60 research outputs found

    The influence of the information and communication technologies in education

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    Actualmente las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación avanzan a un ritmo extraordinario. En este artículo se pretende hacer un análisis sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes del uso de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación y la necesidad de un proceso de adaptación a la situación actual. Para ello se analiza la Teoría del Aprendizaje Social como herramienta clave para un aprendizaje actualizado y de gran potencial que, unido a la formación del profesorado, puede significar una manera diferente de entender la didáctica de las materias educativas.At the present time, the new information and communication technologies are moving forward at a extraordinary pace. This article try to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using new technologies in education and the need for an adaptation process to the current situation. It also discusses the Social Learning Theory as a key tool for an high potential and updated learning, that coupled with teacher training, can mean a different way to understand the educational materials didactics.peerReviewe

    The Association of Interpersonal Relationships and Social Services with the Self-Rated Health of Spanish Homelessness

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    Understanding the specific factors associated with poor health is critical to improve the health of homeless people. This study aimed to analyze the influence of personal variables, interpersonal relationships, and the influence of social services on the health of homeless people. A secondary analysis was applied to cross-sectional data from a sample of 1382 homeless people living in the Basque Country (Spain) (75.69% male). Multinomial logistic regression modelling was used to analyze the relationship between health and personal variables, interpersonal variables, perceived help and use of the social services. Relationships with the family, using a day center, and a sufficient and high perceived help of the social services were significant factors associated with good health. On the other hand, spending the day alone or using mental and health care services are associated with poor health. In the same way, the longer a person has been homeless, the worse their expected state of health is. Addressing housing exclusion, promoting interpersonal relationships, using a day center, and developing the use and perceived helpfulness of social services stand out as key factors in improving health status. Social policies are usually focused on housing. However, this paper also highlights the relevance of developing interpersonal relationships and using day centers to improve homeless people’s health

    Homelessness and self-rated health: evidence from a national survey of homeless people in Spain

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    Background: Internationally, acute homelessness is commonly associated with complex health and social care needs. While homelessness can be understood as an outcome of structural housing exclusion requiring housing led solutions, the health care issues faced by homeless people equally require attention. A substantive evidence base on the health needs of homeless people exists, but relatively little is known about what influences the self-rated health of homeless people. This article presents new evidence on whether drug use (alcohol consumption, ever having used drugs), health variables (visiting a hospital once in the last year, visiting the doctor in the last month, having a health card, sleeping difficulties, and having a disabling impairment) and sociodemographic characteristics are significantly associated with Self-Rated Health (SRH) among Spanish homeless people. Method: The approach applies secondary analysis to cross-sectional data from a sample of 2437 homeless adults in Spain (83.8% were male). Multinomial logistic regression modelling was used to analyse the relationships between drug use, other health variables and SRH. Results: Being male, an abstainer, having a health card and being in the youngest age groups were significant factors associated with perceived good health. On the other hand, ever having used drugs, having been a night in hospital, having gone to the doctor in the last month, having sleeping difficulties, having a disabling impairment and being in the older age group were all significant risk factors associated with perceived poor health

    Análisis de la relación que existe entre las variables socioeconómicas familiares y el rendimiento académico de alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato

