26 research outputs found

    Exploraciones osteológicas de la salud de las poblaciones humanas del Canal Beagle

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    Algunas evidencias acerca de la salud de las poblaciones aborígenes han comenzado a ser reportadas en varias regiones de Patagonia Austral. Por el contrario, hasta el momento carecemos de información comparable para la región del canal Beagle. El objetivo de este trabajo es comunicar los resultados de las investigaciones bioarqueológicas y paleopatológicas de los restos humanos recuperados en excavaciones realizadas en la margen norte del canal durante la primera década del siglo XXI. Estos estudios incluyen nuevos fechados radiocarbónicos sobre restos humanos hallados en cinco sitios arqueológicos. Fueron estudiados restos pertenecientes a doce individuos (ocho adultos y cuatro subadultos). Los resultados muestran una tendencia al mayor desarrollo de lesiones articulares de la columna dorsal y en los miembros superiores en periodos posteriores al contacto, al igual que mayor desarrollo de lesiones asociadas a situaciones de estrés sistémico. Al mismo tiempo, se presentan lesiones patológicas no reportadas anteriormente en PatagoniaEvidence concerning the health of aboriginal populations from various regions of Patagonia Austral has started to emerge. On the other hand, up until this moment we lack comparable evidence for the Beagle Channel region. The aim of this article is to reveal the results of bioarchaeological and paleopathological studies on human remains recovered from excavations undertaken along the northern margin of the channel during the first decade of the 21st Century. These studies include new radiocarbon dates on human remains found at five archaeological sites. The remains of twelve individuals were studied (eight adults and four sub-adults). The results reveal a tendency towards the development of articular lesions of the dorsal column and the upper limbs in the post-contact period, as well as the development of lesions associated to systemic stress situations. Concurrently there is evidence for pathological lesions not noted previously in Patagonia.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    El registro biológico humano de la costa meridional de Santa Cruz

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    La costa patagónica constituye un sector de riesgo para el registro arqueológico, asociado a factores naturales y antrópicos. Al mismo tiempo, la conservación de las colecciones bioarqueológicas, destacándose la pérdida de restos óseos e información asociada por escasez de recursos, desconocimiento o falta de atención especializada, representa escenarios de riesgo para el registro. Una de las áreas para las cuales no se dispone hasta el momento de información bioarqueológica es la región que comprende la costa meridional de la provincia de Santa Cruz. Considerando esta ausencia de información, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar y discutir los primeros resultados sobre restos óseos humanos hallados en la región costera próxima a la desembocadura del Río Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Los estudios incluyen el análisis de las situaciones de hallazgo y riesgo de los restos recuperados en acciones de rescate, el reconocimiento y puesta en valor de materiales depositados en el Museo Regional "Carlos Borgialli" (Puerto Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Argentina) y estudios paleopatológicos. Al mismo tiempo se informan y analizan resultados cronológicos e isotópicos. Los resultados brindan evidencias claras de la ocupación de la región costera al menos durante los últimos 2000 años, consumo de recursos predominantemente terrestres y un estilo de vida que favorece el desarrollo de lesiones articulares, con escasos indicios de estrés sistémico que coinciden con los resultados reportados para la región continental del estrecho de Magallanes.The Patagonian coast constitutes a region of risk to the bioarchaeological record, associated to natural and antropic factors. The loss of human remains and its contextual information represents scenarios of risk. We do not have information about bioarchaeological record and its risk situations in the meridional coast of Santa Cruz. Considering that the absence of information, the aim of this paper is to discuss the first results about human bone remains recovered in the coastal region, near to the mouth of Santa Cruz River. The studies included the analyses of recovery situations, the recognition of materials from the regional museum "Carlos Borgialli" (Puerto Santa Cruz, Argentina) as well as, some paleopathological evaluations. Moreover, chronological and isotopic results are also reported. The results gave clear signals of human occupation during the last 2 Ka. Consump-tion of terrestrial resources and a lifestyle that helps the evolution of degenerative joint diseases and lack of systemic stress, were patent. These results coincided with the ones reported about the continental margin of Magellan Strait.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentin

    Knapping on the hill: A lithic workshop site of hunter-gatherer groups from Tierra del Fuego island

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    6 páginas, 3 figuras.-- et al.[EN]: This paper provides the initial results obtained from the analysis of a lithic workshop, named Altos del Varela I, located on the top of Petersen hill in Tierra del Fuego Island (Argentina). The site contains distinctive areas entirely composed of a high frequency of flakes made from local metamorphic rhyolite. These results open the debate about the use of mountain landscape between the fuegian hunter-gatherers as well as the interaction between coastal and inland groups.[ES]: En este trabajo se presentan los resultados iniciales obtenidos del análisis de un taller lítico, denominado Altos del Varela I, ubicado en la cima del cerro Petersen en la isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). El sitio presenta diferentes áreas que incluyen, de manera exclusiva, una alta frecuencia de lascas de riolitas metamorfizadas de origen local. Los resultados permiten abrir el debate sobre el uso de los paisajes montañosos por parte de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras fueguinas así como sobre la interacción costa-interior.Este proyecto fue financiado por un subsidio de la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (PICT 2071).Peer reviewe

    Using TRAILER tool for Managing Informal Learning in academic and professional contexts: the learners’ perspective

