123 research outputs found

    Gravito-electromagnetic analogies

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    We reexamine and further develop different gravito-electromagnetic (GEM) analogies found in the literature, and clarify the connection between them. Special emphasis is placed in two exact physical analogies: the analogy based on inertial fields from the so-called "1+3 formalism", and the analogy based on tidal tensors. Both are reformulated, extended and generalized. We write in both formalisms the Maxwell and the full exact Einstein field equations with sources, plus the algebraic Bianchi identities, which are cast as the source-free equations for the gravitational field. New results within each approach are unveiled. The well known analogy between linearized gravity and electromagnetism in Lorentz frames is obtained as a limiting case of the exact ones. The formal analogies between the Maxwell and Weyl tensors are also discussed, and, together with insight from the other approaches, used to physically interpret gravitational radiation. The precise conditions under which a similarity between gravity and electromagnetism occurs are discussed, and we conclude by summarizing the main outcome of each approach.Comment: 60 pages, 2 figures. Improved version (compared to v2) with some re-write, notation improvements and a new figure that match the published version; expanded compared to the published version to include Secs. 2.3 and

    Avaliação de impactos socioeconômicos, ambientais e de conhecimento da tecnologia de otimização da videira na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma avaliação dos aspectos econômicos, sociais, ambientais e de conhecimento para a tecnologia de otimização do cultivo da videira na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco. Esta tecnologia foi desenvolvida pela Embrapa e, dentre outros elementos, inclui a capacitação dos agricultores e utilização de técnicas de manejo fitotécnicas e fitossanitárias. A metodologia utilizada foi a ESAC. Para a aferição das partes econômica, ambiental e social, foram aplicados questionários para os viticultores locais, segundo os padrões Ambitec-Agro e Ambitec-Social. Para aferir os aspectos relativos ao conhecimento, foram utilizados questionários com os próprios pesquisadores do projeto. Constatou-se que a utilização das técnicas de otimização do cultivo apresentou impactos positivos nos quatro aspectos analisados. Os principais beneficiários desta tecnologia são os pequenos produtores dos municípios de São Vicente Férrer, Macaparana e dos seus entornos, no estado de Pernambuco. Todos os viticultores têm adotado algum dos manejos recomendados pelo projeto desenvolvido pela Embrapa como base na experiência exitosa de seus colegas viticultores. A partir deste fato, pode-se considerar que a tecnologia foi apropriada pelos viticultores na região, o que endossa a percepção dos impactos positivos proporcionado ela tecnologia.bitstream/item/88195/1/BPD-208-Impacto-Videira.pd

    Changes in the ornithine cycle following ionising radiation cause a cytotoxic conditioning of the culture medium of H35 hepatoma cells

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    Cultured H35 hepatoma cells release a cytotoxic factor in response to irradiation with X-rays. When the conditioned medium from irradiated cells is given to nonirradiated cells, growth is inhibited and followed by cell death, possibly apoptosis, Analysis of the conditioned medium reveals a dramatic change in the ornithine (urea) cycle components after the irradiation. A strong decrease in medium arginine is accompanied with parallel increases in ornithine, citrulline and ammonia. The high level of ammonia appears to be largely responsible for the observed cytotoxicity. The development of hyperammonia by irradiated cells and the related toxicity depend on the radiation dose and the number of cells seeded thereafter for the medium conditioning. Development of cytotoxicity by irradiated cells is completely prevented with the arginase inhibitor L-norvaline, in arginine-deficient medium or when citrulline replaces arginine. These preventive measures result in subtoxic ammonia levels

    Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries

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    The article reviews the current status of a theoretical approach to the problem of the emission of gravitational waves by isolated systems in the context of general relativity. Part A of the article deals with general post-Newtonian sources. The exterior field of the source is investigated by means of a combination of analytic post-Minkowskian and multipolar approximations. The physical observables in the far-zone of the source are described by a specific set of radiative multipole moments. By matching the exterior solution to the metric of the post-Newtonian source in the near-zone we obtain the explicit expressions of the source multipole moments. The relationships between the radiative and source moments involve many non-linear multipole interactions, among them those associated with the tails (and tails-of-tails) of gravitational waves. Part B of the article is devoted to the application to compact binary systems. We present the equations of binary motion, and the associated Lagrangian and Hamiltonian, at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order beyond the Newtonian acceleration. The gravitational-wave energy flux, taking consistently into account the relativistic corrections in the binary moments as well as the various tail effects, is derived through 3.5PN order with respect to the quadrupole formalism. The binary's orbital phase, whose prior knowledge is crucial for searching and analyzing the signals from inspiralling compact binaries, is deduced from an energy balance argument.Comment: 109 pages, 1 figure; this version is an update of the Living Review article originally published in 2002; available on-line at http://www.livingreviews.org

    General Relativistic Gravity Gradiometry

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    Gravity gradiometry within the framework of the general theory of relativity involves the measurement of the elements of the relativistic tidal matrix, which is theoretically obtained via the projection of the spacetime curvature tensor upon the nonrotating orthonormal tetrad frame of a geodesic observer. The behavior of the measured components of the curvature tensor under Lorentz boosts is briefly described in connection with the existence of certain special tidal directions. Relativistic gravity gradiometry in the exterior gravitational field of a rotating mass is discussed and a gravitomagnetic beat effect along an inclined spherical geodesic orbit is elucidated.Comment: 18 pages, invited contribution to appear in "Relativistic Geodesy: Foundations and Applications", D. Puetzfeld et al. (eds.), 2018; v2: matches version published in: D. Puetzfeld and C. L\"ammerzahl (eds.) "Relativistic Geodesy" (Springer, Cham, 2019), pp. 143-15

    Ambitec-TICs: avaliação de impactos de tecnologias de informação e comunicação aplicadas à agropecuária.

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    Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar um módulo metodológico derivado do sistema de indicadores Ambitec-Agro4 (Rodrigues et al., 2003, 2010), voltado à avaliação de impactos de inovações oriundas das TICs e à verificação de sua aplicabilidade a seis diferentes TPPS da Embrapa, em avaliações-piloto com seus desenvolvedores e usuários.bitstream/item/215195/1/P-Ambitec-TICs-Avaliacao-de-impactos-de-tecnologias-....pd

    Measuring the gravitational field in General Relativity: From deviation equations and the gravitational compass to relativistic clock gradiometry

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    How does one measure the gravitational field? We give explicit answers to this fundamental question and show how all components of the curvature tensor, which represents the gravitational field in Einstein's theory of General Relativity, can be obtained by means of two different methods. The first method relies on the measuring the accelerations of a suitably prepared set of test bodies relative to the observer. The second methods utilizes a set of suitably prepared clocks. The methods discussed here form the basis of relativistic (clock) gradiometry and are of direct operational relevance for applications in geodesy.Comment: To appear in "Relativistic Geodesy: Foundations and Application", D. Puetzfeld et. al. (eds.), Fundamental Theories of Physics, Springer 2018, 52 pages, in print. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1804.11106, arXiv:1511.08465, arXiv:1805.1067