78 research outputs found

    Effect of Cutting Size and Basal Heat on Rooting of Micromeria fruticulosa Stem Cuttings

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    Micromeria fruticulosa (Bertol.) Grande is a small pulviniform shrub, belonging to the Labiates, and characterized by twisted stems and pink-purple flowers. Endemic to Campania and Sicily (Italy), M. fruticulosa grows from sea level to 600 m altitude. This specie might be considered an excellent native plant for landscape purposes in Mediterranean areas because of its long flowering period, extending from November to June, and its tolerance to heat and drought. The exploitation of wild plants for ornamental purposes implies knowledge on the factors influencing the propagation methods. Root development of stem cuttings of M. fruticulosa was investigated in relation to basal heat and cutting size. Softwood terminal cuttings of a clone grown in Sicily were trimmed to two sizes: short (3 cm) or long (6 cm) length. Propagation was performed in unheated greenhouse covered with clear polyethylene and external 70% shade-cloth. To verify the rooting response to basal heat, half of the cuttings were placed on a basal heated bench (22 ± 2 °C constant temperature) while the remaining were placed on an unheated bench. Acclimatized rooted cuttings were thereafter transplanted into each plastic pot (diameter 16 cm). Plants were thereafter transplanted in the open field and were evaluated for their ornamental value. Basal heat promoted earlier rooting and positively affected adventitious root formation. Six cm long cuttings exposed to basal heat exhibited the best development in terms of number and length of adventitious roots. Flowering plants derived from 6 cm long cuttings exposed to basal heat showed the highest number of flowering branches and flowers per plant

    Improved Propagation and Growing Techniques for Oleander Nursery Production

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    In the first trial, we examined rooting of stem cuttings in relation to number of nodes and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) treatment in several Nerium oleander clones grown in Sicily. In a second trial, we tested the effect of different forcing dates and shading on oleander plants for gardens and natural landscapes. Three- and four-node cuttings, ranging in length from 10 to 14 cm, were significantly superior to two-node cuttings (8–10 cm long) in terms of rooting percentage and number of roots per cutting. The application of IBA improved rooting percentage and root number as compared to untreated control. Irrespective of IBA, rooting percentages ranged from 94% in clone 1 to 52% in clone 4. Shaded plants forced in October were significantly higher than those forced in November and in December. Beginning of flowering was delayed in unforced plants. Plants forced in October flowered significantly sooner (first decade of March) than unforced ones (first decade of May) and reached complete flowering almost two months earlier (last week of March).Shading had little effect on plants forced in October and in November as compared to unshaded plants in terms of start of flowering, but it slightly hastened beginning of flowering of December forced plants as compared to their unshaded counterparts

    Soil Solarization and Calcium Cyanamide Affect Plant Vigor, Yield, Nutritional Traits, and Nutraceutical Compounds of Strawberry Grown in a Protected Cultivation System

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    Soil solarization is a hydrothermal procedure of disinfesting soil of soilborne diseases and pests. Solarization can be combined with many other chemical or non-chemical alternatives to afford integrated pest and diseases management or improve plant yield. Calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) is a fertilizer used in agriculture sector and is also effective in suppressing soilborne pathogens. The present study assessed the influences of different pre-plant CaCN2 dosages on strawberry grown on solarized or non-solarized soil. Soil solarization and 500 kg ha−1 CaCN2 significantly increased early marketable yield by 105.3%, total marketable yield by 53.0% and firmness by 3.0%, respectively compared with the control (no solarization × 0 kg ha−1 of CaCN2). Exposing solarized plots to CaCN2 at 1000 kg ha−1 significantly increased fruit ascorbic acid content by 77.5% and phenolic content by 13.3% compared with fruits from control plants. Overall, plants grown on solarized soil performed better than those cultivated on no-solarized plots. Plants grown on soil treated with a dosage of 500 or 1000 kg ha−1 CaCN2 increased plant height, number of shoots plant−1, number of leaves plant−1, root collar diameter, plant visual quality, anthocyanins, and antioxidant capacity compared to control plants. Fruits from plants grown on soil exposed to CaCN2 with a dosage of 500 and 1000 kg ha−1 showed a lower N fruit content (5.4 and 19.5%, respectively) than control plants (non-treated control)