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    Scientific evidence highlights the need to know how family socioeconomic characteristics can influence high school student academic performance. The objective of this research is focused on determining the possible relationship between the employment situation and the social class of both parents with the student’s academic performance. A correlational design was proposed, where the dependent variables of the study were the average academic performance of the student in the subjects of Spanish Language and Literature and Mathematics in the previous year. As independent variables, the employment statusand social class of the parents were selected. There were 1448 students, 50.8% were women. 53.3% of the educational centers were public and 51.8% located in urban areas. 52.8% of the parents were from the lower class. Significant differences were observed (t1436=4,698;p<0.001) in Language between those students whose mothers worked and the students of mothers who did not work, with higher scores in the first case. Similarly, differences were observed in the mean grade in Language (t1427=5,821;p<0.001), obtaining higher scores for students whose parents worked compared to those who did not. There is a significant effect of the mother’s social class on the average grade in Language (F2,1435=55,22;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1435=41,872;p<0.001), obtaining higher scores for students with mothers with high social class. The father’s social class also had a significant effect on the average grade in Language (F2,1426= 69,811;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1426=58,293;p<0.001) with higher marks in students with class parents high social. The results highlight the need to develop educational strategies that promote a new educational model, more inclusive and egalitarian, that can prevent disadvantaged situations in times of crisis. Scientific evidence highlightsthe need to know how family socioeconomic characteristics can influence high school student aca-demic performance. The objective of this research is focused on determining the possible relation-ship between the employment situation and the social class of both parents with the student’s aca-demic performance. A correlational design was proposed, where the dependent variables of thestudy were the average academic performance of the student in the subjects of Spanish Languageand Literature and Mathematics in the previous year. As independent variables, the employment sta-tus and social class of the parents were selected. There were 1448 students, 50.8% were women.53.3% of the educational centers were public and 51.8% located in urban areas. 52.8% of the par-ents were from the lower class. Significant differences were observed (t1436=4,698;p<0.001) inLanguage between those students whose mothers worked and the students of mothers who did notwork, with higher scores in the first case. Similarly, differences were observed in the mean grade in Language (t1427=5,821;p<0.001), obtaining higher scores for students whose parents worked com-pared to those who did not. There is a significant effect of the mother’s social class on the averagegrade in Language (F2,1435=55,22;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1435=41,872;p<0.001), obtain-ing higher scores for students with mothers with high social class. The father’s social class also hada significant effect on the average grade in Language (F2,1426= 69,811;p<0.001) and Mathematics (F2,1426=58,293;p<0.001) with higher marks in students with class parents high social. The resultshighlight the need to develop educational strategies that promote a new educational model, moreinclusive and egalitarian, that can prevent disadvantaged situations in times of crisis.La evidencia científica pone de manifiesto la necesidad de conocer el modo en el que las características socioeconómicas familiares pueden influir en el rendimiento académico del estudiante de secundaria y bachillerato. El objetivo de esta investigación se centra en determinar la posible relación entre la situación laboral y clase social de ambos progenitores con el rendimiento académico del estudiante. Se planteó un diseño correlacional, donde las variables dependientes de estudio fueron el rendimiento académico medio del estudiante en las materias de Lengua Castellana y Literatura y Matemáticas en el curso anterior. Como variables independientes se seleccionaron la situación laboral y clase social de los progenitores. Se contó con 1448 estudiantes, el 50.8% eran mujeres. El 53.3% de los centros educativos fue público y el 51.8% situados en el medio urbano. El 52.8% de los progenitores eran de clase baja. Se observaron diferencias significativas (t1436=4,698;p<0.001) en Lengua entre aquellos alumnos cuyas madres trabajaban y los alumnos de las madres que no trabajaban, con puntuaciones superiores en el primer caso. De manera similar, se observaron diferencias en la nota media en Lengua (t1427=5,821;p<0.001), obteniendo puntaciones superiores los alumnos cuyos padres trabajaban en comparación con los que no lo hacían. Hay un efecto significativo de la clase social de la madre sobre la nota media en Lengua (F2,1435=55,22;p<0.001) y Matemáticas (F2,1435=41,872;p<0.001) obteniendo mayores puntuaciones los alumnos con madres con clase social alta. La clase social del padre también tuvo un efecto significativo sobre la nota media en Lengua (F2,1426=69,811;p<0.001) y Matemáticas (F2,1426=58,293;p<0.001) con notas más elevadas en alumnos con padres de clase social alta. Los resultados ponen de relieve la necesidad de desarrollar estrategias educativas que promuevan un nuevo modelo educativo, más inclusivo e igualitario, que pueda prevenir situaciones de desventaja en momentos de crisis

    Comparison in the utilization of the social networks between pregnant and not pregnant teenagers

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    El trabajo que presentamos a continuación, recoge los resultados y observaciones obtenidos a través de un estudio en desarrollo cuyo objetivo principal es conocer las diferencias en la utilización de las redes sociales por adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas. Específicamente trataremos la red social: “tuenti” por ser una de las más populares entre adolescentes españoles. Esta investigación no sólo presenta una breve comparación de la realidad de estas embarazadas y no embarazadas en la red social, sino que nos permite reflexionar conclusiones y comportamientos adolescentes observados sobre los cuáles, como profesionales, debemos actuar y en gran medida prevenir. Además con un breve estudio descriptivo, abordaremos un punto de partida, un pequeño granito de arena para continuar y conseguir potenciar la deseada atención que las embarazadas adolescentes merecen y demandan de nuestra sociedad.The study that we present next, gathers the results and observations obtained across a study in development which principal aim is to know the differences in the utilization of the social networks for pregnant and not pregnant teenagers. Specifically we will treat the social network: “tuenti” for being one of the most popular among Spanish teenagers. This investigation not only presents a brief comparison of the reality of these pregnant women and not pregnant women in the social network, but it allows us to think over conclusions and teen behaviors observed on which, as professionals, we must act and to a great extent anticipate. In addition to a brief descriptive study, we will approach a starting point, a small grain of sand to continue and to promote the wished attention that the teen pregnant women deserve and demand in our society

    La socialización a través de los iguales en la juventud: las tribus urbanas en Extremadura

