10 research outputs found

    Comparison of CIDR to MGA in a 7-11 cosynch protocol with timed insemination of beef heifers

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    Previous research has shown that the 7-11 Cosynch protocol using melengestrol acetate (MGA) is effective in synchronizing beef heifers. This study compared MGA and a vaginal insert containing progesterone (CIDR) in the 7-11 Cosynch protocol on beef heifers. Replacement beef heifers (n=179) from three herds were assigned to MGA or CIDR treatments. Beginning on day 1, heifers on the MGA treatment were fed to consume 0.5 mg daily of MGA for 7 days. On day 7, the last day of MGA feeding, the MGA heifers received an injection of Lutalyse (PGF). Heifers on the CIDR treatment received a CIDR on day 3; on day 9 the CIDR was removed, and heifers received an injection of Lutalyse. On day 11, all heifers received an injection of OvaCyst (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; GnRH), followed by another injection of Lutalyse® 7 days later (day 18). At 48 hours after the final Lutalyse injection, all heifers were time inseminated and received an injection of OvaCyst. Pregnancy status was determined 33 days after breeding by ultrasonography. No difference in pregnancy rate was observed between the CIDR (46%) and MGA (47%) treatments

    Sperm morphology of beef bulls evaluated by two different methods

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    The objectives of this study were to compare two different methods of evaluating bull sperm morphology, bright-field (BF) microscopy of eosin–nigrosin (EN) stained dry-mount semen smears and differential interference phase contrast (DIC) microscopy of wet-mount semen 'fixed' in isotonic formal saline, both at 1000×. Ejaculates (n = 72) were evaluated, representing both pre- and post-breeding season ejaculates collected from 40 2-yr-old beef bulls via electro-ejaculation. For both methods, 200 sperm were counted in random fields with defects categorized as major (MAD) and minor (MID). Sperm abnormalities were also placed into two other categories: those considered to be most influenced by process (wet or dry, METHDEF) and those with depictions that could be influenced by optics (BF or DIC, OPTIDEF). Differences (P < 0.05) occurred between DIC and BF methods respectively: MAD 23.3/16.1, MID 7.6/13.4, acrosome 3.8/1.1, midpiece 9.2/11.7, tail 2.0/4.7, droplets 8.3/4.2, METHDEF 14.2/21.4 and OPTIDEF 13.0/5.5, but not (P > 0.05) in percent normal sperm 69.1/70.4 or sperm head defects 7.5/8.3. Acrosome, tail and droplet defects were observed in 98.2/80.5, 86.1/100 and 98.2/94.4 percent of bulls for DIC and BF, respectively (P < 0.05). As percent normal sperm did not differ between methods, bright-field microscopy assessment of EN preparations was considered to be a satisfactory method to categorize breeding soundness of bulls. However, DIC was more effective in visualizing major defects, while BF (which included stained smear preparation) was considered to cause more minor defects. Thus DIC was considered to be the preferred method of semen assessment for accurate assessment of sperm morphology in bulls

    Puberdade em touros Nelore criados em pasto no Brasil: características corporais, testiculares e seminais e de índice de capacidade andrológica por pontos Puberty in Nellore bulls raised at pasture in Brazil: body, testicular and seminal characteristics and breeding soundness evaluation

