551 research outputs found

    Influence of inflammation on parasitism and area of experimental amoebic liver abscess: an immunohistochemical and morphometric study

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    The influence of inflammation on the number of trophozoites and on the murine amoebic liver abscess area following infection with Entamoeba histolytica and E. dispar was evaluated. Immunohistochemistry and digital morphometry were used to identify and quantify the trophozoites, neutrophils, macrophages, and lesions. Positive correlation was observed between the number of trophozoites and inflammatory cells. A significant decrease in parasitism and inflammation in groups treated with dexamethasone was observed. The scarceness or absence of trophozoites in the treated groups suggest the importance of the inflammatory response in the production of amoebic hepatic abscesses in spite of the inherent virulence of the parasite being decisive in the establishment of the lesion

    Discovery of Markers of Exposure Specific to Bites of Lutzomyia longipalpis, the Vector of Leishmania infantum chagasi in Latin America

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    Leishmania parasites are transmitted by the bite of an infected vector sand fly that injects salivary molecules into the host skin during feeding. Certain salivary molecules can produce antibodies and can be used as an indicator of exposure to a vector sand fly and potentially the disease it transmits. Here we identified potential markers of specific exposure to the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of visceral leishmaniasis in Latin America. Initially, we determined which of the salivary proteins produce antibodies in humans, dogs, and foxes from areas endemic for the disease. To identify potential specific markers of vector exposure, we produced nine different recombinant salivary proteins from Lu. longipalpis and tested for their recognition by individuals exposed to another human-biting sand fly, Lu. intermedia, that transmits cutaneous leishmaniasis and commonly occurs in the same endemic areas as Lu. longipalpis. Two of the nine salivary proteins were recognized only by humans exposed to Lu. longipalpis, suggesting they are immunogenic proteins and may be useful in epidemiological studies. The identification of specific salivary proteins as potential markers of exposure to vector sand flies will increase our understanding of vector–human interaction, bring new insights to vector control, and in some instances act as an indicator for risk of acquiring disease

    Enhanced Leishmania braziliensis Infection Following Pre-Exposure to Sandfly Saliva

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    Parasites of the genus Leishmania cause a variety of diseases known as leishmaniasis, that are transmitted by bites of female sand flies that, during blood-feeding, inject humans with parasites and saliva. It was shown that, in mice, immunity to sand-fly saliva is able to protect against the development of leishmaniasis. We have investigated, in the present study, whether this finding extends the sand fly species Lutzomyia intermedia, which is responsible for transmission of Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite species able to cause destructive skin lesions that can be fatal if left untreated. We observed that mice injected with sand fly saliva develop a specific immune response against salivary proteins. Most importantly, however, this immune response was unable to protect mice against a challenge infection with L. braziliensis, indicating that exposure to this sand fly saliva is harmful to the host. Indeed, subjects with cutaneous leishmaniasis have a higher immune response against L. intermedia saliva. These findings indicate that the anti-saliva immune response to sand fly saliva plays an important role in the outcome of leishmaniasis caused by L. braziliensis, in both mice and humans, and emphasize possible hurdles in the development of vaccines based on sand fly saliva

    Analysis of the Virulence of an Atypical Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Strain In Vitro and In Vivo and the Influence of Type Three Secretion System

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    Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) inject various effectors into intestinal cells through a type three secretion system (T3SS), causing attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions. We investigated the role of T3SS in the ability of the aEPEC 1711-4 strain to interact with enterocytes in vitro (Caco-2 cells) and in vivo (rabbit ileal loops) and to translocate the rat intestinal mucosa in vivo. A T3SS isogenic mutant strain was constructed, which showed marked reduction in the ability to associate and invade but not to persist inside Caco-2 cells. After rabbit infection, only aEPEC 1711-4 was detected inside enterocytes at 8 and 24 hours pointing to a T3SS-dependent invasive potential in vivo. In contrast to aEPEC 1711-4, the T3SS-deficient strain no longer produced A/E lesions or induced macrophage infiltration. We also demonstrated that the ability of aEPEC 1711-4 to translocate through mesenteric lymph nodes to spleen and liver in a rat model depends on a functional T3SS, since a decreased number of T3SS mutant bacteria were recovered from extraintestinal sites. These findings indicate that the full virulence potential of aEPEC 1711-4 depends on a functional T3SS, which contributes to efficient adhesion/invasion in vitro and in vivo and to bacterial translocation to extraintestinal sites

    KSAC, a Defined Leishmania Antigen, plus Adjuvant Protects against the Virulence of L. major Transmitted by Its Natural Vector Phlebotomus duboscqi

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted by the bite of an infective sand fly. Despite the importance of this disease there is no vaccine available for humans. Studies have shown that vector-transmitted infections are more virulent, promoting parasite establishment and abrogating protection observed against needle-injected parasites in vaccinated mice. KSAC and L110f, derived from Leishmania-based polyproteins, protected mice against the needle-injected parasites. Here, we tested the two molecules for their capacity to protect mice against cutaneous leishmaniasis transmitted by an infective sand fly. Our results show that KSAC, but not L110f, confers protection against Leishmania transmitted by sand fly bites where protection was correlated to a strong immune response to Leishmania antigens by memory T cells before and after sand fly transmission of the parasite. This is the first report of a Leishmania-based vaccine that confers protection against a virulent sand fly challenge. Our results support the importance of screening Leishmania vaccine candidates using infective sand flies before moving forward with the costly steps of vaccine development

    Os livros brancos da defesa da República Popular da China 1998-2010

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    Este estudo é uma análise da evolução das perceções de (in)segurança da República Popular da China (RPC), através da aferição quantitativa e qualitativa de expressões idiomáticas caracterizadoras da evolução do sistema internacional, as quais foram selecionadas e associadas a tais perceções, e que constam das sete edições do Livro Branco da Defesa publicadas pelo Conselho de Estado entre 1998 e 2010. Procura-se através de um enquadramento conceptual e metodológico derivado da análise crítica do discurso baseado nas teorias de Michel Foucault e de Norman Fairclough, bem como do da perceção de ameaças por parte dos Estados no sistema internacional formulado por Robert Jervis, identificar e justificar variações nas perceções de (in)segurança da RPC entre 1998 e 2010, concluindo-se que estas refletem uma visão de natureza essencialmente realista estrutural e Lockeana quanto à evolução do sistema internacional