48 research outputs found

    VNR Algorithm: A Greedy Approach For Virtual Networks Reconfigurations

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    6 pagesInternational audienceIn this paper we address the problem of virtual network reconfiguration. In our previous work on virtual network embedding strategies, we found that most virtual network rejections were caused by bottlenecked substrate links while peak resource use is equal to 18%. These observations lead us to propose a new greedy Virtual Network Reconfiguration algorithm, VNR. The main aim of our proposal is to 'tidy up' substrate network in order to minimise the number of overloaded substrate links, while also reducing the cost of reconfiguration. We compare our proposal with the related reconfiguration strategy VNA-Periodic, both of them are incorporated in the best existing embedding strategies VNE-AC and VNE-Greedy in terms of rejection rate. The results obtained show that VNR outperforms VNA-Periodic. Indeed, our research shows that the performances of VNR do not depend on the virtual network embedding strategy. Moreover, VNR minimises the rejection rate of virtual network requests by at least ' 83% while the cost of reconfiguration is lower than with VNA-Periodic

    FogIoT Orchestrator: an Orchestration System for IoT Applications in Fog Environment

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    International audienceFog environment for IoT applications is extremely challenging due to the heterogeneity of its devices, their various capabilities and constraints. In this context, orchestration is still a hot topic and innovative approaches are required to deal with such a complexity. To lessen such a burden, we propose and demonstrate an orchestration system for IoT applications in fog environment. This solution relies on Calvin tool and makes use of both Grid5000 and FIT/IoT-LAB to build a realistic fog environment with efficient orchestration mechanisms

    Resource allocation algorithms for virtual networks within cloud backbone network

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    In Cloud computing, Cloud providers must possess efficient techniques to supply clients with computational resources over scalable network. Optimal and speed provisioning algorithm is fundamental to achieve this goal. In this thesis, we address the problematic of resource provisioning within Cloud backbone network infrastructure. Our research aims to optimise the allocation of virtual networks over a physical network while meeting the end user' requirements and maximising the Cloud provider revenue. The problem of virtual network provisioning is NP-hard. To overcome the great complexity involved, we propose several heuristic provisioning strategies and we tackle the problem in three stages. In the first stage, we consider a static embedding where peak demand is considered and no reconfiguration mechanisms are allowed. We propound a new scalable embedding strategy named VNE-AC based on the Ant Colony metaheuristic. In the second stage, we build on the work carried out in the first stage by integrating reconfiguration mechanisms in order to improve resource usage and enhance Cloud provider profitability. This lead us to propose a new greedy Virtual Network Reconfiguration algorithm VNR. Finally, in the third stage, we consider an adaptive embedding taking into consideration circulating traffic in order to avoid resource over-provisioning led by peak-demand allocation. We propose an adaptive virtual network resource allocation strategy named Adaptive-VNE to deal with the complexity and the inefficiency of resource allocation. Obtained results prove the efficiency of proposed strategies.Le Cloud computing est un nouveau paradigme attirant un nombre croissant de clients grâce aux avantages offerts tels que l'économie, sécurité, facilité de déploiement, meilleure gestion des ressources, etc. Dans ce contexte, les fournisseurs de services dans le Cloud doivent fournir les techniques nécessaires afin de garantir aux clients un accès aux ressources physique et de satisfaire la QoS demandée. Les travaux entrepris dans cette thèse portent sur le problème de provisionnement des réseaux virtuels dans le réseau cœur du Cloud. Nous proposons différentes stratégies de provisionnement de ressources virtuelles dans le réseau cœur du Cloud. Nous traitons le problème en trois parties. D abord, nous considérons un provisionnement statique en allouant la demande maximale des ressources lors de la prise décision. Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de mapping des réseaux virtuels nommée VNE-AC . Elle est basée sur la meta-heuristique des colonies de fourmis. Dans une deuxième partie, nous intégrons des mécanismes de reconfiguration afin d améliorer l utilisation des ressources. Un algorithme de reconfiguration des réseaux virtuels appelé VNR a été proposé. Il est basé sur une approche greedy . Enfin, dans une dernière partie, nous considérons un provisionnement adaptif de la bande passante. En effet, le volume du trafic circulant dans les réseaux virtuels est pris en compte. Un nouvel algorithme de mapping est proposé nommé Adaptive-VNE . Il permet d éviter le gaspillage des ressources physique en autorisant la re-exploitation des ressources allouées mais non utilisées. Adaptive-VNE est basée sur l approche Diviser pour Régner .PARIS-BIUSJ-Mathématiques rech (751052111) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Cloud Networking: An Overview of Virtual Network Embedding Strategies

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    International audienceThis paper is an overview of virtual network embedding strategies within cloud infrastructure backbone networks. We will first of all summarise and define the main principles of cloud computing and its different supplied services. Then, we will describe the cloud infrastructure architecture, named the Totally Virtualized Cloud Infrastructure (TVCI), which makes use of virtualization in all the cloud's equipment (i.e., backbone and data centers). Afterwards, we will describe, analyse, and compare the main virtual network mapping algorithms for cloud infrastructure networks found in existing literature. We will evaluate the above strategies in terms of: i) virtual network request reject rate, ii) embedding cost of virtual network request, iii) embedding revenue of virtual network request and iv) average usage rate of physical resources

    An Autonomic Piloting Plane for the Handover Decision Optimization

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    International audienceWith the expansion and the diversification of current networks in terms of applications, technologies and services, the network control and management are becoming overly hard to manage manually even for skilled administrators. The autonomic computing and the knowledge plane are two promising initiatives proposed to cope with the ever-growth network complexity. In this article, we propose to use the piloting plane concept to grant autonomicity in current networks. This plane aims at optimizing existing applications by using elaborate algorithms fed by pertinent knowledge recovered from the knowledge plane. In our approach, we demonstrate that the knowledge and the piloting planes are complementary and both are required when implementing autonomic solutions. We illustrate our proposal by applying these concepts on the handover selection phase which is a key issue in the handover process for granting global mobility to users in heterogeneous environment. We also describe a first implementation of our handover piloting system. Results from preliminary tests in real environments scenario exhibit the effectiveness of our system

    VN-SLA: A Virtual Network Specification Schema for Virtual Network Provisioning

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    International audienceIn the few last years, network virtualization concept has attracted a great deal of interest from both industry and research communities as an important enabler for designing the future Internet architecture. It has emerged as a powerful way to deploy different network architectures and protocols over a shared physical infrastructure. A major challenge associated with the deployment of network virtualization in operator infrastructure is how to describe efficiently virtual resources needed for one or many virtualization services. This paper proposes a virtual resources provisioning schema (VN-SLA) that specifies virtual resources properties and associations. Besides, it regulates agreements and interactions between virtualization network actors. We give the specification model of the proposed VN-SLA schema and we illustrate it with an example

    A Novel Reactive Survivable Virtual Network Embedding Scheme Based on Game Theory

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    International audienceIn this paper, we tackle the virtual network (VN) embedding problem within Cloud's backbone network by taking into consideration the impact of physical equipment outages. Our main focus is to improve the Cloud provider's (CPs) revenue by: 1) maximizing the acceptance rate of VNs within the Cloud's backbone and 2) minimizing the penalties induced by service disruption due to the hardware outages. This optimization problem is non-linear multi-objective and it has been proven to be NP-hard. To cope with this complexity, we propose an advanced coordination game for VN embedding (Advanced-CG-VNE). In this mapping (i.e., embedding) game, fictitious players are playing on behalf of the CP in order to maximize the turnover. The decision makers cooperate in aim to converge to a Nash Equilibrium that we prove the existence of and the matching with a social optimum. Two variants of Advanced-CG-VNE are proposed according to the virtual links embedding approach. The first one, denoted by Advanced-CG-VNE-unsplittable, embeds each virtual link in only one substrate path. The second variant, denoted by Advanced-CG-VNE-splittable, dispatches the required bandwidth of a virtual link among a set of substrate paths. Advanced-CG-VNE does not allocate any backup to handle service interruption caused by hardware failures. Our proposal adopts preventive and reactive mechanisms to palliate substrate failures. Based on extensive simulations to gauge the effectiveness of Advanced-CG-VNE, the obtained results show that our proposal outperforms the most prominent related strategies in terms of: 1) rejection rate of VNs; 2) rate of VNs impacted by physical failures; and 3) CPs turnover

    Optimized wireless channel allocation in hybrid data center network based on IEEE 802.11ad

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    International audienceThe massive adoption of Cloud services is entailing a tremendous traffic transiting over data center networks (DCNs). Despite the impressive wired throughput, DCNs are suffering from network congestion. To deal with such resource limitation, first, we put forward a novel Hybrid Data Center Network (HDCN) architecture, based on CISCO's Massively Scalable Data Center (MSDC) model. HDCN enables high throughput wireless (IEEE 802.11ad) and wired (IEEE 802.3) transmissions. Second, we focus on one-hop inter-rack communications in HDCN and propose a novel wireless channel assignment algorithm. Our goal is to maximize the total throughput over the wireless and/or wired infrastructure. We formulate the problem as a minimum graph coloring. To address this NP-hard problem, we propound two novel i) exact and ii) heuristic wireless channel assignment algorithms in HDCN denoted respectively by GC-HDCN and GH-GC-HDCN. The latter make use of i) column generation and ii) branch and price optimization schemes to resolve the Integer Linear Programming assignment problem while reducing computation time. Based on extensive simulations with QualNet simulator considering the full network protocol stack, the results obtained for both: i) uniform and ii) real Facebook's workload, show that our proposals outperform the related prominent strategies in terms of latency and throughput

    Online-Batch Joint Routing and Channel Allocation for Hybrid Data Center Networks

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    International audienceTo cope with the unprecedented traffic explosion, Internet giants are urged to rethink their data center design. Unfortunately, the conventional wired data centers struggle to support the impressive growth of both data and online services. In this regard, we resort to augmenting the wired data center network (DCN) with wireless communication (60 GHz technology). Heretofore, only few research work have dealt with the optimization of multi-hop communications in such hybrid DCN (HDCN) infrastructures. In this paper, we investigate, in HDCN, the issue of jointly: 1) routing and 2) channel allocating, in both online and batch arrival modes. First, we formulate the online joint routing and channel assignment problem as a minimum weighted perfect matching problem. We propose a new strategy named joint routing and channel allocation algorithm that makes use of the Blossom algorithm and sequentially computes the optimal routing communication paths. Second, to handle the batched arrivals of flows, we formulate the batch joint routing and channel assignment problem as an advanced multi-commodity flow model. We propose two scalable approaches: 1) a heuristic based solution, named joint routing and channel assignment heuristic and 2) an approximate solution, named scalable joint batch routing and channel allocation, based on the Lagrangian relaxation technique. Based on extensive network simulations conducted in QualNet simulator while considering the full protocol stack, the obtained results for both: 1) real Facebook's data center and 2) uniform, traces, show that our schemes outperform the related strategies