213 research outputs found

    Interferon γ Enhances Both In Vitro and In Vivo Priming of CD4+ T Cells for IL-4 Production

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    Classical studies have demonstrated that in vitro priming of naive CD4 T cells to become T helper (Th)2 cells is strikingly dependent on interleukin (IL)-4, whereas priming for interferon (IFN)γ production is IL-12/IFNγ-dependent. Therefore, it was quite surprising when we noted that priming of naive C57BL/6 CD4+ cells to become IL-4 producers was substantially inhibited by the addition of anti-IFNγ antibodies. This was true using immobilized anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies or soluble anti-CD3/anti-CD28 and antigen-presenting cells in the presence or absence of added IL-4. Priming of CD4 T cells from IFNγ−/− C57BL/6 mice with immobilized anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 resulted in limited production of IL-4, even with the addition of 1,000 U/ml of IL-4. Titrating IFNγ into such cultures showed a striking increase in the proportion of T cells that secreted IL-4 upon challenge; this effect was completely IL-4–dependent in that it was blocked with anti–IL-4 antibody. Thus, IFNγ plays an unanticipated but substantial role in Th2 priming, although it is an important Th1 cytokine, and under certain circumstances a Th1 inducer

    A Critical Appraisal of Probiotics for Mastitis Control

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    The urge to reduce antimicrobials use in dairy farming has prompted a search for alternative solutions. As infections of the mammary gland is a major reason for antibiotic administration to dairy ruminants, mammary probiotics have recently been presented as a possible alternative for the treatment of mastitis. To assess the validity of this proposal, we performed a general appraisal of the knowledge related to probiotics for mammary health by examining their potential modes of action and assessing the compatibility of these mechanisms with the immunobiology of mammary gland infections. Then we analyzed the literature published on the subject, taking into account the preliminary in vitro experiments and the in vivo trials. Preliminary experiments aimed essentially at exploring in vitro the capacity of putative probiotics, mainly lactic acid bacteria (LABs), to interfere with mastitis-associated bacteria or to interact with mammary epithelial cells. A few studies used LABs selected on the basis of bacteriocin production or the capacity to adhere to epithelial cells to perform in vivo experiments. Intramammary infusion of LABs showed that LABs are pro-inflammatory for the mammary gland, inducing an intense influx of neutrophils into milk during lactation and at drying-off. Yet, their capacity to cure mastitis remains to be established. A few preliminary studies tackle the possibility of using probiotics to interfere with the teat apex microbiota or to prevent the colonization of the teat canal by pathogenic bacteria. From the analysis of the published literature, it appears that currently there is no sound scientific foundation for the use of probiotics to prevent or treat mastitis. We conclude that the prospects for oral probiotics are not promising for ruminants, those for intramammary probiotics should be considered with caution, but that teat apex probiotics deserve further research

    Response to somatic cell count-based selection for mastitis resistance in a divergent selection experiment in sheep

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    A divergent selection experiment in sheep was implemented to study the consequences of log-transformed somatic cell score (SCS)-based selection on resistance to natural intramammary infections. Using dams and progeny-tested rams selected for extreme breeding values for SCS, we created 2 groups of ewes with a strong divergence in SCS of approximately 3 genetic standard deviations. A survey of 84 first-lactation ewes of both the High and Low SCS lines indicated favorable responses to SCS-based selection on resistance to both clinical and subclinical mastitis. All clinical cases (n = 5) occurred in the High SCS line. Additionally, the frequency of chronic clinical mastitis,as detected by the presence of parenchymal abscesses, was much greater in the High SCS line (n = 21) than in the Low SCS line (n = 1). According to monthly milk bacterio-logical examinations of udder halves, the prevalence of infection was significantly greater (odds ratio = 3.1) in the High SCS line than in the Low SCS line, with predicted probabilities of 37 and 16%, respectively. The most frequently isolated bacteria responsible for mastitis were staphylococci: Staphylococcus auricularis(42.6% of positive samples), Staphylococcus simulans, Staphylococcus haemoliticus, Staphylococcus xylosus, Staphylococcus chromogenes, Staphylococcus lentus, Staphylococcus warneri, and Staphylococcus aureus. The incidence of positive bacteriology was greater in the High SCS line (39%) than in the Low SCS line (12%)at lambing, indicating that High SCS line ewes were especially susceptible to postpartum subclinical mastitis. Negativation of bacteriological results from one sampling time point to the next was markedly different between lines after weaning (e.g., 41 and 84% in the High and Low SCS lines, respectively). This result was consistent with differences in the duration of infection, which was much greater in the High SCS line compared with the Low SCS line. Finally, ewes from the High SCS line consistently had greater SCS in positive milk samples than did ewes from the Low SCS line (+2.04 SCS, on average), with an especially large difference between lines during the suckling period (+3.42 SCS). Altogether, the preliminary results suggest that the better resistance of Low SCS line ewes, compared with High SCS line ewes, was principally characterized by a better ability to limit infections during the peripartum period, to eliminate infections during lactation, and quantitatively to limit the inflammation process and its clinical consequences

