40 research outputs found

    Participation in Corporate Governance

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    Friction of Rubber on Ice

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    Palynological analysis of Sphaeropteris gardneri (Cyatheaceae, Pteridophyta)

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    The spore morphology and wall ultrastructure of Sphaeropteris gardneri (Hook.) R.M. Tryon from Brazil were analyzed with LM, SEM and TEM. The spores are trilete with an ornamentation formed of short low ridges with spines in their margins. The exospore is 2.5μm thick, two- layered in section and single or branched channels are present. The perispore is 1.2μm thick and two-layered. The inner layer has three strata: the inner stratum is formed of a network of branched and fused threads, the middle stratum has threads with a radial orientation and in the outer stratum thin, dark fibres are immersed in a less dense contrasted matrix. The outer layer of the perispore is the one that forms the echinate-ridges and is constituted of threads arranged in a compact way. Globules of different sizes are observed on the surface. The differences found in the perispore ornamentation and ultrastructure in Alsophila, which was previously studied, and those of Sphaeropteris, show a tendency to wall complexity.A morfologia dos esporos e a ultraestrutura da parede de Sphaeropteris gardneri (Hook.) R.M. Tryon, Brasil, foram analisadas com MO, MEV e MET. Os esporos são trilete com uma ornamentação formada por cristas curtas e baixas e com espinhos em suas margens. O exosporo possui 2,5μm de espessura, duas camadas em secção e estão presentes canais simples ou ramificados. A camada interna possui três estratos: o estrato interno é formado por uma rede de filamentos ramificados e fusionados, o estrato médio tem fios com uma orientação radial e no estrato externo fino, fibras escuras estão imersas em uma matrix menos densa. A outra camada do perisporo é a que forma as cristas equinatas e é constituída de filamentos dispostos em um arranjo compacto. Glóbulos de diferentes tamanhos são observados na superfície. As diferenças encontradas na ornamentação do perisporo e na ultraestrutura do Alsophila estudado previamente e aqueles de Sphaeropteris mostram uma tendência à complexidade da parede

    Local synteny and codon usage contribute to asymmetric sequence divergence of <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>gene duplicates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Duplicated genes frequently experience asymmetric rates of sequence evolution. Relaxed selective constraints and positive selection have both been invoked to explain the observation that one paralog within a gene-duplicate pair exhibits an accelerated rate of sequence evolution. In the majority of studies where asymmetric divergence has been established, there is no indication as to which gene copy, ancestral or derived, is evolving more rapidly. In this study we investigated the effect of local synteny (gene-neighborhood conservation) and codon usage on the sequence evolution of gene duplicates in the <it>S. cerevisiae </it>genome. We further distinguish the gene duplicates into those that originated from a whole-genome duplication (WGD) event (ohnologs) versus small-scale duplications (SSD) to determine if there exist any differences in their patterns of sequence evolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For SSD pairs, the derived copy evolves faster than the ancestral copy. However, there is no relationship between rate asymmetry and synteny conservation (ancestral-like <it>versus </it>derived-like) in ohnologs. mRNA abundance and optimal codon usage as measured by the CAI is lower in the derived SSD copies relative to ancestral paralogs. Moreover, in the case of ohnologs, the faster-evolving copy has lower CAI and lowered expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Together, these results suggest that relaxation of selection for codon usage and gene expression contribute to rate asymmetry in the evolution of duplicated genes and that in SSD pairs, the relaxation of selection stems from the loss of ancestral regulatory information in the derived copy.</p