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    Viegas, C., Marques, A., Alves, G., Zangrando, V., Galanis, N., Brouns, F., Janssen, J., Waszkiewicz, E., Mykowska, A., Gonzalez, M., Holgado, A., & García-Peñalvo, F. (2013). Using TRAILER tool for Managing Informal Learning in academic and professional contexts: the learners’ perspective. In F. J. García-Peñalvo (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. (pp. 529-534). November, 14-15, 2013, Salamanca, Spain.Informal Learning plays an important role in everyone's life and yet we often are unaware of it. The need to keep track of the knowledge acquired through informal learning is increasing as its sources become increasingly diverse. This paper presents a study on a tool developed to help keeping track of learners’ informal learning, both within academic and professional contexts, This tool, developed within the European Commission funded TRAILER project, will further integrate the improvements suggested by users during the piloting phase. The two studied contexts were similar regarding the importance and perception of Informal Learning, but differed concerning tool usage. The overall idea of managing one’s informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose.Tagging, Recognition and Acknowledgment of Informal Learning ExpeRiences project (TRAILER) that is funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. Ref. 519141-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP [http://www.trailerproject.eu]. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    TRAILER: A Tool for Managing Informal Learning

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    Even though informal learning plays an important role in everyone’s life, not everyone is aware of its importance. These informal activities contribute to the development of self-regulated learning that can help productivity in different environments. As this kind of apprentices grow, the need to keep track of this developed knowledge is becoming vital. This paper presents a study on the perception and usage of a tool that would help keeping track of learners’ informal learning. This study was conducted both within academic and professional contexts and was developed within the European Commission funded TRAILER project. The contexts were similar regarding the importance and perception of informal learning, but differed concerning tool usage and the usefulness of such a platform. The overall idea of managing one’s informal learning was well accepted and welcomed, which validated the emerging need for a tool with this purpose

    Natural distribution of bone remains in the intertidal zone from the south of Tierra del Fuego: taphonomic observations and archaeological implications

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    Se analiza el patrón de la distribución natural de huesos actuales en los distintos sectores de la franja costera de bahía Moat. Con este fin se busca evaluar los espacios donde existen mayores posibilidades de acumulación y dispersión de restos óseos y de generar expectativas sobre la integridad de los sitios arqueológicos. Asimismo, se evalúan las modificaciones naturales que se producen en la superficie cortical de los huesos. Los resultados muestran que la dinámica del intermareal actúa de manera disímil en la formación de los conjuntos óseos y que dichos procesos impactan en diferentes grados según la ubicación y la geoforma costera. Además, se identificaron distintas trayectorias tafonómicas para las aves y los mamíferos. Los resultados permiten predecir el grado de integridad de los sitios ubicados en los contextos ambientales aquí estudiados y constituyen herramientas valiosas para tomar decisiones en el marco de proyectos arqueológicos regionales.In this paper, the natural distribution pattern of modern bone remains in different parts of the Moat Bay coastal area is analyzed. The purpose of this analysis is to assess the areas with a higher probability of bone remains accumulation and dispersion, and to generate expectations about the integrity of archaeological sites. Additionally, the natural modifications that occur on the cortical surface of bones are evaluated. Results show that intertidal zone dynamics has a dissimilar effect in bone assemblage formation, and that these processes have different impact level depending on location and coastal landform type. Furthermore, different taphonomic trajectories for birds and mammals were identified. Results allow predicting the integrity level of the sites located in the environmental contexts under study and provide valuable decision-making tools for archaeological projects in this region.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Tagging, Recognition, Acknowledgment of Informal Learning experiences (TRAILER)

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    [EN] Learners do not only learn in the institutions, they learn during their live in different contexts, with different resources and from the interaction with different persons. This kind of learning that is not always intentionally carried out is known as informal learning. The application of Information and Communication Technologies to learning and teaching processes facilitates making visible such kind of learning for the institutions. However the nature of formal and non-formal, coursebased, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily. The project aims to facilitate first the identification by the learner (as the last responsible of the learning process), and then the recognition by the institution, in dialogue with the learner, of this learning. To do so a methodology and a technological framework to support it have been implemented and tested

    Enhancing informal learning recognition through TRAILER project

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    Conde, M. A., García-Peñalvo, F. J., Zangrando, V., García-Holgado, A., Seoane-Pardo, A. M., Alier, M., Galanis, N., Griffiths, D., Johnson, M., Janssen, J., Brouns, F., Vogten, H., Finders, A., Sloep, P. B., Marques, M. A., Viegas, M. C., Alves, G. R., Waszkiewicz, E., Mykowska, A., Minovic, M., & Milovanovic, M. (2013). Enhancing informal learning recognition through TRAILER project. In F. J. García-Peñalvo, M. Á. Conde, & D. Griffiths (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Solutions that Enhance Informal Learning Recognition (WEILER 2013) (pp. 21-30). September, 18, 2013, Paphos, Cyprus. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1039/The evolution of new technology and its increasing use, has for some years been making the existence of informal learning more and more transparent, especially among young and older adults in both Higher Education and workplace contexts. However, the nature of formal and non-formal, coursebased, approaches to learning has made it hard to accommodate these informal processes satisfactorily. The project aims to facilitate first the identification by the learner (as the last responsible of the learning process), and then the recognition by the institution, in dialogue with the learner, of this learning. To do so a methodology and a technological framework to support it have been implemented. This project has been tested in several contexts showing that an informal learning dialogue between learners and people in charge of the institutions is possible.Tagging, Recognition and Acknowledgment of Informal Learning ExpeRiences project (TRAILER) that is funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. Ref. 519141-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP [http:// trailerproject.eu]. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein