124 research outputs found

    FGF/heparin differentially regulates Schwann cell and olfactory ensheathing cell interactions with astrocytes: a role in astrocytosis

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    After injury, the CNS undergoes an astrocyte stress response characterized by reactive astrocytosis/proliferation, boundary formation, and increased glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) expression. Previously, we showed that in vitro astrocytes exhibit this stress response when in contact with Schwann cells but not olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). In this study, we confirm this finding in vivo by demonstrating that astrocytes mingle with OECs but not Schwann cells after injection into normal spinal cord. We show that Schwann cell-conditioned media (SCM) induces proliferation in monocultures of astrocytes and increases CSPG expression in a fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1)-independent manner. However, SCM added to OEC/astrocyte cocultures induces reactive astrocytosis and boundary formation, which, although sensitive to FGFR1 inhibition, was not induced by FGF2 alone. Addition of heparin to OEC/astrocyte cultures induces boundary formation, whereas heparinase or chlorate treatment of Schwann cell/astrocyte cultures reduces it, suggesting that heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are modulating this activity. In vivo, FGF2 and FGFR1 immunoreactivity was increased over grafted OECs and Schwann cells compared with the surrounding tissue, and HSPG immunoreactivity is increased over reactive astrocytes bordering the Schwann cell graft. These data suggest that components of the astrocyte stress response, including boundary formation, astrocyte hypertrophy, and GFAP expression, are mediated by an FGF family member, whereas proliferation and CSPG expression are not. Furthermore, after cell transplantation, HSPGs may be important for mediating the stress response in astrocytes via FGF2. Identification of factors secreted by Schwann cells that induce this negative response in astrocytes would further our ability to manipulate the inhibitory environment induced after injury to promote regeneration

    Effects of branching spatial structure and life history on the asymptotic growth rate of a population

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Theoretical Ecology 3 (2010): 137-152, doi:10.1007/s12080-009-0058-0.The dendritic structure of a river network creates directional dispersal and a hierarchical arrangement of habitats. These two features have important consequences for the ecological dynamics of species living within the network.We apply matrix population models to a stage-structured population in a network of habitat patches connected in a dendritic arrangement. By considering a range of life histories and dispersal patterns, both constant in time and seasonal, we illustrate how spatial structure, directional dispersal, survival, and reproduction interact to determine population growth rate and distribution. We investigate the sensitivity of the asymptotic growth rate to the demographic parameters of the model, the system size, and the connections between the patches. Although some general patterns emerge, we find that a species’ mode of reproduction and dispersal are quite important in its response to changes in its life history parameters or in the spatial structure. The framework we use here can be customized to incorporate a wide range of demographic and dispersal scenarios.Funding for this work came from the James S. McDonnell Foundation (EEG, HJL, WFF). MGN was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (CMG-0530830, OCE-0326734, ATM-0428122)

    Imaging Trans-Cellular Neurexin-Neuroligin Interactions by Enzymatic Probe Ligation

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    Neurexin and neuroligin are transmembrane adhesion proteins that play an important role in organizing the neuronal synaptic cleft. Our lab previously reported a method for imaging the trans-synaptic binding of neurexin and neuroligin called BLINC (Biotin Labeling of INtercellular Contacts). In BLINC, biotin ligase (BirA) is fused to one protein while its 15-amino acid acceptor peptide substrate (AP) is fused to the binding partner. When the two fusion proteins interact across cellular junctions, BirA catalyzes the site-specific biotinylation of AP, which can be read out by staining with streptavidin-fluorophore conjugates. Here, we report that BLINC in neurons cannot be reproduced using the reporter constructs and labeling protocol previously described. We uncover the technical reasons for the lack of reproducibilty and then re-design the BLINC reporters and labeling protocol to achieve neurexin-neuroligin BLINC imaging in neuron cultures. In addition, we introduce a new method, based on lipoic acid ligase instead of biotin ligase, to image trans-cellular neurexin-neuroligin interactions in human embryonic kidney cells and in neuron cultures. This method, called ID-PRIME for Interaction-Dependent PRobe Incorporation Mediated by Enzymes, is more robust than BLINC due to higher surface expression of lipoic acid ligase fusion constructs, gives stronger and more localized labeling, and is more versatile than BLINC in terms of signal readout. ID-PRIME expands the toolkit of methods available to study trans-cellular protein-protein interactions in living systems.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (DP1 OD003961

    Transplantation of Neuronal-Primed Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Hemiparkinsonian Rodents

