39 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Background: Visual disturbances, especially in school children, are currently receiving less attention. Children's habits are one of the triggers for eye disorders in this case is visual acuity. Myopia is one of the causes of decreased visual acuity in children, even though vision is needed in the teaching and learning process. Objective: The objective of this community service is to find visual impairments in the habits of the children of SDN04 Arab Melayu Seberang Jambi City so that if visual impairment is found, the service team can provide education to teachers. Methods: Eye health checks include good vision checks using a snellen card and trial lens. Results: The sample for this service was all 261 students of SD 04 Arab Melayu Seberang, Jambi City. Where it was found that as many as 183 students had a habit of using gadgets and as many as 81 students read while lying down. After a visual examination, 179 students were declared normal and 82 students with visual impairments. Keywords: Visual disturbances, Habits, Myopia   ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Gangguan penglihatan terutama pada anak sekolah saat ini kurang diperhatikan. Kebiasaan anak merupakan salah satu pemicu terjadinya gangguan pada mata dalam hal ini adalah ketajaman penglihatan. Myopia merupakan salah satu penyebab penurunan ketajaman penglihatan pda anak, padahal penglihatan saat diperlukan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan: Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menemukan gangguan penglihatan terhadap kebiasaan anak SDN04 Arab Melayu Kota Seberang Jambi sehingga apabila ditemukan gangguan penglihatan maka tim pengabdian dapat meberikan edukasi terhadap guru. Metode: Pemeriksaan kesehatan mata meliputi pemeriksaan visus baik menggunakan snellen card dan trial lens. Hasil: Sampel pada pengabdian ini adalah seluruh siswa SD 04 Arab Melayu Kota Seberang Jambi sebanyak 261 siswa. Dimana didapatkan bahwa sebanyak 183 siswa yang mempunyai kebiasaan penggunaan gadget dan sebanyak 81 siswa membaca sambil berbaring. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan visus maka sebanyak 179 siswa dinyatakan normal dan 82 siswa dengan gangguan penglihatan. Kata Kunci: Gangguan penglihatan, Kebiasaan, Myopi

    Determination of Lactic Acid Bacteria Viability in the Small Intestine of Catfish (Pangasius djambal) by Using the 32P Radioisotope

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    The viability of probiotics is important to be determined, as is its probiotic potency in the small instestine of fish. The result can be used as a basis to determine the feeding frequency of the probiotics to the fish.The aim of this study is to gain information about the viability of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the small intestine of fish by using the 32P isotope technique. Catfish (Pangasius djambal) was used as a test fish, and the LAB with the code of P2.1 PTB was the subject of the experiment. Before its viability was tested, the LAB had been labelled with radioisotope 32P, then mixed into catfish feed. Its viability could be determined by counting the activity of 32P. The results showed that the percentage of LAB viability in the small intestine of catfish declined until day 7. The percentage of LAB viability was decreased at an amount of 30% at day 3. Based on this result, the feeding frequency of LAB P2.1 PTB is every 3 days.Received: 04 October 2014 Revised: 26 March 2015; Accepted: 05 April 201


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    Surface energy is a characteristic factor which affects the surface properties and interfacial interactions such as wetting and adhesion. A high adhesion is achieved on substrates with high surface energies, in particular high polar shares. Substrate surface treatments prior to the coating deposition process are carried out using 2 categories of solution which are A (sodium hydroxide) and B (sodium hydroxide, distilled water, acid, distilled water, alcohol). The surface treatment was carried out using ultrasonic cleaner by varying the solution, time and wiping process. The main aim of this study is to determine the effect substrate surface treatments on the surface energy of the tungsten carbide (WC) substrate. The surface energy of the substrate was measured using two liquids with dominant polar and dominant dispersion components which was distilled water and methylene iodide. Owens-Wendt method carried out to calculate the surface energy of the substrate. The WC substrate was titanium nitride (TiN) coated using PVD coating machine. The adhesion test was employed using Rockwell indenter. The result showed that cleaning process using solution B for 20 minutes without the wiping process lead to the highest surface energy of 0.1263 N/m with the polar share of 0.0805 N/m which lead to the best coating adhesion. Wiping process reduce the surface energy of the substrate due to carbon residue left on the substrate surface. Finding from this research suggested that solution, time, interaction between solution and time, interaction between solution and wiping, interaction between time and wiping, and interaction between all factors significantly influence the surface energy of the substrate

