5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of stress response in children after laparoscopic appendectomy in different types of anesthesia

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    Uvod:Apendicitis je oboljenje, koje se najčešće javlja u dečjem uzrastu. Poslednjih godina se laparoskopska apendektomija sprovodi sve češće u ovom uzrastu, međutim ne postoji jasan konsenzus o optimalnom izboru anestetika za održavanje opšte anestezije u toku ove hirurške metode u dečjem uzrastu. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi uticaj vrste anestezije i vrste hirurške procedure na odgovor organizma na hirurški stres tokom operacije crvuljka. Metodologija: Klinički prospektivno istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za dečiju hirurgiju, na Institutu za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 120 dece, uzrasta od 7 do 17 godina, bez postojećih komorbiditeta, koji su operisani zbog zapaljenja crvuljka. U zavisnosti od vrste operativnog zahvata i vrste primenjene anestezije deca su podeljena u četiri grupe bolesnika. Kod sve četiri ispitivane grupe uzimana je venska i kapilarna krv, nekoliko minuta nakon uvoda u anesteziju, u momentu vađenja crvuljka iz trbuha i 12 časova nakon kraja hirurške intervencije. Laboratorijski su određeni markeri oksidativnog stresa (TBARS), metaboličkog odgovora na hirurški stres (laktat, glikemija), inflamatornog odgovora organizma (IL-6, leukociti), gasne analize, parametri oksigenacije i ventilacije, i hemodinamski parametri ispitanika. Rezultati:U istraživanju je dobijen rezultat da je zapaljenje crvuljka oboljenje koje se češće javlja kod dečaka. Tokom apendektomije u dečjem uzrastu, sevofluran je bolje kontrolisao arterijsku tenziju, dok na srčanu frekvencu vrsta anestezije nije imala uticaja. Sevofluran je anestetik tokom čije primene je manji inflamatorni odgovor tokom laparoskospske apendektomije. Propofol deluje suprimirajuće na oksidativni stres, ali nije nađena statistička značajnost u odnosu na vrednosti dobijene analizom uticaja sevoflurana na parametre oksidativnog stresa. Zaključak: Laparoskopska apendektomija u odnosu na laparotomiju nije praćena većim stepenom hirurškog stresa, a sevofluran je anestetik koji tokom anestezije za laparoskopsku apendektomiju u dečijem uzrastu daje bolju kontrolu kliničkog, metaboličkog i inflamatornog odgovora.Introduction: Appendicitis is a disease which appears most commonly in children. In recent years appendectomy in children is performed by laparoscopy, but there is no consensus yet on the optimal choice of anesthetics during general anesthesia for this procedure. Aim: To determine the influence of type of anesthesia and type of surgical procedure for appendectomy, on surgical stress in children. Methodology: A prospective clinical trial in Clinic of pediatric surgery in Novi Sad, Vojvodina. The study included 120 children aged from 7 to 17 years, with no commorbidities, who underwent appendectomy. Children were divided in four groups based on the type of anesthesia and type of surgery they received. In all participants, venous and capillary blood was sampled for analyzis 10 minutes after induction of anesthesia, at the moment of appendix removal and 12 hours after the procedure. The laboratory analysis included markers of oxidative stress (TBARS), metabolic response to surgical stress (lactate, blood glucose), inflammatory response (IL-6, leucocites), bloodgas analyses, parameters of oxygentation and ventilation and haemodynamic parameters of the participants. Results: In the study appendicitis was more common in boys. During laparoscopic appendectomy sevoflurane controlled better the blood pressure, but not the heart rate. Sevoflurane maintained a better control of parameters of the inflammatory response. Propofol decreased the oxidative stress, but there was no statistical difference compared to the effects of sevoflurane on oxidative stress. Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy shoved no difference in the level of surgical stress compared to laparotomy, and sevoflurane appeared as an anaesthetic which had a better control of the metabolic, clinical and inflammatory response

    Evaluation of stress response in children after laparoscopic appendectomy in different types of anesthesia