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    Foram utilizados 23 touros da raça Nelore entre os 10 e 20 meses de idade, para caracterizar o desenvolvimento puberal. Os animais foram criados em condições extensivas com alimentação em pasto e suplementação mineral. A cada duas ou quatro semanas foram realizadas colheitas de dados que incluíram medidas de peso corporal, circunferência torácica, comprimento e largura testicular e circunferência escrotal. Foram, também, colhidos ejaculados pela eletroejaculação e avaliados os aspectos físicos e morfológicos. No momento da colheita de sêmen foram aferidas as porcentagens de desprendimento entre pênis e prepúcio e determinadas as idades médias ao desprendimento total (IDPPRE). Foram determinadas as idades médias ao aparecimento dos primeiros espermatozóides (ISEM1) e dos primeiros espermatozóides móveis (ISEM2) no ejaculado, e a puberdade seminal (IDPUB). Estabeleceram-se os índices de capacidade andrológica por pontos (ICAP). Os touros Nelore apresentaram idades médias ISEM1, ISEM2 e IDPUB de 13,1&plusmn;2,2, 13,6&plusmn;2,3 e 14,8&plusmn;1,8 meses, respectivamente, e IDPPRE de 18,1&plusmn;1,9. Aos 16 meses de idade, o grupo apresentou 91,4%, 82,6% e 73,9% dos animais com ISEM1, ISEM2 e IDPUB manifestada, respectivamente. Observou-se correlação positiva entre idade dos touros e as características de crescimento corporal, testicular, aspectos físicos dos ejaculados e correlação negativa entre a idade dos touros e os defeitos espermáticos. Observou-se correlação negativa entre a idade dos touros e a pontuação para circunferência escrotal no ICAP à puberdade (-0,77; P<0,001). Touros da raça Nelore, criados a pastos, manifestaram a puberdade precocemente antes dos 15 meses de idade. Houve um período de 51 dias desde o aparecimento dos espermatozóides no ejaculado, até a puberdade seminal. A puberdade foi mais precoce nos touros jovens com maiores testículos.<br>Twenty three 10-months-old Nellore bulls, raised under pasture conditions in Brazil, were used to study puberty. Monthly measurement of scrotal circumference and testicular width and length were recorded. Semen was collected by eletroejaculation and evaluated according to physical and morphological aspects. Penile and prepuce detachment percentages were also evaluated. The ages of the presence of first spermatozoa in the ejaculate (ISEM1), first motile spermatozoa in the ejaculate (ISEM2), seminal puberty (IDPUB) and detachment between penile and prepuce (IDPPRE) were calculated. Scores of breeding soundness were measured. ISEM1, ISEM2, IDPUB and IDPPRE were 13.1&plusmn;2.2, 13.6&plusmn;2.3, 14.8&plusmn;1.8 and 18.1&plusmn;1.9 months, respectively. At 16 months of age, the animals presented 91.4%, 82.6% and 73.9% with ISEM1, ISEM2 and IDPUB reached, respectively. High positive correlation were observed between age and corporal and testicular growth or seminal physical aspects. Negative correlation was verified between age and spermatic defects. High negative correlation was observed between age and score of scrotal circumference at puberty (-0.7;7 P<0.001). Precocious puberty was observed before 15 months of age. From ISEM1 to IDPUB, 51 days were elapsed. Young bulls with larger testicles reached puberty earlier

    Avaliação andrológica por pontos e comportamento sexual em touros da raça Nelore Andrologic evaluation by points and sexual behavior in Nelore bulls

