15 research outputs found

    Metodo di allocazione di banda, di tipo distribuito, in una rete passiva con un accesso multiplo CSMA/CD

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    L'invenzione si riferisce ad un metodo di allocazione dinamica di banda, di tipo distribuito, in una rete passiva EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network) con un accesso multiplo CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection). Una rete EPON è una rete in fibra ottica punto-multipunto con nessun elemento attivo nel percorso di trasmissione dalla sorgente alla destinazione. L’architettura più diffusa è basata su una topologia ad albero e prevede l’esistenza di un Optical Line Terminal (OLT), di un hub passivo (HUB) e di varie Optical Network Units (ONU). Nelle reti EPON, in direzione upstream, ossia dalle ONU all’OLT, le ONU condividono la capacità di canale, e possono dunque contendersi l’uso delle risorse disponibili. L’utilizzo di meccanismi di allocazione di banda risulta assolutamente necessario, in quanto in caso contrario risulta impossibile controllare la porzione di banda allocata ad ogni ONU, rendendo di conseguenza impossibile supportare criteri di qualità di servizio. Il metodo brevettato è basato su due algoritmi dinamici di distribuzione della banda, il primo dei quali distribuisce la capacità della rete fra i nodi attivi nel time slot precedente proporzionalmente al peso loro assegnato, mentre il secondo distribuisce la capacità della rete fra i nodi attivi, tenendo conto della quantità di traffico trasmessa dalle sorgenti attive nel time slot precedente

    Risk analysis and decision theory: a bridge

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    The risk-triplet approach pioneered by Kaplan and Garrick is the keystone of operational risk analysis. We perform a sharp embedding of the elements of this framework into the one of formal decision theory, which is mainly concerned with the methodological and modeling issues of decision making. The aim of this exercise is twofold: on the one hand, it gives operational risk analysis a direct access to the rich toolbox that decision theory has developed, in the last decades, in order to deal with complex layers of uncertainty; on the other, it exposes decision theory to the challenges of operational risk analysis, thus providing it with broader scope and new stimuli

    Effect of Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder on Postprandial Blood Glucose Response: In Vivo Study on Saharawi People Living in Refugee Camps

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    The hypoglycemic effect in humans of Moringa oleifera (MO) leaf powder has, to date, been poorly investigated. We assessed the chemical composition of MO leaf powder produced at Saharawi refugee camps, its in vitro ability to inhibit α-amylase activity, and its sensory acceptability in food. We then evaluated its effect on postprandial glucose response by randomly administering, on 2 different days, a traditional meal supplemented with 20 g of MO leaf powder (MOR20), or not (control meal, CNT), to 17 Saharawi diabetics and 10 healthy subjects. Capillary glycaemia was measured immediately before the meal and then at 30 min intervals for 3 h. In the diabetic subjects the postprandial glucose response peaked earlier with MOR20 compared to CNT and with lower increments at 90, 120, and 150 min. The mean glycemic meal response with MOR20 was lower than with CNT. The healthy subjects showed no differences. Thus, MO leaf powder could be a hypoglycemic herbal drug. However, given the poor taste acceptability of the 20 g MO meal, lower doses should be evaluated. Moreover, the hypoglycemic effects of MO leaf powder should also be demonstrated by trials evaluating its long-term effects on glycaemia

    Antioxidant Activity of Citrus Limonoids and Investigation of Their Virucidal Potential against SARS-CoV-2 in Cellular Models

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    : The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented global emergency. Despite all efforts, COVID-19 remains a threat to public health, due to the complexity of mass vaccination programs, the lack of effective drugs, and the emergence of new variants. A link has recently been found between the risk of developing a severe COVID-19 infection and a high level of oxidative stress. In this context, we have focused our attention on natural compounds with the aim of finding molecules capable of acting through a dual virucidal-antioxidant mechanism. In particular, we studied the potential of grapefruit seed extracts (GSE) and their main components, belonging to the class of limonoids. Using chemical and biological approaches including isolation and purification of GSE, antioxidant and virucidal assays, we have shown that grapefruit seed constituents, belonging to the class of limonoids, are endowed with remarkable virucidal, antioxidant and mitoprotective activity