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    Uvod:Apendicitis je oboljenje, koje se najčešće javlja u dečjem uzrastu. Poslednjih godina se laparoskopska apendektomija sprovodi sve češće u ovom uzrastu, međutim ne postoji jasan konsenzus o optimalnom izboru anestetika za održavanje opšte anestezije u toku ove hirurške metode u dečjem uzrastu. Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi uticaj vrste anestezije i vrste hirurške procedure na odgovor organizma na hirurški stres tokom operacije crvuljka. Metodologija: Klinički prospektivno istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za dečiju hirurgiju, na Institutu za zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i omladine Vojvodine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 120 dece, uzrasta od 7 do 17 godina, bez postojećih komorbiditeta, koji su operisani zbog zapaljenja crvuljka. U zavisnosti od vrste operativnog zahvata i vrste primenjene anestezije deca su podeljena u četiri grupe bolesnika. Kod sve četiri ispitivane grupe uzimana je venska i kapilarna krv, nekoliko minuta nakon uvoda u anesteziju, u momentu vađenja crvuljka iz trbuha i 12 časova nakon kraja hirurške intervencije. Laboratorijski su određeni markeri oksidativnog stresa (TBARS), metaboličkog odgovora na hirurški stres (laktat, glikemija), inflamatornog odgovora organizma (IL-6, leukociti), gasne analize, parametri oksigenacije i ventilacije, i hemodinamski parametri ispitanika. Rezultati:U istraživanju je dobijen rezultat da je zapaljenje crvuljka oboljenje koje se češće javlja kod dečaka. Tokom apendektomije u dečjem uzrastu, sevofluran je bolje kontrolisao arterijsku tenziju, dok na srčanu frekvencu vrsta anestezije nije imala uticaja. Sevofluran je anestetik tokom čije primene je manji inflamatorni odgovor tokom laparoskospske apendektomije. Propofol deluje suprimirajuće na oksidativni stres, ali nije nađena statistička značajnost u odnosu na vrednosti dobijene analizom uticaja sevoflurana na parametre oksidativnog stresa. Zaključak: Laparoskopska apendektomija u odnosu na laparotomiju nije praćena većim stepenom hirurškog stresa, a sevofluran je anestetik koji tokom anestezije za laparoskopsku apendektomiju u dečijem uzrastu daje bolju kontrolu kliničkog, metaboličkog i inflamatornog odgovora.Introduction: Appendicitis is a disease which appears most commonly in children. In recent years appendectomy in children is performed by laparoscopy, but there is no consensus yet on the optimal choice of anesthetics during general anesthesia for this procedure. Aim: To determine the influence of type of anesthesia and type of surgical procedure for appendectomy, on surgical stress in children. Methodology: A prospective clinical trial in Clinic of pediatric surgery in Novi Sad, Vojvodina. The study included 120 children aged from 7 to 17 years, with no commorbidities, who underwent appendectomy. Children were divided in four groups based on the type of anesthesia and type of surgery they received. In all participants, venous and capillary blood was sampled for analyzis 10 minutes after induction of anesthesia, at the moment of appendix removal and 12 hours after the procedure. The laboratory analysis included markers of oxidative stress (TBARS), metabolic response to surgical stress (lactate, blood glucose), inflammatory response (IL-6, leucocites), bloodgas analyses, parameters of oxygentation and ventilation and haemodynamic parameters of the participants. Results: In the study appendicitis was more common in boys. During laparoscopic appendectomy sevoflurane controlled better the blood pressure, but not the heart rate. Sevoflurane maintained a better control of parameters of the inflammatory response. Propofol decreased the oxidative stress, but there was no statistical difference compared to the effects of sevoflurane on oxidative stress. Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy shoved no difference in the level of surgical stress compared to laparotomy, and sevoflurane appeared as an anaesthetic which had a better control of the metabolic, clinical and inflammatory response

    Microbiota bucal versus mucosite oral durante o tratamento para o câncer: uma revisão