    Finding Needles in Haystacks: The Use of Quantitative Proteomics for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common and treatable disease if diagnosed early. Current population screening programs are suboptimal, and consequently, there is a need for the development of new methodologies for early diagnosis of CRC. In the past 10 years, unprecedented technological advancements in the field of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics have progressively increased the sophistication and utility of these investigations, leading to the draft mapping of the human proteome. These exciting studies have shaped our mechanistic understanding of the human genome and begun to provide us with a suite of novel biomarkers to predict the onset, progression and severity of many debilitating diseases. Thus, sophisticated MS workflows coupled with revolutionary protein quantification techniques hold promise for the field of MS-based plasma proteomics, particularly valuable in the context of early stage identification of curable CRC. However, within the last 40 years, no new plasma protein biomarkers of CRC have been translated into clinical practice. Here. we discuss the application of proteomic technologies within the field of CRC, highlighting contemporary MS-based plasma proteomic strategies that could be exploited to deliver on the promise of a panel of sensitive and specific plasma-based biomarkers with which to non-invasively detect early stage CRC

    Leptospirosis, an emerging zoonotic disease in Malaysia

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    Leptospirosis is an endemic disease in Malaysia and recently has received increasing attention mainly due to several recent incidents that have resulted in human mortality which have alarmed health professionals in Malaysia. The increasing incidence of leptospirosis in forested regions is associated with the bacteria infecting small wild mammals other than rats. Infection in wildlife could result in the introduction of new serovars to humans and domesticated animals. More research on leptospirosis and the screening of wildlife and humans near wildlife habitats is required to have a better understanding of the involvement of wildlife in the disease

    District health management cycle in Malaysia

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    Background: Imbalance between needs, demands and resources are commonly seen in the public sector. Management team needs to manage the available resources in the best possible way to meet the health needs. This is decided by the District Health Management Team (DHMT) in the district health. The concept of District Health Management Cycle (DHMC) was initially introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its District Health Management Models as part of health sector reform initiatives. This review aim to discuss the principle and concept of DHMC in Malaysia. Methods: A literature review was conducted through online database such as Google Scholar and Pubmed to identify the current concept of DHMC. Related government documents on district health management was also identified and reviewed through official government websites. Initial keywords used are district health services and district health management. Then, combined keywords used are district health services in Malaysia and district health management in Malaysia. Finally, about 14 articles that are related were selected and reviewed. Logic framework for district management cycle and SWOT analysis was applied to highlight the internal factors (strength and weakness) and external factor (opportunity and threats) of district health management in Malaysia. Result: DHMC is a cycle involving situational analysis, planning, implementation, with continuous monitoring and eventually the evaluation. Situational analysis identified the current requirement of the district. Then district health plan will be carried out to get a clear picture of the range of inputs needed and how these inputs will be combined to achieve goals. Implementation is the process of carrying out the activity or intervention as well as using the resources without any interruption to the existing service delivery. Followed by monitoring, where it implies checking progress of District Health Plan. Finally, evaluation is a systematic way of reviewing at the implemented plan including the strengths and the shortfalls accounted during the entire process. District health management in Malaysia is not completely decentralized, therefore there are some different in its concept and principle. Conclusion: Healthcare system in Malaysia has some strength and threat. Some of the weaknesses are lack of human resources and top to down planning. The threat comes from internally such as resource constraints and externally due to social groups and political interference. District health management is the starting point of the district health service delivery. It aims to constantly balance the needs, and demands with the limited resources to improve the quality of health service

    Seroprevalence of leptospiral antibodies among market workers and food handlers in the central state of Malaysia

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    Objective:The high prevalence of leptospirosis in humans is of great public health concern, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of leptospiral antibodies and distribution of serovars, and to assess the usefulness of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) as a screening method for leptospiral antibodies in a high-risk healthy community. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 231 market workers and food handlers in wet markets and food premises from two localities in central Malaysia. Respondents' background information was obtained using a questionnaire. Serum samples were tested for leptospiral antibodies using ELISA and microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Results: Seroprevalence of leptospirosis among healthy workers was 46.3%. Detection of seropositivity was higher by MAT (46%) than ELISA (15%). We observed high seropositivity among local workers (49%), food handlers (49.5%), females (60.8%) and those aged 34 years and older (46.3%). Local strain LEP175 was the predominant serovar, followed by WHO strain Patoc. Conclusion: Overall seroprevalence among healthy food handlers and market workers was high in this study. The workplace places susceptible individuals at risk of leptospirosis