30,167 research outputs found

    Life in the eucharistic community : an empirical study in psychological type theory and biblical hermeneutics reading John 6:5–15

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    This study employs psychological type theory to analyse the ways in which a group of 13 newly ordained Anglican priests (in priest’s orders for 3 or 4 months) reflected on the Eucharistic imagery of the Johannine feeding narrative. In the first exercise, the priests worked in two groups distinguished according to their perceiving preference (7 sensing types and 6 intuitive types). In the second exercise, the priests worked in three groups distinguished according to their judging preferences (4 thinking types, 4 feeling types, and 5 feeling types). The data supported the significance of psychological type in shaping the hermeneutical process (the theory underpinning the SIFT method of biblical hermeneutics and liturgical preaching). Sensing types grappled with the plethora of detail within the text. Intuitive types looked for the bigger picture and identified major themes. Thinking types looked for and organised the major issues raised by the passage. Feeling types focused on the human and relational implications of the narrative

    Catholic and charismatic : a study in personality theory within Catholic congregations

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    This study set out to conceptualise and measure Charismatic orientation (openness to charismatic experience) and traditional Catholic orientation (Catholic identity) among a sample of 670 Catholic churchgoers in order to test whether attachment to Catholic Charismatic Renewal strengthened or weakened the sense of traditional Catholic identity among churchgoing Catholics. This research question was set within the broader consideration of the location of Charismatic orientation and Catholic orientation within Eysenck's three dimensional model of personality. The data revealed a strong positive association between Charismatic experience and Catholic identity. Higher scores on the index of Charismatic orientation were associated with higher extraversion scores, with higher neuroticism scores, and with higher levels of mass attendance and personal prayer. Higher scores on the index of Catholic orientation were associated with being female, being older, higher neuroticism scores, and higher levels of mass attendance and personal prayer

    From a Mirage to an Oasis: Narcissism, Perceived Creativity, and Creative Performance

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    We examine the link between narcissism and creativity at the individual, relational, and group levels of analysis. We find that narcissists are not necessarily more creative than others but they think they are, and they are adept at convincing others to agree with them. In the first study, narcissism was positively associated with self-rated creativity, despite the fact that blind coders saw no difference between the creative products offered by those low and high on narcissism. In a second study, more narcissistic individuals asked to pitch creative ideas to a target person were judged by the targets as being more creative than were less narcissistic individuals, in part because narcissists were more enthusiastic. Finally, in a study of group creativity, we find evidence of a curvilinear effect: having more narcissists is better for generating creative outcomes (but having too many provides diminishing returns)

    Contacting the spirits of the dead: paranormal belief and the teenage worldview

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    A number of previous studies have examined both the overall level of belief expressed by young people in the paranormal and the major demographic predictors of such belief. Building on this research tradition, the present study examines how one specific paranormal belief concerning contact with the spirits of the dead integrates with the wider teenage worldview. Data provided by 33,982 pupils age 13 to 15 years throughout England and Wales demonstrated that almost one in three young people (31%) believed that it is possible to contact the spirits of the dead. Compared with young people who did not share this belief, the young people who believed in the possibility of contacting the spirits of the dead displayed lower psychological wellbeing, higher anxiety, greater isolation, greater alienation, less positive social attitudes, and less socially conforming lifestyles. Overall, paranormal beliefs seem to be associated with a less healthy worldview, in both personal and social terms

    Validity of the Cauchy-Born rule applied to discrete cellular-scale models of biological tissues

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    The development of new models of biological tissues that consider cells in a discrete manner is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to PDE-based continuum methods, although formal relationships between the discrete and continuum frameworks remain to be established. For crystal mechanics, the discrete-to-continuum bridge is often made by assuming that local atom displacements can be mapped homogeneously from the mesoscale deformation gradient, an assumption known as the Cauchy-Born rule (CBR). Although the CBR does not hold exactly for non-crystalline materials, it may still be used as a first order approximation for analytic calculations of effective stresses or strain energies. In this work, our goal is to investigate numerically the applicability of the CBR to 2-D cellular-scale models by assessing the mechanical behaviour of model biological tissues, including crystalline (honeycomb) and non-crystalline reference states. The numerical procedure consists in precribing an affine deformation on the boundary cells and computing the position of internal cells. The position of internal cells is then compared with the prediction of the CBR and an average deviation is calculated in the strain domain. For centre-based models, we show that the CBR holds exactly when the deformation gradient is relatively small and the reference stress-free configuration is defined by a honeycomb lattice. We show further that the CBR may be used approximately when the reference state is perturbed from the honeycomb configuration. By contrast, for vertex-based models, a similar analysis reveals that the CBR does not provide a good representation of the tissue mechanics, even when the reference configuration is defined by a honeycomb lattice. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these results for concurrent discrete/continuous modelling, adaptation of atom-to-continuum (AtC) techniques to biological tissues and model classification