    Prvi nalaz plavog raka Callinectes sapidus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae) u srediĆĄnjem i juĆŸnom Tirenskom moru

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    Four individuals of the non-indigenous blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae) were collected during commercial trammel net operations in fall 2019 and winter 2020 along the coast of NW Sicily. The crabs were collected in very shallow waters on a sandy bottom close to the coast. Although blue crabs are now widespread along most eastern, western and northern Mediterranean coasts, this is the first record of this species from the central and southern Tyrrhenian Sea.Četiri jedinke authtonog plavog raka, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, (Crustacea, Decapoda, Portunidae) prikupljena su tijekom komercijalnog ulova u jesen 2019. i zimu 2020. uz obalu sjevernozapadne Sicilije. Jedinke su sakupljane u vrlo plitkim vodama, na pjeơčanom dnu, te u blizini obale. Iako su plavi rakovi danas raĆĄireni duĆŸ većine istočne, zapadne i sjeverne obale Sredozemlja, ovo je prvi nalaz ove vrste iz srediĆĄnjeg i juĆŸnog Tirenskog mora

    Movement ecology of the white seabream Diplodus sargus across its life cycle: a review

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    The white seabream Diplodus sargus (L., 1758) (Osteichthyes, Sparidae) is a littoral species living mainly in rocky habitats and distributed in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. This species is targeted by artisanal and recreational fisheries and presents a high commercial importance. Although classified by IUCN as a "least concern" species, it has been the object of marine ranching and restocking initiatives to counteract locally intense exploitation. Here, we review the current knowledge on the movement ecology of white seabream given the relevance of animal movement in ecological and behavioral studies and their potential application in management and conservation. The literature on this topic was analyzed in order to summarize the results of past research and to identify the gaps that still exist on the matter. We reviewed a total of 27 papers focusing on the movement ecology of white seabream, where acoustic telemetry (n = 12), underwater visual observation and traditional tagging (n = 6), genetic analysis (n = 6), and otolith microchemistry (n = 3) were used. While the first three methods were applied to juvenile and adult fish, the last one was also used with larvae, which have been the object of experimental trials to ascertain their swimming abilities. The largest amount of information on activity rhythms (diurnal with a few exceptions), movement patterns (short distances), homing (ability to come back to the capture site), site fidelity (high), and home range (< 200 ha on average and highly related with seabed morphology) were obtained through acoustic telemetry, whose main limitation is the minimum body size required for its application. The environmental variables found to affect movement patterns in this species are water temperature (which triggers spawning-based vertical movements), local sea conditions (which affect short-scale movements in juveniles), and the main seabed features (orientation and habitat type). The main gaps identified, which need more extensive research and some technological improvements, include the study of the effects of environmental variables on fish movements and further investigations on the movement patterns of juveniles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hybrids and allied species as potential rootstocks for eggplant: Effect of grafting on vigour, yield and overall fruit quality traits