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Antimicrobials and Practical Recommendations for Intravenous Administration: A Systematic Review

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    Most antimicrobial drugs need an intravenous (IV) administration to achieve maximum efficacy against target pathogens. IV administration is related to complications, such as tissue infiltration and thrombo-phlebitis. This systematic review aims to provide practical recommendations about diluent, pH, osmolarity, dosage, infusion rate, vesicant properties, and phlebitis rate of the most commonly used antimicrobial drugs evaluated in randomized controlled studies (RCT) till 31 March 2023. The authors searched for available IV antimicrobial drugs in RCT in PUBMED EMBASE®, EBSCO® CINAHL®, and the Cochrane Controlled Clinical trials. Drugs’ chemical features were searched online, in drug data sheets, and in scientific papers, establishing that the drugs with a pH of 9, osmolarity >600 mOsm/L, high incidence of phlebitis reported in the literature, and vesicant drugs need the adoption of utmost caution during administration. We evaluated 931 papers; 232 studies were included. A total of 82 antimicrobials were identified. Regarding antibiotics, 37 reach the “caution” criterion, as well as seven antivirals, 10 antifungals, and three antiprotozoals. In this subgroup of antimicrobials, the correct vascular access device (VAD) selection is essential to avoid complications due to the administration through a peripheral vein. Knowing the physicochemical characteristics of antimicrobials is crucial to improve the patient’s safety significantly, thus avoiding administration errors and local side effects

    Direct microfabrication of topographical and chemical cues for the guided growth of neural cell networks on polyamidoamine hydrogels

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    Cell patterning is an important tool for organizing cells in surfaces and to reproduce in a simple way the tissue hierarchy and complexity of pluri-cellular life. The control of cell growth, proliferation and differentiation on solid surfaces is consequently important for prosthetics, biosensors, cell-based arrays, stem cell therapy and cell-based drug discovery concepts. We present a new electron beam lithography method for the direct and simultaneous fabrication of sub-micron topographical and chemical patterns, on a biocompatible and biodegradable PAA hydrogel. The localized e-beam modification of a hydrogel surface makes the pattern able to adsorb proteins in contrast with the anti-fouling surface. By also exploiting the selective attachment, growth and differentiation of PC12 cells, we fabricated a neural network of single cells connected by neuritis extending along microchannels. E-beam microlithography on PAA hydrogels opens up the opportunity of producing multifunctional microdevices incorporating complex topographies, allowing precise control of the growth and organization of individual cells

    Decay rate of antiS1/S2 IgG serum levels after 6 months of BNT162b2 vaccination in a cohort of COVID-19-naive and COVID-19-experienced subjects

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    Vaccination toward SARS-CoV-2 reduced mortality and ‘boosters’ are being implemented. We offer scientific contribution about IgG production in the COVID-19 experienced population. From January 2021 to March 2021, 183 residents and staff from the Elderly Nursing Home “San Giuseppe Moscati” who had received two doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine were enrolled. The antibody response was assessed by the DiaSorin LIAISON-CLIA S1/S2® IgG solution. Cutoff levels for response (>39 BAU/mL) and neutralizing activity (>208 BAU/mL) were derived from DiaSorin official data. Serology was assessed before and after the first vaccination, and 2 weeks and 6 months after the second vaccination. Anti-S IgG in COVID-19 experienced, baseline IgG producers spiked after the first vaccination to median 5044 BAU/mL and decayed at 6 months to 2467.4 BAU/mL. Anti-S IgG in COVID-19 experienced, baseline IgG non-producers spiked after the second vaccination to median 1701.7 BAU/mL and decayed at 6 months to 904.8 BAU/mL. Anti-S IgG in COVID-19 naïve subjects spiked after the second vaccination to median 546 BAU/mL and decayed at 6 months to 319.8 BAU/mL. The differences between sequential timepoint levels in each group were statistically significant (p < .0001). Serology analysis revealed different kinetics between COVID-19 experienced subjects depending on baseline response, possibly predicting different IgG persistence in blood

    Alpha-fetoprotein has no prognostic role in small hepatocellular carcinoma identified during surveillance in compensated cirrhosis.