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    Bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) have shown promise in in vitro neuronal differentiation and in cellular therapy for neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson' disease. However, the effects of intracerebral transplantation are not well defined, and studies do not agreed on the optimal neuronal differentiation method. Here, we investigated three growth factor-based neuronal differentiation procedures (using FGF-2/EGF/PDGF/SHH/FGF-8/GDNF), and found all to be capable of eliciting an immature neural phenotype, in terms of cell morphology and gene/protein expression. The neuronal-priming (FGF-2/EGF) method induced neurosphere-like formation and the highest NES and NR4A2 expression by hMSCs. Transplantation of undifferentiated and neuronal-primed hMSCs into the striatum and substantia nigra of 6-OHDA-lesioned hemiparkinsonian rats revealed transient graft survival of 7 days, despite the reported immunosuppressive properties of MSCs and cyclosporine-immunosuppression of rats. Neither differentiation of hMSCs nor induction of host neurogenesis was observed at injection sites, and hMSCs continued producing mesodermal fibronectin. Strategies for improving engraftment and differentiation post-transplantation, such as prior in vitro neuronal-priming, nigral and striatal grafting, and co-transplantation of olfactory ensheathing cells that promote neural regeneration, were unable to provide advantages. Innate inflammatory responses (Iba-1-positive microglia/macrophage and GFAP-positive astrocyte activation and accumulation) were detected around grafts within 7 days. Our findings indicate that growth factor-based methods allow hMSC differentiation toward immature neuronal-like cells, and contrary to previous reports, only transient survival and engraftment of hMSCs occurs following transplantation in immunosuppressed hemiparkinsonian rats. In addition, suppression of host innate inflammatory responses may be a key factor for improving hMSC survival and engraftment

    Biotechnologizing Jatropha for local sustainable developments

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    This article explores whether and how the biotechnologization process that the fuel-plant Jatropha curcas is undergoing might strengthen local sustainable development. It focuses on the ongoing efforts of the multi-stakeholder network Gota Verde to harness Jatropha within local small-scale production systems in Yoro, Honduras. It also looks at the genomics research on Jatropha conducted by the Dutch research institute Plant Research International, specifically addressing the ways in which that research can assists local development in Honduras. A territorial approach is applied for analysis employing a three domain concept (local sustainable biotechnological development) of territory, technology and re-territorialization. The article suggests that, although the biotechnologization process (through genomics) of Jatropha within the socio-technical framework of the institute and multi-stakeholder networks is an ongoing process¿¿and different trajectories are, therefore, still open - the process can, nevertheless, strengthen local sustainable developmen

    Neurexins and Neuroligins: Recent Insights from Invertebrates

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    During brain development, each neuron must find and synapse with the correct pre- and postsynaptic partners. The complexity of these connections and the relatively large distances some neurons must send their axons to find the correct partners makes studying brain development one of the most challenging, and yet fascinating disciplines in biology. Furthermore, once the initial connections have been made, the neurons constantly remodel their dendritic and axonal arbours in response to changing demands. Neurexin and neuroligin are two cell adhesion molecules identified as important regulators of this process. The importance of these genes in the development and modulation of synaptic connectivity is emphasised by the observation that mutations in these genes in humans have been associated with cognitive disorders such as Autism spectrum disorders, Tourette syndrome and Schizophrenia. The present review will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the role of these genes in synaptic development and modulation, and in particular, we will focus on recent work in invertebrate models, and how these results relate to studies in mammals

    Número mínimo de medições para a avaliação acurada de características agronômicas de pinhão-manso

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o método mais eficaz para estimar coeficientes de repetibilidade em progênies de meios-irmãos de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas) e predizer o número mínimo de medições necessárias para algumas características agronômicas da oleaginosa. Avaliaram-se 18 famílias de meios-irmãos, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, de 2009 a 2013. Nesse período, as seguintes características foram avaliadas: altura de plantas, diâmetro do caule, número de ramos por planta, projeção da copa na linha, projeção da copa na entrelinha e produtividade de grãos. O coeficiente de repetibilidade (r) foi estimado a partir de diferentes estratégias: análise de variância; análise dos componentes principais (ACP), com base na matriz de correlações (CPCOR); ACP, com base na matriz de variâncias e covariâncias fenotípicas (CPCOV); e análise estrutural, com base na matriz de correlações. A estratégia CPCOV proporciona estimativas mais acuradas do coeficiente de repetibilidade e do número de medições necessárias (no mínimo quatro) para avaliação acurada (mínimo 80%) das características, devido ao comportamento cíclico das progênies
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