14 research outputs found

    Blood chemistry changes in broiler chickens following supplementation with Cinnamomum zeylanicum

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    A study was conducted to investigate the effects of different doses of Cinnamomum zeylanicum in diet on blood biochemistry of broiler chickens. Thirty two, 1-d old male broiler chickens of a commercial strain ROSS 308 were distributed into groups of 8 birds in each one. The chicks received the diets from the day of hatching to 38 d of age. The four types of diets included basal diets for chicks (HYD 01, HYD 02 and HYD 03) supplemented by 0%, 0.1%, 0.05 and 0.025% cinnamon (Cinnamomi aetheroleum of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Calendula a.s., Novå L'ubovña, Slovakia). Continuous lighting and water and feed ad libitum were provided throughout the trial. The addition of cinnamon to the diets caused a significantly lower plasma glucose level and the effects of cinnamon on plasma glucose levels tended to be dose-dependent. Dietary intake of 0.05 and 0.025% cinnamon reduced serum ALT and plasma potassium levels. Ingestion of cinnamon, however, resulted in no significant changes in circulating calcium, albumin, triglycerides, free glycerol and cholesterol levels. It was concluded that cinnamon could be used not only for flavor and taste in food preparation but it had an additional role in glucose metabolism in broiler chickens

    Effect of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil on Antioxidative Status in Broiler Chickens

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    Evaluacija uticaja esencijalnog ulja salvia officinalis na biohemijske vrednosti u plazmi, sluznicu creva i kvantitet kiselih i neutralnih mucina u crevima pilića

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    AbstractIn this study the effects of Salvia officinalis L. essential oil on the thickness of the gut mucus layer and quantity of neutral and acidic mucins in chickens were observed. Oneday-old chickens of Isa Brown breed were divided into five groups (n = 9) and fed 11 weeks as follows: control group (C): basal diet; experimental groups (E1 - E4) - same as C + sage essential oil (EO) in concentrations of 0.01%; 0.025%; 0.05% and 0.1%, respectively. The thickness of the mucus layer in the duodenum significantly increased in E3(0.05% sage EO) compared to E1 (0.01 % sage EO). In E3 (0.05% sage EO) the number of goblet cells containing acidic and neutral mucins was significantly decreased in the duodenum and jejunum and increased in the ileum compared to C. Feeding the diet supplemented with Se and 0.01% sage EO (E1) decreased plasma cholesterol level in comparison with E3(0.05 % sage EO). The addition of 0.05% (E3) and 0.1% sage EO (E4) to the diet caused a decrease in calcium plasma level compared to E2 (0.025 % sage EO). Plasma glucose level was significantly decreased in groups fed 0.05% (E3) and 0.025% sage EO (E2) compared with 0.01% sageStudija se odnosi na posmatranje efekata Salvia offi cinalis L. esencijalnih ulja na debljinu sluznice creva i kvantitet neutralnih i kiselih mucina kod pilića. Formirano je pet grupa sa po 9 jednodnevnih pilića rase Isa Brown koji su u narednih 11 nedelja hranjeni na sledeći način: kontrolna (C) grupa je dobijala osnovni obrok sa dodatkom Na selenita (Se) u koncentraciji 0,04 ppm + suncokretovo ulje (1%); eksperimentalne grupe E1 do E4: isto kao C grupa uz dodatak esencijalnog ulja ĆŸalfi je (EO) u koncentraciji 0,01%, 0,025; 0,05% odnosno 0,1%. Debljina sloja mukusa u duodenumu je značajno porasla kod pilića E3 grupe (Se i 0,05% EO ulja) u poređenju sa E1 grupom (Se i 0,01% EO ulja). U E3 grupi (Se i 0,05% EO ulja) broj peharastih ćelija koje sadrĆŸe kisele i neutralne mucine je značajno bio smanjen u duodenumu i jejunumu, a povećan u ileumu u poređenju sa C grupom. Ishrana sa dodatkom Se i 0,01% EO ulja ĆŸalfi je (E1) izazivala je smanjenje koncentracije holesterola u plazmi u poređenju sa E3 (Se i 0,05% EO ĆŸalfi je). Dodavanje Se i 0,05% EO ĆŸalfi je (E3) kao i 0.1% EO ulja (E4) izazvalo je smanjenje koncentracije kalcijuma u plazmi u poređenju sa E2 (Se i 0,025% EO ulja). Koncentracije glukoze u plazmi su značajno bile smanjene u grupama koje su dobijale Se i 0,05% (E3) i 0,025% EO (E2) ulja ĆŸalfi je, u poređenju sa E1 grupom (0,01% EO ulja). Različiti sastavi obroka po grupama nisu imali uticaja na mase unutraĆĄnjih organa pilića u ogledu. Rezultati ukazuju da efekat EO ĆŸalfi je na dinamiku adherencije sloja mukusa kao i na tip i distribuciju mucina u crevima pilića zavisi od doze EO kao i od segmenta creva uz istovremeno postojanje potrebe da se obave dalja ispitivanja u cilju detaljnog objaĆĄnjenja ovog uticaja

