23 research outputs found

    Context-dependent deposition and regulation of mRNAs in P-bodies

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    Cells respond to stress by remodeling their transcriptome through transcription and degradation. Xrn1p-dependent degradation in P-bodies is the most prevalent decay pathway, yet, P-bodies may facilitate not only decay, but also act as a storage compartment. However, which and how mRNAs are selected into different degradation pathways and what determines the fate of any given mRNA in P-bodies remain largely unknown. We devised a new method to identify both common and stress-specific mRNA subsets associated with P-bodies. mRNAs targeted for degradation to P-bodies, decayed with different kinetics. Moreover, the localization of a specific set of mRNAs to P-bodies under glucose deprivation was obligatory to prevent decay. Depending on its client mRNA, the RNA-binding protein Puf5p either promoted or inhibited decay. Furthermore, the Puf5p-dependent storage of a subset of mRNAs in P-bodies under glucose starvation may be beneficial with respect to chronological lifespan

    Improved pathway reconstruction from RNA interference screens by exploiting off-target effects

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    Pathway reconstruction has proven to be an indispensable tool for analyzing the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction underlying cell function. Nested effects models (NEMs) are a class of probabilistic graphical models designed to reconstruct signalling pathways from high-dimensional observations resulting from perturbation experiments, such as RNA interference (RNAi). NEMs assume that the short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) designed to knockdown specific genes are always on-target. However, it has been shown that most siRNAs exhibit strong off-target effects, which further confound the data, resulting in unreliable reconstruction of networks by NEMs.; Here, we present an extension of NEMs called probabilistic combinatorial nested effects models (pc-NEMs), which capitalize on the ancillary siRNA off-target effects for network reconstruction from combinatorial gene knockdown data. Our model employs an adaptive simulated annealing search algorithm for simultaneous inference of network structure and error rates inherent to the data. Evaluation of pc-NEMs on simulated data with varying number of phenotypic effects and noise levels as well as real data demonstrates improved reconstruction compared to classical NEMs. Application to Bartonella henselae infection RNAi screening data yielded an eight node network largely in agreement with previous works, and revealed novel binary interactions of direct impact between established components.; The software used for the analysis is freely available as an R package at https://github.com/cbg-ethz/pcNEM.git.; Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Identification of Hypoxia-Regulated Proteins Using MALDI-Mass Spectrometry Imaging Combined with Quantitative Proteomics

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    Hypoxia is present in most solid tumors and is clinically correlated with increased metastasis and poor patient survival. While studies have demonstrated the role of hypoxia and hypoxia-regulated proteins in cancer progression, no attempts have been made to identify hypoxia-regulated proteins using quantitative proteomics combined with MALDI-mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI). Here we present a comprehensive hypoxic proteome study and are the first to investigate changes in situ using tumor samples. In vitro quantitative mass spectrometry analysis of the hypoxic proteome was performed on breast cancer cells using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC). MS analyses were performed on laser-capture microdissected samples isolated from normoxic and hypoxic regions from tumors derived from the same cells used in vitro. MALDI-MSI was used in combination to investigate hypoxia-regulated protein localization within tumor sections. Here we identified more than 100 proteins, both novel and previously reported, that were associated with hypoxia. Several proteins were localized in hypoxic regions, as identified by MALDI-MSI. Visualization and data extrapolation methods for the in vitro SILAC data were also developed, and computational mapping of MALDI-MSI data to IHC results was applied for data validation. The results and limitations of the methodologies described are discussed. 2014 American Chemical Societ

    netprioR: a probabilistic model for integrative hit prioritisation of genetic screens

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    In the post-genomic era of big data in biology, computational approaches to integrate multiple heterogeneous data sets become increasingly important. Despite the availability of large amounts of omics data, the prioritisation of genes relevant for a specific functional pathway based on genetic screening experiments, remains a challenging task. Here, we introduce netprioR, a probabilistic generative model for semi-supervised integrative prioritisation of hit genes. The model integrates multiple network data sets representing gene–gene similarities and prior knowledge about gene functions from the literature with gene-based covariates, such as phenotypes measured in genetic perturbation screens, for example, by RNA interference or CRISPR/Cas9. We evaluate netprioR on simulated data and show that the model outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in many scenarios and is on par otherwise. In an application to real biological data, we integrate 22 network data sets, 1784 prior knowledge class labels and 3840 RNA interference phenotypes in order to prioritise novel regulators of Notch signalling in Drosophila melanogaster. The biological relevance of our predictions is evaluated using in silico and in vivo experiments. An efficient implementation of netprioR is available as an R package at http://bioconductor.org/packages/netprioR.ISSN:1544-611

    Computational Tumor Infiltration Phenotypes Enable the Spatial and Genomic Analysis of Immune Infiltration in Colorectal Cancer