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    Grafting of fruiting vegetables is an effective technique to overcome pests and diseases in modern cropping systems and it is often used to improve yield and fruit quality. Eggplant is an important vegetable crop that benefits significantly from grafting. In this regards, the exploitation, valorization and breeding of new rootstock genotypes as possible substitute to those commonly used (Solanum torvum and tomato hybrids) would permit an intensive eggplant crop system in those situations where a rootstock rotation is required. In the present article, we study the effects of several potential rootstocks including both wild/allied species of eggplant [S. torvum (STO), S. macrocarpon (SMA), S. aethiopicum (accession SASI), S. aethiopicum (accession SASa2), S. paniculatum (jurubeba) (SPA) and S. indicum (SIN)] and Msa 2/2 E7 and 460 CAL. eggplant hybrids on plant vigor, yield and fruit characteristics of eggplant F1 hybrid (‘Birgah’), in two spring-summer growing seasons (2014 and 2015). SPA and the hybrids Msa 2/2 E7 and 460 CAL. displayed a high percentage of grafting success. ‘Birgah’ scion grafted onto the two above-mentioned rootstocks showed a notable vigour and yield. Both rootstocks did not promote any unfavorable effects on apparent fruit quality traits and overall fruit composition. Furthermore, the concentration of glycoalkaloids in the fruit remained below the recommended safety value (200 mg/100 g of dw). These results suggest that SPA and Msa 2/2 E7 and 460 CAL. eggplant hybrids might represent a potential rootstock alternative to S. torvum

    Myo-inositol may prevent gestational diabetes onset in overweight women: a randomized, controlled trial

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    Objective: To evaluate whether myo-inositol supplementation may reduce gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) rate in overweight women. Methods: In an open-label, randomized trial, myo-inositol (2 g plus 200 ÎŒg folic acid twice a day) or placebo (200 ÎŒg folic acid twice a day) was administered from the first trimester to delivery in pregnant overweight non-obese women (pre-pregnancy body mass index ≄ 25 and < 30 kg/m2). The primary outcome was the incidence of GDM. Results: From January 2012 to December 2014, 220 pregnant women were randomized at two Italian University hospitals, 110 to myo-inositol and 110 to placebo. The incidence of GDM was significantly lower in the myo-inositol group compared to the placebo group (11.6% versus 27.4%, respectively, p = 0.004). Myo-inositol treatment was associated with a 67% risk reduction of developing GDM (OR 0.33; 95% CI 0.15–0.70). Conclusions: Myo-inositol supplementation, administered since early pregnancy, reduces GDM incidence in overweight non-obese women

    Iodine Biofortification Counters Micronutrient Deficiency and Improve Functional Quality of Open Field Grown Curly Endive

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    Human iodine (I) shortage disorders are documented as an imperative world-wide health issue for a great number of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends I consumption through ingestion of seafood and biofortified food such as vegetables. The current work was carried out to appraise the effects of different I concentrations (0, 50, 250, and 500 mg L-1), supplied via foliar spray on curly endive grown in the fall or spring–summer season. Head fresh weight, stem diameter, head height, and soluble solid content (SSC) were negatively correlated to I dosage. The highest head dry matter content was recorded in plants supplied with 250 mg I L-1, both in the fall and spring–summer season, and in those cultivated in the fall season and supplied with 50 mg I L-1. The highest ascorbic acid concentration was recorded in plants cultivated in the spring–summer season and biofortified with the highest I dosage. The highest fructose and glucose concentrations in leaf tissues were obtained in plants cultivated in the spring–summer season and treated with 250 mg I L-1. Plants sprayed with 250 mg I L-1 and cultivated in the fall season had the highest I leaf concentration. Overall, our results evidently suggested that an I application of 250 mg L-1 in both growing seasons effectively enhanced plant quality and functional parameters in curly endive plants

    Arabic and contact-induced change

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    This volume offers a synthesis of current expertise on contact-induced change in Arabic and its neighbours, with thirty chapters written by many of the leading experts on this topic. Its purpose is to showcase the current state of knowledge regarding the diverse outcomes of contacts between Arabic and other languages, in a format that is both accessible and useful to Arabists, historical linguists, and students of language contact

    Arabic and contact-induced change

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    This volume offers a synthesis of current expertise on contact-induced change in Arabic and its neighbours, with thirty chapters written by many of the leading experts on this topic. Its purpose is to showcase the current state of knowledge regarding the diverse outcomes of contacts between Arabic and other languages, in a format that is both accessible and useful to Arabists, historical linguists, and students of language contact