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    La importancia del grupo en los jóvenes es esencial. para realizar la entrada en el mundo de los adultos y para la adquisición del logro de identidad el adolescente necesita: • independizarse emocional y afectivamente de la familia y cambiar los vínculos hasta ahora infantiles con los apdres, por otros de independencia y autonomía • afirmarse frente a los adutos • identificarse con nuevos modelos significativos, en el sentido de erikson. La importancia del grupo unas veces es beneficiosa y otras no. el adolescente puede ser consciente de ello, pero necesita encontrar apoyo en alguien porque no tiene experiencia para caminar con independencia. cuanto mayor es la distancia de la familia, mas necesita a los amigos. Según didier anzieu, la banda tiene en común la similitud. cuando los individuos se reúnen voluntariamente, por el placer de estar juntos, por la búsqueda de lo semejante, se trata de una banda. consiste en buscar en los “congéneres” modos de pensar y de sentir idénticos a los propios, sin ser necesariamente conscientes de ello. el placer de formar parte de la banda proviene de la supresión de la exigencia de adaptarse, al precio de una tensión psíquica penosa, a un universo adulto o social y a sus reglas de pensamiento y de conducta. además, la banda ofrece a sus miembros la seguridad y el soporte afectivo del que carecen, es decir un sustituto del afecto. “Podríamos decir que pandillas, bandas, simplemente agrupaciones de jóvenes que visten de forma similar y llamativa, que poseen hábitos comunes, que les gusta la misma música y hasta lugares fijos de reunión, podrían denominarse tribus urbanas”. Es importante que los profesionales que trabajan con jóvenes, ya sean psicólogos, docentes, médicos, educadores sociales etc. conozcan estos grupos: góticos, tuneros, moteros ,hiphoperos, frikis, neohippies, cutrefamosos, mods, lolailos, pijos, bakalas, punks, indies, skins, heavys, pachangueros, heavys etc. para poder intervenir psicológicamente con ellos.The importance of the group in the young men is essential. To realize the entry in the world of the adults and for the acquisition of the achievement of the identity the teenager needs: - To identify emotionally and affectively of the family and to change the links, till now infantile with the parents, others of independence and autonomy. - To steady itself (himself, herself) opposite to the adults. - To identify with new significant models, in Erikson’s sense. This formation (training) of the groups on the part of the young men acquires a great importance for the influence that it (he, she) can exercise on them. We know that a few times I it (she) is beneficial and others not, and even the teenager can be conscious of it, but it(he, she) needs to find support somewhere, because they are not experienced to walk with independence. Major all that is the distance with the family, more he (she) needs the friends. According to Didier Anzieu: the band has jointly the similarity. When the individuals meet voluntarily, for the pleasure of being united, for the search of the similar thing, it is a question of a band. It (he,she) consists of looking in the other people for manners of thinking and of feeling identical the own(proper) ones, without be necessarily conscious of it. The pleasure of forming a part of the band comes from the suppression of the exigency from adapting, at the cost of a psychic painful tension, to an adult or social universe and to his (her,your) rules of thought and of conduct. In addition, the band offers to his(her,your) members the safety and the affective support which they lack, that is to say, a substitute of the love. “ Gangs, bands, simply young men’s(women’s) groups that dress of similar form and showy, that possess common habits, which they like the same music and up to fixed places of eeting, might be named urban tribes. It is important that the professionals who work with young men(women) are psychologists, educators, medical, pedagogues know these groups: Gothic, tuneros, hiphoperos, neohippies, cutrefamosos, mods, lolailos, rich kids, bakalas, puks, indies, skins, heavys... to be able to intervene psychologically with them.peerReviewe

    Diseño de un cuestionario para caracterizar a las víctimas de Bullying en estudiantes de educación básica secundaria en colegios de la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Curso de Especial Interés : Victimología y CriminologíaLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar un cuestionario que caracterice las víctimas de Bullying de básica secundaria en colegios de la ciudad de Bogotá. El instrumento se denomina C.C.V.B (Cuestionario Caracterización Víctimas Bullying), está compuesto por 15 Ítems que evalúan tres dimensiones (física, verbal y psicológica), este instrumento está dirigido a jóvenes de edades entre los 11 y 14 años. La aplicación del cuestionario a futuro permitirá establecer la validez y confiabilidad del instrumento, determinando la efectividad en la caracterización de la víctima quien es un actor del acoso escolar.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. MARCO TEÓRICO 2 .MARCO LEGAL 3. MARCO ÉTICO 4. ESTUDIO DE MERCADEO 5. RESULTADOS 6. DISCUSIÓN 7. REFERENCIA APÉNDICESPregradoPsicólog

    Perfiles de personalidad en estudiantes adolescentes. Un estudio con el modelo de los cinco grandes (BFQ-NA)