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    none14Alpha-fetoprotein is a tumor marker that has been used for surveillance and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with cirrhosis. The prognostic capability of this marker in patients with HCC has not been clearly defined. In this study our aim was to evaluate the prognostic usefulness of serum alpha-fetoprotein in patients with well-compensated cirrhosis, optimal performance status, and small HCC identified during periodic surveillance ultrasound who were treated with curative intent. Among the 3,027 patients included in the Italian Liver Cancer study group database, we selected 205 Child-Pugh class A and Eastern Cooperative Group Performance Status 0 patients with cirrhosis with a single HCC ≤ 3 cm of diameter diagnosed during surveillance who were treated with curative intent (hepatic resection, liver transplantation, percutaneous ethanol injection, radiofrequency thermal ablation). Patients were subdivided according to alpha-fetoprotein serum levels (i.e., normal ≤ 20 ng/mL; mildly elevated 21-200 ng/mL; markedly elevated >200 ng/mL). Patient survival, as assessed by the Kaplan-Meier method, was not significantly different among the three alpha-fetoprotein classes (P = 0.493). The same result was obtained in the subgroup of patients with a single HCC ≤ 2 cm (P = 0.714). An alpha-fetoprotein serum level of 100 ng/mL identified by receiver operating characteristic curve had inadequate accuracy (area under the curve = 0.536, 95% confidence interval = 0.465-0.606) to discriminate between survivors and deceased patients. CONCLUSION: Alpha-fetoprotein serum levels have no prognostic meaning in well-compensated cirrhosis patients with single, small HCC treated with curative intent.Giannini, Eg; Marenco, S; Borgonovo, G; Savarino, V; Farinati, F; Del Poggio, P; Rapaccini, Gl; Di Nolfo, Ma; Benvegnù, L; Zoli, M; Borzio, F; Caturelli, E; Chiaramonte, M; Trevisani, F.Giannini, EDOARDO GIOVANNI; Marenco, Simona; Borgonovo, Giacomo; Savarino, Vincenzo; Farinati, F; Del Poggio, P; Rapaccini, Gl; Di Nolfo, Ma; Benvegnù, L; Zoli, M; Borzio, F; Caturelli, E; Chiaramonte, M; Trevisani, F

    Consensus Report by the Italian Academy of Osseointegration on the Use of Graft Materials in Postextraction Sites

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    Purpose: After tooth extraction, a modeling and remodeling phase of bone and soft tissues occurs. It has been fully demonstrated that bone resorption as high as 50% can take place regarding ridge width and a variable amount concerning ridge height, making it difficult to perform implant surgery. Materials and Methods: Active members of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO) participated in this Consensus Conference, and three systematic reviews were conducted before the meeting to provide guidelines on alveolar ridge preservation procedures. The systematic reviews covered the following topics: (1) What material best preserves the dimensions of the ridge horizontally and vertically?; (2) what material favors the formation of the highest quantity of new bone?; (3) which technique would best seal the socket?; and (4) what effect does alveolar ridge preservation have on soft tissues? Results: The main conclusions reached by the assembly were that alveolar ridge preservation is advisable after dental extraction, particularly in esthetic areas, in proximity of anatomical structures (ie, maxillary sinus, inferior alveolar nerve, and mental foramen), whenever the treatment plan requires delayed placement, and whenever patients ask to postpone implant insertion for various reasons. Socket debridement is advised before the use of a "regenerative material," and xenograft is considered the gold standard material to maintain ridge dimensions. Another indication is antibiotic therapy, which is recommended in the case of alveolar ridge preservation (amoxicillin 2 g 1 hour before the intervention and 1 g every 12 hours for 6 days). A membrane or autologous soft tissue should be used to seal the socket and protect the regenerative material, and the indicated reentry time (implant insertion) is 4 to 6 months. Conclusion: This Consensus Conference agreed that the adoption of alveolar ridge preservation can effectively prevent physiologic bone loss, especially in esthetic areas. It is recommended to cover the xenograft material with a membrane or autologous soft tissue, and antibiotic therapy is advisable