    The urinary excretion of selenium in sheep treated with a vasopressin analogue

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    The renal excretion of selenium was investigated in ewes with an excretion of hypotonic urine (control group) and in ewes with a formation of highly concentrated urine. Chronic stimulation of the urinary concentrating activity of sheep kidneys was induced by a long-term treatment with 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP), a synthetic analogue of vasopressin with prolonged effects. Young animals with 22 to 25 kg b.w. were fed a normal protein diet providing a daily intake of 129.25 g of crude protein, 12.03 MJ of digestible energy and 0.18 mg of selenium for 3 weeks. The vasopressin treated sheep (n=11n = 11) were given subcutaneous injections of 12.5 ÎŒ\mug of dDAVP in glycerol twice daily for one week before the clearance measurement of renal functions. The control group (n=11n = 11) was treated with glycerol only. The administration of dDAVP resulted in a highly significant decrease of the urinary flow rate (from 3.19 ±\pm 0.50 in control group to 0.33 ±\pm 0.03 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1} in dDAVP animals, P<0.001P < 0.001) without changes in the glomerular filtration rate (80.18 ±\pm 6.36 in controls vs. 77.86 ±\pm 6.26 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, NS). No effects on plasma selenium level were observed (0.17 ±\pm 0.03 in controls vs. 0.20 ±\pm 0.03 ÎŒ\mumol⋅\cdotL−1^{-1}, NS) but the amounts of selenium excreted were found to be highly significantly reduced (from 0.29 ±\pm 0.05 in controls to 0.03 ±\pm 0.01 nmol⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, P<0.001P < 0.001) in dDAVP treated sheep. Despite a large reduction in urinary flow rate, the selenium concentration in urine was actually the same in both groups (0.09 ±\pm 0.01 ÎŒ\mumol⋅\cdotL−1^{-1}) resulting in a sharp fall in the renal clearance of selenium (2.20 ±\pm 0.54 in controls vs. 0.18 ±\pm 0.03 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, P<0.01P < 0.01) due to dDAVP. This seems to be a consequence of the large increase in the selenium solvent drag induced by a vasopressin treatment. The results presented suggest that vasopressin may contribute to maintenance of the selenium balance in sheep via its effects on renal function.ExcrĂ©tion urinaire de sĂ©lĂ©nium chez le mouton traitĂ© avec un analogue de la vasopressine. L'excrĂ©tion rĂ©nale du sĂ©lĂ©nium a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e chez des brebis produisant des urines hypotoniques (groupe tĂ©moin) et des urines trĂšs concentrĂ©es. La stimulation chronique de l'activitĂ© rĂ©nale de concentration urinaire a Ă©tĂ© obtenue par traitement Ă  long terme avec de la 1-dĂ©samino-8-D-arginine vasopressine (dDAVP), un analogue synthĂ©tique de la vasopressine aux effets prolongĂ©s. Des jeunes brebis (22 Ă  25 kg poids vif) ont Ă©tĂ© nourries avec un rĂ©gime normoprotĂ©ique (protĂ©ine brute = 129,25 g ; Ă©nergie digestible = 12,03 MJ et sĂ©lĂ©nium = 0,18 mg par jour) pendant trois semaines. Les brebis traitĂ©es (n=11n = 11) ont reçu une solution de glycĂ©rol contenant 12,5 ÎŒ\mug de dDAVP par voie sous-cutanĂ©e, deux fois par jour pendant une semaine, juste avant les mesures de clairance rĂ©nale. Le groupe tĂ©moin (n=11n = 11) a reçu du glycĂ©rol seul. L'administration de dDAVP a induit une rĂ©duction trĂšs significative de la diurĂšse (de 3,19 ±\pm 0,50 chez les tĂ©moins Ă  0,33 ±\pm 0,03 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, P<0,001P < 0,001) sans modifier le dĂ©bit de filtration glomĂ©rulaire (80,18 ±\pm 6,36 chez les tĂ©moins contre 77,86 ±\pm 6,26 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, NS). Le niveau plasmatique de sĂ©lĂ©nium n'a pas Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ© par l'administration de dDAVP (0,17 ±\pm 0,03 chez les tĂ©moins contre 0,20 ±\pm 0,03 ÎŒ\mumol⋅\cdotL−1^{-1}, NS), mais la quantitĂ© de sĂ©lĂ©nium Ă©liminĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs significativement rĂ©duite (de 0,29 ±\pm 0,05 chez les tĂ©moins Ă  0,03 ±\pm 0,01 nmol⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1} chez le groupe traitĂ©, P<0,001P < 0,001). MalgrĂ© la chute de la diurĂšse, la concentration urinaire de sĂ©lĂ©nium n'a pas variĂ© sous dDAVP (0,09 ±\pm 0,01 ÎŒ\mumol⋅\cdotL−1^{-1} chez les deux groupes) et, de ce fait, la clairance rĂ©nale du sĂ©lĂ©nium s'est vue fortement diminuĂ©e (2,20 ±\pm 0,54 chez les tĂ©moins contre 0,18 ±\pm 0,03 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, P<0,01P < 0,01). Ceci peut ĂȘtre attribuĂ© Ă  une augmentation du phĂ©nomĂšne de drainage par le solvant Ă  la suite du traitement avec dDAVP. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que la vasopressine peut contribuer Ă  la rĂ©gulation du bilan de sĂ©lĂ©nium chez le mouton, par le biais de ses effets sur la fonction rĂ©nale