    In vitro permissivity of bovine cells for wild-type and vaccinal myxoma virus strains

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    Myxoma virus (MYXV), a leporide-specific poxvirus, represents an attractive candidate for the generation of safe, non-replicative vaccine vector for non-host species. However, there is very little information concerning infection of non-laboratory animals species cells with MYXV. In this study, we investigated interactions between bovine cells and respectively a wild type strain (T1) and a vaccinal strain (SG33) of MYXV. We showed that bovine KOP-R, BT and MDBK cell lines do not support MYXV production. Electron microscopy observations of BT-infected cells revealed the low efficiency of viral entry and the production of defective virions. In addition, infection of bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) occurred at a very low level, even following non-specific activation, and was always abortive. We did not observe significant differences between the wild type strain and the vaccinal strain of MYXV, indicating that SG33 could be used for new bovine vaccination strategies

    Analyses génomiques fonctionnelles de la résistance aux mammites (études de deux lignées divergentes de brebis sélectionnées sur la concentration cellulaire du lait)

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    Les mammites sont des inflammations de la mamelle provoquées principalement par des bactéries. Elles représentent un problème majeur en élevage laitier. Elles sont caractérisées par de fortes augmentations de la concentration des cellules somatiques (CCS) dans le lait. Le score des CCS (SCS) est fortement corrélé à la présence d'infections mammaires, ainsi il est utilisé en sélection pour améliorer la résistance aux mammites. Pour comprendre les mécanismes mis en place lors d'une sélection sur les SCS, deux lignées divergentes de brebis ont été produites à partir de géniteurs ayant des valeurs extrêmes de cet index. Le principal objectif de ce travail est d'identifier et de comprendre les mécanismes qui confèrent une plus grande résistance ou sensibilité aux mammites provoquées par des staphylocoques. Nos travaux ont porté principalement sur des analyses transcriptomiques de trois types cellulaires majeurs, après contact avec des staphylocoques : les cellules inflammatoires du lait recueillies après infection, principalement composées de neutrophiles, les cellules dendritiques, comme cellules présentatrices d'antigènes et les cellules épithéliales mammaires, première barrière de défense contre l'infection. Nous avons montré que la migration des cellules immunitaires et les processus inflammatoires se traduisent par des activations de voies différentes chez les brebis des deux lignées divergentes. Nous avons aussi identifié des gènes fonctionnels candidats pour expliquer la différence de sensibilité aux mammites. En parallèle, nous avons étudié l'association entre le polymorphisme de l'ADN et la présence d'abcès mammaires liés aux mammites dans un dispositif cas-contrôle visant à détecter des gènes à effet majeur. Les études ont permis de mettre en évidence une zone chromosomique d'intérêt située sur le chromosome OAR5. Les deux approches de génétique moléculaire (analyses du transcriptome et du polymorphisme du génome) ont permis d'identifier des gènes fonctionnels et positionnels candidats pour comprendre les mécanismes associés à la résistance aux mammitesMastitis is udder inflammation. It is one of the major health issues in dairy cattle and sheep as they produce economic losses for the dairy industry. Mastitis is characterized by an increase in milk inflammatory somatic cells. The somatic cell score (SCS) is well correlated to clinical and subclinical mastitis. To enhance insights into the genetic mechanisms involved in such a selection on SCS, two divergent lines of sheep were generated based on extreme breeding values for SCS. The main objective of this work was to identify and improve the understanding of mechanisms that are responsible for a better resistance to Staphylococcus mastitis. Our study was based on transcriptomic analysis of three cell types after Staphylococcus contact: milk inflammatory cells, mainly composed of neutrophils, dendritic cells and mammary epithelial cells. We showed that immune cell migration and inflammatory processes were activated by different pathways in the two divergent lines. We also identified functional candidate genes that may partly explain the differences of mastitis susceptibility. In parallel, we analysed the association of DNA polymorphism with the presence of mammary abscesses caused by mastitis. The study highlighted a chromosomal region on OAR5 that is associated to the presence of mammary abscesses. Both approaches of molecular genetics as transcriptomics and genomics analyses enabled identification of candidate functional and positional genes for the better understanding of the mechanisms associated to mastitis resistanceTOULOUSE-ENSAT-Documentation (315552324) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Differential response of bovine mammary epithelial cells to Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli agonists of the innate immune system

