reaction-diffusion (RD) wave propagation on finitely ramified fractal structures. In particular we will study a Rinzel-Keller (RK) type model, supporting travelling waves on a Sierpinski gasket (SG), lattice