    Effects of feeding diets contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins on blood biochemical parameters of broiler chickens

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) on some biochemical indices of broiler chickens. Twenty-four Ross 308 hybrid broiler chickens of both sexes were fed diets containing maize contaminated with Fusarium mycotoxins. The diets included a control diet (DON 0.60 mg/kg feed; ZEA 0.07 mg/kg feed), an experimental 1 diet (DON 3.4 mg kg feed; ZEA 3.4 mg kg−1 feed), and an experimental 2 diet (DON 8.2 mg kg−1 feed; ZEA 8.3 mg kg−1 feed). Contaminated diets were fed from 14 days of age for 14 days. Blood samples were collected from 4-week-old birds. Chicks fed a diet containing a low level of contaminated maize (experimental 1) had decreased plasma potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, total protein, albumin, triglycerides, free glycerol concentrations and increased cholesterol and calcium levels as well as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) enzyme activities as compared to the control. Feeding a diet contaminated with high levels of mycotoxins (experimental 2) resulted in decreased plasma potassium, magnesium, total protein, albumin, triglycerides, free glycerol concentrations and increased plasma ALP, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and AST enzyme activities. The effect of mycotoxin-contaminated diets on ALP activity was dose dependent. Chloride concentration was not affected by the diets. It can be concluded that feeding diets contaminated with both levels of Fusarium mycotoxins significantly affected protein, lipid and mineral metabolism as well as AST and ALP enzyme activities in broiler chickens

    Urinary selenium excretion in selenite-loaded sheep and subsequent Se dynamics in blood constituents

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    Renal selenium excretion in sheep was measured during intravenous infusion of sodium selenite, and the post-infusion dynamics of Se levels in whole blood, plasma and red blood cells (RBC) were investigated for the next 5 days. The plasma Se level increased almost twenty fold with the infusion of Na2_2SeO3_3 (from 0.39±0.020.39 \pm 0.02 to 7.83±0.33 Ό7.83 \pm 0.33~\mumol⋅\cdotL−1^{-1}, P<0.001P < 0.001) compared with the baseline value. The selenium concentration in urine (0.07±0.020.07 \pm 0.02 vs. 18.53±2.56 Ό18.53 \pm 2.56~\mumol⋅\cdotL−1^{-1}, P<0.001P < 0.001), the amount of Se excreted (0.14±0.070.14 \pm 0.07 vs. 21.40±2.3121.40 \pm 2.31 nmol⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, P<0.001P < 0.001) and the renal clearance of Se (0.19±0.030.19 \pm 0.03 vs. 3.01±0.343.01 \pm 0.34 mL⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}, P<0.001P < 0.001) were found to be highly significantly elevated during selenite loading. The clearance measurements showed no changes in the urinary flow rate or in the glomerular filtration rate. During and at the end of infusion the highest Se level was attained in plasma, followed by whole blood and RBC. The plasma Se level fell rapidly within 10 min after the end of infusion, but the concentration of Se in RBC was stable up to the fourth hour, when it started to decrease too. On day 5 the Se concentrations in plasma, RBC and whole blood were found to be only slightly but still significantly higher than before the selenite infusion. The large disproportion between the infusion rate of Se (8.76 Ό\mug⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}) and its renal excretion rate (1.69 Ό\mug⋅\cdotmin−1^{-1}) found in clearance measurements suggests low glomerular filtration of infused selenium, which might primarily be caused by the binding of selenite metabolites to blood constituents. The presented results confirm the low bioavailability to ruminants of Se from sodium selenite