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    Mastitis caused by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus is a major pathology of dairy cows. To better understand the differential response of the mammary gland to these two pathogens, we stimulated bovine mammary epithelial cells (bMEC) with either E. coli crude lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or with S. aureus culture supernatant (SaS) to compare the transcriptomic profiles of the initial bMEC response. By using HEK 293 reporter cells for pattern recognition receptors, the LPS preparation was found to stimulate TLR2 and TLR4 but not TLR5, Nod1 or Nod2, whereas SaS stimulated TLR2. Biochemical analysis revealed that lipoteichoic acid, protein A and alpha-hemolysin were all present in SaS, and bMEC were found to be responsive to each of these molecules. Transcriptome profiling revealed a core innate immune response partly shared by LPS and SaS. However, LPS induced expression of a significant higher number of genes and the fold changes were of greater magnitude than those induced by SaS. Microarray data analysis suggests that the activation pathways and the early chemokine and cytokine production preceded the defense and stress responses. A major differential response was the activation of the type I IFN pathway by LPS but not by SaS. The higher upregulation of chemokines (Cxcl10, Ccl2, Ccl5 and Ccl20) that target mononuclear leucocytes by LPS than by SaS is likely to be related to the differential activation of the type I IFN pathway, and could induce a different profile of the initial recruitment of leucocytes. The MEC responses to the two stimuli were different, as LPS was associated with NF-kappaB and Fas signaling pathways, whereas SaS was associated with AP-1 and IL-17A signaling pathways. It is noteworthy that at the protein level secretion of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta was not induced by either stimulus. These results suggest that the response of MEC to diffusible stimuli from E. coli and S. aureus contributes to the onset of the response with differential leucocyte recruitment and distinct inflammatory and innate immune reactions of the mammary gland to infection