    Performance characterization of a segmented anode arcjet thruster

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    A modular, 1 to 2 kW class arcjet thruster incorporating a segmented anode/nozzle was operated on a thrust stand to obtain performance characteristics of the device and further study its operating characteristics under a number of experimental conditions. The nozzle was composed of five axial conducting segments isolated from one another by boron nitride spacers. The electrical configuration allowed the current delivered to the arcjet to be collected at any combination of segments. Both the current collected by each segment, and the potential difference between the cathode and each segment were monitored throughout the test period. As in previous tests a similar device, current appeared to attach diffusely in the anode when all of the segments were allowed to conduct. Improvements to the device allowed long term (4 to 8 hour) operation at steady-state and operating characteristics were repeatable over extended periods. Performance characteristics indicated that the segmented anode reasonably simulates the behavior of solid anodes of similar geometry. Current distribution depended on flow rate as the arc attachment moved downstream in the nozzle with increases in the mass flow rate. The current level had little effect on current distribution on the anode segments. Thrust measurements indicated that the current distribution in the nozzle did not significantly affect performance of the device

    Charmonium properties in hot quenched lattice QCD

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    We study the properties of charmonium states at finite temperature in quenched QCD on large and fine isotropic lattices. We perform a detailed analysis of charmonium correlation and spectral functions both below and above TcT_c. Our analysis suggests that both S wave states (J/ψJ/\psi and ηc\eta_c) and P wave states (χc0\chi_{c0} and χc1\chi_{c1}) disappear already at about 1.5Tc1.5 T_c. The charm diffusion coefficient is estimated through the Kubo formula and found to be compatible with zero below TcT_c and approximately 1/πT1/\pi T at 1.5TcT3Tc1.5 T_c\lesssim T\lesssim 3 T_c.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, typo corrected, discussions on isotropic vs anisotropic lattices expanded, published versio

    Young people's attitudes to religious diversity : quantitative approaches from social psychology and empirical theology

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    This essay discusses the design of the quantitative component of the ‘Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity’ project, conceived by Professor Robert Jackson within the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, and presents some preliminary findings from the data. The quantitative component followed and built on the qualitative component within a mixed method design. The argument is advanced in seven steps: introducing the major sources of theory on which the quantitative approach builds from the psychology of religion and from empirical theology; locating the empirical traditions of research among young people that have shaped the study; clarifying the notions and levels of measurement employed in the study anticipating the potential for various forms of data analysis; discussing some of the established measures incorporated in the survey; defining the ways in which the sample was structured to reflect the four nations of the UK, and London; illustrating the potential within largely descriptive cross-tabulation forms of analysis; and illustrating the potential within more sophisticated multivariate analytic models

    Improving Brain–Machine Interface Performance by Decoding Intended Future Movements

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    Objective. A brain–machine interface (BMI) records neural signals in real time from a subject\u27s brain, interprets them as motor commands, and reroutes them to a device such as a robotic arm, so as to restore lost motor function. Our objective here is to improve BMI performance by minimizing the deleterious effects of delay in the BMI control loop. We mitigate the effects of delay by decoding the subject\u27s intended movements a short time lead in the future. Approach. We use the decoded, intended future movements of the subject as the control signal that drives the movement of our BMI. This should allow the user\u27s intended trajectory to be implemented more quickly by the BMI, reducing the amount of delay in the system. In our experiment, a monkey (Macaca mulatta) uses a future prediction BMI to control a simulated arm to hit targets on a screen. Main Results. Results from experiments with BMIs possessing different system delays (100, 200 and 300 ms) show that the monkey can make significantly straighter, faster and smoother movements when the decoder predicts the user\u27s future intent. We also characterize how BMI performance changes as a function of delay, and explore offline how the accuracy of future prediction decoders varies at different time leads. Significance. This study is the first to characterize the effects of control delays in a BMI and to show that decoding the user\u27s future intent can compensate for the negative effect of control delay on BMI performance