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    Objetivou-se estudar a relação entre dois métodos de avaliação do potencial reprodutivo - Classificação Andrológica por Pontos (CAP) e comportamento sexual de touros da raça Nelore - e verificar a acurácia desses testes em predizer o potencial reprodutivo dos touros, avaliado pela taxa de gestação ao final da estação de monta, com duração média de 90 dias. Foram utilizados 14 touros, todos classificados como aptos à reprodução, após exame andrológico, CAP e observação do comportamento sexual a campo durante 12 horas. Onze touros foram avaliados em manejo individual, com proporção média touro:vaca de 1:46, e os três restantes, em manejo múltiplo, com proporção média touro:vaca de 1:23. A pontuação média obtida pela CAP foi 78,92 ± 8,92 (muito bom) e o escore, 9,85 ± 0,36 (excelente) para libido. Quanto maior o tempo de teste, maiores foram os escores da libido. Na primeira hora de observação, os touros foram classificados como de libido questionável e ao final do teste, como de libido excelente. As correlações da libido com circunferência escrotal (CE), características físicas e morfológicas do sêmen e taxa de gestação foram baixas. A pontuação pela CAP correlacionou-se positivamente com circunferência escrotal e características físicas do sêmen, mas não se correlacionou com características morfológicas dos sêmen. Não foi observada correlação entre CAP e taxa de gestação, nem entre libido e CAP. A taxa geral de gestação após o período de estação de monta foi de 74,69%. Os resultados indicam que tanto a CAP como o teste da libido não são eficientes para predizer o potencial reprodutivo de touros da raça Nelore e devem ser utilizados de forma complementar ao exame andrológico.<br>The objective of this work was to study the relation between two reproductive potential evaluation methods - Andrologic Evaluation by Points - CAP and sexual behavior of Nelore bulls, and to verify the accuracy of these tests in predicting the reproductive potential of bulls through the gestation rate at the end of the breeding season, with average duration of ninety days. Fourteen bulls were used, all classified as able for reproduction, evaluated through andrologic examination, being submitted to CAP and observation of the sexual behavior at field (libido test) during 12 hours. Eleven bulls were evaluated in individual handling, with an average bull:cow ratio of 1:46 and the rest of the animals (three), evaluated in a multiple handling, with an average bull:cow ratio of 1:23. The average score obtained by CAP was 78.92 ± 8.92 (very good) and the score of 9.85 ± 0.36 (excellent) for the libido test. The longer the test was, the higher libido scores were obtained. At the first time of observation, the bulls were classified as with questionable libido and at the end of the test as with excellent libido. The correlations between libido, scrotal circumference (SC), physical and morphological characteristics of the semen and the gestation rate were low. The scores obtained through CAP was positively correlated with SC and physical characteristics of the semen; however, no correlation was observed for the morphologic characteristics. No correlation was observed between CAP and gestation rate or between libido and CAP. The overall gestation rate after the breeding period was 74.69%. The results suggest that both CAP and the libido test were not efficient to predict the reproductive potential of Nelore bulls and should be used as a complement to the andrologic evaluation

    Puberdade e maturidade sexual em touros jovens da raça Simental, criados sob regime extensivo em clima tropical Puberty and sexual maturity in young Simmental bulls, raised under pasture conditions in a tropical climate

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    Objetivou-se determinar a idade à puberdade e maturidade sexual e sua relação com peso corporal e mensurações testiculares em tourinhos da raça Simental criados sob regime extensivo em clima tropical. Utilizaram-se 44 tourinhos com 1 a 30 meses de idade. As mensurações corporais e testiculares foram feitas mensalmente e os ejaculados coletados quinzenalmente, a partir dos seis meses de idade, utilizando-se o método de eletroejaculação. Observou-se idade à puberdade aos 13,42 ± 3,02 meses e maturidade sexual aos 21,43 ± 6,6 meses de idade, com peso corporal e perímetro escrotal, respectivamente, de 324,2 ± 23,7 kg e 26,90 ± 1,41 cm para a puberdade e 360 ± 69,04 kg e 34,88 ± 3,9 cm para maturidade sexual. Este estudo revelou idade tardia para a cronologia dos eventos reprodutivos, com relação direta do tipo de manejo adotado.<br>The objective of this study was to determine the age at puberty and sexual maturity and its relationship with body weight and testicular measurements in Simmental young bulls raised under pasture conditions in a tropical climate. Forty-four young bulls at 1 to 30 months of age were used. Body and testicular measurements were made monthly and ejaculates collected fortnightly, from six months of age by using the method of electroejaculation. Age at puberty was 13.42 ± 3.02 months and sexual maturity was observed at 21.43 ± 6.6 months of age, with body weight and scrotal circumference of 324.2 ± 23.7 kg and 26.90 ± 1.41 cm for puberty and 360 ± 69.04 kg and 34.88 ± 3.9 cm to sexual maturity, respectively. This study found late age to the timing of reproductive events, with direct relation to the type of management adopted