9 research outputs found

    Higher-order squeezing for the codirectional Kerr nonlinear coupler

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    In this Letter we study the evolution of the higher-order squeezing, namely, nnth-order single-mode squeezing, sum- and difference-squeezing for the codirectional Kerr nonlinear coupler. We show that the amount of squeezing decreases when nn, i.e. the squeezing order, increases. For specific values of the interaction parameters squeezing factors exhibit a series of revival-collapse phenomena, which become more pronounced when the value of nn increases. Sum-squeezing can provide amounts of squeezing greater than those produced by the nnth higher-order (n2n\geq 2) squeezing for the same values of interaction parameters and can map onto amplitude-squared squeezing. Further, we prove that the difference-squeezing is not relevant measure for obtaining information about squeezing from this device.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum phase properties of two-mode Jaynes-Cummings model for Schr\"odinger-cat states: interference and entanglement

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    In this paper we investigate the quantum phase properties for the coherent superposition states (Schr\"odinger-cat states) for two-mode multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model in the framework of the Pegg-Barnett formalism. We also demonstrate the behavior of the Wigner (WW) function at the phase space origin. We obtain many interesting results such as there is a clear relationship between the revival-collapse phenomenon occurring in the atomic inversion (as well as in the evolution of the WW function) and the behavior of the phase distribution of both the single-mode and two-mode cases. Furthermore, we find that the phase variances of the single-mode case can exhibit revival-collapse phenomenon about the long-time behavior. We show that such behavior occurs for interaction time several times smaller than that of the single-mode Jaynes-Cummings model.Comment: 23, 8 figure

    Single-atom entropy squeezing for two two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode radiation field

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    In this paper we consider a system of two two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode quantized electromagnetic field in a lossless resonant cavity via ll-photon-transition mechanism. The field and the atoms are initially prepared in the coherent state and the excited atomic states, respectively. For this system we investigate the entropy squeezing, the atomic variances, the von Neumann entropy and the atomic inversions for the single-atom case. We show that the more the number of the parties in the system the less the amounts of the nonclassical effects exhibited in the entropy squeezing. The entropy squeezing can give information on the corresponding von Neumann entropy. Also the nonclassical effects obtained form the asymmetric atoms are greater than those obtained form the symmetric atoms. Finally, the entropy squeezing gives better information than the atomic variances only for the asymmetric atoms.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, comments are most welcom

    Quantum properties of the three-mode squeezed operator: triply concurrent parametric amplifiers

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    In this paper, we study the quantum properties of the three-mode squeezed operator. This operator is constructed from the optical parametric oscillator based on the three concurrent χ(2)\chi^{(2)} nonlinearities. We give a complete treatment for this operator including the symmetric and asymmetric nonlinearities cases. The action of the operator on the number and coherent states are studied in the framework of squeezing, second-order correlation function, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality and single-mode quasiprobability function. The nonclassical effects are remarkable in all these quantities. We show that the nonclassical effects generated by the asymmetric case--for certain values of the system parameters--are greater than those of the symmetric one. This reflects the important role for the asymmetry in the system. Moreover, the system can generate different types of the Schr\"odinger-cat states.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures; comments are most welcom

    Quantum properties of the parametric amplifier with and without pumping field fluctuations

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    The parametric amplifier with and without the pumping fluctuations of coupling function is considered when the fields are initially prepared in coherent light. The pumping fluctuations are assumed to be normally distributed with time-dependent variance. The effects of antibunching and anticorrelation of photons on the photon distribution, correlation between modes and factorial moments are demonstrated. A possible enhancement of photon antibunching for certain values of initial mean photon numbers is shown and discussed. We have shown also that new states (called modified squeezed vacuum states or even thermal states) can be generated from such an interaction. Further, we have demonstrated that the sum photon-number distribution can exhibit collapses and revivals in the photon-number domain somewhat similar to those known in the Jaynes-Cummings model.Comment: 17 pages, 6figure

    Quantum properties of the three-mode squeezed operator: triply concurrent parametric amplifiers

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    In this paper, we study the quantum properties of the three-mode squeezed operator. This operator is constructed from the optical parametric oscillator based on the three concurrent χ(2) nonlinearities. We give a complete treatment for this operator including the symmetric and asymmetric nonlinearity cases. The action of the operator on the number and coherent states is studied in the framework of squeezing, secondorder correlation function, Cauchy–Schwartz inequality and single-mode quasiprobability function. The nonclassical effects are remarkable in all these quantities. We show that the nonclassical effects generated by the asymmetric case–for certain values of the system parameters–are greater than those of the symmetric one. This reflects the important role for the asymmetry in the system. Moreover, the system can generate particular types of the superposition states