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    Introduction: Oral microbiota has been implicated on oral mucositis (OM) that occurs during cancer therapy, however without consensus. Objective: This study, aimed to establish, through a review, the association between oral microbiota and OM at head and neck cancer therapy (HNCT). Material and methods: The search of PubMed was performed considering 2008-2018 period, and the descriptors “oral mucositis” and “oral microbiota” in subheadings etiology and microbiology into the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) “Head and Neck Neoplasms”. The conducting question was “Is there an oral dysbiosis during HNCT associated with OM?”. Results: 22 articles were selected under two steps of data extraction: articles that evaluated de oral microbiota during HNCT (n=13), and articles that also focused in OM (n=9). Conclusion: The evidence presented in the literature suggests associations of oral microbiota dysbiosis with the progression and worsening of radiation-induced OM. However, to define a microbial core for the disease, future standardized studies are required.Introdução: A microbiota bucal tem sido associada à mucosite oral que ocorre durante a terapia para o câncer apesar de não haver consenso.  Objectivo: Este estudo objetivou estabelecer por meio de uma revisão da literatura a associação entre a microbiota bucal e a mucosite oral durante a Terapia para o Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (TCCP). Material e métodos: Foi realizada uma busca na base de dados PubMed no período de 2008-2018 utilizando-se as palavras chave “oral mucositis” e “oral microbiota” nos subtítulos “etiology” e “microbiology” do descritor “Head and Neck Neoplasms” da base Medical Subject Heading (MeSH). A questão norteadora do estudo foi: “Ocorre uma disbiose durante a terapia para o câncer de cabeça e pescoço que esteja associada à mucosite oral?”. Resultados: 22 artigos foram selecionados em duas etapas de extração dos dados: artigos que avaliaram a microbiota bucal durante TCCP (n=13), e artigos que também focaram na mucosite oral (n=9). Conclusão: A evidência apresentada na literatura sugere associação de uma disbiose da microbiota bucal com a progressão e agravamento da mucosite oral induzida pela radiação. Entretanto, novos estudos padronizados são necessários para se definir o core microbiano para a doença

    Clinical benefits, referral practice and cost implications of an in-hospital pain service: results of a service evaluation in a London teaching hospital.

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    BACKGROUND In-hospital pain services (IPS) are commonplace, but evidence of efficacy is inadequate, and patients' pain management in any hospital ward remains problematic. This service evaluation aimed to measure the effect of a contemporary IPS, its appropriate use and cost-efficacy. METHODS Records of 249 adults reviewed by the IPS in an inner London Teaching Hospital over an 8-month period were analysed for demographic data, interventions, workload and change in pain intensity measured by numerical rating scale (NRS). Non-parametric tests were used to evaluate differences between initial and final NRS. Spearman's rank correlation analysis was used to create a correlation matrix to evaluate associations between all identified independent variables with the change in NRS. All strongly correlated variables (ρ > 0.5) were subsequently included in a binary logistic regression analysis to identify predictors of pain resolution greater than 50% NRS and improvement rather than deterioration or no change in NRS. Finally, referral practice and cost of inappropriate referrals were estimated. Referrals were thought to be inappropriate when pain was not optimised by the referring team; they were identified using a set algorithm. RESULTS Initial median NRS and final median NRS were significantly different when a Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied to the whole cohort; Z = -5.5 (p = 0.000). Subgroup analysis demonstrated no significant difference in the 'mild' pain group; z = -1.1 (p = 0.253). Regression analysis showed that for every unit increase in initial NRS, there was a 62% chance of general and a 33% chance of >50% improvement in final NRS. An estimated annual cost-saving potential of £1546 to £4558 was found in inappropriate referrals and patients experiencing no benefit from the service. DISCUSSION Results suggest that patients with moderate to severe pain benefit most from IPS input. Also pain management resources are often distributed inefficiently. Future research is required to develop algorithms for easy identification of potential treatment responders