    Rehydration of calves : Presentation of an expert system

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    In addition to dehydration, diarrheic enteritis in calves is generally associated with acid-base disturbances and fluid and electrolyte imbalances. The evaluation of these disorders, based on the measure of blood pH and Na+, K+, C1-, HCO3- concentrations, and on the calculation of the serum anion gap (difference between the concentrations of the major cation and the major anions) and of the base excess, helps optimise the treatment and further refine the prognosis. Acidosis is the most frequent disorder, with or without an increased serum anion gap depending on the etiology of the diarrhoea. This problem is corrected by the administration of bicarbonate or carbonate solutions. Less common disorders include alkalosis and dyskalemia. An expert system, providing a clinical and therapeutic protocol, was developed to evaluate acid-base and hydroelectric disorders associated with diarrheic enteritis in calves.En plus de la déshydratation, l'entérite diarrhéique du veau est généralement associée à des déséquilibres hydro-électrolytiques et acido-basiques. L'évaluation de ces troubles par la mesure du pH sanguin et des concentrations sériques de Na+, K+, C1-, HCO3-, et par le calcul du trou anionique (concentration sérique des cations diminuée de celle des anions) et de l'excès de base, permet d'ajuster au mieux le traitement et de préciser le pronostic. Le déséquilibre le plus fréquemment observé est l'acidose avec ou sans augmentation du trou anionique selon l'étiologie de la diarrhée. L'acidose est corrigée par l'administration de solutés bicarbonatés ou de carbonates. Les autres troubles moins fréquents sont l'alcalose et les dyskaliémies. Un système expert, sous forme d'un protocole clinique et thérapeutique, a été développé pour évaluer les troubles acido-basiques et hydro-ioniques associés aux entérites diarrhéiques du veau

    The poxviral scrapin MV-LAP requires a myxoma viral infection context to efficiently downregulate MHC-I molecules

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    AbstractDownregulation of MHC class I molecules is a strategy developed by some viruses to escape cellular immune responses. Myxoma virus (MV), a poxvirus causing rabbit myxomatosis, encodes MV-LAP that is known to increase MHC-I endocytosis and degradation through a C4HC3 motif critical for an E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Here, we performed a functional mapping of MV-LAP and showed that not only the C4HC3 motif is necessary for a marked downregulation of MHC-I but also a conserved region in the C-terminal part of the protein. We also showed that the putative transmembrane domains are responsible for a specific subcellular localization of the protein: they retain MV-LAP in the ER in transfected cells and in the endolysosomal compartments in infected cells. We observed that a specific MV infection context is necessary for a fully efficient downregulation of MHC-I. Our data suggest that the functionality of viral LAP factors, inherited by herpes- and poxviruses from mammalian cells, is more complex than anticipated

    Bovine milk somatic cell transcriptomic response to Staphylococcus aureus is dependent on strain genotype

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    peer-reviewedBackground Mastitis is an economically important disease of dairy cows with Staphylococcus aureus a major cause worldwide. Challenge of Holstein-Friesian cows demonstrated that S. aureus strain MOK124, which belongs to Clonal Complex (CC)151, caused clinical mastitis, while strain MOK023, belonging to CC97, caused mild or subclinical mastitis. The aim of this study was to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the host immune response utilising a transcriptomic approach. Milk somatic cells were collected from cows infected with either S. aureus MOK023 or MOK124 at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 168 h post-infection (hpi) and analysed for differentially expressed (DE) genes in response to each strain. Results In response to MOK023, 1278, 2278, 1986 and 1750 DE genes were found at 24, 48, 72 and 168 hpi, respectively, while 2293, 1979, 1428 and 1544 DE genes were found in response to MOK124 at those time points. Genes involved in milk production (CSN1, CSN10, CSN1S2, CSN2, a-LACTA and PRLR) were downregulated in response to both strains, with a more pronounced decrease in the MOK124 group. Immune response pathways such as NF-κB and TNF signalling were overrepresented in response to both strains at 24 hpi. These immune pathways continued to be overrepresented in the MOK023 group at 48 and 72 hpi, while the Hippo signalling, extracellular matrix interaction (ECM) and tight junction pathways were overrepresented in the MOK124 group between 48 and 168 hpi. Cellular composition analysis demonstrated that a neutrophil response was predominant in response to MOK124, while M1 macrophages were the main milk cell type post-infection in the MOK023 group. Conclusions A switch from immune response pathways to pathways involved in maintaining the integrity of the epithelial cell layer was observed in the MOK124 group from 48 hpi, which coincided with the occurrence of clinical signs in the infected animals. The higher proportion of M1 macrophages in the MOK023 group and lack of substantial neutrophil recruitment in response to MOK023 may indicate immune evasion by this strain. The results of this study highlight that the somatic cell transcriptomic response to S. aureus is dependent on the genotype of the infecting strain
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