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    Cancer immunotherapy has led to significant therapeutic progress in the treatment of metastatic and formerly untreatable tumors. However, drug response rates are variable and often only a subgroup of patients will show durable response to a treatment. Biomarkers that help to select those patients that will benefit the most from immunotherapy are thus of crucial importance. Here, we aim to identify such biomarkers by investigating the tumor microenvironment, i.e., the interplay between different cell types like immune cells, stromal cells and malignant cells within the tumor and developed a computational method that determines spatial tumor infiltration phenotypes. Our method is based on spatial point pattern analysis of immunohistochemically stained colorectal cancer tumor tissue and accounts for the intra-tumor heterogeneity of immune infiltration. We show that, compared to base-line models, tumor infiltration phenotypes provide significant additional support for the prediction of established biomarkers in a colorectal cancer patient cohort (n = 80). Integration of tumor infiltration phenotypes with genetic and genomic data from the same patients furthermore revealed significant associations between spatial infiltration patterns and common mutations in colorectal cancer and gene expression signatures. Based on these associations, we computed novel gene signatures that allow one to predict spatial tumor infiltration patterns from gene expression data only and validated this approach in a separate dataset from the Cancer Genome Atlas

    Learning epistatic gene interactions from perturbation screens

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    The treatment of complex diseases often relies on combinatorial therapy, a strategy where drugs are used to target multiple genes simultaneously. Promising candidate genes for combinatorial perturbation often constitute epistatic genes, i.e., genes which contribute to a phenotype in a non-linear fashion. Experimental identification of the full landscape of genetic interactions by perturbing all gene combinations is prohibitive due to the exponential growth of testable hypotheses. Here we present a model for the inference of pairwise epistatic, including synthetic lethal, gene interactions from siRNA-based perturbation screens. The model exploits the combinatorial nature of siRNA-based screens resulting from the high numbers of sequence-dependent off-Target effects, where each siRNA apart from its intended target knocks down hundreds of additional genes. We show that conditional and marginal epistasis can be estimated as interaction coefficients of regression models on perturbation data. We compare two methods, namely glinternet and xyz, for selecting non-zero effects in high dimensions as components of the model, and make recommendations for the appropriate use of each. For data simulated from real RNAi screening libraries, we show that glinternet successfully identifies epistatic gene pairs with high accuracy across a wide range of relevant parameters for the signal-To-noise ratio of observed phenotypes, the effect size of epistasis and the number of observations per double knockdown. xyz is also able to identify interactions from lower dimensional data sets (fewer genes), but is less accurate for many dimensions. Higher accuracy of glinternet, however, comes at the cost of longer running time compared to xyz. The general model is widely applicable and allows mining the wealth of publicly available RNAi screening data for the estimation of epistatic interactions between genes. As a proof of concept, we apply the model to search for interactions, and potential targets for treatment, among previously published sets of siRNA perturbation screens on various pathogens. The identified interactions include both known epistatic interactions as well as novel findings.ISSN:1932-620

    Improved pathway reconstruction from RNA interference screens by exploiting off-target effects

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    Abstract Motivation Pathway reconstruction has proven to be an indispensable tool for analyzing the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction underlying cell function. Nested effects models (NEMs) are a class of probabilistic graphical models designed to reconstruct signalling pathways from high-dimensional observations resulting from perturbation experiments, such as RNA interference (RNAi). NEMs assume that the short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) designed to knockdown specific genes are always on-target. However, it has been shown that most siRNAs exhibit strong off-target effects, which further confound the data, resulting in unreliable reconstruction of networks by NEMs. Results Here, we present an extension of NEMs called probabilistic combinatorial nested effects models (pc-NEMs), which capitalize on the ancillary siRNA off-target effects for network reconstruction from combinatorial gene knockdown data. Our model employs an adaptive simulated annealing search algorithm for simultaneous inference of network structure and error rates inherent to the data. Evaluation of pc-NEMs on simulated data with varying number of phenotypic effects and noise levels as well as real data demonstrates improved reconstruction compared to classical NEMs. Application to Bartonella henselae infection RNAi screening data yielded an eight node network largely in agreement with previous works, and revealed novel binary interactions of direct impact between established components. Availability and implementation The software used for the analysis is freely available as an R package at https://github.com/cbg-ethz/pcNEM.git. Supplementary information Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Properties of short double-stranded RNAs carrying randomized base pairs: toward better controls for RNAi experiments

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    Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are mediators of RNA interference (RNAi), a commonly used technique for selective down-regulation of target gene expression. Using an equimolar mixture of A, G, C, and U phosphoramidites during solid-phase synthesis, we introduced degenerate positions into RNA guide and passenger strands so that, when annealed, a large pool of distinct siRNA duplexes with randomized base pairs at defined sites was created. We assessed the randomization efficiency by deep sequencing one of the RNAs. All possible individual sequences were present in the pool with generally an excellent distribution of bases. Melting temperature analyses suggested that pools of randomized guide and passenger strands RNAs with up to eight degenerate positions annealed so that mismatched base-pairing was minimized. Transfections of randomized siRNAs (rnd-siRNAs) into cells led to inhibition of luciferase reporters by a miRNA-like mechanism when the seed regions of rnd-siRNA guide strands were devoid of degenerate positions. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of a select set of genes associated with siRNA off-target effects were measured and indicated that rnd-siRNAs with degenerate positions in the seed likely show typical non-sequence-specific effects, but not miRNA-like off-target effects. In the wake of recent reports showing the preponderance of miRNA-like off-target effects of siRNAs, our findings are of value for the design of a novel class of easily prepared and universally applicable negative siRNA controls