587 research outputs found

    Multivariate analysis of mineral constituents of edible Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) and soils beneath fruiting bodies collected from Northern Poland

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    Caps and stipes of 141 fruiting bodies of Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera) and surface layer of soils collected from 11 spatially distant and background (pristine) areas in Northern Poland were analyzed for Ag, Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sr, and Zn by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy and cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy. In terms of bioconcentration and bioexclusion concept, K, Ag, Cu, Rb, and P were highly bioconcentrated in caps, and their bioconcentration factor values varied for the 11 sites between 120 and 500—67–420, 70–220, 10–170, and 45–100, respectively. Cd, Zn, Mg, and Na showed bioconcentration factors (BCFs) between 3.3 and 36, 3.7–15, 0.92–6.3, and 1.4–44 while Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Sr were excluded (BCF < 1). The Parasol Mushroom is a species harvested in the wild, and its caps are of unique taste and can contain a spectrum of essential and hazardous mineral compounds accumulated at elevated concentrations, even if collected at the background (pristine) areas. These elevated mineral concentrations of the caps are due to the efficient bioconcentration potential of the species (K, Ag, Cu, Rb, P, Cd, Zn, Mg, and Na) and abundance in the soil substrates (Al, Ca, Fe, Mn). The estimated intake rates of Cd, Hg, and Pb contained in Parasol Mushroom’s caps show a cause for concern associated with these metals resulting from the consumption of between 300- and 500-g caps daily, on a frequent basis in the mushrooming season

    137Cs and 40K in Cortinarius caperatus mushrooms (1996–2016) in Poland - Bioconcentration and estimated intake: 137Cs in Cortinarius spp. from the Northern Hemisphere from 1974 to 2016

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    Cortinarius caperatus grows in the northern regions of Europe, North America and Asia and is widely collected by mushroom foragers across Europe. This study shows that in the last three decades since the Chernobyl nuclear accident, C. caperatus collected across much of Northern Poland exhibited high activity concentrations of radiocaesium (137Cs) - a long-lived radionuclide. The mushroom appears to efficiently bioconcentrate 137Cs from contaminated soil substrata followed by sequestration into its morphological parts such as the cap and stipe which are used as food. The gradual leaching of 137Cs into the lower strata of surface soils in exposed areas are likely to facilitate higher bioavailability to the mycelia of this species which penetrate to relatively greater depths and may account for the continuing high activity levels noticed in Polish samples (e.g. activity within caps in some locations was still at 11,000 Bq kg−1 dw in 2008 relative to a peak of 18,000 in 2002). The associated dietary intake levels of 137Cs have often exceeded the tolerance limits set by the European Union (370 and 600 Bq kg−1 ww for children and adults respectively) during the years 1996–2010. Human dietary exposure to 137Cs is influenced by the method of food preparation and may be mitigated by blanching followed by disposal of the water, rather than direct consumption after stir-frying or stewing. It may be prudent to provide precautionary advice and monitor activity levels, as this mushroom continues to be foraged by casual as well as experienced mushroom hunters

    A retrospective investigation into the occurrence and human exposure to polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and PCBs through cod liver products (1972–2017)

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    A retrospective analysis of a number of historical medicinal grade cod-liver oil samples produced in Northern Europe revealed relatively high contamination levels of PCNs, PCDD/Fs and PCBs. The total toxic equivalence (TEQ) associated with PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PCNs was in the range 95 to 427 pg g-1 for Baltic cod-liver oils and from 70 to 148 pg g-1 for oils sourced from the North Atlantic. The corresponding range for canned cod liver products (Baltic Sea) sampled in 2017 ranged from 52 to 104 pg g-1 fat (33 to 34 pg g-1 ww). The contribution from PCBs to the overall TEQ toxicity was around 3 to 6-fold higher than from PCDD/Fs and ranged from 24 to 318 pg TEQ g-1ww. The estimated summed TEQ intakes of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and dl-PCNs resulting from the consumption of the daily recommended doses was highest for the Baltic cod-liver oils ranging from 16 to 293 pg kg-1 body mass (bm) day-1 for an adult, 20 to 183 pg kg-1 bm day-1 for a teenager and 15 to 131 pg kg-1 bm day-1 for a child. The contribution to daily adult TEQ intake from PCNs alone, although relatively small is estimated to contribute up to 5-fold above the recent EFSA proposed TWI of 2 pg kg-1 bm. The results indicate that although currently produced fish oils may undergo rigorous purification procedures and show low contaminant levels, cod livers sourced from the Baltic and consumed locally, continue to contribute substantially to the dietary intake of these contaminants

    PBDEs in cod (Gadus morhua) liver products (1972 to 2017): Occurrence and human exposure

