111 research outputs found

    La Relation entre Mobilisation Collective, Engagement Multiple et Intention de Quitter des Consultants. Le cas d’une SSII

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    Major companies in the IT sector are facing a big problem and the question is to know how to retain professional consultants operate while ensuring that they are mobilized for collective action ? The objective of this study is based on the relationship bet ween multiple commitment, collective mobilization and intention to leave

    The use of a multifactorial approach to reduce Salmonella shedding

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    An analytic epidemiological survey was carried out in france to assess the circumstances for Salmonella shedding in finishing pigs. This study gave out a combination of risk factors. The aim of our study was to evaluate that the implementation of a programme based on these risk factors reduces Salmonella carriage

    Construction d’une échelle de mesure du rayonnement scientifique des enseignants-chercheurs

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    Dans un environnement concurrentiel prégnant, les universités font de leur rayonnement un levier de performance. Aussi, en tant qu’organisation professionnelle, leur performance repose en partie sur celle des enseignants-chercheurs qu’elles hébergent et donc, de leur propre rayonnement scientifique à un niveau individuel. A cet égard, la littérature tend à appréhender le rayonnement des enseignants-chercheurs uniquement à travers leurs publications et leur impact en termes de citation. Cette approche néglige la dimension sociale du métier d’enseignants-chercheurs et apporte une vision trop restrictive du rayonnement scientifique ; d’autres pratiques de rayonnement ne sont pas prises en compte alors même qu’elles sont, d’une part, effectives, et d’autre part, reconnues et valorisées par des instances telles que le CNU ou l’HCERES. Cette recherche, inscrite dans une perspective RBV où le rayonnement est une source d’avantage concurrentiel, vise ainsi à enrichir la littérature en étudiant le concept de rayonnement scientifique des enseignants-chercheurs et en explorant les dimensions qu’il recouvre dans le cadre de sa mesure.

    Estimation of the risk of Salmonella shedding by finishing pigs using a logistic model obtained from a survey

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    An analytic epidemiological survey was carried out in 105 French farms to identify factors associated with Salmonella shedding by finishing pigs. This study gave out a list of 7 risk factors using a logistic model. The aim of the present survey was to validate this model on a second sample of batches of pigs in order to estimate their Salmonella status. The validation study was carried out from April 2003 to August 2005 on 64 finishing pig batches distinct from those used originally to generate the logistic model. In each farm, Salmonella shedding of a batch of pigs at the end of the finishing phase was assessed using swabs as described in the analytical study. Questionnaires were filled in with the farmer to collect data related to management routines. Blood samples from10 growing and 10 finishing pigs were taken to assess sanitary risk factors: status vs Lawsonia intracellularis and Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus. Salmonella contamination status of a finishing room before loading, a further identified risk factor, was tested by environmental swabbing procedure. The estimated risk with the standard error, of Salmonella shedding was calculated using the logistic model and compared to the bacteriological Salmonella status of each batch. Several thresholds are proposed and sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values related to each cut-off value were calculated. A cut-off value of 0.34 maximised both sensitivity (76.9%) and specificity (68.6%) of the model. Whatever the threshold, the accuracy of the Salmonella non-shedding predicted status is better than the Salmonella shedding predicted status. In a bacteriological sampling programme, this model could be a useful tool to identify batches with low risk of Salmonella shedding and to focus attention on those getting a high probability for being positive

    Analysis of PFGE profiles of Salmonella Typhimurium and S. Derby isolated from pigs in France

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    An European baseline study was carried out in 2006-2007, 86 isolates of Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) and 75 of S. Derby (SD) were isolated from the ileo-caecal and mesenteric lymphatic ganglia of pigs, and serological results for these pigs were obtained from meat juice The aims of this study were to analyze the genetic diversity within these two serovars, the geographical and seasonal distribution of the genotypes, and to test a link between genotype isolated from a pig and the level of seroconversion in the same pig

    Descriptive analyses of maternally-derived antibody levels against porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) in 3- and 21-day-old piglets from farms of four European countries using different vaccination protocols in sows

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    Background Up to now, information on the levels of maternally-derived antibodies (MDA) against PCV-2 in suckling piglets born to sows vaccinated with different strategies is scarce in the literature. In the present observational study, the PCV-2-specific MDA titres from piglets from 109 farms (thirty 3-day-old and thirty 21-day-old piglets per farm) across four different European countries (France n = 30, Germany n = 27, Italy n = 22 and Spain n = 30) using different sow vaccination strategies (during gestation, as a gilt, as a piglet or never) were assessed. Results In all four countries, mean log PCV-2 MDA titres were higher in 3-day-old piglets than in the 3-week-old ones, being significant in most of all the comparisons performed. Within each country, the highest PCV-2-specific MDA titres were observed in the 3-day-old piglets born to sows vaccinated during gestation. Indeed, in the four countries, more than 60% of this subpopulation (3-day-old piglets from sows vaccinated during pregnancy) had the highest log PCV-2 titres detectable with the ELISA technique used in this study. The lowest MDA titres were more variable. Whereas in France and Germany the lowest titres corresponded to 21-day-old piglets born from sows vaccinated as a piglet, in Italy, they corresponded to 21-day-old piglets derived from sows vaccinated as a gilt and in Spain to 21-day-old piglets born from non-vaccinated sows. In this study, PCV-2-specific MDA titres at 3 and 21 days of age were not affected by sow parity. Conclusions Data obtained could be considered as a European global overview of PCV-2-specific MDA titres present in the pre-vaccinated piglet populations in different European countries, with titres tending to be higher in younger piglets, but with values variable among countries and sow vaccination strategies