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    En este artículo se realiza un estudio del modelo de personalidad de los cinco grandes en una muestra española de 700 adolescentes. Se realiza un análisis de los cinco grandes factores en función de la puntuación obtenida en el BFQ-NA y las variables edad y sexo de los adolescentes. Respecto a la variable sexo se obtienen diferencias significativas para todos los factores, destacando mayores puntuaciones en hombres en el factor Apertura. Por el contrario, las mujeres obtienen puntuaciones más elevadas en el resto de los factores. Con respecto a la variable edad, a medida que se avanza en la adolescencia, se obtienen menores puntuaciones en Extraversión y Conciencia. Para el resto de factores no existen diferencias significativas según esta variable. Finalmente, se realizan una serie de comparaciones con otros estudios nacionales e internacionales que también han utilizado el BFQ-NA.At this article, 700 Spanish adolescent are studied using the Big Five Personality Model. The Big Five Factors are analyzed according to the BFQ-NA scores, the age and sex variables in adolescent. About sex variable, it´s obtained significant differences for all factors, emphasizing higher scores in men for the Opening factor. By contrast, women got higher scores in the other factors. Regarding to the age variable, as it progresses in adolescents, lower scores in Extraversion and Conscience are obtained. About all other factors are not significant differences by age. Finally, we perform a series of comparisons with other national and internationals studies which have also used the BFQ-NA

    Aceptación / rechazo parental en una muestra de adolescentes. Diferencias según sexo y edad

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    El concepto de estilos parentales ha sido ampliamente utilizado en la investigación sobre el desarrollo infantil y juvenil a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Se han elaborado diversas definiciones desde distintas perspectivas, aunque una de las más aceptadas es la proporcionada, en su modelo integrativo, por Darling y Steinberg (1993), quienes definen estilo parental como «una constelación de actitudes hacia el niño que le son comunicadas y que, tomadas conjuntamente, crean un clima emocional en el cual las conductas de los padres son expresadas. Diversos estudios muestran como la percepción que los hijos tienen de los estilos educativos que los padres ejercen sobre ellos, influyen en aspectos generales como su salud mental (Funes, 1984), y su ajuste personal, social (Llopis y Llopis, 2001 y López-Soler, Puerto, López-Pina y Prieto, 2009) y comportamental (Sánchez Sandoval, 2002), así como en aspectos más concretos como son el autoconcepto (Musitu y García, 2004), y el consumo de sustancias (Pons y Berjano, 1997). Nuestro trabajo se enmarca dentro de una investigación más amplia relacionada con la convivencia escolar y bullying en centros de educación primaria y secundaria y pretende evaluar la percepción de los hijos acerca de los estilos educativos parentales, en concreto la aceptación/rechazo parental y obtener así información sobre variables moduladoras como son el sexo y la edad. Han participado para ello un total de 700 adolescentes, estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de la Comunidad de Extremadura. Para la obtención de datos se empleo” Escala de Afecto versión hijos, EA-H” (Fuentes, Motrico y Bersabé, 2001). Nuestros resultados confirman que los hijos varones perciben un mayor rechazo, crítica y falta de confianza por parte de sus padres, que las hijas. Por otro lado, los adolescentes de edades tempranas perciben más afecto y comunicación y menos rechazo y crítica por parte de sus padres (padre y madre), que los adolescentes de mayor edad.The concept of parenting styles has been widely used in research on child and youth development over recent decades. Various definitions have been developed from different perspectives, but one of the most accepted is that provided, in its integrative model by Darling and Steinberg (1993), who define parenting style as “a constellation of attitudes toward the child must communicate andwhich, taken together, create an emotional climate in which parental behaviors are expressed. Studies show as the perception that children have the educational styles that parents have on them, influence generality and mental health (Funes, 1984), and personal adjustment, social (Llopis and Llopis, 2001 and Lopez- Soler, Port, Lopez-Pina and Prieto, 2009) and behavioral (Sanchez Sandoval, 2002), as well as more specific aspects such as self-concept (Musitu and Garcia, 2004) and substance (Pons and Berjano, 1997). Our work is part of a larger research related to school life and bullying in primary schools and secondary schools and aims to assess the perceptions of children about parenting styles, particularly the acceptance / rejection and obtain parental information on modulating variables such as sex and age. Have participated to this a total of 700 adolescents, students of Secondary Education (ESO) of the Community of Extremadura. To obtain employment data Affect Schedule sons version, EA-H (Fuentes, Motrico and Bathsheba, 2001). Our results confirm that sons perceive more rejection, criticism and lack of trust from their parents than daughters. On the other hand, adolescents perceived more affection early age and communication and more rejection and criticism from their parents (father and mother), that older adolescents