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    PBDEs occur in a range of commonly consumed foods but there is very little current information on occurrence in dietary supplements such as cod liver oil or cod livers used as food. This study retrospectively investigated a number of these products, sourced from the Baltic Sea and North Atlantic, historically dating from 1972 to 2017. For the sum of 17 measured PBDEs (ΣPBDE), the concentrations ranged from 9.9 to 415 ng g-1 for the oils and from 10.5 to 13 ng g-1 for canned liver products. Concentrations in the oils were highest during the period from 1993 to 2001. For all samples, BDE-47 was the dominant congener with a maximum detected concentration of 308 ng g-1 in a Baltic cod liver oil from 1993. Human exposure to PBDEs from recommended doses were estimated for adults, teenagers and children. Depending on the age group, BDE-47 intakes ranged from 1.3 to 211.5 ng kg-1 bm day-1 (Baltic Sea), 2.9 to 12.7 ng kg-1 bm day-1 (Atlantic, Norway) and 1.1 to 4.8 ng kg-1 bm day-1 (Atlantic, Iceland). Intakes for the other dominant congeners, BDE-49, BDE-99 and BDE-100, were relatively low. The intake estimates of ΣPBDE were highest for Baltic cod liver oils ranging from 2.2 to 284.8 ng kg-1 bm day-1 for adults, 2.8 to 178 ng kg-1 bm day-1 for teenagers and 2.0 to 127.8 ng kg-1 bm day-1 for a child. Estimated weekly intake of ΣPBDE from canned cod liver was highest for adults, ranging from 17.6 to 25.1 ng kg-1 bm

    Perzistentni, bioakumulativni i toksični spojevi u zemljama srednje i istočne Europe - kritična mjesta

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    The sources and environmental levels of the PBTs in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are broadly described. Most of the countries in the region produce and/or formulate pesticides. The pesticide registration is a primary requirement for import, production and distribution. The special attention must be given to unwanted pesticides. The problem of unwanted and expired pesticides pose the greatest danger to the natural environment and people which is brought about by the use of chemicals in agriculture in CEE countries. Countries still have not solve the problem of safety storage for PBTs and other chemicals classified as poisons and they have no special sites or facilities for destruction of these chemicals. This region has very specific problems of environmental pollution, which are the results of the recent wars. Destruction of industrial facilities and spilling of chemicals have the worst effect for the environment (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro).U radu su iscrpno opisani izvori i razine u okolišu perzistentnih bioakumulativnih i toksičnih spojeva (PBTs) u zemljama srednje i istočne Europe. U većini zemalja te regije proizvode se i/ili formuliraju pesticidi. Registracija pesticida osnovni je uvjet za uvoz, proizvodnju i distribuciju. Posebna pozornost mora se posvetiti nepoželjnim pesticidima. Nepoželjni pesticidi i oni kojima je istekao rok upotrebe najveća su opasnost za okoliš i ljude, uzrokovana primjenom kemijskih sredstava u poljoprivredi u zemljama srednje i istočne Europe. U većini zemalja još nije riješen problem sigurnosti skladištenja PBTs-a i ostalih kemikalija klasificiranih kao otrovi, a također nema posebnih mjesta ni ure|aja za uništavanje takvih kemikalija. Ova regija ima i specifičan problem onečišćenja okoliša kao posljedicu nedavnog rata. Razaranje industrijskih postrojenja i rasipanje kemikalija ima najgori učinak na okoliš (Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska, Srbija i Makedonija)

    Polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PBDD/Fs): Contamination in food, humans and dietary exposure

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    Polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs) have been recognised as environmental pollutants for decades but their occurrence in food has only recently been reported. They elicit the same type of toxic response as analogous polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) with similar potencies and effects, and share similar origins - inadvertent production during combustion and occurrence as by-products in industrial chemicals. Surprisingly, PBDD/Fs have received considerably less attention than PCDD/Fs, perhaps because determination requires a higher degree of analytical competence, a result of the higher adsorptivity and lability associated with carbon-bromine bonding. For most populations, the principal exposure pathway is dietary intake. The PBDD/F toxicity arising from occurrence in foods has often been expressed as toxic equivalents (TEQs) using the same scheme developed for PCDD/Fs. This approach is convenient, but resulting TEQ estimates are more uncertain, given the known differences in response for some analogous congeners and also the different patterns of PBDD/F occurrence confirmed by the newer data. Further studies to consolidate potency factors would help to refine TEQ estimates. Characteristically, most foods and human tissues show more frequent and higher PBDF concentrations relative to PBDDs, reflecting major source patterns. Occurrence in food ranges from < 0.01 to several thousand pg/g (or up to 0.3 pg TEQ/g whole weight) which is comparable to PCDD/F occurrence (ΣPBDD/F TEQs are underestimated as not all relevant congeners are included). Plant based foods show higher PBDD/F: PCDD/F TEQ ratios. Reported PBDD/F dietary intakes suggest that some population groups, particularly young children, may exceed the revised tolerable weekly intake for dioxin-like contaminants (2 pg TEQ/kg bw/week), even for mean consumption estimated with lower bound data. It is evident that the omission of PBDD/Fs from the TEQ scheme results in a significant underestimation of the cumulative toxicity and associated risk arising from this mode of action