3,546 research outputs found

    The role of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies for safety management: A systematic literature review

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    Innovations introduced during the Industry 4.0 era consist in the integration of the so called "nine pillars of technologies" in manufacturing, transforming the conventional factory in a smart factory. The aim of this study is to investigate enabling technologies of Industry 4.0, focusing on technologies that have a greater impact on safety management. Main characteristics of such technologies will be identified and described according to their use in an industrial environment. In order to do this, we chose a systematic literature review (SLR) to answer the research question in a comprehensively way. Results show that articles can be grouped according to different criteria. Moreover, we found that Industry 4.0 can increase safety levels in warehouse and logistic, as well as several solutions are available for building sector

    Leptogenesis and Low-energy Observables

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    We relate leptogenesis in a class of theories to low-energy experimental observables: quark and lepton masses and mixings. With reasonable assumptions motivated by grand unification, one can show that the CP-asymmetry parameter takes a universal form. Furthermore the dilution mass is related to the light neutrino masses. Overall, these models offer a natural explanation for a lepton asymmetry in the early universe.Comment: 10 pages, revised discussion on light neutrino masse

    X-Ray Spectral Variability of Extreme BL Lac AGN H1426+428

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    Between 7 March 2002 and 15 June 2002, intensive X-ray observations were carried out on the extreme BL Lac object H1426+428 with instruments on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). These instruments provide measurements of H1426+428 in the crucial energy range that characterizes the first peak of its spectral energy distribution. This peak, which is almost certainly due to synchrotron emission, has previously been inferred to be in excess of 100 keV. By taking frequent observations over a four-month campaign, which included \sim450 ksec of RXTE time, studies of flux and spectral variability on multiple timescales were performed, along with studies of spectral hysteresis. The 3-24 keV X-ray flux and spectra exhibited significant variability, implying variability in the location of the first peak of the spectral energy distribution. Hysteresis patterns were observed, and their characteristics have been discussed within the context of emission models.Comment: accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    An efficient policy iteration algorithm for dynamic programming equations

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    We present an accelerated algorithm for the solution of static Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations related to optimal control problems. Our scheme is based on a classic policy iteration procedure, which is known to have superlinear convergence in many relevant cases provided the initial guess is sufficiently close to the solution. This limitation often degenerates into a behavior similar to a value iteration method, with an increased computation time. The new scheme circumvents this problem by combining the advantages of both algorithms with an efficient coupling. The method starts with a coarse-mesh value iteration phase and then switches to a fine-mesh policy iteration procedure when a certain error threshold is reached. A delicate point is to determine this threshold in order to avoid cumbersome computations with the value iteration and at the same time to ensure the convergence of the policy iteration method to the optimal solution. We analyze the methods and efficient coupling in a number of examples in different dimensions, illustrating their properties

    Classification and Ranking of Fermi LAT Gamma-ray Sources from the 3FGL Catalog using Machine Learning Techniques

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    We apply a number of statistical and machine learning techniques to classify and rank gamma-ray sources from the Third Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) Source Catalog (3FGL), according to their likelihood of falling into the two major classes of gamma-ray emitters: pulsars (PSR) or Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Using 1904 3FGL sources that have been identified/associated with AGN (1738) and PSR (166), we train (using 70% of our sample) and test (using 30%) our algorithms and find that the best overall accuracy (>96%) is obtained with the Random Forest (RF) technique, while using a logistic regression (LR) algorithm results in only marginally lower accuracy. We apply the same techniques on a sub-sample of 142 known gamma-ray pulsars to classify them into two major subcategories: young (YNG) and millisecond pulsars (MSP). Once more, the RF algorithm has the best overall accuracy (~90%), while a boosted LR analysis comes a close second. We apply our two best models (RF and LR) to the entire 3FGL catalog, providing predictions on the likely nature of {\it unassociated} sources, including the likely type of pulsar (YNG or MSP). We also use our predictions to shed light on the possible nature of some gamma-ray sources with known associations (e.g. binaries, SNR/PWN). Finally, we provide a list of plausible X-ray counterparts for some pulsar candidates, obtained using Swift, Chandra, and XMM. The results of our study will be of interest for both in-depth follow-up searches (e.g. pulsar) at various wavelengths, as well as for broader population studies.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Fermion masses and mixings in gauge theories

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    The recent evidence for neutrino oscillations stimulate us to discuss again the problem of fermion masses and mixings in gauge theories. In the standard model, several forms for quark mass matrices are equivalent. They become ansatze within most extensions of the standard model, where also relations between quark and lepton sectors may hold. In a seesaw framework, these relations can constrain the scale of heavy neutrino mass, which is often related to the scale of intermediate or unification gauge symmetry. As a consequence, two main scenarios arise. Hierarchies of masses and mixings may be explained by broken horizontal symmetries.Comment: 25 pages, RevTex, no figures. Few misprints corrected and two references adde

    Systematic Human Reliability Analysis (SHRA): A New Approach to Evaluate Human Error Probability (HEP) in a Nuclear Plant

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    Emergency management in industrial plants is a fundamental issue to ensure the safety of operators. The emergency management analyses two fundamental aspects: the system reliability and the human reliability. System reliability is the capability of ensuring the functional properties within a variability of work conditions, considering the possible deviations due to unexpected events. However, system reliability is strongly related to the reliability of its weakest component. The complexity of the processes could generate incidental situations and the worker appears (human reliability) to be the weakest part of the whole system. The complexity of systems influences operator’s ability to take decisions during emergencies. The aim of the present research is to develop a new approach to evaluate human error probability (HEP), called Systematic Human Reliability Analysis (SHRA). The proposed approach considers internal and external factors that affect operator’s ability. The new approach is based on Nuclear Action Reliability Assessment (NARA), Simplified Plant Analysis Risk Human Reliability (SPAR-H) and on the Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs) relationship. The present paper analysed some shortcomings related to literature approaches, especially the limitations of the working time. We estimated HEP, after 8 hours (work standard) during emergency conditions. The correlations between the advantages of these three methodologies allows proposing a HEP analysis during accident scenarios emergencies. SHRA can be used to estimate human reliability during emergencies. SHRA has been applied in a nuclear accident scenario, considering 24 hours of working time. The SHRA results highlight the most important internal and external factors that affect operator’s ability