    Descriptive analyses of maternally-derived antibody levels against porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) in 3-and 21-day-old piglets from farms of four European countries using different vaccination protocols in sows

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    Background Up to now, information on the levels of maternally-derived antibodies (MDA) against PCV-2 in suckling piglets born to sows vaccinated with different strategies is scarce in the literature. In the present observational study, the PCV-2-specific MDA titres from piglets from 109 farms (thirty 3-day-old and thirty 21-day-old piglets per farm) across four different European countries (France n = 30, Germany n = 27, Italy n = 22 and Spain n = 30) using different sow vaccination strategies (during gestation, as a gilt, as a piglet or never) were assessed. Results In all four countries, mean log PCV-2 MDA titres were higher in 3-day-old piglets than in the 3-week-old ones, being significant in most of all the comparisons performed. Within each country, the highest PCV-2-specific MDA titres were observed in the 3-day-old piglets born to sows vaccinated during gestation. Indeed, in the four countries, more than 60% of this subpopulation (3-day-old piglets from sows vaccinated during pregnancy) had the highest log PCV-2 titres detectable with the ELISA technique used in this study. The lowest MDA titres were more variable. Whereas in France and Germany the lowest titres corresponded to 21-day-old piglets born from sows vaccinated as a piglet, in Italy, they corresponded to 21-day-old piglets derived from sows vaccinated as a gilt and in Spain to 21-day-old piglets born from non-vaccinated sows. In this study, PCV-2-specific MDA titres at 3 and 21 days of age were not affected by sow parity. Conclusions Data obtained could be considered as a European global overview of PCV-2-specific MDA titres present in the pre-vaccinated piglet populations in different European countries, with titres tending to be higher in younger piglets, but with values variable among countries and sow vaccination strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of Salmonella contamination of pig slurry in France

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    A study was carried out from April 2003 to August 2005 In 69 French pig farms to detect Salmonella contaminated pig batches and to assess the level of contamination of their slurry. In each herd, a batch of finishing pigs was included in the survey. In the selected room, Salmonella shedding was assessed using swabs method, pools of faecal material and 4 litres of slurry stored in the pit below the pigs. All samples were analysed for the presence of Salmonella enlerica in a classical bacteriological four-step protocol. Quantification of Salmonella was performed in pools of faecal material and slurry samples according to the most probable number method. Using the swabbing procedure, 20.3% of the batches tested Salmonella positive at the end of the finish1ng phase and 11 .6 % according to the pools of faeces (8/69). Quantification of Salmonella 1n faeces could be performed 1n 6 out of 8 pos1tive batches with levels ranging from 2.4 to 350 Salmonella/gram. The slurry of 11 .8% of the batches (8/68) was found to be Salmonella contaminated. A quantification was achieved in 3 of them Levels of less than 11 0 Salmonellalml were found. The study Indicates that pig slurry may be contammated by Salmonella enterica. However, the percentage of pos1tive samples was rather low and Salmonella could only be detected 1n slurry stored 1n the pit under the slatted floor of moderately or highly shedding batches. Since storage without introduction of new fresh slurry is known to reduce Salmonella surv1val, the probability of spreading the bactena in the environment IS expected to be low as far as adequate storage conditions are applied

    Factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii infection in confined farrow-to-finish pig herds in western France: an exploratory study in 60 herds

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    Background: Infection by Toxoplasma gondii postnatally can occur after ingestion of contaminated meat or water (tissue cysts/oocysts). In Europe, percentage of meat borne infections is estimated between 30 and 63 %, out of which pork makes the most important source. The aim of this study was to (i) investigate the seroprevalence of T. gondii in intensive pig farms from western France; and (ii) identify the risk factors associated with seropositivity. Methods: Data were collected between November 2006 and February 2008 in 60 intensive farrow-to-finish farms, where sera were taken from 3595 fattening pigs, weaned and suckling piglets. Information about three classes of potential seropositivity risk factors were obtained through a questionnaire concerning: (i) breeding characteristics; (ii) farm management; and (iii) husbandry and hygiene. The modified agglutination test (MAT) was used for detection of specific anti T. gondii antibodies in pig sera, starting from 1/6 dilution. Results: The overall proportion of seropositive animals was 6.9 %, but the proportion of herds with at least one positive pig was 100 %. Multivariate logistic mixed model showed an increased seropositivity risk in weaned compared to suckling piglets, and a decreasing risk for mid-sized and large farms. The presence of a Danish entry facility, that clearly separates clean and dirty areas, had a protective effect on T. gondii seropositivity as well. Conclusions: The observed proportion of herds with at least one T. gondii seropositive animal provides further evidence that even in confined conditions of pig breeding, infection occurs, and is common. The highest risk for acquiring T. gondii is at the end of weaning period. Smaller confined pig farms demonstrate higher T. gondii seropositivity levels. This study also showed that Danish entry on farm buildings provides effective protection against T. gondii
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