2,815 research outputs found

    Anthropological and Cultural Features of a Skeletal Sample of Horsemen from the Medieval Necropolis of Vicenne-Campochiaro (Molise, Italy)

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    In the medieval necropolis of Vicenne (Italy) among 130 skeletons, thirteen horsemen, recognized on the basis of the contextual burials with horse, have been found. This rite, rarely found in Europe, recalls an Asian rite, attested from the Iron Age to the Age of Migration in nomadic Asian populations. Local and Germanic goods were also found. In order to study the anthropological composition of this population, some morphometrical skeletal features have been analyzed. Heterogeneity both in the horsemen and in the other males of the necropolis has been observed. Besides the multicultural context testified by archaeological data, a multiethnic society seems to emerge by the anthropological analysis. In these Italian territories, involved by migrations, Asian and Germanic population probably crossed with the local ones


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    AbstractLet be the class of all rightR-modules that are kernels of nonzero homomorphisms φ:E1→E2for some pair of indecomposable injective rightR-modulesE1,E2. In a previous paper, we completely characterized when two direct sumsA1⊕⋯⊕AnandB1⊕⋯⊕Bmof finitely many modulesAiand Bjin are isomorphic. Here we consider the case in which there are arbitrarily, possibly infinitely, manyAiandBjin . In both the finite and the infinite case, the behaviour is very similar to that which occurs if we substitute the class with the class of all uniserial rightR-modules (a module is uniserial when its lattice of submodules is linearly ordered)

    Nonresidential Fathers Parenting Their Children Residing in Shelters: A Phenomenological Study

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    This phenomenological qualitative study explored the parenting role of nonresidential fathers of children living in shelters. Special attention was paid to the perceived contributions of these fathers to the overall health and general well-being of their children residing in shelters. Often separations of nonresidential fathers from their children in shelters decreased their contributions to their children\u27s health and well-being. Increased knowledge of these parental roles and contributions can enhance programs and policies to support these fathers in improving the health and well-being of their children. In-depth semistructured interviews were conducted with 6 demographically diverse nonresidential fathers living in Philadelphia. The health-belief model, in conjunction with the revised health-belief model, was used as a theoretical framework for this study. The research questions were designed to explore nonresidential fathers\u27 parenting roles, perceptions of their contributions, and the facilitators of and barriers to their parenting while their children resided in shelters. An inductive approach to data analysis informed study findings of nonresidential fathers\u27 active participation and engagement in their children\u27s lives, including involvement in their healthcare and health promotion. Perceived facilitators to their parenting role included internal and external motivators, whereas perceived challenges and barriers to their parenting role were externally based. Finally, study findings showed these fathers to be present and making significant contributions to the improved health and overall well-being of their children while they resided in homeless shelters

    Biochemistry and Occurrence of O-Demethylation in Plant Metabolism

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    Demethylases play a pivitol role in numerous biological processes from covalent histone modification and DNA repair to specialized metabolism in plants and microorganisms. Enzymes that catalyze O- and N-demethylation include 2-oxoglutarate (2OG)/Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenases, cytochromes P450, Rieske-domain proteins and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent oxidases. Proposed mechanisms for demethylation by 2OG/Fe(II)-dependent enzymes involve hydroxylation at the O- or N-linked methyl group followed by formaldehyde elimination. Members of this enzyme family catalyze a wide variety of reactions in diverse plant metabolic pathways. Recently, we showed that 2OG/Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenases catalyze the unique O-demethylation steps of morphine biosynthesis in opium poppy, which provides a rational basis for the widespread occurrence of demethylases in benzylisoquinoline alkaloid metabolism

    COVID-19 vaccination and unemployment risk: lessons from the Italian crisis

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    This paper analyzes the impact of mobility contraction on employee furlough and excess deaths in Italy during the COVID-19 crisis. Our approach exploits rainfall patterns across Italian administrative regions as a source of exogenous variation in human mobility to pinpoint the causal effect of mobility restrictions on excess deaths and furlough workers. Results confirm that the first countrywide lockdown has effectively curtailed the COVID-19 epidemics restricting it mainly to the northern part of the country, with the drawback of a countrywide increase in unemployment risk. Our analysis points out that a mobility contraction of 1% leads to a mortality reduction of 0.6%, but it induces an increase of 10% in Wage Guarantee Funds allowed hours. We discuss return-to-work policies and prioritizing policies for administering COVID-19 vaccines in the most advanced stage of a vaccination campaign when the healthy active population is left to be vaccinated

    Optimal quantum tomography for states, measurements, and transformations

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    We present the first complete optimization of quantum tomography, for states, POVMs, and various classes of transformations, for arbitrary prior ensemble and arbitrary representation, giving corresponding feasible experimental schemes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Surface and subsurface rolling contact fatigue characteristic depths and proposal of stress indexes

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    The rolling contact fatigue is distinguished into subsurface initiated (spalling and case crushing) and surface initiated (pitting and micropitting). A characteristic depth was identified for each of these mechanism. The characteristic depth of the case crushing is the hardening depth, while for the spalling it is the maximum cyclic shear stress depth. The pitting depth is the size of the crack for which the mode I stress intensity factor range, due to the fluid pressurization, is higher than the threshold. This depth can be similar to the micropitting depth, in the order of 10 ”m, for heavily loaded small radius contacts. Rolling contact fatigue cyclic shear stress indexes are then defined on the basis of the characteristic depths, and they identify the load intensity of each rolling contact fatigue mechanism. The characteristic depths and the stress index approach can be used to relate specific tests to component design, without any size effect misinterpretation

    Relating pain intensity of newborns to onset of nonlinear phenomena in cry recordings

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    The cries of several full term newborns, recorded during blood sampling, were analyzed. Spectrograms showed the appearance of irregular patterns related to the pain assessed using the method of the DAN scale. In particular, the appearance of Noise concentration Patterns (NP) in spectrograms was related to the increase of the pain suffered by the newborns. In this scenario, pain constitutes a bifurcation parameter for the vocal folds dynamic, inducing a Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse chaotic transition.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.


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    AbstractWe show that the endomorphism rings of kernels ker ϕ of non-injective morphisms ϕ between indecomposable injective modules are either local or have two maximal ideals, the module ker ϕ is determined up to isomorphism by two invariants called monogeny class and upper part, and a weak form of the Krull–Schmidt theorem holds for direct sums of these kernels. We prove with an example that our pathological decompositions actually take place. We show that a direct sum ofnkernels of morphisms between injective indecomposable modules can have exactlyn! pairwise non-isomorphic direct-sum decompositions into kernels of morphisms of the same type. IfERis an injective indecomposable module andSis its endomorphism ring, the duality Hom(−,ER) transforms kernels of morphismsER→ERinto cyclically presented left modules over the local ringS, sending the monogeny class into the epigeny class and the upper part into the lower part
